MTL - Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit-Chapter 19 Conan: I'm so hard...

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Conan instantly remembered the person Haibara Ai said, purple pupils, black clothes, and the name has 'pond'...

Could it be the same person?

Ever since he knew that Haibara Ai was Miyano Akemi's younger sister, and that night when Haibara was crying, the sadness that made people feel so heavy couldn't be acted out, he believed what Haibara Ai said, Also accept the gray original sorrow.

But the man Haibara Ai mentioned, he has always had doubts, and he has the style of that organization when he hears the description, plus his whereabouts are uncertain and mysterious...

Thinking about it, Conan felt uneasy, nervous, and faintly excited.

The possibility is too great...

Check him out! Must check him!

He knew that the other party was the one who had been in contact with Haibara Ai, and he was vigilant and psychologically prepared.

I'm afraid the other party didn't even know that he was the one who called that night, right?

It's even more impossible to think that he is Kudo Shinichi...

Chi Feichi listened to Mouri Kogoro chatting with Arashi Yoshino, and felt Conan's unpleasant look, and wondered boredly, should he lean over and whisper, "Hello, Kudo Shinichi"?

It is estimated that Conan's expression will become very interesting...

It's not surprising that you've been maliciously guessing yourself, so you can take revenge on yourself, right?

Relying on the fact that the child's body is small and difficult for others to notice, Conan quietly stared at Chi Feichi, while not forgetting to cheer himself up.

I, Kudo Shinichi, have taken the initiative!

The next second, Conan, who felt that he had taken the initiative, was picked up by Kogoro Mouri.

"Okay, kid, let's go back first," Mouri Kogoro carried Conan and turned around to say to Naoko Kuroda and Takahisa Tanaka, "You two girls, I'll leave them to you!"

Conan woke up instantly, not to mention that he wanted to investigate Chi Feichi. Even if he couldn't investigate, he couldn't let Xiao Lan stay with him. He immediately pretended to be cute, "Uncle, can I stay here with Sister Xiao Lan and the others?"

Chi Feichi silently took out his mobile phone, turned on the video recording function, and pointed at Conan without concealment.

Hmm... I'm not in a hurry to expose Conan. I'd better leave something behind. I guess if Conan's identity is exposed, he will be ashamed and commit suicide after seeing this. This seems to be more interesting.

"No," Mouri Kogoro carried Conan away, "you have a cold, so why don't you go back obediently."

Conan was being carried, but he didn't notice Chi Feichi's actions, so he imitated children to make trouble, "Ah - no, no, I'm going to be with Sister Xiaolan! I don't want to go back! Don't go back!"

Mouri Kogoro had a black line on his head, "Don't make a fool of yourself!"

"I want to see the snow scene too!" Conan Tongyin shouted, and suddenly slumped, "Is it because Sister Xiaolan doesn't want me, I just want to stay here to play with Sister Xiaolan, why can Sister Xiaolan stay? I can't..."

Chi Feichi recorded it quietly. It seems that his appearance made the famous detective very determined to stay.

In the original plot, it wasn't so noisy.

"Really..." Kogoro Mori got a headache from the trouble.

However, Conan's new strategy of pretending to be pitiful does work.

"Dad, why don't you let Conan stay..."

Not only Mao Lilan couldn't bear it, but Huang Yi felt that such a child's aggrieved appearance was a bit unbearable.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter if you stay. There should be some cold medicine here. I'll look for it. It's not very good for a child to toss around when he has a cold."

"A kid is a kid. When he gets sick, he becomes squeamish..." Although Suzuki Sonoko was complaining, he also helped Conan faintly. When a child is sick, he must be coaxed a little...

"Okay, I really can't do anything about you," Kogoro Mori compromised, turning around and carrying Conan back, teaching him with a stern face, "If you stay, don't make trouble!"

"Yes~!" Conan's pretending to be a good baby responded to Kogoro Mouri. From the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of Chi Feichi holding his mobile phone towards him. He turned his head stiffly and just saw Chi Feichi put down his mobile phone, and a chill rushed straight towards him. forehead.

Is the other party gathering information?

Did you realize that his identity was wrong and came to him? Still attracted by the fame of Uncle Maori, found something or wanted to do?

Whether the other party is because of him or because of Kogoro Mouri, the situation is not very good!

Suzuki Sonoko was distracted by Chi Feichi's actions before, and asked curiously, "Did Mr. Chi film Conan just now?"

Conan was put down and stood aside, sweating for Sonoko Suzuki, and at the same time he pricked up his ears and listened.

"Well," Chi Feichi admitted frankly, "the scene just now was very warm and interesting. It's also a good memory to save it and show him when he grows up."

Kuroba Kuito, who was beside him, almost didn't laugh out loud.

Ever since Chi Feichi choked him several times with a sentence before, he could faintly feel a hidden black aura, and now it seems that his feeling is really accurate!

It is indeed a good memory, but for everyone other than Conan...

