MTL - Comprehensive Manga: a Journey Through the Supreme Being-Chapter 16

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Of course, Nangong Nayue wasn't stupid either, she wouldn't really take the demon's watcher as someone who could be insulted.

Therefore, she has always maintained the basic bottom line. Occasionally, she will scold the demon a few times when she is angry, but that's all, Nangong will not dare to do it that month.

After signing the contract, she only knew how terrifying this demon was.

That vast magical power made Nangong Nayue believe that the true ancestors, who were known for their huge magical power, were incomparable.

The magic power of the true ancestors has a limit, and the magic power of this demon has no limit at all.

Secondly, because of the signing of the contract, Nangong could also exercise part of Xixiang's authority as the "great demon of aging" that month.

After using the ability to age all things and spirits, Nangong only knew that month that the ability called the first of the ten forms of death was terrifying.

Saigo admires Nangong Nayue who is wearing the JK uniform skirt of the private Caihai Academy. With a petite appearance, she looks more like an elementary school, and she is still the kind of little girl who has just entered elementary school.

The marked JK uniform is worn on her body, and the student's breath is strong. At the neckline of the Guandong front, you can see her soft neck, which is elegant and charming like a swan.

The straight beautiful legs under the uniform skirt are too slender, wrapped in the absolute realm of black student fleece socks, white and attractive, as if her thighs would be broken with a little force on her hands.

The straight jade feet were stepping on a pair of small leather shoes, the heels were touching the ground, and the two little feet swaying back and forth looked playful and cute.

Unlike Nangong Nayue, who likes to wear Gothic Lolita costumes in daily life, Nangong Nayue who dresses up every day looks like a delicate and perfect doll, and sometimes even feels like a dead thing.

But now Nangong that month has the lively and agility of a young girl.

The contract circulated between the two parties, and the price was Nangong's soul that month.

Xixiang is very fortunate that the 'third star particle' flows in his blood.

Otherwise, after leaving the dark space, his magic power reserve, that is, the blue bar is definitely not high, and it is estimated that it is not comparable to the Mage-type Momonga.

If you fight yourself, you have to use your fists to solve problems, not to mention providing magic power to Nangong that month.

If that's the case, Xixiang himself will be embarrassed, and it will probably make Nangong wonder why he is such a weak devil that month, and this magic power reserve is too small.

But it's different now, the 'third star particle body' is the third type of perpetual motion machine.

This energy created out of nothing, let alone squandering it for Nangong that month, even if it is to change human civilization, it can be used by billions of people around the world, and they can go to the vast universe together.

It can be said that what restricts Nangong Nayue and Xixiang now is the output value of magic power, not the reserve.

It was also the infinite energy generated by the 'third star particle' that caused Nangong Nayue to have a huge misunderstanding of Xixiang.

The 'simulated star creation map' displayed by Xixiang a few months ago made Nangong experience the power of universe creation that month.

Today's 'Third Star Particle Body' allows her to see the permanent mechanism.

In Nangong's imagination that month, if Xixiang combined the two abilities, it would really be able to completely destroy the world, and there was no need for the 'major' to take action.

Just one of the demon incarnations created by the 'major' has such power, how terrible is that god's body?

Thinking of this, Nangong didn't dare to give birth to any strange thoughts that month, and honestly completed the contract.

Xixiang stretched his long legs and walked in front of Nangong Nayue, but Nangong Nayue said nothing.

She didn't have any vigilance against Xixiang, anyway, this demon wanted to kill him easily, and he was his own executioner.

And in the few months of getting along, she can roughly see that although this demon has a bad personality, it is also quite gentle to a certain extent.

As long as you don't touch his bottom line and you don't violate the contract, he won't do anything to you.

This idea just appeared in Nangong's mind that month, and she regretted it the next moment.

"Hey, that's the only piece of prawn in my bento, you just took it away without a word?"

"...Do demons also need to eat to supplement their nutrition?"

