MTL - Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit-Chapter 20 I'll tell you the motive too

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"I'm drawing this..." Chi Feichi moved his hand away a little and let Conan see the sail patterns on it. There were five in total, and he basically understood it.

Conan was startled, and then his eyes filled with thought.

Wait, this pattern...

Chi Feichi was also considering whether to wait for Conan to reason. He was just in the middle of it and wanted to study the opponent's tactics, so he restored it. He was not interested in reasoning such wasteful and troublesome things. However, Conan still had to find the culprit. , It takes a long time to think of evidence and break the magic technique, and it seems to be more troublesome...

In the silence, Suzuki Sonoko said in frustration, "Is it my fault?"

"Huh?" Maurilan was surprised.

"I chose Hamano to be the banquet minister," Suzuki Sonoko blamed herself. "If he hadn't been alone in the room, he wouldn't have been killed. I killed him as soon as I chose him..."

Chi Fei returned to his senses late and said, "No."


Others were surprised, but it was only when Chi Feichi wanted to comfort Suzuki Sonoko, and he didn't know how to comfort them, so he just said this.

Suzuki Sonoko's heart warmed, although it was only two words, but denying that she had harmed others in a plain and firm tone was really reassuring.

"Yeah, don't take it to heart," Kuroba Kuito Yi Rongcheng's Doi Takshu also smiled and comforted, Chi Feichi is not good at comforting people, so let him come, "You were blindfolded at that time. , is to randomly select cards to mark on it, it is like a lottery, no one will blame the dart thrower, the same reason, you are just an assistant to Mr. Hamano's performance, don't blame yourself."

Conan pondered, feeling that he had grasped the key, but the details were still vague.

The acting... assistant?

"No, it's not appropriate to describe it as a lottery, because it's already been determined who does what," Chi Feichi spoke again, drawing the attention of others, "At that time, Mr. Hamano was writing his name. Marks have already been drawn on the back of the paper, and when Miss Sonoko is blindfolded, the pen used to draw the marks can't actually write, and there is no mark left at all."

He had thought of this technique from the very beginning, and after fighting with Kuroba Kaito in the past few days, he also learned some simple magic techniques, plus...

This method is exactly the same as that of the armor walking art gallery, and he remembers the method of that case.

"But it was Miss Tanaka who wrote Miss Sonoko at that time," Naoko Kuroda looked at Takahisa Tanaka, "That is to say..."

"Miss Tanaka is Mr. Hamano's acting assistant," Chi Feichi said, "and Miss Sonoko is just the lucky audience member who was randomly selected to take the stage."

Conan's eyes lit up a little, yes, this is it!

Then the murderer...

The others looked at Takahisa Tanaka with a hint of suspicion in their eyes.

Tanaka Takahisa was nervous, but she still didn't show it on her face, "Yes, I was asked by Mr. Hamano to cooperate with him to hand over a pen that could not be written, but I don't know how he arranged it... "

"You really don't know?" Chi Feichi didn't wait for Tanaka Takahisa to answer, and continued calmly, "Mr. Hamano's original arrangement was for Mr. Takaki Doi to be the banquet minister, but after he said it confidently, the result was It was the paper with his own name written on it that corresponded to the banquet minister, and he was surprised at the time."

"Maybe he accidentally made a mistake when he was preparing for this performance." Tanaka Takahisa defended.

"Okay, let's not talk about this first," Chi Feichi also did not bother, "At that time, Miss Tanaka was in charge of boiling water in the bathroom, and from the ceiling of the bathroom, you could easily turn up and enter the second floor through the window on the second floor. Lou, if you don't believe me, you can find someone to try it out, it's easy to go to the second floor..."

Conan: "..."

When did this guy notice?

Although Chi Feichi is so confident, he should be sure, but he still needs to confirm...

"Don't try, I've seen it, the ceiling is really not high, you can go up to the second floor," Takahisa Tanaka deliberately showed a little dissatisfaction, "Is Mr. Chi suspecting that I am the murderer? But if I am the murderer, then again Why not leave footprints on the snow and send Mr. Hamano's body to such a far away open space? This is not something a human without wings can do, right?"

"That's the way..." Chi Feichi raised the book, and among the five sail patterns on it, the last one was circled, "Are you going to try it?"

Takahisa Tanaka's face suddenly turned pale. She remembered that Chi Fei was painting there when she came back late. In other words, people only saw the body and went to the suspension bridge, and when they came back, they knew her modus operandi?

I was just not sure how the rope was wound, so I sat there and restored it?

