MTL - Comprehensive Manga: a Journey Through the Supreme Being-Chapter 76

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Sebastian sensed that Momonga's inner state was unstable, and he knelt on one knee and said respectfully.

"you say."

Momonga motioned him to speak casually.

"Lord Momonga, if you are confused and confused, you can discuss with Lord Zaratu. I believe that Lord Zaratu will help you make the most correct decision and give you a direction to move forward!"

Hearing Sebastian's words, Momonga asked curiously, "...Is this what you think?"

Mr. Steward shook his head vigorously, "...No, this is not my idea, but the idea of ​​the creator, Master Takimi, who created me."

"...In the past, when Lord Takimi had his own doubts and confusion, he would always go to Lord Zarath to discuss."

"Although I don't quite understand what Lord Takimi and Lord Zaratu said, it must be the secret of Supreme Supreme, but Lord Takimi is very willing to listen to Lord Zaratu's advice."

Momonga understood (ahfi) Sebastian's words, what the big tomb steward couldn't understand, Momonga thought it was probably Takimi and Zarath who were talking about 'reality', so he didn't understand it.

'But it's really similar, Sebastian's character is similar to Takimi's, they are so prudent in everything they do, even in the face of someone more authoritative than themselves, they will give heartfelt advice. ’

Although he didn't spend much time with these NPCs who survived, Momonga also found out that he would give him advice like this. I'm afraid Sebastian is the only one in the big tomb.

Others will never do this, it is the character of the former guild members who created these NPCs.

This made Momonga regard these NPCs as continuations of his former friends, and made him pay more attention to the relationship with them.

"Well, I have something I want to ask of you, Sebastian."

Momonga said tentatively.

"Please tell me, Momonga-sama!"

The butler replied calmly.

"I hope you can accompany me to explore the world, and then I have to sharpen myself, not only to sharpen my martial arts, but also to sharpen my heart and become a real determined person!"

"...At the very least, someone as determined as Zarathul and Takimi."

"But along the way, I may make mistakes, and I hope you can be like Takimi and give me advice when I make mistakes."

Momonga said sincerely.

In the Void Temple, he has already noticed his weakness, not the weakness of strength, but the lack of a heart that is commendable.

Therefore, he has to temper himself, and at least the next time he sees the Dark Lord, he has to dare to look directly at him!

Among Ainz Urgong, apart from Xixiang, only Takimi was most respected by everyone, like a parent.

Except, of course, Ulbert, who didn't deal with Takimi.

Therefore, Momonga also hopes that Sebastian, who has inherited Takimi's character, can supervise him like a parent.

"My subordinates are very happy to be able to help Momonga-sama!"


Between the thrones of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, Saigo was watching this scene.

Having issued an invitation letter, he can 'monitor' his coordinates.

"It seems that what happened in that void made Momonga grow."

"...This is excellent. I still prefer Momonga's friendship-oriented character."

Xixiang put down the book in his hand and muttered to himself in a lazy tone.

The body and abilities of the undead actually have a great influence on Momonga.

Holding this ability for a long time will make Momonga's character and behavior gradually and completely close to the undead, until one day it completely becomes an "undead", that is, it loses the way of thinking of a normal creature.

If this is Momonga's own willingness to change in this way, it is a kind of growth for Momonga.

But unfortunately, in terms of Momonga's own character, this change is the subtle influence of his race and ability, rather than his own initiative.

To put it simply, Momonga is actually controlled by the 'King of the Undead', and the 'King of the Undead' is affecting Momonga's mental state, so that Momonga will finally one day merge with the 'King of the Undead'.

By that time, Momonga was actually no different from dying.

As a strong person, to use one's own heart to control the power, instead of letting the power control oneself in turn, is self-defeating, and it is a choice made by those who have no future.

Just like Xixiang himself, he would never let the spirituality of the "Mother of Evil Gods" completely affect him.

Otherwise, as the 'extremely evil', he would have destroyed all the worlds he encountered, and let malice come completely.

The great cause that Xixiang has to accomplish is more magnificent than that of the Mother of Evil Gods. He wants to uphold evil, he wants to control good, and he wants to complete the unity of the duality of good and evil, that is, "Zaratul's Great Unification Theory"!

"Let's solve the problem on Xiao Nayue's side first, and then I'll explore this world again."

Xixiang has the next plan and decision.

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Albedo's Sexual Fetish


Between the thrones, Xixiang sat high on his own throne, his eyes burning with black flames stared at the pure white demon kneeling on the ground at his feet.

"Subordinates are here!"

Albedo forced her body down, trying her best to keep herself close to the ground, expressing her humility.

As she bent down her soft waist like a willow, a piece of whiteness formed a deep ravine, attracting people's eyes and making it hard to leave.

But looking at the soft smile that floated on Albedo's face, he knew that this was deliberately done by the devil.

Saigo's face is expressionless, or in other words, he now appears in the form of a demon, so people can't see any expressions.

"The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick will be entrusted to you during this time. Momonga will not come back here for the time being. Sebastian is also following him, and I don't have time to manage the Great Tomb."

"...As the guardian supervisor, you should complete your responsibilities and allow no slack!"

Saigo's slow and steady voice came, making Albedo's expression even more respectful.

The pure white demon evoked a gorgeous and charming smile, and her eyes narrowed slightly, making her look more gentle:

"...Your will, Lord Zaratul! I will never fail your expectations. I will try my best to manage the big tomb while you and Lord Momonga are away."

