MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-Chapter 40 accidental injury

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"What would happen to an ordinary person if he suddenly acquired superpowers?"

There is no unified answer to such a question. What is an "ordinary person"? What kind of "superpower"? What is his social environment like? How is his own mental state?

When these conditions are different, it is unreasonable to talk about "this is a normal person" and "this is reasonable" in general terms.

As far as Guan Dounan is concerned, he feels that he is at least an ordinary person in terms of "physical fitness and fighting skills". The moves in the TV series are poorly imitated, and the lower plate is vain.

In this case, he has obtained a stand-in ability that is "completely unusable in frontal combat", what will he do? You may test your abilities in various ways, and you may use your abilities to satisfy some voyeuristic desires that may exist. But what he definitely won't do is to fight the enemy head-on - the mutual calculation with Seyu can't even be called a fight, he was completely overwhelmed by Guan Dounan, who had mastered the ability.

Although I don't know how well the man in black behind him fights, he shouldn't be worse than him, even holding a pistol in his hand. So in the face of this situation, you can only use "jumpscare"-style surprises to subdue the opponent.

Before, he and Kudo Shinichi explained how he achieved floating by summoning Xiao Hei and stepping on him, and at the same time by continuously summoning Xiao Hei to achieve a similar effect to Sadako, and then Kudo asked this question:

What would happen if Guan Dounan overlapped Xiao Hei's position with himself when he was summoning? Will it be directly possessed by Guan Dounan?

Guan Dounan, who had never thought about this question, frowned and held his chin in thought for a long time. The expression on his face was between thought and discomfort. Just when Kudo Shinichi wanted to ask Guan Dounan if he wanted to go to the bathroom, the guy finally gave an answer like "I can't".

"It's like squatting on the toilet without feeling it, or making me look at the back of my head with my eyes, not physically or mentally."

"I can understand a little bit by looking at your expression..."

However, during the test, Guan Dounan developed another use of stand-ins. That is, ordinary people other than this stand-in messenger can't see or touch, and only the stand-in that can be touched by oneself is used as a pillar.

To put it simply, it is to summon the avatar at your "foot", and then use the characteristics that only you can access it, stand on the shoulder of the avatar, and let this one-meter-eight-high statue avatar support yourself.

Just like he does now.

Although there is no way to determine whether the enemy can see and touch the stand-in, no matter what, summoning Xiao Hei in front of him can make him dazed for a while - if he can see Xiao Hei, he will be blocked by Xiao Hei; He couldn't see Xiao Hei, and would be startled by Guan Dounan who suddenly disappeared in front of him.

Then, Guan Dounan can take advantage of the height and directly press down with the gravitational potential energy to subdue the target.

Although he suddenly raised a height of 1.8 meters in an instant, the only place he can step on is the size of Xiao Hei's two shoulders. He is neither a martial arts master nor a gymnast, and his balance is only at the level of ordinary people. He will inevitably be unable to stand. Stable, so he lowered his body early to stabilize his center of gravity, and at the same time to avoid being held up by his stand-in and hitting the ceiling.

Just as the man in black with the pistol raised his head and looked up, Guan Dounan put his hands around his mask-wearing face, his knees resting on the shoulders of the stand-collar dress, and he fell backwards with his own weight.


Luckily or unfortunately, there were no tables or chairs where the two of them fell, but an ordinary carpeted floor.

"Hmm..." The man in black seemed to be seriously injured by this sudden attack. He lay on the ground and groaned, but didn't directly fight back or anything. And his pistol was also released under the sudden impact and threw aside.

" hurts...but the effect seems to be okay." Guan Dounan also fell hard because he landed at the same time, and he gasped with a grin. But fortunately, the position that touches the ground is the thicker buttocks, so I can still move temporarily, so I slowed down first, grabbed the two hands of the man in black, and used the only trick I know to bend the joints. technology to control him.

"Now, let me see your face..." Guan Dounan's mouth twitched slightly, and he used his other hand to lift the disgusting mask.


"What's wrong? I seem to have heard a loud noise just now... ah, husband!"

The woman who had just appeared at the door and talked to Kudo Shinichi hurried in as soon as she heard the loud noise when the two fell, and saw the man in black who fell to the ground and was being controlled by Guan Dounan's joint technique. , suddenly screamed.

