MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 815 Green tea to give!

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Kant looked at the clear sky of Turaxiaye, dozens of phase gates have been closed, and the eyes of the devil are all closed, which should make people in this city breathe a sigh of relief.

But then again, it was Kant who was really relieved.

Because just now, he got the trophy he wanted most from the trip to Tulaxiaye.

The technological creation from the star palace can form a mechanical force field in the field that absorbs kinetic energy to cause speed decay... The terrible black technology that can make the American emperor eat **** when he gets the earth.

When he discovered that the forbidden spell, which was used to frighten the mortal world and be unfavorable in any direction, was restrained by this thing, Kant behaved like an old dog at the time, but he was actually panicked.

To give an inappropriate example—just like in the 1960s, when the Johnson administration of the United States learned that China’s first atomic bomb was about to be tested, and had realized that no means, determination or planning could stop it, Their mood may be similar to that of Kant now.

"Damn, fortunately I'm just."

Therefore, I used all kinds of big news, proposals and violent theories to attract the attention of Kalius and the Security Committee, and took this opportunity to instigate Horus to locate the position of the deceleration force field, talk here, and dig holes there. The raid was done in one go, grabbed it and ran away, even if the other party asked, it was denied.

Kant smiled proudly and shook his head regretfully.

"Griffin probably left behind manufacturing manuals, research materials and the like about this thing. Unfortunately, most of this thing is out of hand."

He let out a sigh of relief—let's hope for the reverse engineering of Shinji.

Qin Guogong took out his mobile phone, opened the contacts, and selected Oxington's remarks. His mobile phone has been transformed by Horus. Even in Turaxia, he can use the mobile base station of Iron Son to contact him. Oxington MP in the same city.

The voice of His Excellency the core member of the parliament soon sounded in the receiver.

"Lord Duke, I have gathered the family members of the core senators together, and I am trying to contact the interest groups represented by all the senators."

Senator Oxington's voice is very particular, neither humble nor arrogant, but it also contains a natural sense of intimacy: "Soon, everyone will know that you saved the Austrian Law Council."

Kant just smiled.

Oxington, a political animal, is like a hyena, like a viper, and like a vulture, but it is not like a loyal dog, but sometimes, the combination of interests is the strongest.

- But you need to remind from time to time, beat from time to time.

He said as if nothing had happened: "Tell you the good news, Executive Callius is still alive."

In the receiver, it was obvious that the core member, His Excellency, was stagnant in breathing.

After about a few seconds, the voice of Senator Oxington continued to sound without any emotional fluctuations, as if the previous silence was just an illusion.

He said sincerely: "That is really the blessing of the gods."

"Not at all." Kant smiled slightly and slashed his head again. "Executive Kalios was hit by the sinister means of the God of Star Palace and almost died. I rescued him."

This time the silence lasted ten seconds.

Then, the voice of His Excellency MP became more and more submissive: "The whole country should thank you, Duke."

"Get along well with the Kalios executive." Kant said with a smile, "This country needs you, the council must restore order as quickly as possible, and there are still many things to do."


"Other than that." Kant paused and said, "I remember that your family is mainly engaged in alchemy and military science, and its development focus is on the defense industry. There are many places to communicate with the Far Harbor Department of Truth."

Senator Oxington's voice was a little dull: "The alchemists enshrined and employed by our family are very eager to get your advice, and we are also happy to exchange technology with Shinji."

Kant laughed secretly, and then ordered: "Okay, then, I want to meet the director of the Magic Engineering and Alchemy Manufacturing Department of the Austrian Law Council. You can help me with a message and make an appointment."

"The topic of the conversation is the exchange meeting on the sharing of alchemy weapons and the creation of the Yilan-Tair civilization. You can also bring people. In addition, what are the great masters and skills of the private alchemy weapons and magic workshops? You can also help to screen and recommend to me."

His Excellency the core member's breathing became cheerful again.

He immediately agreed, and said tentatively, "When is the time set? Is it possible today?"

Kant thought for a while and replied, "It depends on how I talk to the military in the council."

Congressman Oxington said in surprise: "Huh?"

The Earthman smiled lightly: "Of course we have to talk about it, otherwise technical exchanges and sharing, your craft innovation, and even the introduction of new production lines, to whom will you sell the weapons you create?"

The congressman was stunned for a full twenty seconds, his breathing changed from joy to ecstasy.

He stammered, "This...this..."

It's matchmaking and... alliances.

