MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v2 Chapter 72 twin "brothers"

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"That, Director Jinzi, here's a call for you..."

In the broadcast room, a staff member was holding a mobile phone and stopped the director Jinzi who was arranging the work.

"Huh? What call? Didn't you see I was busy?"

"But, this person said..." The staff member holding the mobile phone hesitated for a while, "He said, if you don't answer the phone, our TV station will just disappear tomorrow..."

"Ha? This is a lunatic, right?" Director Jin frowned. He knew that there were no people who could say such things, but those big men didn't need to use this method at all. The way to find his own mobile phone number and contact him directly.

"Hey, I'm the director Jinzi." After hesitating for a moment, the director still took the phone. He wanted to see who was on the other side, and he would actually say such a thing.

"Now, look at the auditorium on the right side of the entrance of B. There are a few children there, and a pair of twin brothers who look like the male protagonists in idol dramas."

The voice from the phone was very cold and distorted. It sounded like some kind of physical voice-changing technology, which is called covering the microphone with a cloth or placing a magnet next to it.

"Children and handsome twins?" Director Jin Zi was puzzled, but he still let the staff in the broadcast studio control a camera that was not used for the time being, and turned the camera to that side.

"Well, I saw a bunch of children, as well as two men and a woman, all looking good..." From the camera's lens, Director Jinzi could see the auditorium on the right side of the entrance of B, above Although there were a lot of other people sitting there, this group of guys was the most conspicuous.

There is no other reason, just because of the appearance. Even if a few adults wear sunglasses, they can still see their good looks. Needless to say, the woman with long brown hair, the handsome twins who look alike but show very different personalities are even more eye-catching. It is also a loss that they are sitting in the first row, otherwise I am afraid that many people will not watch the ball and watch them go.

But... what does this call mean? Scout? But you are in charge of sports programs?

"Look at the bottom of the auditorium, there, there is a football, right?"

Director Jinzi followed the camera lens, and sure enough, he saw a football that appeared there at an unknown time under the auditorium. There is still a certain distance between the stadium where the ball is actually played and the auditorium. The football just stopped there at this time, and no one noticed.


Guan Dounan suddenly turned his head and pulled Xiao Ai to his side, hiding her in the shadow formed by himself and the railings of the auditorium. He himself took off his sunglasses slightly and glanced around, as if he was looking for something.

Just now, he seemed to hear a muffled sound coming from nearby, and the sound was very similar to the sound made by the silencer installed on the pistol when Belmode fired.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Ai was suddenly pulled over by Guan Dounan. She was stunned for a moment, and then she found that the expression on his face was very serious. She understood what happened, and asked in a low voice.

"It may be my illusion, but I seem to hear the sound of a silenced pistol..." In order to avoid the gunman's attention, Guan Dounan did not act too obvious, but pretended to be disturbed by the cheering audience, frowning and turning his head. look.

"Pistol?" Xiao Ai was shocked when she heard the words, and immediately turned to look at her sister. Miyano Akemi was immersed in the exciting football match just like the rest of the audience, unaware that the danger was coming.

"Don't get excited, maybe it's something else..." Guan Dounan patted Xiao Ai's hair to soothe her. The audience they were in had a lot of people, and the football match, the audience was naturally chaotic, and it was really difficult to find the possible gunman by observation from so many people.

"There's nothing on the left, right, or back. Could it be down?" Guan Dounan glanced under the railing of the auditorium with the mentality that it would be worth it anyway, but found a leaking football there.

In the distance, several people who looked like TV station staff were running towards this side with the security guard, looking very anxious.

"This... doesn't seem to be coming towards us."

Guan Dounan frowned, looking at the football and thinking.

"That is to say, have we been involved in some kind of incident because of the troublesome physique of a certain detective kid?" Xiao Ai also raised her head and looked down at the leaking football, like a He sighed in resignation, "I didn't expect the medicine I made would have such a troublesome effect..."

[In other words, the best app for reading aloud and listening to books at present, Mimi Read, install the latest version. 】

"It's really... emotional."

"So, the victim of the shooting you reported was... a football?"

I have to work overtime on New Year's Day, and this kind of inexplicable police officer is still coming out. The Momo Police Department is not in a good mood. He looked at the shriveled football that Takagi was holding in his hand and in the evidence bag, showing a "you're teasing me" expression.

