MTL - Close Combat Mage-Chapter 421 Conspiracy first appeared

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A bright red mushroom cloud twitched and rose from the sky temple, the center of the explosion, although the surrounding buildings are made of metal, but under such a powerful destructive force, they still cannot be resisted, and they are distorted. Look.

Finally, the mushroom cloud gradually dispersed, revealing Soga's figure standing upright, looking to the opposite side, Solomon was gone, and looking into the distance, a distorted and distorted metal building was being inlaid. With a figure of a cow, if you look closely, it's not who Solomon is!

I have to admit that Solomon's arrogance, even if he suffered such a severe blow, he still did not receive a fatal blow. Although his body was black and his mouth was bleeding, his vitality was still very strong.

"Fuck ..." With a curse, Solomon gave a slight force and drew down from the sunken building. In the air, the already crooked staff waved in his hands, and another scarlet light shot at Soka instantly. Passed.

Looking at the oncoming red beam of light, Soga stood leisurely there, her feet gently towering above the ground, a large circle of two kilometers, quickly gathered the surrounding water elements and transported it to Soga's body in.

At the same time, in the 60 centralized control rooms, 3,600 Soga disciples quickly poured a bottle of magic potion into their mouths, and a large amount of magic power was transported out along the large array underneath, towards the cable. Canada's location is concentrated.

"Hehe ..." Feeling the almost exploding energy in his body, Soga could not help smiling, a little bit in his right hand, and a sharp blue light of arm thickness was suddenly shot on the Trident.

"Oh ..." There was no roar. The crystal blue beam of energy broke the blood-red beam of light from Solomon's, and it went up against the current, instantly banging on Solomon's right chest ...

Suddenly everything was still, and Solomon fell to the ground blankly, trembling out his hand, and gently touched the blood hole in his chest to determine whether it was an illusion!

"Roar!" Finally, at the moment when Solomon's hand touched the **** blood hole, when he confirmed that everything was not an illusion, Solomon finally roared angrily.

Soga didn't care too much about Solomon's anger. The 3600 disciples and the energy between heaven and earth gathered frantically through Soga's body. At this moment, Soga felt that he was God. Invincible!

"Papa ... Papa ..." While Soga was full of confidence, in a crisp sound, Solomon's muscles began to swell, and the muscles that quickly bulged up quickly supported his shirt. Broken, even the height, quickly rose up, at the same time, an incomparable horror, extremely gloomy breath, spread crazy from Solomon's body.

Feeling the escalating horror, Soga finally became serious, only for a moment, so Solomon had already increased his strength to a level that made Soga dare not neglect, if he was allowed to continue, that……

Between thoughts, Soga took another look in his right hand, and between the trident of the Poseidon, a series of illusory sword shadows whistled towards Solomon ...

"Ding Ding ..." The sword of condensing ice instantly cut through the void, and one after another banged on Solomon's rapidly expanding body, and a series of crisp snoring sounds rang continuously, but there was no check at all. Solomon caused any harm. At the moment, Solomon's body was harder than steel, and even the most destructive ice sword could not hurt it.

"Hey hey hey ..." While Soga was preparing to continue his magic, when Solomon was hit, Solomon had changed, and looked at Soga with a mad look, and a series of eerie laughter came out of his mouth. .

Looking blankly at the guy in front of him who didn't know what to call, Soga couldn't believe it. This was the Solomon who was very similar to himself just now. The difference was really too great.

At this moment, Solomon's height had gone from one meter to eight meters, stretched to more than three meters tall, his muscles were tangled, and his skin became fiery red. His eyes were even more red as if he was on fire. The long green hair, now also red and red, fluttered upward without wind.

In the eerie laughter, Solomon grabbed his hands in the air, a scarlet light flowed around, a scarlet sickle more than five meters long and incomparably appeared in his hands, his eyes looked at Suo with excitement Plus, a cruel smile appeared in his eyes.

Looking at Soga deeply, Solomon said: "Hey! Boy ... you are quite strong, you can rely on the strength of the sub-god level to burst out of true god-level strength, but unfortunately ... you met me ! "

Speaking, Solomon frowned sharply, and continued, "I didn't want to wake up so soon, but if I don't wake up again, I will hang up the boarding house I chose, so ... … I have to wake up with only 50% of my energy restored, it ’s all up to you! ”

Feeling the irresistible terror of Solomon's body, Soga swallowed hard. The change of things had already called out Soga's expectation. In just a blink of time, the situation had been reversed.

