MTL - Comprehensive Manga: a Journey Through the Supreme Being-Chapter 63

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"Dawn is breaking, the rooster is crowing, and the holy fire is manually ignited here, and the bright curtain is burned in the dark flame. The ancient religion is still alive, and the **** of darkness must not be cold and blasphemous!"

The great demon that Saigo transformed into recites the most ancient word spirit, which is the original origin of darkness and light, angels and demons, and the original concept of Genesis and the end of the world.

It was Avesta, the ancient scripture, but the words that came out of his mouth were completely upside down, and he praised not the light but the darkness.

This is the least common multiple at the beginning of the universe's birth, it is the basis of all creation, and it is the true prosperity that is indispensable!

"The man named Zarathustra, he will put Mazda to death!"

Terrifying and mysterious words filled this sea area, as if even the world was whining, all things withered, from birth to death, and everything turned into dryness under the concept of aging.

The jet-black flame burned all over the body, and the meaning of Zoroastrianism was completely revealed here.

What burns in that brazier can be either the holy fire or the black flame that brings about the end and perdition of all things!


The demon of Xixiang slammed down with a punch, with a mighty force capable of shattering thousands of mountains and breaking through thousands of seas, and bombarded the Atlantic Ocean!

The third star particle body brought him boundless power, and the recited "Avista" gave him the original source of darkness.

The sea was bombarded with a huge vortex, and under the dark sky, the ocean roared and wailed.

On the edge of the sea visible to the naked eye, cracks appeared one after another, and all the water droplets were bombarded into the sky, turning into dust and dissipating.

At this moment, if you look from the universe, you will see a huge void where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Baltic Sea.

And the terrifying aftermath continued to spread, bombarding the continent along the ocean, bringing a shocking tsunami, and countless people fleeing in mourning.

Although the body of this one of the six great demons in Xixiang has not yet reached three digits, and the final qualitative change has been achieved, but now he is enough to cause violent turmoil on one side of the stars.

For Saigo, not to mention the spiritual status of the Mother of Evil Gods that he holds, just being one of the six demon incarnations today has the upper limit of the almighty realm.

He doesn't need to do anything, as long as he grabs the nutrients of this world for his own growth, it is enough to become stronger.

And in the past few years, he has been eating the world, and he has obtained sufficient nutrients, so he will naturally grow.

Just like human growth, human beings grow very fast when they are young, and can grow up from a baby in a short period of time.

However, as the growth reaches a limit, the growth rate will start to slow down.

Today's Xixiang is in such a stage, from the rapid growth at the beginning, to the slow down now.

But after all, he is no longer in the form of an embryo.

Just like its current blow, it has been able to shake the continental shelf, causing a huge disaster.

Dimitoriye's unscrupulous appearance just wanted Xixiang to try his current power, not a conceptual ability, but just the simplest physical shock.

That is no longer a mighty power limited to one city and one country, but a might that is enough to affect the mainland and shatter thousands of mountains.

Saigo's blow didn't go towards the beast that Dimitori had fused with, but it was just the aftermath of the shock wave, which dissipated the poisonous gas and shattered the light wave.

Even Dimitriyuki's body twisted with the beasts turned into stubble leaves.

It's just that the body of the beast is a collection of magic power, and it does not appear in a state of blood and flesh, but it is transformed into the most basic form of magic power and dissipates in the air.

Even Dimitriye's proud fusion ability was unraveled under this terrifying shock, and the body fused with the beast fell on the sea.


The light of the exploding thunder shone on Dimitriye's body, and his body was completely turned into a broken cloth, and it was difficult to even let out a painful wailing.

Xixiang stared at his hands burning with black flames, feeling the ease and pleasure that everything was worshipping him, which is also the meaning of "worshiping fire".

The demon body hundreds of meters high turned into Xixiang's body again. He stepped on the sea surface, and the sky was still thundering, but the strong wind and waves created a blank path for Xixiang.

He walked slowly on the sea, and came to Dimitriye, who was floating after falling into the sea.