"Your Excellency, I said that I like win-win." Kant smiled calmly and said in a meaningful tone, "Do you believe it now? Do you believe that we will work together to make the future of the council and Far Harbor better?"

"Of course, noble duke." His Excellency the Senator said sincerely, "I gradually believed in everything."

Hanging up the phone, Kant thought for a few seconds, then laughed loudly.

He exclaimed: "Men are like dogs."


Marrekis listened to his conversation with Senator Oxington the whole time, her face was very tangled. After hearing this sentence, the huge slot finally couldn't be suppressed and swelled out.

Kant's operation is not surprising in the eyes of a former emperor like her, but...

"But it's still very subtle!" the parrot cried. "Are you giving it? Why are you so skilled! And only when dealing with men, you green tea!"

"What are you talking about!" Kant said abruptly, "It's just a trick! We Chinese have been playing basic exercises for thousands of years! Why do you give it? Are all the emperors giving it?"

The parrot spit out: "Turn Oxington around, you call this a basic exercise?"

"is not that right?"

Kant pointed his finger and said: "Oxington is a high-ranking, arrogant, high-ranking person, and he is a master in a place with a special system such as the council, even the grand speaker can't make him bow down, this kind of Even if the guy is used and persecuted by me for a while, he will never be willing to live under others for a long time."

He opened the chat box under the parrot's increasingly subtle eyes: "For example, this time, all the members of the council are dead, and the position of the grand speaker is vacant. He heard me talk about this, and he heard that I was going to let him go back to the picture. Lashaye will naturally realize that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If it goes well, he can even seize the highest power in this country! So naturally, he has to obey me."

"But this meekness is time-consuming, because he will realize that he is indispensable, and if I want to influence the council, he is the only medium ... when he realizes it, he will immediately Raise the fox's tail, not to mention that after he stands firm and seizes the supreme power, he must do his best to get rid of my influence and control, I have no time to waste with him."

Speaking of the most proud part, he laughed happily: "So I'm going to slash him a few times! Think I'm indispensable? Then I'll push the Kaleus executive out! I think he and I are equals relying on each other. Relationship? Of course not! I just hinted to him that I have a secret agreement with Kalios!"

"So, Oxington's desire to take the opportunity to seize the political power of the House of Representatives is basically wishful thinking! And I have clearly told Kalius that Oxington was pushed up by me, and Oxington also has a similar idea, So they will inevitably compete and fight with each other, as for joining forces? Oh, don't even think about it!"

Kalios was born in the mysterious university of Tulaxiaye, and naturally has a close relationship with the academic faction. If there is no expectation, the executive should form an alliance with the security committee.

After all, in the ensuing political turmoil, both of them urgently need the support of their allies.

Then, win over the industrial system and the military department, push Oxington to the front, use the Tower of All-Seeing and the Senate as the stage, and let Oxington and Kalius fight!

The next thing to do is to deepen the contradiction between the two major forces, so that the two factions will be completely opposed to each other because of their deep-rooted positions and concepts, forming irreconcilable differences...

The academic faction, the Security Committee and even a part of the group of parliamentarians represented by Kalius must be conservative in their philosophy and ethos, but to recast and protect the glory of the Council, to ensure the Council's glorious, advanced and great status, and to serve of unremitting efforts.

And the interest group represented by Oxington is inclined towards openness and communication. After all, from today onwards, they will have a new father.

-and many more.

Kant thought of this, his expression changed, he picked up the phone, and called Congressman Oxington again.

After about ten seconds, the congressman answered the phone, and his voice was full of excitement and respect: "Your Excellency, is there anything else you want to order?"

"That's right, Mr. Senator." Kant smiled brightly, "Think of a name."

The other party was stunned: "What?"

"Your party."


"Think about will come in handy."

Leaving this meaningful exhortation, Kant hung up the phone.

Marekise stared at him dumbfounded.

Kant raised his hand and shook it in front of the peerless beauty of the previous Phoenix King who unfortunately had a mouth: "What's wrong?"

"...hassle and hassle!"

Parrot fryer jumped up.

Kant was startled: "What's the matter!"

Marekise made a series of shouts: "Suffocated! Obviously there are so many points! Obviously there are so many places to complain! But I don't know where to start! It's as uncomfortable as reading a book and not being able to post!"

—By the way, the biggest regret of the parrot after knowing Kant is that he can't pour spiritual garbage in the Internet world like a real Internet Zaun.

She could only listen to Kant's description of the online world, fascinated by it.

And dedicate all the spiritual garbage and the most extreme bad breath to Kant.

