MTL - Crazy Leveling System-Chapter 2987 Hard gardener

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After the production of Longwei Tiandi's shackles, Yi Tianyun made the same way. After removing the shield, it caused a little movement and saw if there would be a controller.

However, under the violent movement, there was no reaction at all. It’s not that no one has come over. Some of them are patrolling gods, or some of the gods’ courts are flying over to join in the fun.

As for the masters of God Lu Huangting, there is really no movement at all, and there is no meaning at all. It seems that they may be concerned about this side, but they will only send others to come over and will not personally do it.

This made Yi Tianyun somewhat disappointed, and thought that he could win the top five in one fell swoop!

Of course, it is quite good to win the two masters now. At least Yi Tianyun has most of the right to speak here, and let him know a lot of secrets.

Not only know the situation of the top five controllers, but also know the deeper internal news!

The news was really hot, and it was much more pleasant than the average Emperor.

For example, the situation of Shangji Tiandi is quite special. Shangdi Tiandi almost sat on the position of the controller. Due to a lot of troubles, he was eventually demoted and sent to the peripheral area.

This kind of situation is undoubtedly very miserable. It will be lost at once and it will be lost. But I am not willing, I have to accept my life!

The business of Shangdi Tiandi is very big, that is, killing a few heavenly emperors, can this be small? I heard that the Heavenly Emperors involved in the matter of the Emperor of the Dragon, it is a big fight.

As for the details of this situation, Yi Tianyun is not clear. This kind of thing is very private. I only know that it is for the dream dragon Emperor, I will fight it and finally be sent to the peripheral area.

But at least it can be alive, and the result is very good.

In addition, there is an amazing inside story, that is, the number of strong and detailed information.

The real scale of Shenlu Huangting is divided into four parts: east, west, north and south. Each part has five controllers, that is, similar to the Veyron Emperor, there are twenty!

That is, the twenty masters belong to the top of the top. Similarly, there are four masters above them, that is, the Emperor!

The four extremely heavenly emperors are in charge of four areas, sitting on one side. Unexpectedly, within this Shenlu Huangting, there are four extremely heavenly emperors and twenty masters!

This does not include other patrol gods and the like, the existence of higher levels.

If you do a general calculation, the entire Emperor of Heaven and Earth, there are hundreds of Heavenly Emperors, and even more. It is no wonder that you can control the many forces outside, just relying on these four great emperors, enough to suppress everything, no one can rival.

In addition to this, there are some private things that are not needed for the time being. In the case of Yi Tianyun, it is only a quarter of the area!

This time, his inner blood suddenly rises, if all the strong men of the four regions are commanded? How about the four great Heavenly Emperors, their own men have been replaced by themselves, it is also a polished pole.

"Breakthrough to the Emperor of Heaven, you need to meet and kill two hundred Heavenly Emperors..."

When Yi Tianyun saw this quantity, he shook his head suddenly, and the difficulty was really not low. I only need fifty before, now I need two hundred emperors!

The difficulty has suddenly turned over several times, so that he does not know what to say. Fortunately, everything can be incidental. He intends to penetrate into the four major regions and replace a large number of Heavenly Emperors with his own embarrassment.

At that time, even if the Emperor Lu Huangting was not captured, it would be no different from the attack. All the key areas are under his control. Is this not the same as his own?

How to play, how to play. When the so-called masters are aware, it is estimated that he has already met the upgrade conditions. When he breaks through to the Emperor, he can still compete with these guys!

"Come on slowly, as long as you keep it here, everything is easy to say." Yi Tianyun reveals a smile that is not easy to detect. As long as he can control the area here, the upper bound is free to develop outside.

After all, the ones that control this area are the five masters. Two of them are his own, and no matter what message is uploaded, it can be easily suppressed, and there will be no problem.

So what is on the supply and what resources are allocated is not a problem. These are the ways of worship, and the upper bounds of the world can be ruled out. When the upper bounds of the world develop slowly, they must reach a new peak.

It has been a long time since the upper bounds, and it has not been able to practice madly in a safe environment. Once all the members have been tempered, it is expected that the strong will continue to emerge.

Following him, the corresponding operation will be carried out immediately. After having the identity of two masters, it will undoubtedly be a lot easier. Facts have proved that it is really easy for him to go too far, and it is easy to infiltrate all the high-level insiders, and by the way, destroy a large number of Emperor Tiandi and replace them with others.

Soon he reached out to other controllers. In addition to the Dream Dragon Emperor, it was as simple as finding out through other excuses and then teaming up to kill.

The five masters, now four are his!

The reason why I don’t kill Menglong Emperor is that Menglong Tiandi can’t kill! The reason is very simple. Menglong Tiandi is the daughter of the Lord. Once you kill the Emperor of the Dragon, you will definitely reveal the problems.

This news is indeed amazing. I didn’t expect Menglong Tiandi to have a father of the Emperor, no wonder so domineering. However, there is a very Heavenly Emperor as a father, and some people go to the Dream Dragon Emperor to make trouble?

It is estimated that it will not know... Anyway, Yi Tianyun can't move this dream dragon Emperor.

Of course, this is not a big problem. Anyway, killing the four controllers does not require this.

Following him, he continued to encircle the Emperor of the other regions, almost sweeping all the way, and easily took control of each of them! No difficulty.

However, some of the masters can't move at all. They are like the Emperor of Heaven, and a certain person in charge can be a child of the Emperor of Heaven. Where can I do it?

It can be said that among the four major regions, there are children who are arranged by the Emperor, and some even reach three. Fortunately, he has the memory of others, can know the details, or after the kill, the problem is big, it is likely that everything will fall short!

After knowing the details, Yi Tianyun continued to sweep down. One of the controllers was removed and replaced with his own embarrassment. It was quite easy. Under his overbearing power, how can they not solve them easily?

Time passed quickly, and Yi Tianyun was like a hard gardener, constantly harvesting everything!

The whole pattern has been replaced, and the presence of the top is extremely high, but I don’t know all about it.