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up, "Can you give me a copy? Mr. Chi, you don't know, this kid is usually a big kid. I really want to know what he will look like when he grows up!"

"Of course there's no problem," Chi Feichi agreed. "Tell me your email address and I'll send it to you."

"That...can you send it to me too?" Mao Lilan smiled embarrassedly, "I also think it's a good memory. Conan rarely does this, because it's rare and precious."

"No problem." Chi Feichi asked the two girls' mailboxes, packed them, and sent them.

Conan looked at him with a lifeless expression.

Although there is a reason why he wants to investigate, but he stayed so noisy for the safety of Xiaolan and Sonoko. It's very tiring to learn how to make trouble with children. How can you treat him like this?

He is so difficult...

Also, they mustn't let them know that Conan is Kudo Shinichi, otherwise his fame will be over!

Kuroba Kuito waited aside, he also wanted a collection, but he was not in a hurry to ask for it, he would just ask Chi Feichi to send it to him later.

A group of people entered the door and chatted for a while.

Until noon, the chat room leader, King Escape and Shadow Mage, hadn't come.

A group of people didn't wait any longer and had lunch first.

Because Conan didn't leave with Kogoro Mouri, he didn't hear the radio broadcast that the escape king was killed, and he didn't see the suspension bridge being burnt down. Instead, he kept watching Chi Feichi despite the discomfort caused by the cold.

At the same time, he also suspects that the male servant hired by Ara Yoshino is Sugama Kiyiro...

After all, Suka Qingrilu was also dressed in black and had a gloomy expression.

After Chi Feichi noticed it, he was relieved a lot. It seemed that he didn't just stare at him, and he didn't pay attention to Conan anymore.

At the dining table, I talked about my favorite magician.

"Black Feather Pirates One." Chi Feichi must stand as his cheap teacher.

Although Kuroba Piioichi didn't teach him personally, but he did read other people's notes and learned about other people's disguise, he recognized this teacher.

"I like Black Feather Pirates too!" Arashi said.

Kuroba Kaito's disguised Takshu Doi also said with a smile, "Me too!"

Toshiya Hamano, the 'disappearing Pani' in the chat room, answered, "I still prefer Jiujiu Yuanyao..."

"Why do you like dead people? I like Sanada Kazusan, who is super popular now!" Naoko Kuroda turned to ask Suzuki Sonoko and Mourilan, "How about you?"

As expected, Suzuki Sonoko answered Kaito Kidd decisively.

Conan lowered his head and pondered, is it a sign that he likes Kuroba Pirates for a while?

Aragi is the owner of the villa, Suka Qingjilu is hired by him, plus Chi Feichi and the Doi Takshu... um, but the number is too many, if it is that organization, there are so many gathered Man, it's time to take action.

Gather together to engage in team building activities? impossible…

Thinking too much, the famous detective, who had a cold and fever, lost his mind, his eyes darkened, and he fainted beside the table with a 'boom'.

The group of people was busy again, and sent Conan to the room to rest, and then let Conan take the cold medicine brought by the 'Doi Tucker Tree' before going downstairs.

And until the night, the escape king and the shadow mage still didn't come, and the phone couldn't be made.

When Conan wakes up in a daze, he's dead!

After dinner was over, Tori Hamano never came. A group of people went to find Toriya Hamano's room. From the open window, they saw Toriya Hamano lying in the snow.

The terrain around the snow is open, UU reading www.uukanshu. com did not leave a footprint.

"Doi Tuck Tree" ran first, confirmed death, and his face was a little ugly, "Yes, this is a crime that human beings without wings can't do... It's an incredible crime!"

Although Chi Feichi was able to arrive before everyone else, he still gave up looking at the corpse.

Now Conan is staring at him, even with Conan's ability, it is not difficult to find the real murderer in the end, but it is still very troublesome to be suspected...

There was no signal in the mountain, and the landline phone couldn't get through. Because of Chi Feichi, a group of people didn't have the news that the suspension bridge was burnt down by Conan.

The result can be imagined, after finding that the suspension bridge was burned down, everyone went back the same way.

However, Chi Feichi noticed that Takahisa Tanaka fell behind when he was passing near the woods and disappeared for a while while others were not paying attention.

In fact, this should be Takahisa Tanaka's plan. If others don't find the suspension bridge burned down, she can recover the crime tools on the way to the suspension bridge...

Back in the living room, a group of people were silent.

Chi Feichi sat aside and took a notebook to draw.

Most of the events in Conan were motivated by stories, and he remembered them clearly.

The culprit can also be determined from the motive, but as for the modus operandi...

In fact, this method of moving the corpse, he didn't pay attention to how the rope was threaded back and forth.

I just remember the pattern of a sail.

But this is enough. Knowing the key, if he thinks about it seriously, he should be able to complete the specific techniques.

Conan hesitated for a while, but he was brave enough to get close to Chi Feichi, looking cute, "Is brother Chi Feichi painting?"
