MTL - Class Teacher System-Chapter 97 Save the savior

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Maogancao and Gou Jianfei have not been so easy to find food in the half month since the last days to the present. What time did they not sneak in carefully and finally get food, and then they were discovered by the zombies and finally ran out with all their strength? The feeling of being shocked for the next second really made them remember. But this kind of life-threatening rushed into history after they knew the big brother, even if they thought it was quite unscientific.

But the fact is this, as long as you follow behind the boss, take your own steps lightly, and rushed into the supermarket in the past and shoved things into the backpack, and then escaped quickly before the zombies reacted. If needed, they walked past the pastry area, took some preserved and dried biscuit pieces, and killed two zombies wandering in this area before entering the next pasta area.

Because the time to enter the doomsday is only half a month, the power supply system of this large shopping mall and some refrigerators and freezers has not been damaged. So although the pasta inside the counter had a bad smell, when they entered the refrigerator inside, Ren Zhu found a pocket of pasta and stuffed it into their backpack.

"Don't look at the next cold dishes and braised pork. Look at the snacks and living areas first. Don't take any potato chips that are hungry, and don't take any of them. We will carry a large bag for each one at most. Put another small bag on your back and it will affect your actions. "Ren Zhu told walking while watching Mao Maocao and Gou Jianfei on alert.

When the two heard this, their expressions were particularly reluctant, and Gou Jianfei even said directly: "Brother, don't you! Look at my physique! My arms are round and round! How can the two bags satisfy me! It was so difficult to find food so smoothly, and how to bring a little more! In the last days, food is the most precious wealth! I have brought three bags directly, and they are full of stuff. I must take it at critical moments. Can you help me to stop the zombies! Brother, let me bring some more! Otherwise, I ca n’t pretend to leave Jinshan Yinshan, it hurts me! ”

Gou Jianfei was so distressed that it seemed that he missed hundreds of millions of expressions. It was very vivid. Teacher Ren could n’t bear to dispel his enthusiasm. In the end, he could only sigh: "Then you have to be alert, the food is so precious. It's not important, I don't have healing powers. "

If there is a tail, Gou Jianfei must shake it up at this moment. The liquorice beside it also happily said: "Brother, don't worry, stupid dogs have nothing to do with strength! Let him exercise, maybe he can exercise strength in the end? This way he can become him later Our rickshaw is up! "

Ren Zhu: "..." Just be happy.

So Maogancao and Gou Jianfei wiped out the whole mountain backpack backpack, ham sausage, and dried tofu. In addition, a half backpack of chocolate was also installed. This thing is quite a supplementary energy. It can be used at the most important time. It must be more. Be prepared. Glycyrrhiza has also won three packs of dried fish and put it in his backpack. Although this thing is not hungry, but it is his favorite, but how much can he take?

After that, go ahead to the refrigerated area, the grain area, and the kitchen appliances area.

The refrigerator in the refrigerated area was still on, and finally it didn't smell bad. However, even if these kinds of meat can still be eaten, they can't take these things away. Not only the weight and packaging problems, the main thing is that they are too fishy and easy to attract zombies. Among the supermarkets, the number of zombies in the refrigerated area is the most. Gou Jianfei originally wanted to bring a pork leg bones and cook a pot of soup at night. As a result, he saw that slippery zombies. The whole person was not very good. Instantly I took Ren Zhu and Licorice to the instant noodles and Nande seasoning.

Compared with the zombie enthusiasm in the refrigerated area, Wugu District looks very shabby, and there are only two zombies wandering in total. Ren Zhu glanced at the prepared licorice and Gou Jianfei and nodded.

At the next moment, the two boys rushed out like flexible cats and dogs. Maogancao was a very sharp slender metal fruit knife in his hand. He rushed to the back of the zombie, facing him in the middle of his head. The piercing stabbed down, and at the moment when it was raised, the metal blade reflected a cold cold light, as if the whole blade was stuck into the zombie's head, and then the white knife came in and out of the white knife. When the knife came out, the zombie who was one size larger than Maogancao fell straight to the ground, and there was no reaction at all. Ren Zhu couldn't help but admire this action.

Although this child has no professional training, it is definitely a buildable thing, worthy of his name. However, Gou Jianfei was much bloodier there. This guy ’s weapon was a shining machete. Gou Jianfei was always behind his back. At this moment, the boy jumped like a wild dog and started directly with one hand. The blade fell off the head of the zombie. Fortunately, human blood has been lost a lot after becoming a zombie, otherwise this is definitely a **** scene.

Teacher Ren feels that given this boy a chance, he can become a triad boss. After the two bear children killed the zombies, they turned their eyes and looked at themselves, and the look of praise was so different from before. Ren Zhu drew his mouth and said, "It's amazing."