Soga can be sure that this is definitely not the Solomon just now. With the strong spiritual power of Solo, you can clearly judge the difference between the two. Although you still have Solomon's body and soul, but the personality, Completely changed.

While he was thinking in Sogas, Solomon continued: "I will never allow you to destroy my boarding body. Such a talent and a body with the power of time and order can no longer find a second in this world. It ’s gone, so ... you have to die today, but ... before you die, I allow you to leave a last wish! "

Hearing Solomon's words, Soga didn't feel scared. As long as he entered the Great Commercial Road, he had already set aside life and death, so Soga groaned and said, "As far as I know, Ya Above the true God is the true God, above the true God is the Lord God, above the Lord God is the God King, but among these gods, but you are not there, I want to know, who are you? What is your strength realm!"

Hearing Soga's words, Solomon laughed and said, "You know quite well, but ... your knowledge is still limited. In fact, there is God under God and Lord God! And my **** master is one of the gods! "

"God! What's the difference compared to the true god?" Soga asked, hearing Solomon's words.

In the face of Soga's inquiry, Solomon probably thought that Soga was dead, so he had to answer the question, without concealing it at all, and said directly: "As long as the godhead is established, it is the true god, and the so-called heaven **** is A high-level **** whose strength is confirmed and has a confirmed position, whose strength is below the main god, but far above the true god! "

Having said that, Solomon paused for a moment, then continued: "In fact, I, the sleeping god, the death god, and Radamandis, are all gods first-class, are quasi-lord gods, and they are by no means comparable to true gods. Only those above the Lord God can defeat the gods. "

"Hoo ..." Breathing a little, Soga finally understood. This Solomon is a **** in the underworld, who is in charge of the hell. The strength is below the Lord God, above the true God. With the help of 3600 disciples, it can burst out of true god-level strength, but there is still a long way to go from heaven.

"Well, I have answered all the questions that need to be answered, and then ... you take it!" Solomon slowly opened the huge sickle in his hand and tried to attack.

Seeing that Solomon was about to attack, Soga suddenly said, "Wait a minute, before I die, I want to know the truth, I don't want to be confused after death, please tell me, in this great business road, What secrets are hidden in the end, what conspiracies and ancient protoss are doing that day! "

Hearing Soga's words, Solomon was shocked and said unbelievably, "What! You ... you even knew! It's impossible ... how did you tell?"

Looking at Solomon calmly, Soga whispered, "I didn't doubt it at first, but the more I explored in the great business road, the more I noticed some abnormal phenomena. All kinds of signs indicate that This great business road is simply a trap set by the gods! "

Having said that, Soga paused for a moment, then continued: "The first ones who doubted were the temples. I don't understand why those idols are immovable. It is possible to take the artifact alone, but once the idol is moved, There must be an interception of creatures above the sky order! What are they guarding? "

After a little thought, Soga continued: "And there is, in the Temple of Love, why do I just leave the temple, even with the artifact, those angels and the **** of death do not care, since they are not guarding artifacts, that would be what?"

Finally, in the Temple of Wisdom, since Athena is dead, but who are the Saints, or even the Saints?

Slightly closing his hand, Solomon retracted the sickle in his hands and looked at Soga with appreciation: "Yes ... you are really good, but I didn't expect you to see the flaws, but ... the light is so, It may not prove anything. "

Shaking his head, Soga continued: "If this were the case, I would still not doubt it. About four or five years ago, I received three apprentices, who were exceptionally talented, and carried strange things on their bodies. Energy, such as the care of the goddess of life, such as the cold mist of the ice god. "

Having said that, Soga narrowed his eyes dangerously and said, "I have carefully inquired about their experiences from childhood to childhood, and suddenly found a very strange phenomenon. They have all been in close contact with various deities, such as the statue of life. , The statue of the frost, the statue of the demon of ice, and all have this ability after contacting them! "

"His ..." After hearing Soga's analysis, Solomon took a breath of air, and said carefully: "Even so, what can prove?"

Looking at Solomon calmly, Soga whispered, "I wasn't sure what, but today, after hearing your own words about boarding, I finally understood it."

Hearing the words boarding body, Solomon finally discolored, covering his mouth subconsciously, but soon, he suddenly put down his hand and smiled bitterly. It seems ... you really analyzed it, but I would like to know how far you have analyzed.