The vampire who was excited before was devastated at this time. He stared blankly at the sky. When he saw Xixiang walking slowly, he smiled brightly:

"...I thought that Lord Zarath, you took away the power of Ye Bo Yanguang, and it was you who needed that power."

"But now it seems that the power you originally held is stronger than that of the true ancestor..."

090 When Xixiang heard the vampire's words, he laughed and said:

"...It is only natural that I am stronger than the true ancestor, but Dimitriyah Vatra, you claim to be close to the true ancestor, but this is only your claim."

"You have never seen the true ancestors take action, how dare you say that you are infinitely close to them, those three true ancestors are actually much stronger than you think."

The Third True Ancestor, Jiada, didn't do her best in the battle with Xixiang at that time. Xixiang knew this.

Because the mission of the True Ancestor is to seal those Familiar Beasts, their battles must have a certain degree of speed, and the Familiar Beasts cannot be released from their seals.

So every True Ancestor is suppressing his strength to fight.

If the three true ancestors released the power of all their own beasts regardless, destroying a planet would not be possible, but it would be no problem to destroy all the creatures and civilizations on this planet.

The rampage of all the ancestors' beasts is equivalent to an unlimited nuclear bomb wash without limit.

It's just that the true ancestor has enough reason, even the third true ancestor of Jiada, who is severely worn, did not make such a choice.

Dimitori was stunned for a moment, and smiled bitterly: "...You are right, I have never seen the power of the true ancestor, but I claim to be close to the true ancestor, it seems that I am really arrogant."

"...So, what are you going to do with me now? Kill me?"

Xixiang looked at Dimitoriye, who was looking forward to his death, and he suddenly smiled and said, "...No, I think you are suitable to be one of my test subjects!".

Chapter 98: The Devil Manipulating the Power of Life and Death


Dimitriye's expression was very uncomfortable, and the smile became a little embarrassing.

It is really the word experiment, which always reminds people of something bad and deep horror.

"Relax, Dimitriye... This experiment may be a blessing for you."

Saigo strolled in front of Dimitoriye, he stepped on the sea and squatted down, his smile was peaceful and strange.

"Why do the immortals wear out under time, and why do people with infinite lifespan lose their desires over time, and even attempt to self-destruct."

"...I'm actually curious about this, so let's make a game, Dimitriye!"

"I'm very doubtful whether it's the infinite lifespan that gives the creature a sense of laziness, just like an ignorant mortal who doesn't cherish it when he has it."

"...Only when you lose it, people will regret it and want to get it back!"

"Mortals are so mediocre and their willpower is so shallow, that's what I'm curious about!"

A dull black jade dagger appeared again in Xixiang's hand.

He slowly approached Dimitriye's body with the dagger as small as a machete.

Dimitriye has seen the power of this dagger, which is the embodiment of 'destined death', a terrifying power that is enough to manipulate the lifespan of others.

Even the beasts lost their lives in an instant after being slashed by this dagger.

In Xixiang's words, even a great cause like the star will be annihilated in its destined death.

Dimitoriye didn't think that a vampire could survive being stabbed by this dagger.

But Dimitriye is not afraid, because his excessive wear and tear has made him have the idea of ​​self-destruction.

When he met Xixiang, he was ready for death, and even if death was imminent, he could face it calmly.

This is probably the most praiseworthy aspect of the long-lived compared to the short-lived humans, that is, to die generously!

Dimitriye calmly watched Saigo stab the dagger into his shoulder.

There was no pain, even Dimitriye closed his eyes, smiling as he waited for himself to be reduced to ashes.

But after a few seconds, death did not come at all, he opened his eyes in surprise, looked at Xixiang and said, "...Lord Zarath, you...〃"..."

Before he finished speaking, the Duke of Battle King's Domain had a big change in his expression.

The strange life-manipulating power swept his body and soul, and the negative life force of a vampire had a positive digital transformation.

The vampire, who should have no concept of natural death, has the concept of lifespan at this moment. Dimitoriye clearly perceives that his lifespan has been frozen in ten years!