Glycyrrhiza grinned and said, "Well, I studied medicine. In fact, zombies are controlled by neurons in the brain, so it is good to destroy his nerve center. I will not be as troublesome and violent as a stupid dog. "

Gou Jianfei hesitated: "If you don't allow the zombie, you can directly bite back, and the girl is so sweet, how can you behead directly ?!"

When they saw it, they would quarrel. Ren Zhu sighed: "What is there to argue? Half a month ago, they were still our kind. I hope the disaster in the last days will pass quickly."

The moods of Maogancao and Gou Jianfei suddenly fell down, and the two nodded, "Yes, I hope to hurry over there."

"If I go on like this, I think I may become more and more cold-blooded and maybe not. If I wait until the end of the end of my life, there is no way I can lead a normal life."

"Yeah, we have seen too many sad and dark places of human nature in the past half month. I hope ... I don't want to be the kind of person I hate in the future."

Ren Zhu watched the two depressed teenagers smile slightly. He stood still and looked at them: "Just by what you say now, I can be sure that you are all good children. Rest assured, we will be able to Wait peacefully until the end of the day, and then you will be the strongest and best generation. "

Maogancao and Gou Jianfei looked at the smiling young man standing in front of them, and suddenly felt that the gloomy mood had just been swept away, and the whole person became positive. At this time, they trusted the words of Zhu very much. Yes, they are still very young, and as long as they keep their own heart, even if they face the end, they can get out of the sky! !!

"Brother! I will work hard! I will carry a box of instant noodles now!"

"Well, let me find some salt and South German seasoning. Without salt, there will be no energy in the future. This is a must-have."

The two went away with great energy. Teacher Ren listened to the system's prompts, and suddenly felt that his skills could not be done well in this last day.

[Drip, encouragement from the host activation skill class teacher (level 7): target characters Maogancao and Gou Jianfei +40 intelligence, +100 mental strength, +100 physical strength within one hour. Attached to the uplifting effect, at this time learning work (beating zombies) with less effort and better results. 】

Teacher Ren thinks that this is good. He can collect a few younger brothers, and then he can remotely control them.

About ten minutes later, Maogancao and Gou Jianfei have swept back. Gou Jianfei really came back with a box of instant noodles, but he still cleverly packed the instant noodles into his backpack, while Maogancao packed most of the bags directly. Salt and South German seasoning. At this point five of the three mountaineering bags were already full of four. There is also an empty one. Ren Zhu took two teenagers to load three stainless steel lunch boxes, put metal knives in the lunch boxes, and finally took a vise, and left the supermarket area.

Thirty minutes have passed. The head teacher's camouflage skills have passed the golden camouflage time period. In the next thirty minutes, all important things must be finished, otherwise the danger of backswinging will increase.

"Go to the third floor to get medicine, and then go to the underground parking lot to find the car. When killing the zombies, remember to take out their car keys, and you must find a bigger car to go." Ren Zhu's tone became a little hasty Both Maogancao and Gou Jianfei realized what they were doing, and they were more cautious and faster.

"Dead cat! Take aspirin, alcohol, clean gauze, and anti-inflammatory drugs, gastrointestinal medicine, cold medicine, and all of them! Who knows what disease we will commit on the road?"

Licorice wants to fry: "Shut up stupid dog! Will I get you a brain treatment? You just need to be a porter, you don't need to toss your poor thing Brain. "

Ren Zhu: "..." Everyday cats and dogs talk to each other.

The last backpack was filled with drugs, and Gou Jianfei found several packs of cigarettes from the pockets of several zombies that he had killed.

Regarding this Gou Jianfei Zhenzheng said: "Brother you don't know how expensive cigarettes are this year! For those old smokers, even if you don't eat or drink water, you have to smoke a cigarette!"

Teacher Ren felt right and turned away with a bag of car keys.

The next thing they have to face is the cruelest part of the entire mall, where you can know how many zombies are waiting for them in the dark without even thinking about it.

Underground parking lot.

"Well, I always have an unknown hairy feeling."

"I've shaken a little bit of what you said! Fortunately, it's daylight, and I can see a little bit. Otherwise, I would really kneel when I come here at night."

"What's your brother to do?" The two turned to look at Ren Zhu together.

Ren Zhu took the bag of about thirty car keys in his hand and smiled slightly: "In fact, it should not be difficult to take wisdom."

Mao Gou :? ? ?

The next moment, Maogancao and Gou Jianfei saw that the elder brother they had just recognized was very calm. They successively rang the car keys in their hands, and then the dark basement began to flash like a ballroom flashing light. , And the sound of unlocking drops coming from everywhere. And the roar of zombies that were attracted by the sound.

"The Hummer at ten o'clock, follow me."

Ren Zhu quickly ran in one direction after speaking, and Maogancao and Gou Jianfei followed with backpacks, and after five minutes, they sat in the Hummer smoothly.

"It's simple, right?"

Licorice and Gou Jianfei: "..." Yeah! I'm almost crying, simple! I never thought it would be so simple! Let's kneel