MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 807 Bring it back!

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The dead eyes of the sky opened their empty eyes of destruction, the sky star fell like a sword, the four fields roared, the eight winds were hot, and an irresistible powerful force crossed the sky of Turaxiaye.

The star strikes from the sky, the turmoil of the earth, the turbulent floods, the violent hurricanes, the world and history have recorded too many vicissitudes and terrifying disasters, even if the terrible disasters have been explained and defined by science in the name of nature, from the vast universe The falling meteor is most feared and awe-inspiring by intelligent beings.

Floods only spread to the basin of a river, earthquakes only destroy the foundation of a place, and hurricanes will recede, and the ruined foundations can be rebuilt. Only the stars in the sky are terrifying.

Because it comes from the vast and boundless universe, loneliness has leaped for countless years, just for the negligible chance of encounter, and bring the shadow of extinction... So terrifying, and so romantic.

In fact, many people on earth are well aware that the impact of a slightly larger asteroid overhead can cause serious damage to human society, but they do not know that the Yellowstone Park volcano, which has entered the active period under the buttocks, only needs a Wallace eruption. It can completely destroy the entire civilization.

Human beings have this understanding. On the one hand, it is caused by the nature of the soul bound by gravity, on the other hand, it is the result of modern education, and it is also influenced by widespread entertainment products. Everyone knows that the extinction of the dinosaurs was probably caused by an asteroid impact. Yes, I have seen a wide range of blockbusters and novels.

The people of Tulaxiaye were fortunate enough to witness the coming of this destructive force.

Huge flying stars shrouded the flames of purgatory, tore at the fragile wind, and let out a demonic howl, and the six eyes of destruction that opened in the sky were like demon gods overlooking the mortal world, descending the flames of extinction.

Destruction descended from the sky.

The brain is blank, and there is no fear, just staring at the sky in a daze, even soldiers and spellcasters with extraordinary power can't make any extra moves, because they can feel the vast rage of the coming fire the most, Unstoppable, no escape.

Destruction is near.


"—How dare he!"

In the sanctuary, the Grand Speaker opened the Titan Vision.

The star-raising giant looked up at the sky, and there were six heavenly fires descending.

In the face of this overwhelming force, even the oldest and most powerful war machine of the Council appears insignificant and hopeless. Only by witnessing it can one feel the despair that destroys everything.

The hand of the Grand Chancellor holding the staff trembled violently.

He seemed to have seen the sky fire slamming down to the ground, with the raging momentum of destroying everything, hitting the dazzling and orderly Turaxia Ye.

It slammed into the vast boulevard, lifted the floor tiles lined with blue cangstones, caused the prosperous and noble buildings on both sides to undulate, shattered and collapsed, and buried everyone in it and crushed them to pieces.

It nailed into the clear Xibo River, polluted it into a long river of flames flowing with magma, and sputtered in all directions. Pedestrians on both sides of the river had no time to dodge and retreat, and were caught in the torrent of death.

The closest person witnessed the collision between the hot high-speed star and the icy river water. The eyeball was quickly evaporated by the high-temperature microwave, leaving only the hollow eye socket. What was then peeled off was the exposed skin on the body. Beauty and ugliness became meaningless. , The girl's white and tender face melted and burned, screaming to reveal her charred gums, her gorgeous hair blazing blazingly, and her beautiful body instantly turned into a dry corpse.

The mother in the distance may have hugged the child, and the guards had pinned down the civilians, and then they were thrown against the wall by the hot wind, like autumn leaves in a breeze, swirling and flying out, against the hard wall, and then , the high-temperature steam volatilized by the river swept across, imprinting the struggle and despair of innocent mortals under the cataclysm into eternal murals and reliefs, leaving about one-third of the flesh and traces on the broken walls forever.

That day, the fire also crashed into Tulaxia University, causing all the mages in the Academic Affairs Office who tried to raise their shields to protect the students to backlash and smash their bones to pieces, killing the mainstays of the Arcane world decades later in a young age full of regrets. The ancient buildings with hundreds of thousands of years of history collapsed like a clumsy mud room.