And her voice suddenly changed from thick and thick to slender and beautiful.

"Old, husband?"

At this time, the white mask was also being lifted by Guan Dounan, revealing an elegant and easy-going middle-aged man with a mustache. And I don't know how he did it, he was wearing a pair of old-fashioned black-rimmed glasses under the mask. Moreover, he is eight-point similar to Kudo Shinichi.

At this time, Guan Dounan finally remembered where he had seen this exaggerated dress. It was when Shinichi Kudo went to the study to look through his father's manuscript, and the cover of a book in the line of sight seemed to be. What is it called "The Duke of Darkness"...

"Ah this..."

"I'm so sorry!"

"Ahaha, it doesn't matter. It's also my fault that we came out all of a sudden, and our words and deeds, including dressing up, are suspicious." Kudo Yukiko, who had an ice pack behind his head, waved his hand, as if completely Doesn't seem to care.

"You all know what you're doing is very suspicious..." Kudo Shinichi sat on the side with his chin in his anger. Although Guan Dounan accidentally injured his father this time, in the final analysis, his father Yusaku Kudo did something wrong. What kind of disguise are you going to do? "I clearly told you that we may be in danger now, and we came here specially dressed like this."

"Even my mother dressed like this, I didn't recognize it at first..."

"Hey, after all, I'm also a famous actor who became a smash hit, how can I be recognized by you so quickly." She has been retired for nearly 20 years, but she is still shining, not to mention Kudo Shinichi's mother. The young girl Yukiko Kudo shook her hair proudly. She was just pretending to be a character in a recently released movie. If it wasn't for Yusaku Kudo who was accidentally injured by Guan Dounan, I'm afraid Shinichi Kudo wouldn't recognize her by now.

"Haha, it's also to test your sensitivity to danger." Kudo Yusaku smiled, "However, when I received a call from Shinichi earlier, I thought that something broke his head, but he would I believe in superpowers or something. As a result, as soon as I got off the plane and arrived here, I really saw the existence of superpowers..."

"Strictly speaking, it's just a by-product of superpowers. Compared to this, it's actually Aunt Kudo... er, Mrs. Kudo's disguise technique looks more amazing. It's the first time I've seen such a powerful technique in reality. "Guan Dounan changed his words under the murderous eyes of Kudo Yukiko, but the rest of the content was true - Yukiko ripped off her hood like a geek in disguise and turned from a wide version of a housewife to an older beautiful girl. startled.

If you have the opportunity, you must find a way to learn this.

"So, can you tell me about your 'superpowers'? If I want to negotiate with Neon officials, I also need to have some basic information. UU reading" Kudo Yusaku Masoshiki road.

"Okay, then I'll start from the beginning and briefly talk about it. I got this ability after a 'resurrection', which I call a 'stand-in', which is a 'stand' that follows me... "

Guan Dounan briefly talked about his stand-in ability and the two other stand-in messengers he had seen so far, namely Masa Sansei and Seyu. Since it was noon, the family also ordered pizza for takeaway, which was delicious.

"'s still a little unbelievable, but it's not incomprehensible." After listening to Guan Dounan's statement, Kudo Yusaku nodded slowly, reached out and stroked his chin, "For the time being, the information you got is all ' Real' is the premise, ah, what this means here is that you are not affected by other hallucinations or any other abilities, thereby affecting cognition. If you look at the premise that all the information you have obtained is true, your ability is actually very high. Terrible, terrifying enough to cause a world war."

"Ah? Is it that exaggerated?" Although Guan Dounan was somewhat aware of the value and usefulness of intelligence stand-ins, he had never thought about the terrifying level as Kudo Yusaku said. When he said this, he felt that the United States was about to send tens of thousands of soldiers to attack Neon. Oh, they don't seem to have to attack.

"To determine a certain message, or a certain conclusion, does not seem very difficult in our ordinary life, and it is not very meaningful. But once the stage is extended to the world, it is very dangerous." Yusaku Kudo said slowly, "If decades ago, when the United States and Sulian were still confronting each other, in order to determine the authenticity of a certain piece of information, sometimes these countries would pay a price that we can't imagine at all..."