MTL - Comprehensive Manga: a Journey Through the Supreme Being-Chapter 77

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Aura said confidently.


Mare looked surprised.

"Of course it's true. As long as you are a cute boy, you will definitely be liked by the Supreme Being. You can see that I look like a 'cute boy'!"

After a pause, Aura continued: "...This is what Master Bubble Teapot told me, Master Zarath likes cute boys, Master Bubble Teapot must be right!"

Aura nodded vigorously.

Chapter 121 Witch Night

In the Iluwas Demon Special Zone, hundreds of thousands of refugees are evacuating with the help of the Kingdom of Ardikia and the Chaos Realm.

After the residents of this part of the demon special zone are screened, the demon part will go to Itogami Island in the Pacific region, while the human part will go to the Nordic kingdom of Ardikia.

After all, there are too many refugees in the hundreds of thousands, and it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to transport all the refugees from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

The best way to solve the refugee problem here is to find the nearest country.

The Kingdom of Ardikia received these human refugees.

Because the kingdom has always been hostile to the realm of the king of war, the residents here are somewhat hostile to the demons. Naturally, it is impossible for the people of the demons to go to the kingdom, but to another special area for the demons.

"This is the last batch. After screening, all the people who meet the kingdom's requirements have been transferred."

The first princess of the kingdom, La Furia, with splendid silver hair and beautiful eyes like ice and snow, is standing beside Saigo.

Her Royal Highness looked at the Iluwas artificial island that had fallen into silence and was about to be abandoned, and sighed.

The prosperity of the island is no longer there, and the rest is decayed with the passage of time, until one day this artificial island is completely forgotten by the world.

No, it shouldn't wait until that day. The foundation of this artificial island has been destroyed by the Feng Shui technique of Qianhe Yiren. In a few months, it will completely disintegrate and crumble in the Atlantic Ocean.

Looking at this depopulated city, La Furia thought so in her heart.

"Thank you for your hard work, Your Highness La Furia."

Xixiang turned his head to the side, looked at Her Royal Highness's delicate, soft and noble face, and said softly.

La Fulia smiled sweetly and said, "...No hard work. This time the kingdom has also gained a lot of benefits. It can be regarded as a win-win for us."

"...The kingdom has always been sparsely populated and sparsely populated. Because of environmental factors, the fertility rate is not high, and the shortage of labor has always been the problem that the kingdom wants to solve."

"With the entry of this batch of qualified personnel from the Iluwas Demon Special Zone, the problem of insufficient labor in the kingdom can be greatly alleviated."

Of course, La Fulia didn't say a word. Those who are unqualified are naturally not qualified to enter the kingdom. They will only stay on this sinking island to fend for themselves, or find a way to get out of here on their own.

These unqualified people are all criminals with criminal records.

"Besides, some technicians have also been accepted by the kingdom. From this point of view, the kingdom has made a profit."

Raphael's tone was soft.

Iluwath Demon Special Zone does not belong to any one country, but it also belongs to all countries on the east Atlantic coast.

So when the island was about to collapse, the nearby countries took an interest in the technicians on the artificial island.

But in the end, the high-level officials of the Iluwas Demon Special Zone chose to ask the Kingdom of Aldikia for help, and other neighboring countries had no choice but to watch the kingdom laugh at these technicians.

These countries also do not know what agreement was signed between the Kingdom of Ardikia and the Iluvas Demon Special Zone.

La Furia is very smart, of course she knew that the reason why the high-level officials of this artificial island would ask the kingdom for help must have an inside story.

You must know that the relationship between the kingdom and this demon special zone in the past was not so good.

Thinking like this, La Fulia glanced at one of the twelve Flame Light Yebos behind Xixiang without a trace. It was Di Shanbo with short rainbow-colored hair.

Before Xixiang came here, Di Shanbai had already controlled the entire high-rise of the artificial island. After Xixiang arrived, he used these people to issue orders.

"I have a hunch that something big will happen next. I don't know what Mr. Zarath is going to do next?"

La Furia did not test, but asked generously.

She tilted her head and looked at Xixiang's sculptural profile with a curious tone.

"It's very simple. Next, I will make the declaration of the founding of the country in the name of Itogami Island Management Commune that month."

Saigo didn't hide anything, and told La Furia directly about his next plan.

