MTL - Co-renting Immortal Doctor-Chapter 9 That kid must be pretending

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After receiving the check handed by Xia Wentao, Tang Yu took a closer look and smiled slightly, a scornful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Then, in the astonished eyes of everyone at the scene, Tang Yu directly tore the check into pieces!

Looking at this scene, let alone Xia Wentao, even everyone in the house has opened his mouth, just like seeing a monster!

Everyone can also see that with Tang Yu's shabby dress, he must have no money and he will die poor. This one million is undoubtedly a huge sum for him. He spent five to six hundred thousand to buy a house, and then used the remaining money to do a small business. He doesn't have to worry about this life!

It was unexpected that someone beat you, Tang Yu didn't even blink, and even to tear up the one million he got, how much courage it took!

At this moment, everyone is asking themselves. If they are in the position of Tang Yu, can they do what Tang Yu does now?

Hu Desheng shook his head, and Wang Xiuhe sighed. Even Xia Wentao's face changed for a while. The three felt that they couldn't make Tang Yu so free and easy!

At the same time, Xia Bing and Wang Xintong's eyes flashed with strange light. They did not expect that Tang Yu was so boney, it really made them look good. This is the real man!

"Boy, one million is already a lot, you are not satisfied yet?" Xia Wentao said coldly: "Don't be too greedy, otherwise don't say one million, you won't even get a child!" "

Xia Wentao still did not hesitate to stare at Tang Yu. He wanted to see if the other person really didn't care about that one million!

Tang Yu looked at Xia Wentao in front of him like a clown, and said lightly, "There aren't 100 billion, what are you dragging in front of me? You are great if you have money? Do you feel superior?"

Listening to these words, everyone's face suddenly changed.

I saw Tang Yu then said, "Yes, I admit that I have no money, but I also don't need the kind of broken money you give like charity beggars. I have my hands and my feet, and I can make my own money without money. I I used your handful of broken money to confuse me? I just saved your daughter, but I did n’t expect to repay it, and you must use colored eyes to define other people ’s dirty ideas. To profit everything! "

After all, Tang Yu gave a sneer, glanced at Xia Wentao, threw the cheque scrap in his hand into the trash bin, and went straight out, nostalgia!

"Tang Yu, don't leave!" Looking at this scene, Xia Bing was suddenly anxious, but she was not ready, she couldn't get up at all, she could only look at her father angrily, saying: "Dad You see what you have done, how can you do that! "

Xia Wentao's face was also cloudy for a while. Is he really thinking too much?


Even if this kid wasn't sent by his opponent, but which of the outside people approached his daughter not for his own industry, how could there be no such thing? Yes, that kid must be pretending to die for face loss!

Seeing Tang Yu actually left directly, Wang Xintong hurriedly chased out: "Tang Yu, you wait ..."

"Oh? It's expert Wang, do you have anything?" Tang Yu asked with a smile when Wang Xintong ran out to chase himself.

"What expert Wang, just call me Xiaotong."

Listening to this title, Wang Xintong blushed and looked at Tang Yu and said, "Well, don't worry about Uncle Xia, he also cares about Bingbing too. Also, thank you before, if not you Then ... I ... "

"You're welcome, haven't you thanked before?" Tang Yu said indifferently.

Wang Xintong tugged his placket and tangled for a moment, and said, "Well, to thank you, can I have a meal if I have time?"

This is the first time she has invited a boy, so she is really ashamed.

"This, no problem, just wait for time." Tang Yu smiled and looked at the excited Wang Xintong. After the two exchanged phone numbers, Tang Yu left chicly.

Central Hospital Dean's Office.

Wang Xiuhe sighed and looked at Xia Wentao and said, "Wentao, this time you are really doing too much. I advise you to seek an apology from Tang Yu's friend as soon as possible, and turn your sorrow into jade, otherwise you will absolutely I will regret it. "

"Lao Wang, are you talking about something serious?"

Xia Wentao shook his head and said, "The boy has no background at first glance. What can I regret? Moreover, it has not been very peaceful recently, and someone has targeted me again. Besides, this year, I want to take care of my daughter's beauty There are too many people in my relationship and I have to guard. "

"Wen Tao, you have always used this vision to define others is really wrong."

Wang Xiuhe said, "I'll tell you the truth. The medical insights of this Tang Yu's friend have reached a very high level. Even I can't reach it. Your daughter's illness is the idea he gave me. I got an injection. Without him, your daughter would be a dead body now. "

"What, you say that kid ..."

Listening to Wang Xiuhe's words, Xia Wentao's whole body shook, and he said incredulously, "Wang Lao, didn't you lie to me? That kid is so young, how could he be a master of medicine?"

"Well, the so-called people can't look, and the sea can't be weighed. Don't you understand this?"

Wang Xiuhe slowly said, "Because of Tang Yu's approach, your daughter's condition has now been alleviated. In the future, as long as it is not unexpected, you only need to come to the hospital once every half a month. But once it is similar, If today ’s accident is not treated in time, it will definitely die! "

"Lao Wang, don't scare me, what should I do!" After listening to this, Xia Wentao was suddenly anxious, and asked with joy and worry.

Wang Xiu and helplessly said, "I can't do anything about it, but I suggest you hire Tang Yu as your caretaker. Even if your daughter has an accident, he can still save your daughter's life."

"This ... I ..."

Xia Wentao struggled for a while. I have offended the other party by myself, and I have to ask the other party again. Isn't this nonsense? But for his daughter, he really had to do it! Can this be called a wolf?

Back at home, Xia Wentao's gaze was dimmed and he said to his bodyguard: "Han Feng, what do you think of that kid?"

Han Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This boy is really interesting. I didn't expect such a bad temper. I never expected that Wang's evaluation of him would be so high. I will just watch it away. Next time, I will never do this again. Wicked ... "

"I didn't expect it, it's really unrecognizable."

Xia Wentao sighed and said slowly: "You do two things for me. The first thing is to go find the young person in person, tell me immediately when you find it, and treat him with courtesy, no matter how respectful you are. The second thing is to send someone to find my daughter as soon as possible. It is absolutely impossible to do so tonight. Some people dare to take drugs on my daughter, it is really bold! "

Speaking of which, Xia Wentao's face was angry!

"Yes!" Hearing here, Han Feng was surprised. Tang Yu has the supreme appraisal of Wang Xia, the great doctor of Xia Guo, and his future is absolutely limitless!

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