The Destroyer, who fell from the sky, went on a rampage, killing all the managers in the great library who were desperately trying to release eternal spells and preserve books with their overdrawn magic and vitality.

What assimilates dust with them is the wisdom crystallization and civilization achievements exchanged by the highest Austrian law school and the highest academic force in this continent through thousands of years of accumulation, dialectics, error correction and sacrifice. They are written in books and circulated for countless years. , in an instant, completely annihilated in the long river of time.

The Alchemy Department Building, the Naval Building, the Temple of the Six Elements, the Sarandil Hotel... The building technology that the Austrian Council is proud of, and a rare engineering masterpiece in the world, everything was destroyed by the unstoppable impact. , set off a cloud of dust.

The Lingri Clock Tower collapsed, the world's longest glass dome aisle shattered and cracked, and the empty piano park was polluted by red smoke and dust—the music park was the perfect fusion of the aesthetics and power of the council, where countless sizes, angles, and orientations of piano pipes passed by. With the most accurate calculation, when the fresh wind from the heights of Tulaxia leaves blows and the air passes through, those piano pipes will play the ethereal and wonderful sounds like from the heaven.

And now, the meticulously designed structure has been destroyed and eroded by the fiery scorching wind and howling waves, and the gale mixed with blood and sand blew through the tattered piano pipe, and only let out a piercing scream of despair, as if it was a waste of time. The last cry and wailing of the people, the music garden in the sky can no longer see the picturesque Tulaxia leaves, it only sees the end, and the last mournful music and mourning sounded.

Because millions of innocent civilians, tens of thousands of spellcasters, a great city with thousands of years of history, and all the wisdom, achievements, advancement, creation and future it contains and creates, and even the civilization of this continent and this era. The most indispensable part is annihilated in the dust like this.

If **** is described graphically, then this scene must be listed.

Here is turasha leaves.

Eternal, great, magnificent place of wisdom, always watching, always moving forward, always holy.

Never let this happen.

Griffin Williams suddenly let out a roar: "No—"

Faersson saw Cang Xing fall, showing a moment of daze, surprise, and shock. Immediately, he thought of something, with a look of joy on his face, and reached out to stop the speaker: "Don't be impulsive, he is..."

The Great Speaker slammed him into the air, raised his staff high, and slammed to the ground!

The surging mana was synchronized with the Optimus Titan, and immediately acted on the Tower of All-Seeing. After thousands of years of wiring and designing the land arcane circuit, the Aoguang Furnace nodes located all over the city were activated. The God-era mechanism created by the Infinite Wisdom Book re-blooms in the mortal world!

Kant's expression suddenly changed as he watched the mass projection fall.

The surrounding guards also realized that some subtle changes had taken place: "His Royal Highness, I think something happened, even on us - but I can't tell!"

"Father!" Horus shouted, "Suddenly decelerating mass projection is observed!"

At this moment, the parrot, who had not spoken, suddenly raised her hand and punched, and then she showed a look of surprise. She grabbed the power axe of a guard, and slashed twice, even more surprised. With a puzzled look, he finally reached out and grabbed the trees by the roadside, extracted plant fibers from them, and weaved them into a whip.

She threw the whip to a guard and shouted, "Will the whip be thrown! Throw it!"

Valentine's guards are all proficient in equestrianism. Of course, this kind of thing will happen. He takes the whip and shakes his wrist. His wrist strength and the blessing of the power armor are no trivial matter. The kinetic energy is transmitted to the far hand, and finally the kinetic energy of shaking the entire whip is concentrated in the narrow tip, the whip accelerates slightly, hits the air, and then—


"Observation speed." Horus said coldly, "About one hundred and fifty meters per second."

Parrot directly took a 12.7mm sniper rifle, pulled the trigger, and the gunpowder roared.

Kant watched the machine gun bullet, whose muzzle velocity should have exceeded 800 meters per second, pass through the air, getting farther and farther away. With his dynamic vision, he was able to capture every moment of the warhead flying by.

There was a rare dignified, even bitterness in Horus' voice.