Speaking of this, Albedo's expression suddenly turned fierce, "...No matter whoever is young dares to pollute the big tomb, I will smash their corpses into tens of thousands of pieces and smash their bones to ashes!"

Xixiang nodded with satisfaction, he raised his hand slightly and said, "...Come here, Albedo!"

The pure white devil did not dare to neglect, she knelt down on her knees and moved forward little by little, the black wings around her waist spread out, looking gorgeous and noble.

Just kneeling and grinding in front of Xixiang, Albedo raised her beautiful head, her golden vertical pupils looked at Xixiang softly.

Xixiang leaned forward, his back left the throne, and the back of a hand burning with black flame gently rubbed Albedo's fair face.

Immediately, he grabbed fiercely.

"Ah, Lord Zarath, I will dedicate my everything to you, and I will burn under your flame, even if I burn myself to ashes!"

Albedo shouted excitedly and frantically, her eyes staring at Xixiang were filled with extremely distorted and frantic emotions.

"You don't need to burn yourself, Albedo, I pity you, and naturally I will love you too!"

Xixiang's voice is still high and high, but it also has an indescribably gentle voice.

"I am waiting for the Supreme Supreme, you are too gentle, and you will pity and love a humble person like me."

"...This is how I will repay your kindness."

Albedo spoke softly, with a soft, almost crying voice.

"You will have a chance to repay, Albedo, I will give you this chance..."

"...But not now, now you have to fulfill your responsibilities."

"If there is any news from Shalltear and Demiurge, you must report it to me in time."

"...Also, tell the battle maids in the Pleiades star cluster that they are ready to visit me at any time, and I may use them later."

Saigo's fingers moved the jet-black hair between Albedo's temples, playing with the pair of pure white devil horns on her forehead.

The devil's horn is extremely important to the devil, and no one is allowed to touch it.

But when Xixiang played with her horns like this, Albedo not only did not have any resistance, but her eyes narrowed slightly, like a purring cat.

"Everything in this great tomb is yours, and everyone here is waiting for your summons at any time, and is proud of it."

"...The maids of the Pleiades star cluster don't need any preparation, the Supreme Supreme, you are willing to see them, that is the glory of the Pleiades star cluster."

"But why do you leave things to the Pleiades star cluster to do, as your most loyal servant and slave, I believe that I will do better than them in the Pleiades star cluster!"

"...Lord Zarath, why don't you leave the task to me, I will not live up to your expectations."

Albedo didn't know what mission Saigo was going to give to the Pleiades, but at this time she was competing for favor.

She is eager to help Xixiang, so that she can always appear in front of the Supreme Being, so that the Supreme Being can engrave her face and name in her heart.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Xixiang laughed loudly and said, "...Albedo, you are the guardian chief who has been strengthened with management skills."

"...If you are a prime minister in a country, what you need to do is to coordinate the overall situation, accept my orders and assign tasks to the right people."

"Some things are not your turn to do. It is undoubtedly overkill. If you can manage the big tomb well, and manage my possessions for me in the future, that's where you can give full play to your talents."

"...Understand, Albedo, you don't need to panic, no one can replace your importance!"

Sometimes Xixiang also has a headache. The 'NPCs' of these big tombs put their positions too low, even to the point of inferiority.

So he sometimes has to give them confidence, and this confidence is to trust them and let them do things.

To the servants of these great tombs, it is their duty and their highest honor to do things for the Supreme Being.

If the Supreme Being does not need them, and there is no task or work that needs to be done, these people will go completely crazy.


"Okay, Aurora, come with me!"

After instructing Albedo, Xixiang waved to Yanguang Yebo.

Aurora raised her head high, she snorted at Albedo, and proudly walked past the pure white demon.

Di Shanbo even more mischievously stood in front of Albedo for a few seconds, and then quickly followed Xixiang.

Albedo always had a smile on her face and didn't dare to express anything.

After Aurora and the others followed Saigo into his room, Albedo's expression changed drastically.

"These abominable vampires can enter the room of the Supreme Being so casually, that should be my honor!"

"...If I were the hand-made creation of Lord Zarath..."

As soon as these words were spoken, Albedo felt inappropriate. It was a blasphemy to her creator, Cuiyulu.

However, Cuiyulu's setting of her character, especially the setting of betraying the master 'bitch' who created her, made Albedo feel heartfelt when she thought of it this way.


His infidelity and betrayal towards Lord Cuiyulu will only make Lord Cuiyulu happier.

Well, Cuiyulu is such a strange-loving guy.

"Wait, those vampires, shouldn't they join forces with Shalltear to oppose me?"

"...Evidently they are just like Shalltear, they are all flat plates! Could it be that Zarath-sama likes such a figure?"

Albedo became worried, like a grievance woman.

She left the ninth and tenth floors of the Great Tomb, and went to the other floors with an ugly look, and started the inspection work today.

"Uuuu, big sister, Lord Albedo is so scary!"

When Albedo came to the sixth floor, the twin brother, the dark elf Mare, who was wearing a skirt, shrank his neck in fear.

"Haha, Lord Albedo is a bit scary today, let's not touch her bad luck."

Dressed in male clothes, Aura, who was her older sister, gave a hearty smile and nodded her head in sympathy.

"But Lord Albedo can get so close to Lord Supreme, I envy her so much, big sister."

Mare looked at the distant Albedo with an envious look.

"Relax, Lord Supreme Supreme will definitely like us."