MTL - Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit-Chapter 21 1 group of guys who do whatever they want

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"He..." Chi Feichi was thinking about whether to make a round for Heiyu Kuaidou, when he saw Conan's expression changing slightly from the corner of his eyes, he raised his head and sold Heiyu Kuaidou first, "He is the phantom thief Kidd. , Doi Takshu's name is recombined with katakana, and it is Kaitou Kid."

Conan, who was about to say this, said, "..."

Kuroba Kaito was originally sighing while listening to the reasoning, but he was also stunned when he heard the words.

Damn, in order to open up the relationship, as for selling me in person?

Even if you want to sell it, you should prepare yourself mentally!

However, Kuroba Kuito's reaction speed was top-notch. While his mind was dazed, he dropped the smoke bomb in his hand and completed a quick change of clothes, from a round fat man to the familiar white one that others were familiar with. Kaitou Kidd, posing politely, said, "I also think Mr. Harui Fengden is a very cute old man, but this party is not very cute, since the matter has been resolved, then I will leave first, goodbye, everyone. !"

Conan ran over, but not only did the smoke around Kuroba Kuito not dissipate, it became more intense, and soon filled the entire living room.

Chi Feichi sat on the sofa and yawned, but Kuroba Kaito was not afraid that the murderer would take the opportunity to run away...

However, the only suspension bridge that can go down the mountain has been burned down. Even if Tanaka Takahisa is still in the mood to run and run out of the house, he will not be able to escape this snowy mountain top.

It's a pity that Takahisa Tanaka has not issued a wanted, so there is no bounty, and no money if caught.

I trained too late last night and got up early this morning, and now I'm really sleepy in the middle of the night...

On the balcony on the second floor, Conan had caught up with Kuroba Kaito, "Wait a minute!"

"What's the matter, little detective?" Kuroba Kuito stood on the windowsill, his cloak rattled by the wind, and joked, "Do you still want to arrest me?"

"No, I just want to ask you one question this time," Conan said sternly, "Do you know who that guy is? That man named Chi Feichi..."

Kuroba Kaito almost thought that Conan saw through the cover-up of himself and Chi Feichi, but his expression remained calm, "Isn't he a member of your detective team? This reasoning is really exciting, I also want to ask if you know Where did this guy come from?"

"Don't you know?" Conan pondered deeply, "The red herring and the scarecrow are both famous logical fallacies, the red herring refers to distraction, and the scarecrow is a misinterpretation, the two are very similar, and many people can't tell the difference. Clear the difference between the two, I thought you would know him..."

"Who knows what that scarecrow means? It wasn't long after this guy joined the chat room, and I just had a casual chat with him." Kuroba Kuito was a little thankful for Chi Feichi's careful vigilance before.

Conan is a very sensitive creature.

However, the chat code name is still Chi Feichi's lazy pot, and this pot Chi Fei Chi has to memorize well.

Conan nodded thoughtfully, the scarecrow does have many meanings, and it doesn't necessarily mean logical fallacy.

Heiyu Kuidou was also a little curious about Chi Feichi, except that he knew that Chi Feichi came out of the mental hospital, he really didn't know anything else, so he took the initiative to gossip, "Why do you pay so much attention to him? Is there any secret about him? "

Conan believed 80 to 90 percent of the words they didn't know, and said sternly, "I don't know either, I just saw him today..."

"It's just because you're a detective but you're unwilling to lose to someone else, you detectives are really strange..." Kuroba Kuito lost his interest immediately, spread his glider and flew away.

"Hey!" Conan stepped forward, but could only watch a white figure leave a sentence and fly away.

"When the bell to announce the end of the century rings, we will meet again!"

"what the hell……"

Conan Banyueyan, why do they call their detectives strange?

He was a little unwilling, but he still admired the guy's reasoning ability.

He also thought about it—Chi Feichi solved the case quickly, perhaps because he had been in that chat room, had some clues that he didn't know, and knew the people in the chat room.

But Chi Feichi's speed in discovering the modus operandi, his insight into the connection between the bathroom and the second-floor window, his carefulness in discovering Tanaka Takahisa's disappearance, plus his investigative and reasoning abilities...

These are enough to prove that the guy's reasoning ability should not be underestimated.

Although he doesn't look like a dangerous person with any action, he definitely won't take it lightly!

There may not be all bad people in that organization. Conversely, people who are not so bad are not necessarily not members of the organization, and may even be hidden under the disguise of the other party...


A group of people couldn't contact the outside world. There was no such thing as Conan leaving and running back halfway. Kogoro Mouri didn't realize the crisis here, so he drove home and slept. When he came to pick up his daughter, he found that the suspension bridge was burnt down.

Fortunately, when Kuroba came back, Kuiba helped call the police by the way.

By the time Maori Kogoro arrived, Officer Mumu had already led his team to the mountain by helicopter, and was about to try to see if the modus operandi would work.

Conan also acted cute and coquettish, "Sister Xiaolan, let's stay and see too! I'm very curious about how Mr. Hamano's body was put there."

"Ah?" Mao Lilan hesitated, "But you have a cold, so it's better to go back early..."

"It's okay, I feel much better already!" Conan said hurriedly.

