MTL - Crowned with Pearls-Chapter 36 thirty-five

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   Chapter 36 Chapter 35: Evil Sect

how come? !

   She felt her heart beat a few times, as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

   Fortunately, everyone's attention was on Mrs. Su, and no one noticed her pale face. She reluctantly took a step back and stood firm, her heart was in a mess for a while.

   What went wrong? There is no reason, Su Rong would have fallen to his death, all she did was to let this happen according to the established trajectory, why is Su Rong only injured a little now?

   Is her dream a fake, or did many things deviate from the original track with her intervention?

   If this is the case, she suddenly raised her head to look at Su Yao, her eyes full of malice and unwillingness.

   If this is the case, does it mean that Su Yao's fate will also change?

Do not!

   She clenched her fists tightly, her teeth almost clenched, she must never let this girl get good results!

Mr. Su San knelt on his feet and persuaded him for a long time, and then swore to Mrs. Su that he had already invited a doctor to look at it. If the injury was not serious, he would send someone to bring Su Rong back in the afternoon. Slightly better, red and swollen eyes nodded.

   Master Su San sighed and thought for a while, and went out to the city in person, saying that he wanted to pick Su Rong back in person.

Seeing that Mrs. Su was exhausted, Mrs. He asked Mrs. Su San to lead everyone to retreat: "I don't know how the eldest young master is injured. When you come back, you have a lot of work to do. I will take care of you here. Hurry up and get busy, so you don't have to delay things."

Since Mrs. He came to Beijing, this is the first time Mrs. Su San has really felt the benefits of her mother's coming. She does have a lot of things waiting to be dealt with. If Su Rong can be brought back before tonight, then Even more busy, Mrs. He can accompany Mrs. Su here, that is the best.

   She responded immediately, and then softly told the maids and servants who were waiting in front of Mrs. Su to take care of her, before turning her head and wanting to ask Su Xingxuan to go with her.

   This has been a habit for many years. Old Mrs. Su didn't like Su Xingxuan staying with her, so Mrs. Su San couldn't bear to see Su Xingxuan stay here and look at people's cold faces. Every time she left, she took her out.

But this time, Su Xingxuan didn't react at once, her face was still pale, and when Mrs. Su San shouted again with some worry, she woke up and reluctantly said: "Mother, don't worry, I'm fine, I just heard the news. Brother is fine, I am so happy."

   The child, Mrs. Su San smiled and praised: "Yes, we Ruyi are the ones who know how to hurt people the most."

Old Mrs. Su and Mrs. He didn't seem to hear it, especially Mrs. He, who raised her eyebrows and beckoned to invite Su to come to her: "Your grandmother believes in Buddhism, and you accompany me to worship Buddha every day when you accompany me in Taiyuan. , come, she is restless now, just read a volume of the Lotus Sutra to her."

   Mrs. Su San was a little embarrassed, and Su Xingxuan could hardly keep the grievance on her face.

   These two old goddesses embarrassed her again and again!

   The longer they live, the more disadvantageous it is to her.

   When she left the door, her face was already on fire, red like a ripe apple.

Mrs. Su San couldn't bear to see it, she squeezed her hand and softly soothed: "Forget it, Yaoyao is a little naive, presumably because she was accommodating to her, after all, your grandmother has raised her for a few years, and she always prefers her. It will be fine later.”

   There will be no future, Su Xingxuan thought coldly in her heart, but nodded with a sob on her face.

   When she returned to the room, An Ying had already come up to her, anxiously waiting for her to enter the door, she immediately asked Yong Ge to close the door, turned to Su Xingxuan and said, "Miss, you."

  Su Xingxuan frowned before she could finish her sentence and asked, "How did you explain it to Qingsong? Did he send the wrong message?"

   Otherwise, how could this thing go wrong?

   Su Rong had an accident in the last life, and she later learned that it was not as simple as it seemed, but someone wanted to put Su Rong to death.

   In this life, she just wanted to make this happen earlier, so she specially sent someone to send a message to the people behind her, but why was Su Rong okay in the end?

   How do those people do things?

  An Ying was also very anxious: "No! The girl's words, I repeat word by word, Qing Song is also used to helping the third young master to do things, so there is absolutely no chance of such a mistake."

   That's Su Rong's life? What kind of benefactor did he actually meet in reality?


   She rested her hands on the table, and the depression in her heart almost burst out, but she finally held back and just asked coldly: "The Qingsong hasn't been discovered, right?"

  An Ying shook her head and was about to speak when Su An's voice came from outside: "Ruyi, are you inside?"

   She was startled and hurriedly looked at Su Xingxuan.

   Although the third young master loves the third young lady very much, but he is also a cousin with the eldest young master, and the relationship has always been okay, if you know what the third young lady asked Qingsong to do.

She was afraid, but Su Xingxuan just frowned patiently, winked at An Ying, and slowly sat down on the table, when Su An came in, she frowned and asked him: "How come brother already?"

"I just came out from the old lady's place. I thought I hadn't come to see you for a few days, so I'll come and see you." Su An naturally sat down opposite her, and when she saw the tears on her face, she felt as if her hair was blown up. The lion: "Why are you crying again? Did that girl bully you again?!"

  Su Xingxuan felt a little bored in her heart.

  If Su An could be the master of the house now, then things would be simple, but unfortunately, there are many limitations to using this knife now.

   Mr. Su San has doubts about her now, and she can no longer provoke Su An into trouble, so she just shook her head lightly, with tears in her eyes softly said: "No, I'm worried about big brother."

   Speaking of Su Rong, Su An also sighed: "Big brother is also unlucky. Back then, he broke his leg and couldn't stand up for the rest of his life. He finally went out to read a book, and now he almost fell and died."

He said, took a sip of the tea that An Ying had just poured, and said, "But this time, fortunately, nothing major happened, and I was rescued in time. Don't worry, I heard Uncle Liu next to my father say, The injury is not serious, my father has gone to pick him up."

  Su Xingxuan snorted, and before she could catch her breath, she heard Su An say in a very strange tone: "But it's really evil."

Come, come, update, I was shocked as soon as I opened it, thank you for the He Shibi in the moon window, thank you book friend 161213080645334 for the reward, thank you Robert for the reward, and thank you for the reward from the distant world , everyone is so enthusiastic, we still add one more update tonight. Love you all.



   (end of this chapter)