Nangong watched Xixiang stretch out his hand and took away the only shrimp in her lunch box that month. Finally, he couldn't bear it any longer, and said mockingly.

The corners of her mouth twitched, her smile was cold and cruel.

"I don't know if the devil needs nutrition or not, but you don't need nutrition in that month. No matter how much you eat, you won't grow taller. Eating food is a waste of food."

Nangong's crescent moon is itchy again.

Now she can't wait to dig out the devil's heart to see if it's black, but she knows she can't.

"Besides, you won't need to eat soon. Anyway, the spell is about to be completed, and you will fall into a deep sleep forever. It's really gratifying to think about it. There is one less person who wastes food in this world."

Xixiang still sneered at Nangong Nayue, but this time his words hurt Nangong Nayue's heart.

Seeing that Nangong Nayue was slightly silent, Xixiang smiled maliciously and said, "...Being the manager of the 'prison barrier' is not your real wish and contract."

"...Why are you foolishly shutting yourself in and dreaming that you will never wake up?"

"If humans are persecuting you, you are a witch now, and you are my contractor, why should you care about the opinions of humans."

"...If they push you too hard, use my power to brutally execute them!"

"In the face of aging and death, all living beings are equal!"

Saigo's words are the real whispers of the devil.

Chapter 23 Because I fell in love with you!

Xixiang's words made Nangong quite moved that month.

But after hesitating for a while, she calmed down and said, "...This is my contract with the artificial island management commune."

"...Since the contract has been signed, I will definitely complete it, and the composition of the spell that becomes the 'prison barrier' is also of my own accord."

"Seeing me abide by the contract like this, as a demon, you shouldn't feel relieved, at least even if it is a contract with the devil, I will not violate it."

Xixiang sat beside Nangong Nayue, he sniffed the slightly immature milk fragrance on the girl's body, and with a slightly mature body fragrance, he shrugged and said:

"...I don't care if you violate the contract or not. If you don't violate the contract, then I will walk with you according to the contract."

"If you violate the contract, I will just cut off your head and devour this world."

"...Watching the whole world wailing, watching all the creatures get overwhelmed with fear under aging, to be honest, I look forward to such a scene even more."

"So, I really hope you can break the contract with the devil, Xiao Nayue."

Xixiang said with a smile, as if he was really encouraging Nangong to break the contract that month.

Of course, his words are all lies. For Xixiang, it is best to maintain the current state.

As long as Nangong is still in that month and the contract between the two parties is still there, he can continue to use the anchor point of Nangong that month to grab the nutrition of this world for his own growth.

This is also the reason why Xixiang has been very quiet since he came to this world, hardly doing anything.

As long as you can accomplish what you need to grow by doing nothing, why bother.

This is the "financial freedom" that Xixiang dreams of. As long as you fish every day, you can accomplish the goal, and who is willing to work.

So he needed to use words to coax Nangong that month, so that she felt that what he said was true, and thus more careful to maintain the agreement between the two parties.

"Hmph, as expected of a demon, if it wasn't for me, I would really want to kill an unstable factor like you!"

Nangong Nayue said viciously, but unfortunately it was just a fake, and in Xixiang's eyes, it looked more like a cat's claws and claws.

After a pause, Nangong Nayue continued: "...I will not forget the content of the contract with you demons."

"...Since the content of the contract is my wish, it is the peaceful coexistence of humans and demons."

"The signing of the 'Sanctuary Treaty' has greatly eased the conflict between people and the demons, but outsiders humans and demons are still hostile to each other."

"...Only Itogami Island, and only this special zone of the demons. Although the two races are still hostile, human beings can accept the demons anyway."

"It is not so easy to complete our contract. I have thought about it carefully. Only the Demon Special Zone is suitable for being a pilot. I will try to fulfill my wish here first."

"...This is also the reason why I agreed to become a 'prison barrier'. The actions of some demonic terrorists will destroy the peace between the two sides of the demon special zone."