"Let's take a look together, it will be a pity to leave like this!" Suzuki Sonoko said, approaching Ma Lilan, "Also, I think Mr. Chi is very good, maybe he is more than your reasoning madman. To be awesome..."

Mao Lilan was speechless, "Didn't you say that this time you are here to see Mr. Doi Takshu?"

"He's gone already," Suzuki Sonoko didn't get knocked down by Conan's anesthesia needle, and she was satisfied to have seen Kidd the phantom thief. The Prince Charming, and seeing the handsome guy with super reasoning ability, this time is really right!"

Mao Lilan could only laugh dryly, who was disappointed when he saw the chubby appearance of Doi Takshu before...

"'s really hard to choose," Suzuki Sonoko was intoxicated, stared at Chi Feichi for a while, his eyes suddenly became puzzled, and he thought back, "Huh? Why do I suddenly feel like I've seen Mr. Chi somewhere... …”

Maurilan thought it was Suzuki Sonoko too much, sweating and sweating.

"Where is it?!" Conan hurriedly asked sharply.

"Ke, Conan?" Maurilan was taken aback by Conan's serious expression.

On the other side, Mu Mu Shisan, who was communicating with a group of people in the chat room, turned his head in confusion.

Chi Feichi followed and saw Conan's innocent smile again. He intuitively told him that he had something to record. He took out his mobile phone and called up the video recording function, put it in his pocket, exposed the camera, and aimed it at Conan.

"Speaking of where, I know!" Conan forced an explanation, and sang a nursery rhyme with a cute children's voice, "Red dragonfly in the sunset, where are you, when I met you in my childhood, what day was that? , picked up the small basket and came to the mountain, the mulberry trees were green as shade, and the mulberries were picked and put into the small basket..."

Found that Conan suddenly sang a nursery rhyme, Suzuki Sonoko and Maurilan were in a mess.

Children's thinking, they really can't understand!

Chi Feichi, who had always been expressionless, couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his mouth. After the famous detective became a child, it was such a joyous day...


Listening to a person with a tone-deafness sing, even if it is a simple nursery rhyme, but the tune is somehow crooked, along with the wind in the snow, it makes people feel that the temperature is a lot colder.

Officer Mumu was shocked, put his fist to his mouth and coughed dryly, "Cough!"

Mao Lilan returned to his senses and hurriedly covered Conan's mouth, "Okay, Conan, don't interfere with the police officers' case handling!"

Once again, Conan's face was unrequited, and he became more and more determined to never let Xiao Lan know that he was Kudo Shinichi.

And, he saw again...

Chi Feichi pulled the phone out of his pocket just now, and the camera was always facing him.

This guy is really investigating him!

However, there seems to be a problem with the direction of the investigation...

Chi Feichi ignored Conan's thoughts, took out his phone and looked at it. After confirming that it was recorded, he put it back in his pocket.

"Police Department! We have found the rope!" A policeman ran over with a bag.

"Very good," Mu Mu Shisan nodded solemnly and looked at Chi Feichi. He had heard other people talk about Chi Feichi's case-solving experience. No matter how he looked at it, he was not inferior to Kudo Shinichi's famous detective level. "Brother Chi, it's up to you to demonstrate Miss Tanaka's modus operandi!"

"This is the step diagram." Chi Feichi handed over the blueprint prepared last night to Mu Mu Shisan.

Mu Mu Shisan took it subconsciously and looked down at the drawing, feeling that something was wrong.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't Chi Feichi take the rope brought by the police and start to explain the What kind of trouble is it going to give him a drawing like this?

But don't say, this drawing is really detailed. How to thread the rope at each step and where the crossbow arrow will be shot are clearly marked.

It made him feel like he was reading a furniture assembly manual...

"Let the police officers do the demonstration." Chi Feichi added.

Mu Mu Shisan thought that Chi Feichi felt a little restrained, and couldn't help feeling emotional. It's rare to see such a subtle detective. In the past, at the scene of a crime, when did that kid Kudo Shinichi run around and do whatever he wanted?

"It doesn't matter, you can also demonstrate, we just want to confirm whether the method is feasible, so as to facilitate the conclusion of the case..."

"The demonstration is very troublesome, I want to go back first." Chi Feichi said.

Mu Mu Shisan looked at Chi Feichi's calm, not embarrassed face, with a black line: "..."

It's because he is too naive. Detectives are really a bunch of guys who do whatever they want!

No way, Chi Feichi didn't demonstrate, and Mu Mu Shisan couldn't force him to demonstrate, let a policeman look at the picture, and at the same time left Chi Feichi's contact information, and arranged for Chi Feichi to take a helicopter down the mountain first.

Conan was secretly anxious. He planned to contact Chi Feichi more to see if he could find something, "That...Sister Xiaolan..."

"What's wrong, Conan?" Maurilan wondered.

Conan's cute suggestion, "I suddenly feel a little cold, why don't we go down the mountain first~"

"Little devil, you have been tossing around a lot lately!" Suzuki Sonoko complained.

Conan: "..."

What can he do? Who makes that guy play cards out of common sense? He can even think of a way to draw a step diagram...

But there must be some important reason for the other party to leave in a hurry!
