MTL - Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit-Chapter 18 Please calculate 1 our chances of surviving~

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Ma Gongman was struggling to walk, but Chi Feichi and Kuroba Kuito proposed to go out first.

"Still come back at night?" Mamiya asked.

"No, I'm going out for two days this time." Chi Fei said late.

Kuroba made a random excuse, "I plan to go back first, he will take me to Tokyo, and then stop by..."

In fact, they were planning to go to a party held in the chat room of the Magic Lovers Union.

In the past few days, Kuroba Kuito and Chi Feichi exchanged their phone numbers, added a chat account, and did not forget to pull Chi Feichi into each chat room, even the chat room where he was a good friend. Chi Fei late.

Thinking about it in Kuroba Kaito, Chi Feichi is his father's successor other than him, at least in the aspect of disguise.

His father may have also taught other people, but he is not familiar with others, and he doesn't even know how many people his father has taught.

This time, he wants to participate in the party as the phantom thief Kidd. If someone later learned from Mamiya Man that a high school student went to that party, and the party was not a high school student, but there was an extra phantom thief Kidd, It's easy to deduce that this high school student is Kaito Kidd.

So he didn't plan to tell the truth to Mamiya Man, and he taught everything that should be taught, and this time he really has to go back to school.

"Then what if the hospital calls?" Ma Gongman rubbed his eyebrows.

Going out is troublesome, and staying here is troublesome.

He was anxious, insomnia...

"Let's perfunctory as usual." Chi Feichi wrote lightly.

"Okay, I have experience," Mamiya Man tried to cheer up, it's a good thing to be able to send one away, "If you want to go, go, do you want me to send you to Tokyo?"

"No, we're going to do cross-country training, just walk." Chi Feichi said.

Mamiya Man was too lazy to take care of it, "Call me when you arrive..."

"Don't worry," Kuroba Kaito smiled and raised his hand to pat Chi Feichi's shoulder, "I will take good care of this guy!"

Ma Gongman really wanted to ask "Who takes care of whom?", but the two of them were probably half a pound, so they waved their hands, "Remember to bring anti-venom..."

on the road.

Chi Fei rented a car late and was about to drive there. He has a driver's license, so it's more convenient to drive by himself.

In the back seat of the car, Kuroba Kuito was busy disguising himself, "Uncle Mamiya seems to be in a bad mood recently, the weather is so cold here, this guy Feichi will just stay motionless around your arm, there's no need at all. With anti-venom, he didn't even think of that... Do you think he was disappointed that we couldn't solve the mystery?"

"Maybe." Chi Feichi didn't care what Ma Gongman thought, but he had been training all this time, and he also wanted to come out to relax.

Although according to the situation, a certain death student will be present and a case will happen, but looking at the protagonist group and the snow scene can also be used as a distraction...

Kuroba Kaito has transformed into a fat young man, "Are you really difficult?"

"No need," Chi Feichi said, "I choose to keep my distance from you."

"You're too cruel..." Kuroba Kaito pretended to be resentful.

"You want to use the identity of the phantom thief Kidd to encourage the family of the deceased old Mr. Harui Fengchuan," Chi Feichi said. It is much heavier, and it will also be a comfort to his family, and as long as I keep a distance from you, you will not implicate me in revealing the identity of the thief Kidd, so there is no need to waste time and energy to disguise, Don't we also pretend to be strangers in the chat room?"

"It's just to make fun of them by pretending that you don't know each other, but you really understand everything..." Kuroba sighed, "Mr. Harui's death is really a pity, but since he passed away, His 'Ikasama Boy' chat account should be used by his family, and this time he also agreed to come to the party, it is estimated that his family will come, and Mr. Harui has our reasons for this accident..."

"It's you," Chi Feichi corrected, "I hadn't joined the chat room at that time."

Kuroba quickly choked, "Don't be so serious, and, in fact, it's okay to disguise together, as an assistant to Kaito Kid..."

"Better not," Chi Feichi said, "Can a glider fly with two people while you're running?"

Kuroba Kaito smiled confidently, "It's just two people, trivial!"

"I still have 40 pounds of weight on me," Chi Feichi reminded, "Student Heiba, please recalculate the probability of an accident between us. Don't forget to add the probability of strong winds in the mountains and the level of the wind during this time. In addition, you can also calculate by the way, if there is an accident in that environment, what is the probability of our survival.”

The smile on Kuroba Kaito's face froze, "Okay, then go over as someone you don't know..."

"Since you've changed your face, rent a car yourself later," Chi Feichi said, "I'll take you to a place where you can rent a car."

"Hello, isn't it," Kuroba Kaito couldn't help but said, "Let's just say my car broke down on the road and stopped your car, wouldn't you just take me there by the way?"

"No, the traces of the car on the road, the traces you left on the back seat of the car, the time, and the answer to the questioning may all become loopholes," Chi Feichi insisted, if Conan hadn't gone, he wouldn't either. Be so careful, "After you get off the car later, I will also clean up the traces you left, don't be too familiar when you get there, I won't talk to you too much, the more you say, the more mistakes you make ."

