MTL - Crossing Over to the Dragon Ball World-v22 Chapter 32 Aisha

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The beautiful blonde girl was dressed as a nun, but at the moment she was choking her throat and she was full of pain.

"Can you please take your hands off?" Sun Wukong stepped into this purgatory-like room.

"Oh, it looks like a guest is here." The man turned his head and grinned, letting Sun Wukong see his face clearly.

This is a teenager who doesn't look like a teenager, very young, with white hair, looks like a foreigner, looks like a priest? It ’s just a crazy expression, and it ’s also arrogant: “Huh? Whoops! Are you a human or a demon? This breath is weird! I do n’t understand it a little bit, but I do n’t know how to look at this scene , I guess, it must not be human, isn't it? It's a demon, right? Devil brother! "

"Little devil?" A smile appeared on the corner of Sun Wukong's mouth, and his body suddenly appeared behind him: "Who are you calling?"


The young priest was startled for a moment, instinctively wanting to retreat, but suddenly a blood flower burst out in front of him, and then saw in amazement that his hand holding the beautiful blonde girl suddenly separated from his body, in The girl screamed and fell to the ground

The severe pain came from the young priest's broken hand, which made him scream screaming, "Oh! Hand! My hand !!!"

"Answering the question is asking you to take your hands away." Sun Wukong caught the blonde girl who fell to the ground.

"Hey, this is awesome, this demon brother, it ’s too mean to just sneak attack." The young priest covered his right hand with Blood DC, his eyes widened, his face twisted with a sneer of wicked sneer, accompanied by the dripping of blood On the ground, he actually sang a song, which seemed extremely terrifying in this dim room—

"I'm a priest, a young priest, killing demons and ruthlessly mocking the demons. I have to cut off your heads to eat."

"It's awful."

"It ’s awful? I ’m so sorry, devil brother, hey." The young priest looked crazy, and behaved in a mess: "My name is Philid Cyrus, a young priest who belongs to a certain‘ devil removal ’organization.”

"Ah, you do n’t have to follow me because of my name. I do n’t want to waste your brain capacity to remember your name, or you can save it. Anyway, you will die soon. I will let you die. It may hurt a little at first. , But will soon be so happy to cry, let us move towards new together "

Poof bared

Blood splattered, the irritable voice came to a halt, and an angry head flew up, rolling off the ground

"It's a lot of nonsense." Sun Wukong flew the sword out of his hand, stabbed the headless corpse of the young priest on the wall, and accompanied each other.

Looking down at the blonde girl holding her arms, she realized that her eyes were closed tightly, and she was already fainted. No wonder it would be so quiet.

"I'm so sorry, Lias, your monk is now mine." Sun Wukong took out a chess piece and slaps her in her body.

In the bright hall, looking at Sun Wukong who suddenly appeared holding a young girl, Li Yasi was shocked with a look on her face: "You're going out to abduct a nun?"

"Ah, Goku, if you like this tone, I can also play the role of a nun. Why go outside and turn around?"

"It seems like I was fainted, Goku, wouldn't this nun really be yours?" Cang Na looked at Sun Wukong with suspicion. "No, Master Goku will not be such a person." True Luo Chunji affirmed.

"Master, would you go out on purpose, wouldn't you just come back to save a nun?" Gulei Feia was much more normal, and didn't play with them blindly.

"This is the monk I just accepted. I was overly frightened. It seems that I will be awake tomorrow morning. You can arrange a room for her."

"Okay." Gurefiia immediately hugged the girl and left the living room.

"Okay, it's already midnight, don't you have a gossip expression, say something tomorrow, and go back to the room to rest!" Sun Wukong said, and first returned to his room and closed the door.

After all the girls returned to their rooms, Sun Wukong slipped into Zhu Nai's room again.

Early the next morning.

Li Yasi looked at Zhu Nai with unpleasant eyes one by one: "Zun Nai, can you stop sticking to Goku in the early morning?"

"Ah, is this minister jealous? It doesn't matter. There is still a place here. Sit down!"

"She didn't fight with me?" Li Yasi looked at Zhu Nai with a bit of surprise, and her eyes stared at her sharply after she sat down.

"Is there anything I can hide from you?" Zhu Nai smiled. "I just feel good, but not good?"

"There is a problem! There must be a problem with this guy!" Mi Tilt both looked at Zhu Nai with suspicion.

Just when they wanted to press harder, they saw Gurefiah walking into the hall with a blonde girl in her dress: "Hi everyone, I'm Aisha Alget, just call me Aisha."

One of Liars laughed: "Well, isn't this the nun last night, it seems you already know your identity now."

"Yes, Miss Gurefiia has told me all." Aisha said, and went to Sun Wukong in gratitude. "Thank you very much for saving me last night, otherwise I don't know what to do Then. "

"What the **** are you! It's rude!" Caravana stepped forward and patted Aisha's head: "Call the master!"

"It's the master!" Aisha said weakly, clutching her head.

"Okay, Caravana, Aisha is a newcomer, don't bully her!" Sun Wukong stood up and rubbed Aisha's head, and said, "Don't be so restrained, you can call it whatever you want. Call me brother Goku. OK, how do you feel about the sudden transition from a nun to a demon? "

"I thank you for saving me. This must be the Lord's guidance!" Aisha's face was reverent, but the next moment, suddenly covering her head, ‘oops’, exclaimed.

"It's already a demon, what prayer do you pray to the Lord!"

"Sorry! I forgot that I am now a demon."

"It seems we have an interesting companion."

Aisha's performance instantly made them laugh at them. ..