MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 690 siege net

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Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

The international situation was turbulent, and the tense atmosphere continued to increase.

On one side is the leader of the mortal arcane way, and the world's spellcasters are halfway out.

On the other side is a new war madman, holding a sword of forbidden spells, and alchemy is unparalleled in the world.

Regardless of whether the continent's monarchs admit it or not, the seemingly lonely Aurora has the power to change the situation on the continent forever, just like the council.

He began to rise from a small town in the southern part of the empire, and quickly climbed to the top in a short period of time. At first, he stepped on the skeletons of the elven expedition. Now, his reputation is achieved by the entire main fleet of the council. Now, all watching The eyes of Goethe's west coast are full of playfulness.

First the Dusk Moon Dynasty, then the Arcane Council, who will be next?

When these spectators who stayed out of the incident were trying to figure out when the Forbidden Magic Mage would be able to fight with the imperial people again, the Far Harbor authorities were already planning their next move.

Of course, the target is not the empire, because in the revenge song written by Kant, the revenge against Alex and the entire empire requires leading the army to knock down the city and enter the imperial capital all the way to overturn the bird's seat.

"The two-day period has come."

Horus' electronic eyes looked at the shogunate ministers sitting opposite: "The pseudo-regime of the Broken Isles supported by the Austrian Council has not announced its dissolution, and its main members have not announced their withdrawal. In view of our announcement, forty-eight hours In the future, the existing construction achievements of the Broken Isles and the well-being of the people will be maintained by any means, including but not limited to all violent means, therefore, I recommend an execution order."

This meeting was very important, and all the shogunate ministers were called to the meeting, including Leona.

Baimao has roughly mastered all the commercial power of Sigoethe Company, and began to integrate the spoils from the Broken Isles in an orderly manner, recruiting talents with commercial talents from those refugees, and then gearing up and preparing to show their skills - she has already finalized with Kant. With the export project of Sigoethe, all kinds of commodities from the earth have an overwhelming advantage, both in terms of yield and quality.

So, hearing Horus' murderous words, she frowned slightly.

A businessman is more risk-averse, and pays attention to a peaceful way to make money. Unless he is in a hurry, he will resort to commercial warfare such as poisoning, hammering, and rushing out with horses.

Seeing that no one was talking, she said, "...Assassination?"

"Not an assassination," Horus corrected. "It was an assassination."

He turned his head, the information module in the electronic eyes was affecting the projector remotely, the vast territory of the Austrian Council was unfolded on the screen, and the terrain was enlarged until the city was located.

"Assassination is to solve the target quietly and violently, and its focus is to eliminate the target without a trace, so that no one can seize the handle and assassinate..."

Horus' metal synth sound resonated with the sonorous killing: "Assassination is to eliminate the target by violent means, not afraid to act in public, and the assassin does not have to hide his tracks, and even takes the initiative to leave clues, Revealing one's identity and relying on this means to declare one's will and assertions."

Leona calmed down: "What's your proposition?"

Transformers' tone was calm and stern: "What my father said must count."

Bai Mao opened his mouth, but was speechless.

If this is the reason, then she has nothing to say, after all, it is related to Kant's reputation.

Horus slowed his tone and looked at Leona. In Valentine, he had a friendship with this young lady of Zaun: "If you have any concerns or opinions, please speak up, the shogunate is not a single word, a meeting. We need to brainstorm, especially since the entire shogunate tends to be offensive, and it needs someone to come out and sing the opposite."

Leona squinted at Kant and saw that he was listening, she snorted subconsciously, and then quickly said: "The council supports this exile organization, if you plan to assassinate at this time, with this kind of radical To solve the problem in a way, will it give the Starry Court a pretext of war and intensify the conflict?"

Hearing this, Kant smiled: "The casus belli in the declaration of war in the Starry Sky Court is lined up on the screen, and this one is not bad. If you can't fight it, you can't fight it."

"But conflict, retaliation and counterattack aren't just limited to war."

Leona said seriously: "Now the two sides are scolding, the attention of the entire continent is attracted, the Starry Court is set on fire by you, and the entire main fleet is captured enough to be ashamed, if the Broken Islands The exiled organization of yours was blatantly assassinated by you, and the congressmen are still silent, so they should not mix... So, get it? They will definitely respond."

The eldest lady twitched her fingers: "The most direct retaliatory counterattack is an eye for an eye assassination. In addition, there are also economic and academic sanctions, such as interrupting the export of alchemy products such as magic tools, and recalling those serving in service. Magician, repatriate the mages who are studying in the council..."

