MTL - Conan’s Devil Child Comes To the World-Chapter 593 I like to play with the jade sister the most

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Zilan Xuan, private room on the second floor

"Hey, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah..."

Suzuki Seimei, dressed in brocade clothes, was resting on the purple girl's thigh with a leisurely face, eating the grapes she had peeled by herself.

Two coolly dressed older sisters were kneeling at Suzuki Seimei's feet, helping him massage his two cute little feet.

There are also four slender elder sisters, who are dancing to the beautiful piano sound, showing their proud figures and curves.

And the beautiful woman in Chinese dress who is in charge of playing the piano is Zilanxuan's top piano girl - Nongyu!

Ever since she learned that Suzuki Seimei is a real dog owner, Zi Nu no longer treats him as an ordinary child. Now she just wants to get more wool from his big fat sheep.

Because of Suzuki Seimei's generous spending, the beautiful big sisters who came to serve him were still rushing to serve him.

After all, serving other guests not only takes a lot of advantage, but also earns not as much money as Suzuki Seimei casually tipped.

What's more, Suzuki Seimei is still a cute little Zhengtai. Strictly speaking, I still don't know who takes advantage of whom?

If it weren't for the fact that there was a purple girl in charge, the big sisters who were all dressed up would have eaten and wiped Suzuki Seimei on the pretext of giving him a massage.

After Nongyu finished playing the song, Suzuki Seimei got up and walked to her side, got into her arms and said coquettishly, "Sister Nongyu, the piano you play is really nice, and you smell good too~"

"Ding! Congratulations on your successful sign-in and get jade. The reward is a [Feng Mingqin], which the host can pick up at any time."

When Suzuki Seimei heard the words, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he checked the attributes of [Feng Mingqin] curiously.

[Equipment Name: Fengming Qin

Type: Weapon

Quality: Rare

Effect 1 (Sonic Attack): The sound of the piano can be transformed into an invisible sonic attack with amazing power.

Effect 2 (Double the power): When using the fengmingqin to use the piano sound skills, the power of the skill is doubled.

Remarks: A piece of liver and intestines is broken, where can I find a soulmate in the end of the world? 】

In terms of equipment attributes, [Feng Ming Qin] is also a powerful piece of equipment, but the piano sound skills are relatively unpopular.

Among the many skills Suzuki Seimei mastered, only "Seven-String Invisible Sword" can be regarded as a piano sound skill.


Nongyu, who was slapped by Suzuki Seimei's peak, blushed slightly, but Nongyu wasn't really angry, just a little uncomfortable with his intimate behavior.

After all, Suzuki Seimei is still a child, so what kind of wickedness can a child have?

Seeing that Suzuki Seimei was in Nongyu's arms, looking unwilling to leave, Zi Nu's mouth raised slightly: "Little Master, since you like Nongyu so much, why don't Nongyu help you warm the bed tonight? already?"


Suzuki Seimei nodded happily and said, "I like to play with Jade sister the most~"


Seeing Suzuki Seimei taking the bait so easily, Zi Nu's eyes flashed a conspiracy-successful smile, but on the surface she pretended to be: "But jade is the top card of our Zi Lan Xuan, and her bed-warming fee is comparable to mine. even higher..."

"I know!"

Before Zi Nu could finish her sentence, Suzuki Seimei interrupted her, took out a pair of top-quality white jade bracelets from his arms and handed them to Nongyu: "Sister Nongyu, this pair of bracelets is worth at least ten thousand gold, even if It's your bed warming bill."


Looking at the pair of white jade bracelets that Suzuki Seimei handed over, the jade eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, showing a somewhat embarrassed look.

To be honest, Nongyu really likes this pair of white jade bracelets. The bracelets of such good quality are a rare treasure.

It's just that Nongyu is a little embarrassed. After accepting such a precious treasure, she always feels like cheating a child with candied haws.

A child of Suzuki Seimei's age is simply incapable of doing things between men and women, so the warm bed in the mouth of the purple girl is really to warm him up under the covers, and it is too guilty to take this money.

When Zi Nu saw the white jade bracelet that Suzuki Seimei took out, she couldn't help but scolded "big dog" in her heart.

Just the jade pendant and bracelet that Suzuki Seimei took out, the combined value of the two was almost equal to half of Zi Nu's net worth.

Judging from Suzuki Seimei's casual attitude, it was obvious that he didn't take this kind of treasure seriously. He must be a silly son who ran out of a prince's family.

In fact, Zi Nu misunderstood Suzuki Seimei. The reason why he can freely take out such top-quality jade jewelry is because he has mastered the magical skill of "Alchemy".

Only by consuming some ordinary jade raw materials, Suzuki Seimei can use "Alchemy" to extract the best jade jewelry, which is why he is so prodigal.

"Sister Nongyu, you don't have to be polite to me. Anyway, I have a lot of jewelry like this in my house. Let me put them on for you~"

Suzuki Seimei finished speaking, took Nongyu's little hand, and personally helped her put on the pair of white jade bracelets.

"It's so pretty~"

Under the light of the best white jade bracelet exudes a hazy soft light, which contrasts with the jade-white wrist, which is extraordinarily beautiful.


After more than an hour, Suzuki Seimei, who was tired of Nongyu's arms, suddenly opened his small mouth, showing a sleepy and tired expression.

Seeing Suzuki Seimei's cute dozing look, Zi Nu's eyes became gentle involuntarily, and her jade lips opened lightly: "Nongyu, take Qin Ming to bathe and rest first! I'll wait a moment. Come to accompany you."

"it is good."

Nongyu nodded obediently, hugged Suzuki Seimei, who was about to fall asleep, and walked towards the boudoir where she lived.

When Nongyu returned to the boudoir with Suzuki Seimei, her maid, Hongyu, had already prepared the bath water for her.


Watching the gorgeous clothes on Nongyu's body fade one by one, the drowsy Suzuki Seimei regained his energy instantly, and his eyes flashed for a while.

After more than half an hour, Nongyu and Hongyu with their pretty faces blushing, took cotton bath towels and wrapped Suzuki Seimei with a wicked smile.

When I was in the bath just now, Suzuki Seimei, the little villain, was not honest. Not only did he measure the size of the conscience of the two women with his hands, he even tasted the taste of conscience.

Although Nongyu and Hongyu didn't want to admit it, they did feel quite happy just now. Suzuki Seimei's ventriloquism was amazing!

After Hong Yu wiped off her wet hair with a clean cotton towel, she waved her hand at Hong Yu and said, "Okay, Hong Yu, go down and rest first!"

"Yes, ma'am."

Hong Yu nodded obediently, and took the towel back to the side room to rest.

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