MTL - Close to You-Chapter 97

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Xiao Xiong felt that something was not right: "Mr. Yu, did you admit the wrong person? Our principal is not called..."

"Little Bear!" Lorraine interrupted her words, "Pour a glass of water for Mr. Yu and this kid first, and then bring some snacks. I have to change clothes."

The bear said yes, Lorraine Yuan took his rabbit costume and ran out of the principal's office. Those who didn't know thought he was not changing clothes, but running for his life.

Tao Yuan was tired from standing, let go of Yu Han's hand, found a chair and sat on it, dangling his legs: "Dad, I like it here."

Yu Han ignored him and kept staring at the door of the office, wondering what he was thinking.

Lorraine fled to the bathroom, and a bathroom was built in the painting garden in case the children needed to be changed when they were in an embarrassing situation.

In the end, the child did not use it a few times. He, the principal, visited the most and reported several times a day.

Lorraine threw his clothes into the washing machine. If he was sweating so much, he would have to toss in the bathroom for at least an hour. But there are still people waiting for him in the office, so there should be no delay.

When he thought that Yu Han was waiting for him, he had a very contradictory mood.

There is a feeling of wanting to stay in the bathroom for a lifetime, and a feeling of wanting to rush to Yu Han immediately.

Luo Linyuan didn't dare to look at Yu Han at all, he would definitely make a fool of himself, he just ran out of the office before he dared to speak.

Too spineless and impulsive.

He shouldn't take the initiative to say hello to Yu Han, even though he is wearing a puppet costume.

God knows how he felt when he saw Yu Han in the colorful balloons and rainbow bubbles through the hood.

He even thought it was just a fantasy bubble, and it shattered with a poke.

He stared at Yu Han for a long time, looking at Yu Han's much mature face, his face became more angular, his physique seemed to be stronger than when he was in school, wearing a shirt, wide shoulders and narrow waist , the pectoral muscles are also bulging...

Wait, Lorraine Yuan shook his head vigorously in the water, and patted his face again.

Don't think about it, what's going on in the daytime!

And Yu Han...has a child, so she should get married.

Lorraine Yuan took a cup of hot water and rubbed his face. The water was so hot that it burned into his eyes.

This wash lasted for half an hour, Lorraine came out and glanced at the phone, hurriedly rubbed his hair with a towel, and it was over when it was wet.

The poor little bear greeted guests in the office, almost emptying the topic of his stomach. However, this Mr. Yu used to be very talkative, but now he is very cold. He is still a sensible child. He cheered her on and took her sweet sister.

When she found that Yu Han swept towards the door for the tenth time and raised his wrist to look at his watch, the little bear was sweating: "Sorry, our principal is more particular, he is not usually like this, today I've been busy for too long, and I'm still packing up."

Mr. Yu asked her, "Why do you say I'm the wrong person?"

Before she could answer, the office door was pushed open, bringing in a slightly sweet scent of shower gel. Xiao Xiong just breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Lorraine Yuan's appearance, his heart was lifted again.

Isn’t it good to see parents dress up a little bit more! Why did the principal just come out wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with sunflowers printed on it. He didn't even blow-dry his hair, and his clothes were disheveled. He looked like a high school student.

And the condition of the skin after the bath, which made the female bear very jealous.

Little Bear stared at Lorraine Yuan, winked and hinted that he should change his clothes. The usually witty head of the garden was also looking at her, blinking blankly, and a drop of water hit her face.

This scene stopped her breathing. Ordinary water droplets on the face of the beauty are like special effects filters, so beautiful.

Sure enough, I am very happy to work here, Little Bear thought madly.

At this moment, Mr. Yu stood up suddenly and let them all look over. They saw Mr. Yu walked to the desk, took the whole wooden box for the tissues, bent over and placed it on the coffee table, clicked A sound, the force is a little heavy.

Yu Han: "Wipe it."

The principal blushed in embarrassment, took a few sheets of paper cramped, pressed them on his cheeks, and winked at her to let her speak.

The little bear thinks that the weather may be too hot today, and the principal has been busy for too long, so she has no choice but to go out.

So she took out the usual way that the principal coaxes the parents out, and talked about their environment, teachers, cooperation with many institutions, usually many activities, and the headquarters is very famous in the United States.

She shouted hard there, and the principal sat next to him and played with his fingers.

Lorraine Yuan seemed to be in a daze with nothing to do, but he actually kept his ears pricked up to eavesdrop. It's just that Yu Han doesn't speak too much, and only occasionally opens his mouth, so that he can't hear enough.

He is bringing his own selfishness. He wants Yu Han's children to come to this institution, and he does not want children to come. He wants to see Yu Han, but he wants to let him see Yu Han and his His wife came to pick up the child, and he really couldn't stand it.

Yu Han should not want to come here, after all, it was opened by his ex.

Maybe this is the last time we meet, he wants to listen to Yu Han's voice for a while, keep it in his heart, and occasionally take it out and let it go.