That is to say, he has only ten years to live at most, and even if he is not killed by others, he will die as a vampire after ten years.

That is not some serious injury and the loss of life, but the purest natural death, and the end that all vampires seek.

But at the same time, when his lifespan changed from a vampire to a 'human', Dimitriye was shocked to find that his long-forgotten desires had also exploded like oil cooked by fire.

Among these desires, the strongest is undoubtedly the instinct of human beings - the desire to survive!

At this moment, Dimitory felt fear, the fear of death, and the extreme desire to gain immortality like a mortal.


"Really...really, really, as you said, Lord Zarath, is this a punishment or a reward? Whether this is happiness or sadness, even I can't explain it."

Dimitriye covered his face and let out a loud laugh, and when he laughed, he actually cried.

I felt it again, felt the desire to lose a thousand years, felt the fear of death, and the struggle to escape death.

Dimitoriye is not afraid of death, so no matter how Saigo threatened him before, he can face it calmly, which makes the offended Saigo very dissatisfied.

If you want to punish a person, you must make the other person fear, but if the other person is not afraid of death, then the punishment is meaningless.

But Dimitoriye should be punished for offending himself, so Saigo used this method to make Dimitoriye feel the fear again, and he was in awe of death again!

This is the power of aging!

"I really feel your punishment for me, but for me, this fear of death and thirst for life have been pursued for more than a thousand years."

"...I'm like being split in half, half grateful for your gift and half hating your ruthlessness!"

"This is really the act of the devil, and it is impossible for anyone to judge it as good or evil."

Dimitriye covered his face and laughed and cried, tears streaming down his cheeks.

His body floated on the sea, struggling to stand up.

Dimitriye tore off the shirt on his shoulders, and saw a black pattern on the head of a woman with a 'Fire Worship' printed on his shoulders.

That is the "destined death" that Xixiang bestowed on him.

Dimitoriye knew that his life was already in the hands of Saigo, and Saigo could manipulate his lifespan through his fateful death.

Xixiang can either let him die in the next second, or let him live as long as in the past.

This is a punishment and a gift, and even Saigo can use this ability to give any mortal life immortality, so that all mortals crawl under his feet.

Because mortals reject 'aging'!

"'"It looks like the experiment was a success."

Seeing Dimitriye's intense emotions, Saigo nodded in satisfaction.

"This ability is even enough to resist 'wear and tear', as long as the lifespan of others can be manipulated, the desires of others can be manipulated."

"...This is the instinct of living beings. They will greedily seek what they don't have. Therefore, long-lived people are not afraid of death, while short-lived humans are most afraid of death dogs."

"I, even the devil who controls aging and controls human life and death!"

Saigo said so, holy and evil, just like this ability, it is half light and half darkness.

Even Dimitorius, under his words, has some understanding of the connotation of 'Zoroastrianism' (the Nuo's), that is, the unity and opposition of duality.

"You really make me despair, Lord Zarath!"

"...I don't know now, when my lifespan comes to an end ten years from now, will I crawl at your feet like a loyal dog, praying that you can prolong my lifespan!"

"Even though I know that it will give up my dignity, the desire for life is such a beautiful feeling. I have forgotten the desire for thousands of years, and I don't want to forget it again!"

The Duke of Battle King's Domain slowly knelt down on one knee in front of Xixiang, staring at Xixiang's feet standing on the sea, and said frantically: "...Can you let me kiss your feet, Lord Zaratu !"

Seeing the twisted love in Dimitriye's eyes, Xixiang raised his brows, "...Go away, Dimitriye! Go and enjoy my blessing, but also a curse on you!"

This guy is too disgusting, if he is a beautiful woman, Xixiang doesn't care about letting him kiss his feet, it's fine to take off his shoes! .

Chapter 99 The Trap of Eternal Life, the Ship of Theseus

The group of vampires is also divided into three, six and nine.

Just like the topmost vampires must be the true ancestors, and then the first generation of vampires born from the true ancestors.