MTL - Crossing Over to the Dragon Ball World-v22 Chapter 38 Bewilder

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"Who tells you that the devil can't control the holy sword?" Sun Wukong looked at one of Genovea's newspaper and smiled. The holy sword screamed in his hand, exuding the holy light sword gas that stung the demon's skin.

It's not just control, it's just perfect control!

The pure and broken light, shining on Li Nali's bodies, all felt the fear of being pierced by the body, one after another, showing their stature, and exiting the area covered by the light.

Genovea and Irina also had a **** expression: "Just holding it, how could it emit such a terrible light, how is it possible! The holy sword is happy? He is clearly a demon! Why can a demon be perfect Master the Holy Sword? "

"I know, this guy is a pervert!" The kitten muttered not far.

Zhu Nai smiled sweetly: "Ah, ah, this kind of unreasonable thing happened to Goku, but it is normal."

"There is such a thing!" Kakabile's faint expression finally revealed his horror. The pure light emitted from the holy sword made him feel the horror of death: "Demon can control the holy sword perfectly? What a joke! How could this happen! "

Coca Biller seemed to be unable to believe the facts he saw. With a roar, his hands held up in the sky, a hundred-meter-old 'fallen angel's light gun' condensed and formed: "You have less bluff, let me die. Right !!! "

The terrible light gun stabbed from the sky at an extremely high speed, and the terrible force trembled the atmosphere, causing dramatic fluctuations!

"A senseless struggle."

The holy sword in his hand waved lightly, and the fallen angel's light gun was chopped into several segments, and the light spots disappeared.

"How is it possible!" Cobill opened his eyes wide, fear spreading in his heart, and mobilized the magic weapon of the fallen angel released by his greatest magic power.

I just hadn't waited for him to calm down, and suddenly felt the light shining around him. He saw horribly that dozens of lightsabers had surrounded him, and the terrible holy light emitted from him shone on him, making him feel the tingling like a fire. Feeling, the skin is 'zizi' become scorched.

This terrible pain was in the pain of the soul, causing Cocabill to scream screaming: "Stop! Stop! Hurry!"

But how could Sun Wukong listen? The lightsaber vibrated and turned into streamers, which filled Cocabill all around him!

"Zizi" sounded like oil on the fire from Cocabiller's body wound, causing him to utter a grievous growl!

pain! It hurts the bone marrow, it hurts the soul!

As a fallen angel, he was stabbed by the holy lightsaber, but his pain was dozens of times the usual, and dozens of holy lightsabers pierced the whole body. The kind of pain can hardly be described by words.

"Kill me !!! Kill me !!!" Kabila begged for mercy and growled, this is the so-called life is better than death.

"Killed you? Don't be so anxious to die! Didn't you look so awesome just now? How much fun is playing with me?" Sun Wukong looked at Coca Biller with a smile, and didn't end him immediately. The guy who pretended to be in front of him and even hit his idea on Lias and Cang's body should torture him to death.

"Please bypass me! My lord! I can see that you are not the kind of boring and kindhearted man. God is no longer with you. I am willing to help you to rule the world on the throne of God!"

"What the **** is this guy talking about!" Irina yelled at Coca Biller. "What does it mean to say God is gone?"

"Hehe ha ha ha ha ha ha" Kakabile resisted the pain from his body and laughed wildly: "That's right! That's right! How can you tell the truth with the garbage below you, In this way, by the way, let me tell you, in the previous three-party war, not only the four demon kings, but even the gods died. "

!! !! !!

Wh, what, what did he say? !!

Everyone present was an unbelievable expression.

"Of course you do n’t know. God is dead. How can we say it? Human beings are a lot of guys who do n’t have the balance and insufficiency of the rules of God ’s heart. We have not fallen into angels and demons to inform the lower levels, whether Everyone thinks that it is not possible to disclose the news of God's death. Even the three major forces who know the truth are only some of the top people. "

"God is gone? Then, that kind of thing"

"Is it true? How could it be, how could the impossible God die ?!"

Genovea and Irina had incredible faces.

"It's hard to believe, right?" Coca-Bill was crazy, "But that's the truth! What remains after the war is the demon who lost the angel of God, all the demon king and most of the superior demon, except the cadre. Almost lost angels. "

"The three forces have entered a state of exhaustion, and each of them has fallen into a predicament of being unable to continue to survive without humans, especially the intersection of angels and fallen angels with human beings will not leave future generations. When fallen angels, there are angels who fall It will increase, but pure angels ca n’t increase now that they have lost God; the pure blood of demons has become scarce, is n’t it? That ’s why we have developed a chess piece that can transform humans into demons! ”

"Cheat deceiving"

Genovea and Irina seemed to have been taken away, and fell to their knees on the spot.

Their expressions were very embarrassed and confused, active believers. The servants of God exist to serve God and to serve God for a living purpose.

But now that the existence of God is denied, the reason for survival is lost.

"It's wonderful, isn't it?" Cobill looked at Sun Wukong frantically, bewildering him: "Although the world is still running in an orderly way, the **** who maintains order is dead. This is like the world has lost its master. This is a rare opportunity! With your strength, don't you want to be the strongest?

"Wu Gong !!" Zhu Nai both looked at Sun Wukong with worries, but Kabil's proposal was so tempting that they would naturally worry.

But unfortunately, this proposal is extremely tempting to others, and it does n’t have a little attraction for Sun Wukong: "The proposal is good, but it ’s a pity that the **** in your eyes is in my eyes, not even fart. The strongest word in your mouth is ironic! "

(Ps: I've been helping others for the past two days, I don't have time code, sorry.) ..