Yu Han's marriage is also very good. After he leaves, he can still live a normal life. It's very good.

He couldn't help his nose sore, and the force of picking his fingers was getting stronger and stronger, like self-torture.

At this moment, a small hand came over, and the soft palm pinched his tossing fingers. The child's hands are smooth and tender. Lorraine raised his eyes and met a pair of black and clean big round eyes.

Luolin Yuan blinked, and Taro Ball also blinked, the next second Tao Yuan's round eyes curved into two crescents, Tao Yuan whispered, "It will hurt."

After finishing speaking, the child's body fell on his knees, his bulging belly was against his calf, and he said to him: "Hug."

Lorraine had contact with many children, so he naturally picked him up in the next second, put him on his lap, and asked him if he wanted candy.

As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help but look at Yu Han, wondering if Yu Han would be unhappy, he hugged his child without consent.

Yu Han glanced at the two of them, and said to Yu Yuan in Luo Lin's arms: "Be good."

Yuan Yuan pouted: "I'm good."

After finishing the taro balls, look at Lorraine Yuan: "Tangtang."

Luo Lin Yuan thought that this child was good, but it was a pity that he didn't look like Yu Han at all. If he looks alike, maybe he likes this child more and is less jealous, because he will be partial, he is really bad.

After Luo Lin Yuan became the principal, he always had a handful of candy in his pocket to reward the children.

He took out a toffee and told him to open his mouth before putting it in the taro **** to see if there was any cavities. Children of this age should not eat too much sugar.

Tao Yuan glanced at her father resentfully: "He won't give me food."

Lorraine is embarrassed with the candy, won't you eat it? So is he giving or not?

At this time, Yu Han, who was talking to the little bear, stopped, leaned over, and naturally took the candy from Luo Linyuan's hand and put it in his mouth.

I don't have the slightest bit of self-consciousness that I said that I was lactose intolerant.

Taro **** feel unfair: "I want too."

Yu Han replied, "No."

Taro balls: "Then why can you eat them."

Yu Han: "Because it's all mine."

The taro ball kid was so angry that he felt that his father was even more naive than his three-year-old baby.

He used his big eyes to be cute, and asked Luo Lin Yuan for candy, but Luo Lin Yuan dared to give it in front of Yu's father.

The taro ball faked crying, buried her fleshy face in Lorraine Yuan's chest and rolled around: "It's really fragrant."

Yu Han interjected coldly beside him: "Yu Yuan, sit down by yourself."

Taro balls: "No, they are still a baby."

Luo Linyuan lifted the child's body and asked the child, "Your name is Yu Yuan? Which Yuan?"

Tao Yuan is not very fond of reading words, but she also knows her name.

Yu Han said: "The origin of the origin."

Lorraine snorted loudly, but still didn't dare to look at Yu Han. He was just like playing a dodgeball game, Yu Han didn't look at him, he peeked, Yu Han looked at him, he avoided.

When Little Bear had nothing to say, Yu Han asked, "Is the tuition paid now?"

The little bear made a comparison in his heart in surprise, and proudly looked at the terrified principal.

Forget it, the principal can't count on it today, Xiaoxiong said: "Alipay or WeChat?"

At this time, the principal finally realized that his work attitude was not good, took out his mobile phone, and asked tentatively: "Wechat friends transfer?"

Yu Han glanced at the phone in his hand: "Alipay, thank you."

Luo Lin Yuan silently quit WeChat.

He thought sadly: Alas, since Yu Han already has his own life and marriage, it would be better for him not to disturb him.

Although he comforted himself in this way, his heart felt like being eaten by ants, and it hurt badly.

He decided to put Yu Yuan in the class farthest from his office, so it wouldn't hurt if he couldn't see it.

After the transfer, Yu Han got up and reached out to the taro ball: "Come here, go home."?

The taro ball slid out of Lorraine Yuan's arms, trotted to Dad, turned around and said, "Goodbye, brother and sister."

Lorraine waved at him from afar, and when he was parting, he finally gathered up his courage and looked at Yu Han.

Yu Han is also looking at him, his eyes are deep, Luo Lin Yuan did not hide, and stared into his eyes: "Goodbye."

Lorraine fell silent, wanting to fight. He was really annoying. It was a long time before we met again. Yu Han greeted him first, but he didn't pay attention to others. He refused to talk to Yu Han just now.

Such an attitude of ignorance, if it were him, he would not be happy.

It's just an ex, not an enemy, he behaves too rudely.

Yu Han said at this time: "President, did the name of your Yuyuan Painting Garden also come from the US headquarters? Which fish, which fate?"

Tao Yuan thinks he will answer this question: "Dad, it's the fish of the little fish, I saw it when I came in."

Little Bear said: "It's not from the US headquarters, it was named by our principal himself."

President Luo, who should answer the most, couldn't say a word, and his face turned red.