When she said this, she sighed helplessly and glanced at Tina beside her: "I know that Far Harbor is not afraid, but the council is likely to target the entire Goethe, and by sanctioning Goethe, it will make Goethe's internal divisions and resounding. Opposing your voice... You should think about it for Tina."

Hearing this, Tina smiled slightly, stretched out her soft catkin, and held the slender hand of the white-haired girl to show her gratitude.

The tall and straight, exquisite blonde princess, slender, weak, budding silver-haired girl, beautiful faces complement each other, look at each other and smile, picturesque.

The parrot-metal face sitting across from him whistled, peeled out half of the orange and pressed it on the table.

Tina glanced at the parrot calmly, still holding Leona's hand, and looked at Kant with a smile: "Leona's worry, Kant, you must have thought of it too."

Kant nodded and said: "Of course, I have read the business report of Goethe and the Council. In terms of import, only magic items and mage training are not good substitutes, but it is not impossible. In terms of export, I also have some on my side for the time being. A plan is made, but it takes time to implement it..."

Her Royal Highness smiled slightly: "Then do it according to your heart."

Kant hesitated for a moment and said, "Although there are plans, things in the world can't always be satisfactory. There may be such and such variables, and changes and innovations also take time..."

"As I said." Tina interrupted Kant. "In a short period of time, even if Goethe can't be your backing and relying on you, it can't be your burden. So, do it."

Kant looked at the clear eyes as blue as the sky, the beautiful eyebrows, as always, condensed the confidence and attachment without hesitation, he slowly nodded: "Okay, I will remember."

He looked at the ministers of the shogunate, and seeing that they had no objection, he issued an announcement.

"I authorize to exterminate the Broken Isles separatists who received illegal funding from the Council, let the whole continent see our strength and will, and the Rebellion Society is ready to dispatch, Horus, to formulate an assassination plan."

Iron Son replied: "It is under analysis, and an assassination plan will be issued later."

Damn, it's still cool.

If the rebels want to kill, they will kill, and international public opinion is a Dior.

However, the assassination of those cats and dogs was just a trivial matter.

The meaning of a drunkard is never wine.

"Everything wins and loses first, and the assassination cannot fail, but we have to prepare for the situation after the successful assassination - that is, the council's revenge, which will first respond with an eye for an eye assassination."

Ah Fu has taken over the media system of Far Harbor, which is a hot spot for intelligence work. After the friendly consultation between the two brothers and sisters, the lovely sister understood the hard work of the brother and took over some burdens from the brother. Regarding security issues, naturally Alfred speaks.

"The identity cards of local residents have been popularized, foreigners have also undergone strict registration and issuance of certificates, cameras are all over the far port, the monitoring system is being improved, and the personal security system of the shogunate has also been established. The ability to prevent and respond to assassination activities has been initially built... but it still needs to be tested in actual combat, and there may be more room for improvement."

When Kant heard Ah Fu's report, he thought about it and said, "You can organize several exercises. In addition, I have a new plan, and the results will be available in the next few days."

Facing the curious eyes of everyone, he said, "Lily is a legendary assassin of the Brotherhood. Through her relationship, I got in touch with the Brotherhood's Life Weaver last night, and I invited him to Far Harbor to discuss a business."

Speaking of which, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

When Long Niang heard "talk about a business" last night, the yogurt spurted out of her mouth, and the picture was extremely suspicious.

The legendary assassin code-named "Dragon" said in shock: "Don't you want the Brotherhood to help you assassinate the members of the Star Court?"

"It's a long-term contract and sells some services that the fraternity might be interested in."

What killer can refuse two silver silenced pistols?

And which Assassin can refuse a communicator that can call a Chrono-Guided Missile to assassinate a target.

"There is also a return to the city scroll that can escape at any time regardless of whether the mission is successful or not."

Kant took out a capsule in his pocket: "I extracted a **** of the stars, got some inspiration from his field of superpowers, and with the help of paradox elements, I have new experience and skills in the application of space laws. , in other words, the automation and intelligence of space transmission has been improved.”

Leona was refreshed, she smelled the business opportunity: "How can this be used?"

"Crush the packaging shell, activate the paradox crystal, then swallow the capsule, and then he will be sent to the reincarnation hall, well, the name doesn't matter, the main **** space, the space-time hub, Chaldea, anything is fine, in short, Whoever crushes and consumes the capsule will be teleported to a safe area through my Phase Shift service."