"Of course I'm going to try it," Takaki Doi looked at Takahisa Tanaka sternly, "Miss Tanaka, what do you think?"

Takahisa Tanaka was silent, this method would definitely work, but she couldn't guarantee whether the other party had any evidence...

"Then let's try it!" Conan also said.

"Wait, before I go, I'll tell the evidence first, so as not to be thrown away by Miss Tanaka," Chi Feichi interrupted, "On our way back from the suspension bridge, I found Miss Tanaka passing by the jungle. time, at the end, and disappeared for a while, it should be to recover something, right? For example, the arrows of the crossbow bolts used to help the modus operandi, that kind of thing will still be found randomly, the best way is to After recycling, take it back to the house and use an excuse like boiling water to go to the kitchen to burn it, but you won't have a chance to find a reason to leave here after you come back. The arrow should still be hidden in your shoes now. As for why it is an arrow, wait until the crime is completed. After practice, everyone will understand.”

Takahisa Tanaka clenched her hands tightly in front of her, and was already shaky.

Conan stared at Chi Feichi in a daze. He just had a clue, and they found all the tricks and evidence.

Who is this guy?

The speed of solving the case is too exaggerated!

If you even know the motive... Ha, it shouldn't be possible...

Chi Feichi: "I also said the motive..."

Conan: "..."

Chi Feichi continued, "The Shadow Mage said in the chat room before, 'The death of the escape magician Harui Fengchuan was all your fault'. I was curious and asked other people what was going on. My apprentice, Miss Sonoko, told me that before I entered the chat room, the people in the chat room had discussed Mr. Harui Fengden's escape magic, and they also said that they hoped to see his performance again.

I checked the news reports, and Mr. Harui Fengden, who was old and had already retired from the magic show stage, announced his comeback almost shortly after that, but died unexpectedly during the escape magic show.

When Mr. Harujing Fengchuan first performed on stage, he used the stage name Ikasama Boy. From a combination of perspective, the Ikasama boy in the chat room was actually Mr. Harui Fengchuan. He saw everyone in the chat room. Said that he wanted to see him perform, and he would come back on stage again.

But after the death of Mr. Harui Fuden, the chat account of Ikasama Douji is still being used. I find it very strange, and even doubt whether my previous speculation that 'Ikasama Douji is Mr. Harui Fueden' is correct. The reason for coming here…”

In the chat room, in order to pretend to be someone he didn't know, he wasn't very close to Kuroba Kaito. He did ask such questions on purpose, and it was indeed Suzuki Sonoko who told him.

As for the later investigation, it is nonsense, and it is not easy for him to put aside his relationship with Kuroba Kuito.

Takahisa Tanaka, who had been silent for a while, sighed helplessly, took the arrow out of her shoe, and smiled bitterly, "You're right, Ikasama-doko is Harui Fengden and my grandfather, and he suddenly said that day that he would come back. , I was also surprised, until after his death, I sorted out his relics and found his chat account, and also saw the previous chat content in the chat room.

You probably don't know, do you? He was going to tell you his true identity when he succeeded, and there was an unsent email on his computer, 'I succeeded! Are you happy - Ikasama Boy - Legend of Chunjing', UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is such content.

However, I didn't kill Mr. Hamano because they wanted to watch my grandfather escape and kill my grandfather. That was my grandfather's choice, but they..."

"Afterwards, in the chat room, they said things like 'that old man died in the cold water', 'he also wanted to die on the stage, lol,' and so on," Chi Feichi took over, reading those words. The content of the chat was always calm and indifferent, which made it sound a little weird, "I just entered the chat room at that time, and I saw this, then, the escape king who was teasing and coaxing with Mr. Hamano at that time has not come, he Is he already dead? As for the other shadow mage who hasn't come, it should be a fake account you registered by other means, a non-existent person who was going to be used to bear the murder charge on your behalf."

"Yeah, that's right," Takahisa Tanaka said helplessly, "You've seen it all through."

The others were shocked.

Someone died?

No, it should be said that there is another person who died before and didn't even come over?

Conan was already a little numb.

The methods, evidence, motives, and how long it has been since the incident happened, were all laid out in front of them.

And even the details of these corners and corners are not missed...

Where the **** did this monster come from?

"Your grandfather is a very lovely old man," Chi Feichi said, "no sarcasm."

"I know, he should like this comment very much," Tanaka Takahisa smiled, but the smile was full of sadness, and then looked at Kuroba Kaito, "Actually, there is another person who knows that Ikasama-do is my grandfather. , Takaki Doi, who sent an email to encourage my grandfather before he came back on stage to perform..."
