MTL - Concubine’s Stunning Daughter : Ghost Emperor Please Be Lenient!-Chapter 1185 Exclusion, identity exposure

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Remember [花香 居] in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading. Unexpectedly, Di Fuyao had seen her attempt to escape in the morning. She secretly used her bloodline to tie Di Jinxiu's wrist tightly. Instead, she was stunned and fell savagely.

"Why is Miss Emperor such a great gift?" Di Fuya stared at her condescendingly, smiling as if with a smile: "You can't die if you change blood, but you can force it out. This thread can lead your aorta. Once you step out of this door, you will definitely Sudden blood loss and death. "

Emperor Jinxiu exclaimed angrily and hately, "Did you intentionally embarrass Miss Ben?"

"Where did Miss Emperor say, I am not afraid that you might change yourself and want to run away and harm yourself." Emperor Fu shook a pair of words for you.

The elder elder's face was dull, his dim eyes stared at Emperor Jinxiu, and she asked in a deep voice, "Miss, what did you just want to do?"

"No, nothing! Elder Elder, don't listen to her nonsense, I'm just worried about Brother Shenyu ..."

"Since you're worried about the homeowner, then you'll stay in peace, but you only need a little blood, won't the young lady even refuse to do this, right?" Said another elder brother with a silver eyebrow.

Everyone can see that Miss Shicai's move is clearly afraid to run away.

They don't understand that the young lady is the biological sister of the homeowner, but let her donate a little blood, wouldn't she?

Is it really the brothers and sisters who have been separated for many years, and even the brothers and sisters are gone?

Emperor Jinxiu had to clenched his teeth to sit in place, bowed his head, and hated his teeth.

The escape plan failed, what to do, what to do!

If it is found that she and Emperor Shenyu are not close relatives and sisters, her life is insurable.

Seeing that the secret was about to be discovered, Emperor Jinxiu suddenly thought about it and thought of Emperor Shengxia.

"If I was found to be a fake later, I would push all my faults on Di Shengxia, and say that Di Shengxia asked me to replace her first, I just acted on my orders!" Emperor Jinxiu secretly thought.

"Miss Emperor, it's started." Di Fu shook his lips slightly and exerted his spiritual power.

The two bloodstreams converged in this way, and then the blood of Emperor Shenyu slipped into the container from the other side of the silk thread, and the blood of Emperor Jinxiu was continuously drawn out to the treasure, and the blood exchange officially began.

The elders of the royal family and Yao Lao stared at this amazing scene.

Blood transfusion, this detoxification method is really unheard of.

Di Fu kept staring at Di Jinxiu's face, not knowing whether it was due to excessive blood loss or guilty conscience, her beautiful face was getting paler.

Seeing that the blood was almost drawn, Di Fuyao said: "Miss Di is really beautiful and willing to give so much blood to save her brother. It is really sibling and enviable."

She praised deliberately.

Emperor Jinxiu lost a lot of blood, so she was dizzy. When she heard her saying that she had successfully exchanged her blood, she couldn't help feeling ecstatic.

She had thought that her blood could not save the Emperor God, but she did not expect it to succeed!

Is it because the blood flowing in her body is the purest blood of the emperor, so she can save the emperor.

When she was complacent, she heard Emperor Fuyao say, "Now ask your elders to gather spiritual power, protect the Emperor's body, and exchange blood, his body is very prone to shock and death accidents, so you must Keep his spirits alive. "

The elders of the emperor nodded one after another and stepped forward to protect the emperor.

Emperor Jinxiu's eyes widened, looking at her holding the blood in the spirit artifact, and walking towards Emperor God Royal.

When Emperor Fuyao lost the blood in the spirit vessel to Emperor Shenyu's body, as she expected, a rejection occurred, and the blood could not be imported at all.

"Little lord, here, what's going on?" The elder was suddenly shocked.

Yao Lao God assisted: "Blood passes through the magic weapon, and I am afraid that alienation has occurred."

He continued to talk nonsense with his eyes open: "Emperor Qianjin, don't fret, hurry up and enter your blood directly into the main body of the emperor's house!"

Emperor Jinxiu was dragged forward by Yaowang before he could respond.

A bloodshot thread was attached to her and Emperor God's body again.

The second blood transfusion emperor was almost unable to fight, his face was white, his lips were pursed, and he could not care about any image roaring: "Let me go! I have lost too much blood, do you want me to die! "

Di Fu sneered, yeah, I just want you to die.

The elder face was worried, "Miss Young is not so good ..."

"Yes, let's stop first. The other owner didn't save him, but killed the young lady." The other elders also said.

Di Fuyao pointed at the bloodline and said, "Please look."

Everyone looked.

I saw that the blood of God's beautiful bloodline was rejected again, and the blood was forced back by the blood of Emperor God, and the most important scene shocked everyone's eyes.

The blood of the two was not only incompatible, but also mutually exclusive!

"How can the blood of the dearest be rejected?" The elder elder surprised.

"Bloodliness? Oh, did the Emperor know when the wolf was introduced into the room?" Di Fuyao was a little funny.

Yao Wang said with a look of scorn: "This is not obvious, this so-called Emperor Qianjin is not the real Emperor Qianjin, but a fake!"

The words fell, like a heavy mountain pressing **** Emperor Jinxiu.

The first time she wanted to escape, but the blood thread held her body tightly. When she fled, she would only bleed blood and die faster.

"Di Shengxia, what the **** is going on ?!"

"You are not Miss? Who are you ?!"

The questions of the elders of the emperor came one after another, and the coercion was thunderous.

Emperor Jinxiu's complexion turned pale, and his legs were unable to stop, and he fell forward and fell to his knees.


She had long thought about her excuses, and unexpectedly, Emperor Fu shook coldly: "It is her who kills the Emperor's owner!"

Emperor Fu shook her a little, and the blocked cold air was leaked instantly!

Everyone was stunned.

The elder shouted angrily: "Emperor Xia, how can you have the cold power?"

Emperor Jinxiu panicked, just thinking about escaping first, wanting to use the power of the cold to seriously hurt Emperor Shenyu, to adjust the tiger to leave the mountain.

A sharp black gas rolled straight towards Emperor God Royal.

The crowd exclaimed, just as the cold and cold power was about to hit the Emperor's God, Di Fu shook his body and blocked the black gas. With a small wave of his hand, the golden flame poured down, and the black gas was swallowed cleanly.

"Di Sheng Xia! How brave you are! How dare you pretend to be my young Emperor! Also secretly assassin the owner!" The elder erupted and shot directly on Emperor Jinxiu with a polite palm.

Emperor Jinxiu had already lost too much blood. With this palm, she flew out of the door and rolled to the ground severely. Her internal organs were seriously injured.

The capillaries were disconnected in this way, cutting her aorta sharply.

Blood rushed out!

"Come here, lock up this fake product posing as the eldest lady! The old man in the alternative day interrogated himself!" The elder ordered.

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