"Slower," he said. "Excess kinetic energy... is being eaten."

At this moment, the Star Titan at the top of the Tower of All-Seeing accumulated thunder in his hands.

Marekise shouted, "Kant!"

Kant suddenly came back to his senses and looked at the meteorites that were getting slower and slower in the sky. No matter what happened, no matter what happened, they couldn't let the Star Titans project these masses down!

He opened his hands, retracted and pulled, and the paradox holy pillar nailed into the projection star was activated immediately, the transition array was activated immediately, and the burning star of destruction disappeared in the fiery gate of hell, only the distorted air It still exudes a burning heat, reminding that everything before is not an illusion.

In the blink of an eye, the dangling star sword disappeared without a trace.

But the six eyes of destruction were still wide open, looking down at the mortal world like a demon, and there seemed to be a sneer of disdain in the dark and deep eyes, reminding the ants on the ground that they just closed their hands out of kindness.

The city was silent, and then there was cries and shouts of the rest of the world.

But the Legion Transition Land was dead silent.

Valentine's guards are all wearing power armor, can't see their faces, but can feel the strange atmosphere, Horus' data summary shows that everyone's heartbeat is fast, which means that the thinking Chaos, for good reason - because they know the truth.

I don't know what the reason is, what the mechanism is, but I know the result-their Royal Highness Kant, whom they respected like a god, has no effect on the forbidden spell that deterred the world and oppressed all countries.

what does that mean?

There was silence, and the parrot broke the silence: "Don't be stunned - go!"

Kant stood silently, his eyes changing violently.


He gritted his teeth, and words came out between his teeth.

"Go fuck!"

The earthling said flatly: "I can't walk! Now that I run, it's called a smash!"

The purpose of raiding Tulaxiaye was to take advantage of this lame attack to give a ruthless attack to the forces behind the plans—but now, if the Forbidden Curse is stopped, turn around and leave by yourself, then the council will The morale, prestige and hatred of the side should be directly full!

Especially when the Forbidden Spell disappears and then runs away, the farts don’t come out, and if he walks away, the right to interpret it falls to the council, whatever they say - and the strategic deterrence of the Far Harbor to the mainland countries will immediately At freezing point, unless he ran back to Earth to borrow a nuclear bomb, any trash fish would jump out!

There was a hint of anxiety in the parrot's tone: "You see, no matter what it is—everything has been taken away from kinetic energy, and its speed has been limited to death, not only the gun is useless, but even the power of the warrior will be destroyed. Weakened! The situation is too dangerous, we must leave now!"

"—No, the sound didn't slow down, and the energy didn't slow down either!"

Kant shouted: "Horus, change the weapon! Change the firearm to the heavy ammunition! Take the low-speed grenade and eject it! Replace all the heavy support firepower - give me all the throwing and mine-laying vehicles!"

The parrot grabbed his arm: "You still want to fight?"

Kant said coldly: "I'll take your mother, I must make this round today!"

His mind turned, and the divine power of time and space was running.

All over the city, exclamations sounded, and people who were still in shock looked up at the sky. The destroyed meteor did not return, but above the sky, the dark eyes kept opening, from six to ten. , Twenty, Thirty... Those eyes are empty and dark, as terrifying and deep as the vortex of the devil!


After the eyes of the demon gods opened, there was a change.

Some have accumulated resounding tides, some are shrouded in fierce cloud storms, some are burning with blazing fire, some are radiating like the sun, and the original six eyes of destruction, there are new ones. The flying star is suspended in it... It is clearly visible, and it is the ones that were not able to be smashed down before!

Anyone with the most basic ability to associate can guess what this means.

Whether it was an extraordinary person or a commoner, everyone was shouting in a state of collapse: "What do you want to do this time! What do you want to do this time! What does he want to do!"

In the white fog world, the wind and clouds are surging, the space portals are opened everywhere, and Kant's voice is rolling in the fierce clouds. With the help of the fire thief's god-like space control here, he uses the natural world as a huge loudspeaker. The rumbling loud sounds like divine words were sprinkled on the weak, pitiful and helpless Turaxia Ye through the space portals one by one.

