MTL - Crossing Over to the Dragon Ball World-v22 Chapter 31 Stray Demon

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Sun Wukong spent a total of three days in the underworld, during which he went to Cangna's house for a day, and then they returned to the realm with Li Yasi, and began the daily routine.

In the evening, in the villa's hall, after returning from school, Liyas looked a little serious: "Today, I received a commission unexpectedly, and a stray demon fled to my realm. I was commissioned to hope that by tomorrow It's cleaned up. "

The so-called outlier is the servant who was absorbed by the demon of the knighthood, betrayed the master, or killed the master. Therefore, he became the unowned devil.

As long as they are found, the original owner, or other demons, will take it. This is the devil's rule.

Other forces also see stray demons as a risk factor, whether they are angels or fallen angels, and they will also kill them.

In short, this kind of outlier is like a street mouse, everyone shouts.

After listening to Sun Wukong, he had a little interest: "I heard that the outlier is a demon who betrayed his own master or killed his own master. It is called an outlier demon. I have not seen such a demon with personality. I'll go have fun tonight! "

When they heard that Sun Wukong was about to go, they were all interested in Cang, and now they are really sad for the stray demon.

In the middle of the night, Sun Wukong and his party came to the ruins in the suburbs and looked around, full of scary darkness.

Surrounded by a lush tall grass, you can see abandoned buildings in the distance.

Because the people here are all demons, even if it's dark all around, they can clearly see things, let alone Sun Wukong.

I heard that this demon seduces humans here every night to prey.

"It's bloody."

Before approaching the building, kittens with sensitive noses have noticed abnormalities.

However, Sun Wukong, who was leading the way, ignored it directly. In this world, what else can make his mind vigilant?

Go straight

When the door of the building's room was opened, the crowd felt a strong hostility and murderous intention at the moment of entering, and then a sound like a low voice from the ground sounded: "There is a smell that is hard to eat, but it also smells. It tastes very delicious, what is it? This is the first time I feel this kind of taste, and the cells in the whole body are jumping excitedly! "


A woman suddenly came out in the dark, but her lower body was a huge beast body, with four feet, each with thick feet, sharp claws, and a tail like a snake? Will be alone.

This is an indescribable strange monster. The monster's two hands held weapons similar to spears, cold as the wild beast's eyes fixed on Sun Wukong's body, exuding almost crazy greed, the mouth of the beautiful face, overflowing with disgusting saliva : "It's really delicious, it's unpleasant, why do you smell so delicious !!"

The monster screamed, and he couldn't wait to take the heavy steps and rushed towards Sun Wukong

But Sun Wukong, if he didn't see it, commented on his own foot: "This is a stray demon. If you lose your nature, you will become a monster. It seems that you are lost in power."

"Hum-zone demon, you are not qualified to be close to my master! Repent ashes!" Suddenly, a huge fireball emerged from the hand of Mitilte, and he greeted the monster, The blazing red flame swallowed it up instantly, making it scream screaming, smashing against the wall, and escaping outward

"Ah, ah, there is still strength to escape, so mentally not work!" Zhu Nai raised his hand to the sky-He!

Suddenly, the sky flashed a light, and a thunder fell on the monster.

"Quack quack!"

The monster made a screaming scream. I don't know if it was electric or burned, but he still ran wild, because there was a pool of water in front of him.

Zhu Nai had a strange smile on his face: "Isn't it all right? Then come a few more times!"

The night sky shone, and a second thunderstorm struck the monster, causing it to scream, and finally fell to the ground when it was only one step away from the pool.

It was just that Zhu Nai didn't seem to stop, and sent a third thunderbolt to the monster, which finally made him quiet.

"Hey, isn't it enough? People still want to play more." Zhu Nai's face showed a hint of disappointment, as if it were still inexhaustible.

Li Yasi looked at Lina Li with a shocked expression on her face, and smiled slightly: "Don't be surprised, after all, Zhu Nai is extremely tortured and mad," she said, casting her last blow and ending the outlier's demons. Sinful life.

"I can't see it, Zhu Nai, you usually look so gentle and gentle, but you are an extreme abuser."

"People are very gentle to themselves." Zhu Naihuan had a strange smile on his face, and replaced him with a gentle and gentle look, and then hugged Sun Wukong: "Look, right?"

"Zhu Nai, you guy!" Li Yasi gave Zhu Na an angry look and pulled Sun Wukong to her side.

"Ah ah la la This minister is jealous Oh grab it with their master who is really good fun too!"

Along the way, it was extremely lively, and it was extremely lively.

It ’s just that they are out, so Sun Wukong took them for a supper too

At this time, it was already over three in the morning.

When he came to the door of the villa, Sun Wukong suddenly stopped again: "Go ahead yourself, I have something to go out."

Then, without waiting for them to ask, Cang's body had disappeared.

"Strange, it's all at the door. Why is this guy going out?"

Li Yasi both showed a curious expression, but Sun Wukong had already left, and they could only go back to the house and wait.

At this moment, Sun Wukong's figure had appeared in front of a room door.

Standing here, he could already clearly smell the strong **** smell from the room.

The door was concealed and opened as soon as it was pushed.

What appeared in the eyes were the scattered living room and the corpse that had been nailed to the wall.

The death was miserable, and the body was subjected to thousands of swords. Something came out of the wound. It should be internal organs.

On the left side of the body, there is a man with his back to Sun Wukong, his right hand is holding the throat of a blonde girl

The reason why Sun Wukong suddenly appeared here is for this blonde girl ..