Kant's expression was faint, and his eyes flashed with satisfaction.

"This thing has been made before, but the side effects are not small. It is only used as an escape method for our soldiers at a crisis point. Because the paradox element enters the body, it will cause a certain erosion to the body..."

He said: "But Bennu's divine power has given me new ideas and inspiration. These paradoxical crystals have been consecrated into miniature holy pillars. After swallowing, they can expand a small area, and the target can be teleported harmlessly, and the target can be teleported to a safe area. , this time the phase transmission service is over."

"And the swallowed miniature holy pillar can be directly transferred from his body and returned to my hands." Kant showed a treacherous smile, "Then I washed it and changed the packaging to continue selling."


Leona was shocked by this routine: "Aren't you killing people?"

"How do you contaminate people's innocence out of thin air?" Kant said proudly, "How can customers be considered slaughter if they don't know?"


Dong Tianming's expression was shocked. He stretched out his hand and took the capsule into his hand. The Aurora Emperor immediately realized the great value of this was the second life of a soldier.

If the soldiers of China have such treasures...

Seeing his excited expression, Kant said quickly: "It's not as powerful as you think. After all, this capsule is just a positioning tool. The reason why it can be teleported in space is because I am operating it, so I can't sell more for the time being. Otherwise, I will always Can't do nothing all day long, and have been showing thousands of users the way to jump and let them travel safely through hyperspace?"

Horus echoed: "Yeah, it's not pleasant to sit on the toilet and be a lighthouse for others to navigate."

Kant nodded, and the rebel finally said something human.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the filial son showed his fangs.

"But father has a tool person who can do it for him." Iron Son said, "Sarana was given certain authority by her father, and she can perform simple and boring transition procedures for her father..."

- Evil beast!

Kant's heart changed abruptly, but he remained calm on the surface. However, the name immediately caught the attention of the ladies. Leona raised her eyebrows and said, "Sarana? Who is that?"

Just as Horus was about to speak, the virgin was eager to get online, and he said lightly: "It's the name of a good friend who died... The divine power that was usurped from Rahma, the **** of the star palace, was a fog crystal illusion, and I turned it into a human being. , let her inherit that name."

He said this in a calm and calm tone: "Skip this topic."

So everyone showed a solemn look, and even Horus, who was habitually backstabbed, had nothing to say.

It's yours, father.

"Anyway, the commercial version of this capsule is ready to go online."

Kant said: "Because of the limited computing power of Sarana, we must give priority to providing services to our people, so there are not many commercial versions, and we will give priority to our loyal allies."

"The fraternity must love it. What they do is to lick the blood. Every elite assassin needs a lot of time, energy and financial resources to cultivate. This capsule can give them a second life."

"I intend to establish a long-term cooperation with the Brotherhood, sign a contract, and in return for me providing this product to them, they should promise not to be my enemy, nor to undertake any tasks that harm my interests."

"At the same time, I also want to hire a group of elite assassins as instructors and trainers to train our combat troops, and also invite their weapons experts and magicians to jointly develop a new generation of tactical weapons and advance the use of guns and weapons. Magicalize, and improve other tactical gear..."

Hong San pondered: "Master wants to recruit them?"

"Why not? They're smart businessmen who got along well with us back in Valentine."

At that time, the Forbidden Spell crashed and shocked the mainland. Several Brotherhoods ran the fastest. The mentor who came to visit also gave Kant a set of top assassin suits.

That set of equipment impressed Kant and helped him a lot.

Thinking of the past, Kant looked at Hong San with a smile, and continued: "The Brotherhood has deep roots, extensive business, and flourishing branches. This super organization rooted in the entire continent has unimaginable potential, and it should be drawn to us. Above the chariot... the invasion of the Star Palace is imminent, and every bit of strength is worthy of attention."

At this moment, Tina frowned: "You want to invite the Brotherhood to join the multilateral talks?"

"They dream about it, but of course not..." Kant smiled, "Give them to the beautiful ones."

"I guess so." Tina seemed to remember something and whispered, "The situation is not very optimistic."

Kant raised his eyebrows: "What?"

Tina's Ministry of Solidarity is responsible for diplomatic missions. She frowned and explained: "So far, the countries have not responded positively to your proposal. I don't think it's right."

Kant's smile stagnated, and his expression changed.

"What do the kingdoms mean?"


Kant was stunned for a moment, flicked his forehead, and calmed down: "It's weird, come on, start over."