"You all saw it!"

Kant said sharply: "If I want to attack you, such as the meteor bombarding the city just now, can you idiots who are arrogant as a car, can resist it!"


In the sanctuary, the chief speaker was so angry that he exclaimed, "Shameless!"

But others don't know.

When the meteor slowed down, everyone thought that the time of death was coming. Even if a small number of spellcasters observed this phenomenon, it was unclear why, when the meteor disappeared, they thought that Kant was merciful.

They don't know, and no one will know that at this critical juncture, it was Grand Chancellor Griffin Williams who stepped forward and activated the secret weapon of Star Palace's assistance without hesitation - this was his layout a long time ago, It can be said that it is a step-by-step and painstaking effort. I originally planned to use this to catch Kant by surprise, but revealed the trump card in advance, just for Tulaxiaye.

This kind of behavior is almost instinctive, out of love for this country and Tulaxia, which makes the Grand Chancellor dare not take a little risk - even if there is only a small possibility that Kant will let the Forbidden Curse destroy Turaxia. , he did not dare to entrust the future of this city and the whole country to the kindness of others.

If this kind of awareness, responsibility, love, determination, contribution and wisdom were known to the civilians, officials, and soldiers, they would immediately gain unprecedented popularity and prestige for the Great Speaker.

But no one will know.

Because the senators and core members who were in the same room with the speaker have all been killed by him.

Moreover, Kant has to rely on speaking loudly to make rhetorical arguments.

The Great Speaker was full of anger, manipulated the Star Titan, and controlled the sound module. The sound was like thunder, rumbling: "All the citizens of Tulaxiaye, I..."

Before he finished speaking, there were bursts of "beep-" silencers from the Phase Gate that opened near the Tower of All-Seeing, which completely overwhelmed the voice of the Great Speaker.

At the same time, Kant quickly instructed: "Have you recorded that voice just now - use the sound source and tuning to fake some speeches, hurry up!"

After he finished speaking, he immediately continued his performance: "So, understand! The fools of Tulaxiaye! If I want to attack you, do I need to hit them with a plane! I will crush them directly and easily. You! That plane isn't from the far port at all—or maybe your council built it yourself!"

When the fire thief said this, he let out a sneer, the sky roared, and countless eyes condensed the power of natural celestial phenomena: "Who do you think I am? I can destroy you with a meteor, or I can directly pour the countless seawater in the West Sea. Sprinkle it into the Tulaxia leaves, can you stop it? I can carry the vast cloud storm above the nine heavens to your head, can you disperse it?"

"—But, I won't do that!"

"I didn't come to Tulaxiaye to kill people I didn't know! I took the liberty to come here, my purpose is only one...that is to avoid war!"

"Yuangang lives and works in peace and contentment, we develop peacefully, and we don't want to conflict with anyone, but some people just don't like us! If there is no war, we have to provoke war! If I don't come today, then this plane will be sent by me! Attack! The tower of all-seeing will also be counted on my head! You will believe lies, hate me, and instigate war on the Far Harbor until I throw the forbidden spell back on your heads!"

"…not good!"

In the sanctuary, the Great Speaker's expression changed suddenly, he already understood Kant's intention.

With the fear that has not dissipated and impressed him, he will imprint the war-weariness on the souls of the Turashaye!

"Damn!" he said irritably. "It's too late to mobilize the army—he needs to shut up now!"

"What are you going to do?" Phaersson was speeding up his healing. Hearing what the Grand Chancellor said, he snapped, "You can't start it now—what if you startle him!"

"If I don't start, I will lose!"

The Grand Chancellor raised his staff and activated it again - the infinite wisdom from the star palace, in addition to dealing with the forbidden spell, the more important secret method is to curb Kant's... space teleportation!

Another God-era mechanism ran silently, blocking the space, and the dozens of phase gates opened in the sky shrank in response. Kant's expression changed sharply, his eyebrows raised, and he screamed: "Griffin! It's really you! It's very good at licking!"

- Brother Tu, help me!

Then, a whole universe crashed into the God-era mechanism that blocked the space.