Kuroba Kuito was speechless for a while, so be careful to be wary of overdoing it...he's just maddened!

Then Chi Feichi found a place and drove him out of the car.

Deep mountains, snow fields, suspension bridges, villas.

The cool and cold wind blows the snow off the trees. People walk on the suspension bridge and step on the snow. It is indeed a very artistic place.

And when others opened the door for Kuiha Kuito's disguised Doi Takshu, seeing Chi Feichi, who was dressed in simple black clothes and walked steadily step by step, also thought it was a very artistic picture.

Only Kuroba Kuito has a black line, and regrets why he can't be more handsome. Well, next time he steals gems, maybe he can consider performing techniques such as the person in the snow scene painting...

"Ah, welcome and welcome!" When Chi Fei was late at the door, the villa's owner, Huang Yi said with a smile, "Come and sit first, I am the owner of this house, I am called 'the taciturn belly' in the chat group. Language teacher', you are..."

"Let's guess first!" The girl with glasses actively suggested and began to take stock, "The magician's apprentice, the shadow mage, the chat room leader, the king of escape, the scarecrow, the disappearing Pani, and others who haven't arrived yet. There are five people, it's hard to guess..."

A group of people chatted while entering the door.

"I think it's very simple," another more mature woman laughed, "The magician's apprentice is definitely a girl, and Pani who disappeared should also be a girl. The escape king is the head of the chat room, and everyone has a style. I can guess a little bit, I feel that he will not be the escape king, there are still shadow mage and scarecrow..."

"You're a scarecrow, right?" the girl with glasses asked expectantly.

In the chat room before, the shadow mage said a lot of weird things, but she didn't want a handsome guy to be that rambunctious guy.

"I also think he's a scarecrow. Although the scarecrow has only recently entered the chat room, he doesn't usually talk much. This feature is too obvious. I guessed that he should be a cool person," Arashi led a group of people to sit down. With a smile, he turned his head and asked Chi Feichi, "Did we guess right?"

Chi Feichi nodded, "I am indeed a scarecrow, my real name is Chi Feichi."

"I'm a red herring," Kuroba Kaito's disguised fat man smiled kindly, "My name is Tui Tui, I wanted you to guess who we are, but it didn't take long for you to enter the chat room, let me It seems a little too embarrassing for you to guess."

"I'm Phantom," the girl with glasses pointed at herself and smiled, "My name is Naoko Kuroda, this is Takahisa Tanaka, she is Ikasama Douji, didn't expect to be a girl, right? We know it and feel very What a surprise!"

Not long afterward, the 'disappearing Pani' also arrived. Unlike the woman other people guessed, she was a pure man.

After waiting for a while, Kuroba Kuito ran to the second floor to see the snow scene, and Chi Feichi sat aside and listened to a group of people chatting.

The one who came after was the 'Magician's apprentice' Suzuki Sonoko, who also brought the trio of Mouri Kogoro, Mourilan, and Conan.

Chi Feichi didn't rush to join in the fun. He listened to the other people at the entrance introducing themselves, finished the tea in the cup, and then got up and walked over.

"That... Doi Tower..." Suzuki Sonoko had a little anticipation, "Ah, it's the 'red herring', hasn't he arrived yet?"

"He's already here, on the second floor. UU reading" Takahisa Tanaka said.

When Naoko Kuroda heard the movement, she turned around and said with a smile, "Ah, here we come!"

Suzuki Sonoko watched expectantly, and kept watching the round 'Doi Tuck Tree' come down, her face instantly stiffened.

"You are the apprentice of the sorcerer, aren't you?" Kuroba greeted with a smile, "I am Doi Takshu!"

"No way…"

Suzuki Sonoko murmured, the handsome guy in her fantasy... no more!

"I knew you were a girl, that's great!" Kuroba Kaito was still smiling with a hint of excitement.

Suzuki Sonoko could only laugh.

"Ah, by the way, the scarecrow is here too," Naoko Kuroda turned to see Chi Feichi coming out, and joked with a smile, "We all thought he was a very serious middle-aged uncle, but the result was completely unexpected! "


Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up.


Conan's pupils shrank.

Although not everyone who wears black clothes should pay attention, the indifferent expression and emotionless eyes, as well as the very simple calm temperament...


Chi Feichi noticed Conan's vigilant gaze and instantly pale face: "..."

Haibara Ai, Numabuchi Kiichiro, and now with Conan, there are already three...

In those violent groups, there are also many people who wear black and have more vicious eyes than him, right?

The black clothes were not contracted by the winery. Why do they like to think of him in the direction of the winery employees?

The reaction is still so big, it's poisonous!

Conan's scalp was numb at the indifferent glance, and a stiff smile appeared on his face.

Chi Feichi retracted his gaze speechlessly, and said to Suzuki Yuanzi, "Hello, my name is Chi Feichi."
