MTL - Crossing Over to the Dragon Ball World-v22 Chapter 37 Divine Rapier

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The light gun is really too big, almost covering everyone like Ubeluna.

The terrifying power contained on it makes them all feel clearly that with their current strength, they can't take the horrible blow directly.

But no one showed panic, because Sun Wukong was beside him.

"Little angel, not bad."

Sun Wukong looked at the light gun that was slashing down with a dull look, but he stretched out his right hand, and then flicked it with a flick, the light gun cracked and dissipated instantly!

"What? !!!" Kakbil saw the scene, and his expression changed greatly. "Who are you ?!"

"Garbage is not qualified to know my name." When Sun Wukong watched Cocabiller was trying to pinch him to death, Genovia screamed beside him: "Irina, this But our mission! Don't let the demons take the limelight, let's go together! "


A huge magic circle lit up in front of Genovea, a sword shining with light slowly emerged from it.

"Sacred sword Dirandal, this is not the same as excalibur, but this is the real light!" Cocabill finally became serious: "Then let you play with the pet I brought from **** Play. "

Cocabill slammed his finger, and then, in the middle of the night, something shook and moved closer.

After a while, I saw clearly.

In the dark night, blood-red eyes twinkled, and outrageous fangs were protruding from the mouth, lined up with white breath between the teeth, and each of the four feet spit out. They were all very stout, and it was chilly just to see the sharp claws sticking out above—a terrible monster similar to a dog, with three heads.

The moment she saw Genovese, she was demonstrating howler: "Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

"——Kelberos!" Seeing these three headed monsters, Zhu Nai solemnly said such a name.

"Kelberos? What's that?" Aisha asked curiously.

"It's commonly known as a hellhound!"

"Hell dog? !!!" Aisha suddenly showed a frightened expression.

"Whether you are a hellhound or whatever! In front of my holy sword, Dilandar, you go to **** obediently!" Genovea snarled and rushed towards the hellhound, in his roar In the hand, Dilan Daer also cut out with a slap, and he easily split the **** dog in half!

And the body of the helldog that was split open also smoked, and eventually disappeared. This is the effect of the holy sword.

"It is indeed a holy sword, and it really hurts the monster!" Zhu Nai couldn't help exclaiming when he saw such a scene.

It was just in Genovia that chopped off the gap of a hellhound, and another hellhound pierced out of the darkness, violently slamming at Genovia "Hey don't forget me!" Irina sang softly, and her body flew out, staggering with the **** dog in the air, accompanied by With a stern scream, the whole helldog's head was separated from his body.

"Kakabil, atonement for everything you have done!" Genovea screamed, and the holy sword glowed in her hand, resolutely killing Kakbil.

Irina also followed closely and sent a fatal blow with Genovea with a pinch!

It can be seen from this that the two are probably not fighting together, and they cooperate very well.

"Holy sword! If I were cut, I would be injured, too." Cobill looked at the two who launched a pinch at himself at the same time, his expression still calm and then opened his hands, the air shook A terrible wave was released from Cocabile's hands, and in a flash, Genovea and Irina were hit into the air.

Just as Coca Billi wanted to chase, a light suddenly fell above the sky, and saw a huge thunderbolt already hit Coca Billi's body!

But it was offset by a black shield that suddenly appeared around him.

"Do you want to hinder me too, someone who inherited Baiqiu's intelligence!" Kabiler looked at Zhu Nai with a dull look.

"Don't compare me with that kind of guy!" Zhu Nai seemed quite excited. Although the knot had been unlocked by Sun Wukong, she was very concerned about her father's failure to rescue his mother in time. Lightning strikes were made in succession, but it disappeared with a wave of Cocabill's wings.

"Let ’s all step down, because of your current strength, it ’s too far from his level." Sun Wukong had to say something to remind him here, it seemed a bit helpless: "Let me take a second and he won't do, what do you do? Hilarious. "

"That's really sorry" Zhu Nai, who was so excited, heard Sun Wukong's voice, but smiled back, and returned: "But I also want to personally verify how powerful the cadre-level strength is, I didn't expect Would be so different "

"We can!" Genovia was a face-down. As an apostle of the church, she believed in the gods. She was instinctively unwilling to accept the help of the devil. If it can be resolved, she naturally hopes to rely on them. mission accomplished.

"Kakbil, let me use the holy sword Dildal to solve you!" Genovea readjusted her posture in the air, landed beautifully, and then chopped again in one breath.

However, he saw a lightsaber suddenly accumulate in Cocabile's right hand, and it was easy to block the continuous holy sword attack of Jenovia.

Unexpectedly, even the sword skill is also Cocker Biller's brighter!

"Is that how it is, girl! It seems that you haven't fully controlled Dylandal. It would be extraordinary if you spread the band's users!"

Coca-Bill swung her hand and forcibly opened Genovea while kicking her foot in the abdomen, causing her to fly backwards.

At the same time, the wings behind him fanned, the terrible howling wind swept through, and in a flash, Irina, who took the opportunity to attack, flew out.

The strengths are so different that the two are not opponents at all.

Sun Wukong turned around and caught Irina and Genovea at the same time: "So you can just stay by and do nothing."

Speaking, Sun Wukong already took the holy sword Dilandar from Genovea, and waved twice, leaving two terrible white cuts in the air.

In this scene, Janovya was stunned: "Aren't you a demon? You can control the holy sword ?!"

(Ps: something, helping others, only one more chapter at night.) ..