"Itsogami Island is still the territory of the island country in name, so doing so will definitely make the island country dissatisfied."

"...In order to calm the anger of all classes, the rulers of the island country can only choose the option of sending troops to attack Itogami Island and retaking the land."

La Furia said slowly, the result was known almost without thinking.

When the country is divided, the choice any normal ruler will make is to destroy the splitters.

"That's right, when the island country declares war, I can justifiably carry out the 'Flame Banquet'. Since they are two hostile countries, then I don't care about tearing my face."

"...If there are heavy casualties within the island country, I just don't know whether the residents of the island country will be angry and want to fight to the death, or they will cherish their current life and remain silent.  …"

Xixiang laughed, and the laughter was full of malice and the pleasure of being a demon.

The 'Feast of Flames' is a sacrifice and requires a lot of human life to fill this spell.

The banquet of flames will inevitably start, whether it is Xixiang or not, even if there is no Xixiang, the Fourth Primogenitor will inevitably be 'Su Sheng', the only difference is to choose the object of sacrifice.

Since sacrifice must be made, it is best for those who sacrifice to be people of hostile countries.

"By the way, the relationship between the kingdom and the North Sea Empire is not very good... It happened that the North Sea Empire provoked me not long ago."

"...Let this country also feel the cruelty of the feast of flames."

Saigo didn't care to talk about the fact of sacrifice that could kill millions of people.

As the princess of the kingdom, La Furia just sighed and showed a little pity, but that was all.

As the princess of a country and the future leader of the country, La Furia has been educated by the royal family since she was a child, and treating human life as a number and ruthlessness for the sake of profit is one of the guidelines of the royal family's education.

As a ruler, you cannot have a benevolent heart, otherwise you will be kind to your enemies, and only your own people will suffer.

Whether it's a war or something, in the eyes of the highest echelons, everything is just in the service of politics.

La Furia deeply understands this truth.

"Then next, Itogami Island will definitely attract the attention of all aspects of the Sanctuary Treaty countries. They will definitely want to send people to Itogami Island, preferably to take Shengjian."

"5.8... Itogami Island will definitely refuse, and the next thing will be hostility between Itogami Island and all parties in the Sanctuary Treaty Country."

"From the outside world, Itogami Island used the power of an island to fight against several major powers in the entire world, almost hitting a stone with an egg, but who knows what the real result will be."

"...The battle with the Sanctuary Treaty Nation will also be the founding battle of the 'Witch's Night'!"

Xixiang knew everything that would happen in the future.

This has nothing to do with the ability to predict, it is just a future development that can be reasonably inferred using existing intelligence.

"It is impossible for the kingdom to participate in this war, but the kingdom can secretly transport supplies through the Atlantic route, and the Chaos realm in Central America will enter the Isla of Itogami to support it after passing through the eastern Pacific Ocean."

"...This is the kingdom's veiled support for you."

La Fulia blinked her beautiful eyes with ice and snow, and smiled with a dark belly.

Chapter 122 Everyone can destroy the country!

An emergency meeting is being held at the island nation's parliament building.

The entire parliamentary scene was a mess, and every member of the parliament was filled with righteous indignation, waving his arms vigorously and shouting angrily.

Countless reporters all around pressed the shutter, excitedly taking pictures of this scene that must be written into history.

Not long ago, the Itogami Island Management Commune in the Pacific Ocean suddenly declared its independence and wanted to establish its own 'Empire of the Night'.

This sudden scene shocked the whole world, especially the complete face of the island country.

Although the actual rulers of Itogami Island are big chaebols from all over the world, these big chaebols of the real Saint-Jiang faction jointly established this artificial island in order to steal the power of Saint-Jiang.

But in name, Itogami Island is within the territory of the island country, it belongs to the island country, especially the artificial island has not much output, and the material resources cannot be self-sufficient.

The island country completely controls the various materials on Itogami Island as a means of controlling this artificial island.

But who would have thought that this infallible island would suddenly become independent, how dare it?

07 There was a lot of clamor in the Congress. Every member of the Congress was angry at Itogami Island for managing the commune. In the face of this kind of separatist forces, no matter which member of the Congress, it is a matter of course to choose to be angry. This is the real political correctness.