"So how can a normal person recognize the essence of these powerful figures in the council in a short time like you, and guide them step by step into your preset script, and even dig countless traps in advance, just waiting for them Step in one by one!?"

She exclaimed: "And, what party! What dangerous thing are you doing!"

Kant said proudly: "Of course, it is to introduce the advanced experience of the lighthouse of the earth and the light of civilization to this backward world in governing the country! So many people say yes!"

He said this, smiled and dialed another number.

Ah Fu's sweet voice sounded: "I'm here! Dad! I'm listening!"

"Afu, is everything okay?"

"Report sir, everything is normal!"

On the phone, A Fu's voice could be heard standing at attention. The silver-white metal high-heeled boots hit the floor, making a clanging sound. Kant could imagine the scene.

The beautiful girl is dressed in a knight's uniform, her body is straight like a sword, her slender legs stand together, her metal boots are knee-high, and above it are high-quality stockings with a smooth texture, and a sword skirt with shiny armor. In between, it forms a wonderful area that is greasy and attractive...

Ah, what are you thinking about?

It's all Tina's fault.

He calmed down and said, "Help me pick up Nicias."


Miss Admiral's gentle voice quickly sounded: "I'm ready to go, how is the situation?"

Kant briefly explained the matter, and instructed Ah Fu, who was in the audience, to record it on paper, and send it to the Far Harbor Shogunate as an internal reference message for minister-level officials to read and understand.

Nicias didn't expect so many major events to happen in this short period of time and contained so many inside stories, but she has her own emotions and judgments.

After hearing that the Senate had been killed and all the ten members were dead, there was a hint of pleasure in her voice: "Okay, well killed!"

One thing to say, indeed.

Although the relationship between the two countries was tense, Kant did not have a lot of resentment against the council—at least not as big as Nicias. After all, Miss Admiral fell from the promising Navy flower, lost her honor as a soldier, and was betrayed by her subordinates. Betrayal, even losing his father... All these things, in the final analysis, can be counted on the heads of the core members.

So hearing that they were all dead, Nicias would of course feel relieved.

For example, if Kant sees the American imperial people rushing into the Capitol Hill to kill and kill all those Lao Shizi anti-China congressmen, then as a powerless, unrelated to politics, and only responsible for himself, he will say nothing. It's cool to say, and it's really cool in my heart.

And Nicias had to go a step further—she was not shocked when she heard that the congressmen died so brutally, but felt pity and regret instead.

I can't take revenge myself.

But the twisted country is still there.

The complicated mood only lasted for a moment, and she said without hesitation: "What do you need me to do?"

"This can be discussed slowly, but now, there is one thing that needs your help." Kant said, "I'll take you to Tulaxiaye. I want to meet the four marshals of the council's military department."

"it is good."

Council North, Griffin and Phaeson are on their way.

Communication with horoscopes requires instruments and time.

While doing this, they have other things to do.

"So, what's your plan? About hitting Kant."

The former Grand Speaker glanced at him and said lightly: "The original plan was aimed at Kant. If the plan goes well, we will plant Tulaxiaye's attack on Kant, then declare war on the Far Harbor, and then immediately spread to the world. It proves that Kant's most feared forbidden spell can be prevented and harmless, and even his proud alchemy weapon is nothing in front of the council's technology."

"We will prove ourselves through the victory of the war, and weaken Kant's threat and prestige, so that all the forces in the world that have long suffered from Kant's power will stand up and participate in the siege of Kant, forcing him to give up his expansion ambitions and surrender his technology, and ultimately achieve the purpose of limiting or even exile him, returning the world to its original track, and making everything back to normal."

Phaeson listened for a while, then commented: "It's like a plan you can come up with."

Griffin gave him a sidelong glance and said indifferently, "Any suggestions?"

The God of Star Palace waved his hand and said: "No, this is Apophis's work... Now, tell me, Griffin, is this plan still available?"

"It can be used." Griffin said lightly, "We still have an army, even more obedient and fearless. The core of this plan is not whether I am the grand speaker or not, but whether Kant's threat can be weakened, as long as we prove , Kant's forbidden spells and alchemy weapons are nothing to be afraid of, and many countries and forces that were extorted, threatened and oppressed by him will stand up against him together."

"So, you need more assistance?"


"There will be aid, mortals, so where should the war break out?"

Griffin looked up and looked at the swaying clouds in the distance, which was already the border of another country.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Of course it's there." Griffin said decisively, "Goethe!"