"No, it's not. In fact, in addition to the shooting, the caller threatened us..." Director Jin hurriedly waved his hand, "I followed what the person on the phone said, pointed the camera at the stand, and found a few of the people he said. When I was a kid and the handsome twins, I happened to see a football there, and the next second, the football bounced off and started to deflate."

"Police, we also found a bullet near the deflated football. It was a 7.62mm pistol." Officer Sato also ran over at this time and reported the results of the investigation to the Mumu police.

"It was really a shooting... Then what? What else did that person say on the phone? No matter what, let's suspend the game first. In this case, the game can't continue." The attitude of the Mumu police department also became serious. , after all, this is a case involving real firearms, which is a relatively serious incident, especially at the beginning of the new year...

If something happened, his apology would be light, so why should he not be punished one by one?

"Then, he said that the call to the police is up to us, but the game can't be suspended, otherwise he will randomly find a target to shoot no matter who it is in the audience..." Director Jinzi swallowed, although in the simple and unsophisticated Mihua Town, I have seen a lot of things like shooting and kidnapping directly and indirectly, but this is the first time it has happened to the person in charge of his sports program. As for where to put it, he will contact us again..."

"Understood, that is to say, this can be regarded as a kidnapping case in which tens of thousands of hostages were kidnapped..." The police department's face was a little dignified, "mobilize all plainclothes police officers to disperse into the auditorium, and wait for the gangster to call when the call is made. , keep a close watch on all the people using the phone in the venue, the robbers must be among them!"

"Wait a minute, Mumu Police Department."

"Huh? It's... classmate Guan? Why are you here again?"

As soon as the Mumu police department issued the order, he was called by a voice. He turned his head to look in confusion, and found that it was Guan Dounan, who had seen it several times and seemed to have a physique of the **** of death second only to Conan.

"This should be Mr. Director, right? I want to ask you a question." Guan Dounan nodded to the Mumu Police Department and looked at Jinzi, the director, "The person who called did mention the 'handsome twins', right? ?"

"Ah, saying that, he seems to be talking about you..." Director Jin Zi also noticed Guan Dounan at this time, and when he got a closer look, this guy was indeed enough to be called a handsome guy.

"Hello, classmate Guan, I know you are very confident in your appearance, but we are discussing serious business..."

"Then, Mr. Director, what exactly was that person's wording?" Guan Dounan ignored the Mumu Police Department and continued to ask, "Did he say 'twin brothers' or simply 'good-looking twins'?"

"He seems to be saying that the twin brothers are here, this..." Director Jinzi just wanted to ask what's the point of this? Then I saw Guan Dounan beckoning and called over a person who looked 90% like him.

Although they are 90% similar in appearance, people will mistake them for twin brothers, but as long as they see below the head, one is wearing pants and the other is wearing a skirt, and the height difference is obvious, no one will recognize them. Cheng is two brothers.

"What's the matter, Brother Dou? Suddenly pulled me over?"

Guan Shanyue's voice is also a typical girl's voice, not at all like Guan Dounan.

"Girl, girl?!" Director Jin's eyes almost popped out of his sockets, he vaguely understood why Guan Dounan asked this seemingly meaningless question.

"This is my sister, Guan Shanyue. As long as we are sitting on both sides of the auditorium, seeing her whole body and hearing her words, she will never be recognized as a male." Guan Dounan put his hand on the On Guan Shanyue's shoulders, standing behind her, the two extremely similar faces made everyone onlookers have a trance illusion, "When the football was hit, I vaguely heard the sound of gunshots, plus the effectiveness of the pistol. The range is only 20 meters or more, indicating that the person who fired the shot was not far from where we were."

"So, why did he mistake my sister? He's blind? He's deaf? Can shoot footballs with precision, plus call you guys to get in touch, obviously not deaf or blind. So..."

"It's two people!" The Mumu police department also understood at this time, and slapped his thigh sharply, "Or, at least two people, one calling and one shooting at close range."

"Everyone, listen, after finding the target who is using the phone, don't act rashly without my direct order! The prisoner is likely to have more than one accomplice, and he is armed with firearms, everything is safe!"

Chapter 72 The Twins "Brothers"