After pondering for a while, Soga sorted out the information in her mind and quickly analyzed it. For a long time, Soga suddenly looked up and sighed, "I understand, it is really a good plan, although simple , But very effective. "

In the ancient battle of the gods at dusk, all the ancient gods lost their flesh, leaving only the godhead to escape to the realm of the gods. They wanted to be resurrected and want to reunite the world, but they who have lost the flesh need a new one. Come to live in the flesh.

In the battle of the gods at dusk, not only did the gods lose their flesh, but the godheads suffered a great deal of wear and tear, so ... it took them a long time to restore the godheads to their original state.

However, even if the godhead is completely restored, they still need a body to sharpen. Soga has understood that the so-called godhead is a high-level spiritual body. It is a combination of soul and energy. Although it can be separated from the physical existence, once If you really leave the body, your ability will be greatly reduced. In fact ... the so-called body is just the body of the soul. The presence of the soul in the flesh will exert unlimited power.

Although the gods are called gods, they are not omnipotent, at least ... they will not create a living body out of nothing. Even if they can, it will take too much time and energy. It is not cost-effective and hard to make. To perfection.

Even if it is a god, it cannot be compared with the real world. For example, the **** king Zeus, he only has the power of thunder, but between the day and the earth, there is more than thunder?

The power of heaven and earth is not only human, but even God is incomparable. Not to mention anything else, but only to create human beings. Only with the axe and nature of nature can we create such delicate and complete human beings. It would be difficult to make a small reptile if you want to make it.

For various reasons, the gods have set this strategy, using gods as bait, laying a great business road, attracting strong people from all over the world to come here, to eliminate and select, and finally get the artifact, it is possible He is the successor of the gods.

Of course, this is only the treatment that the Lord God and the God King can enjoy. There are twelve levels of Great Business Road, corresponding to the Twelve Lord Gods. Only if they pass the test laid by the Lord God can they be eligible to take away the artifact. This so-called Artifact, just the bait of a trap!

As for the heaven gods and true gods, there is no such treatment. Although they can build their own temples, they cannot choose like the main god. They can only try their luck, like the demon of ice, and have only been reluctant for so long. I found a Karon, this is also no way out, it is not that he does not want to find a better one, but he is really out of luck.

As we all know, the so-called artifact is a weapon that can be infinitely improved. Soga only thought that this artifact was just a product of his own consciousness. But now Soga knows that this artifact exists. Whoever made this weapon and whose spirit is it, although many users may be changed in the future, it is impossible to change this.

Take the Trident of Poseidon as an example. Although the instrument spirit in it is exactly the same as Soga, in fact, the press is definitely not Soga's fragment of consciousness, but Poseidon's, because ... this weapon is exactly What he cast.

At this point, Soga lowered her head slightly, looking at the Trident in his hand, and said in fear: "If I was right, the instrument in this Trident is the soul fragment of Poseidon. Once his personality was restored and he woke up from his slumber, he could instantly enter the Trident of the Poseidon through the induction of the soul, and then attacked with the soul shard, occupied my body, and took my body.鹊 Nest dove! "

"Papapa ..." Listening to Soga's analysis, Solomon couldn't help holding the sickle and slap his hands sincerely.

Looking at Soga in admiration, Solomon said earnestly: "Wonderful, really wonderful. Although you didn't guess exactly right, but that's the general situation. In fact, the so-called deity is really true. Yes, but ... it is only your flesh that is the god, as for your soul, hehe ... will become part of the gods, but will always be in a subordinate position. "

"En ..." He nodded slightly, and Soga Shen said: "You said that I understood that if I completely expelled my own soul, then my body would not be compatible with any other soul. , The fusion of my body is the only way out. "

"Yeah!" Nodded in admiration, Solomon said, "Isn't this great? Just like me now, that is, Solomon, and the Dreadlord, I have all the memories and Feelings, abilities, and combat skills, isn't such a good choice? Why resist? "

"Oh ..." Soga smirked at the words of Solomon: "Don't fool me, you may be able to deceive others, but in my case, you don't want to pass!

After a pause, Soga disdainfully said: "Indeed, my soul will still exist, but ... it has completely lost its ability to be free and autonomous, and even the ability to think and judge has been deprived, it is still there, but My memory and my ability, in fact, this is equivalent to the soul being engulfed, then digested and absorbed, and crueler than death. After all ... physical death can be resurrected, and the soul is fused and never resurrected It's possible. "

"Oh ..." When Solomon's analysis was heard, Solomon sighed and shook his head: "I can't deny your words, but ... What's the benefit of analyzing things so clearly? Makes you even more miserable, don't you think you can fight against the gods? You know, there is only less than ten years to go from the wake of the gods! "