"Only by keeping them in the prison barrier will I feel more at ease."

Listening to Nangong Nayue's words that seemed to be explaining to himself, Xixiang nodded slowly and said, "...Well, your reason is quite reliable, it seems that you are not that kind of idiot, Xiao Nayue. ."

"... but has a rather clever little head."

Saying this, Xixiang smiled and stroked Nangong's long straight black hair that month.

"Don't touch my hair casually, don't treat me like a child, don't call me Xiao Nayue!"

Nangong slapped Xixiang's hand away that month and glared at him angrily.

"I'm done eating!"

Nangong didn't eat much that month, so she closed the lid of the bento, stood up and patted the dust on her skirt.

Xixiang also followed Nangong to get up that month. He stood behind the petite girl and asked with a smile, "...Why don't you talk to your classmates, I know you are not really lonely."

Nangong said in a calm mood that didn't match her age: "...In the Demon Special Zone, although humans and demons can coexist peacefully, mutual prejudice still exists."

"...For example, when parents see their child playing with young demons, they will definitely warn him to stay away."

"I am a pure-blooded witch. From birth, it was decided that my soul would be dedicated to demons. From the very beginning, I was different from humans and knew that I was more like a demon."

"...If that's the case, it's better to stay away from it from the beginning, rather than be more sad and sad."

Xixiang quietly listened to Nangong's words that month, and he nodded lightly: "...This is a famous saying of witches? It's because you care about something, so you have to stay away from the beginning."

Nangong Nayue's clear blue eyes twitched slightly, "...Although I don't know who said this, I think it's philosophical."

"It's just what another witch said... But Xiao Nayue, although you are now complying with the requirements of the administrator of this artificial island, you have become an integral part of the 'prison barrier'."

"...But I will make you voluntarily give up the prison barrier and rescue you from it."

Xixiang suddenly said at this time.

"Why are you a demon so confident? My character is very stubborn, and I won't compromise easily."

Nangong sneered that month, she actually knew her character very well.

"After getting along for a few months, I also understand your character. You are essentially good-natured. If one person and a hundred people are threatened with death at the same time, you will work hard to save both."

"...But you also have enough ruthlessness and reason. When you have to make a choice, give up one or give up a hundred people, you must choose to save the hundred people."

"Human life cannot be described by numbers. This is what most people think."

"...But Xiao Nayue, you also know that for the human beings who are at the upper level and hold power, human life is really a number."

Xixiang, who once climbed to the top in the "cyberpunk" world, is also a politician at heart.

Therefore, he knows too much about human society and human beings, and the importance and sympathy for life can only be the thoughts of ordinary people.

And for those who are really at the top decision-making, they must not have this idea.

It's not that those people are ruthless enough, it's their position that prevents them from feeling sympathetic, which will only create a bigger crisis.

"I have to say, what you demon said makes sense."

Nangong didn't completely deny Xixiang's words that month. She is not a good old man full of passion, but a witch who knows how to weigh the pros and cons and judge the situation.

"Why are you so obsessed with letting me give up the prison barrier?"

Nangong couldn't help asking curiously that month.

"I want to give you freedom, because I fell in love with you, Xiao Nayue~~ So I hope you are free, not sad, always happy!"

Xixiang said with a smile.


Nangong Nayue didn't believe a word of the devil Xixiang said.

"By the way, your friend, Xiandumu Aye, the witch of the secretary, seems to be planning something recently."

Xixiang suddenly said mysteriously.

"Don't think that you can use words, so you can easily divide the relationship between me and Ah Ye!"

Nangong refuted that month.

"Is it alienating? You know in your own heart whether I am alienating me in this matter. You must know that all the information I have obtained is also obtained through you."

"...I am your watcher and your guardian at the same time, that's all!"

Xixiang's words made Nangong bite her lip that month, because she knew that what Xixiang said was correct, Xiandumu Aye was really planning something.

'I hope you won't make it difficult for me, Ah Ye. ’

She thought worriedly.