And while Congress was in chaos, the island nation's top executives were also having private meetings.

"Empire of the Night? Xianjin Island dares to call itself the Empire of the Night? It's just a mere group of witches, how can they dare to use the name Empire of the Night!"

There was a heated discussion in the cabinet of the island country. The chief cabinet secretary, who was assisting the prime minister, reported the specific situation. After the report, he also rebuked angrily.

Unlike what the outside world thinks is the independence of the Itogami Island management commune, these real top-level figures in the country don't dare to say that they know much about what happened on Itogami Island, but they do understand the general situation.

It has been known from the LCO organization and a large number of witches stationed in Itogami Island that the island is now inseparable from the witch.

As for whether the man-made island management commune and the witches are in the same boat, or whether the management commune is controlled by the witches, this is not something that needs to be considered.

Itogami Island has declared independence, and this is the result.

"Judging from the information obtained from the War King Domain and the Extermination Dynasty, it is not only the witch's power that Itogami Island relies on."

"...It is said that the power of the fourth primogenitor, Uncle Yanguang Yebo, has also been obtained by the witches. With the power of the fourth primogenitor, there is no problem with their so-called 'Empire of the Night'."

The Prime Minister looked at his cabinet members, and he slowly said the news he had just learned not long ago.

Hearing the Fourth Primogenitor, the members of the cabinet who were angry before all restrained their expressions, showing a solemn look.

If it is just a group of witches, and even the betrayal of those big chaebols, it can be dealt with by a country, at most the price it pays.

But if the Fourth Primogenitor, who is known as the natural disaster, is added, then the result is not easy to say.

As representatives of politics, the cabinet needs to consider a lot of things, and they are outraged that it is for those voters.

But if there is no benefit here, or if it brings danger to themselves, then these politicians can turn their backs immediately.

The Chief Cabinet Secretary pondered for a moment and then said, "...We don't know what power the Fourth Primogenitor has, and his existence is just a legend."

"...But no matter how strong the Fourth Primogenitor is, I don't think he can fight against a country."

The Chief Cabinet Secretary's words made all the cabinet members around him nod.

The True Ancestor may be strong, but can the True Ancestor stand up to a nation?

If so, why did the First, Second, and Third Primogenitors have been isolated for thousands of years, living in their own Night Empire, under the protection of the Empire's army.

If they were really that powerful, they would unify the world sooner than later!

It can only be said that humans do not know the meaning of the existence of the true ancestors. The true ancestors chose this way of life in order to seal the beasts.

If the True Ancestor is willing to let go of all his power, it is enough to destroy a monster of a modern power by one person, and every True Ancestor is a real 'destroyer of the country'!

But it is also the low-key lifestyle of the three True Ancestors that gives humans the illusion that the True Ancestor is strong, but not strong beyond imagination and dimension.

"Itsogami Island does not have any external supplies. As long as we cut off the route to Itogami Island and set up a no-fly area, and use the material reserves of Itogami Island, it will collapse on its own in a month."

"...And Itogami Island has only 600,000 residents. Even if you include the refugees who recently arrived on Itogami Island from the Iluwas Demon Special Zone, there are only 800,000 residents."

"The entire island's army, let's just count the armed personnel as the army, there are only a thousand people. The various military weapons may be very sophisticated, but the number is not large."

"...With the national strength of our island country, it is an absolute crushing against Itogami Island."

"The only thing we're worried about is the Shengjian system on Itogami Island."

The Chief Cabinet Secretary expressed his concern.

No matter from which aspect of the strength comparison, Itogami Island is vulnerable.

But even so, Itogami Island dared to declare independence, and the only one they could rely on was the Fourth Primogenitor.

These cabinet members rule the country as real elites, how could they be all fools, and they can't even analyze this matter.

"If Itogami Island really gets the method of using the holy annihilation system and activates it, then it is not an enemy of our island country, but an enemy of the entire Sanctuary Treaty country."

"...At that time, the army of the Sanctuary Treaty Country in the War King Domain and the exterminating dynasty will inevitably come to Xianjin Island, and then the Holy Annihilation System can be faced by our Sanctuary Treaty Country together."

The first 090 phase tapped the table with his fingers, and the secretary next to him quickly recorded the meeting with pen and paper.

Every cabinet member here is showing greed and excitement.