He turned his head to look at the map of the continent on the wall: "The **** in the council, needless to say, this kind of good thing is not their turn, and I don't want to let them get involved."

"Then next, what does the Empire say?"

Tina replied: "The response from the empire was very polite. The foreign minister of the empire gave me a reply, saying that the emperor's tour is no trivial matter. The court is studying the details and negotiating resolutions..."

Kant pondered for a moment and sneered.

He asked again, "What about my half-brother, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor?"

Tina replied, "It is said that the elders of the dragons have been arguing so much that they haven't made up their minds yet."

"Fuck, no wonder Lily felt a little guilty when she saw me last night."

Kant glanced at Tina, hesitated for a moment, and said sternly, "What about the Dusk Moon Dynasty?"

"The Silver Moon Council's response is 'under discussion', which is also perfunctory and delay." Tina said softly, "Although His Majesty the Phoenix King has the freedom to act recklessly, it can only be a personal act. The country has to act with dignity with the consent of the Silver Moon Council..."

Kant didn't hear it, opened his eyes and asked, "Where's the dwarf?"

"It's the same," Tina reminded. "The dwarf kingdom has a close relationship with the empire and is a traditional ally."

"Oh." Kant touched his chin: "It's strange, there can be no falsehood about Yilan-Tair, the heritage of the ancient civilization, are they not interested?"

Hearing this, the parrot sneered: "Of course I'm tempted, but don't worry, the ancient heritage is in the Broken Isles, right here in your Kant, and I'm not afraid of flying with wings."

Seeing that Kant didn't understand, Dong Tianming smiled and said: "The lord is a fan of the authorities, and he has not been involved in the political arena, so he doesn't understand the tricks involved - all the national palaces take orthodoxy and prestige very seriously."

Kant wondered: "What do you mean?"

The Aurora Emperor and the parrot are both rulers who once ruled a powerful country, and they can see the key at a glance: "The lord invites all countries to share the essence of Yilan-Tair's civilization. Is it true that the monarchs of various countries gather together to discuss important matters?"


"The Holy Empire, the Dusk Moon Dynasty, and the Dragon Island that were invited are all powers in the world, right?"


"In the eyes of the world, the behavior of the lord is to follow this opportunity and be on an equal footing with other countries."

Dong Tianming shook his head and said: "The elves are the hegemony of the world, the co-lords of the empire and the human race, and the chosen clan of Longdao are all the arrogances of this world. These old-fashioned powers are probably not happy."

Kant thought for a while before he understood: "Just because of this?"

"Of course not, but it's a good reason...a reason for bickering and procrastination."

Dong Tianming said: "Everything in the world has a cause and effect. All countries resisted the temptation of ancient civilizations and chose to delay. It is to show you a good look. There are also disputes of interests behind it. May the lord be aware of it."

The fire thief thought for a while and sneered.

"It seems that it is still underestimated."

Dong Tianming lowered his head slightly.

It does.

The battle of Valentine is a forbidden spell to clear the field, the aid of Danfeng Lucerne is a cavalry, and the sweeping of the dragons in the far port is the roar of warships. From beginning to end, the world's characterization of Kant is a peerless powerhouse, a forbidden spell mage, and the world. A peerless alchemist, not a powerful monarch.

Because in their opinion, Kant's victories, one after another, were either using forbidden spells or manipulating super powerful alchemy weapons to swept the four directions. That was personal combat power and had nothing to do with forbidden spells.

Although there is the power to destroy the world and change the world, there is still a gap between the peerless powerhouse and the peerless powerhouse. In the eyes of the world, no matter how strong a person's power is, how can it be compared with the vast country and powerful national power of the foreign powers Compared with thousands of troops? Kingship is eternal.

Thinking of this, Kant's eyes flickered: "In this case, it is even more necessary to use the council to show our strength to the world. Times are changing too fast, and the world can't react quickly. They need to refresh their impression of Far Harbor. We are no longer the same."

Dong Tianming nodded and said, "Yes."

The fire thief touched his chin: "I have to tear apart the entire world's encirclement net of prejudice and indifference."

The emperor said: "This is the real challenge."

"Interesting... Then let's try it out and find a breakthrough."

Kant looked at Dong Tianming: "Also, you said something wrong."

Dong Tianming was startled: "Please let me know."

"You forgot to mention a country." Kant smiled slightly, "Aurora, I also invited Aurora, and invited Aurora as a powerful country in the world to cooperate with Far Harbor and join the alliance I proposed. One day, the whole world will be Together, sir, we will fight against the mighty foe from the stars."