MTL - Cthulhu Gonfalon-Chapter 952 ·Wake up the demon

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The confrontation between the Lord of Glory and the Lord of Order is far near the wheel of order. Even the gods who had been prepared to hear their dialogue before, could not have time to rush, so no one could witness the battle.

But as they played against each other, everyone felt a guilty conscience.

That is the confrontation between the two strongest players who grasp the highest level of power in the vast world and the closest to the core of the world. Their interaction has shaken the roots of the world and affected the whole world.

Although this effect is not significant, the shock that can be brought to the gods is unprecedented.

Those gods who have some doubts about the strength of the Glorious Lord are finally convinced.

To be honest, the Lord of Glory just took a shot and was blocked by the hero. It is indeed that many gods have some doubts about his strength. The great power is powerful against the power. It is enough to kill a finger. How to make a slap Down, not only failed to kill each other, but was stabilized and caught in the local area, and even failed to hit the ground?

Although Xiongxiong was very miserable, there are many people in the gods who have a lot of eyes. Many gods can see that his injury does not involve the most important "divineness" of the gods. It is nothing more than the serious injury of this body.

For the gods, what is the body injury? It’s a big deal to change the new one. Although it’s more troublesome than changing clothes, it’s not too much trouble.

Only at such a price, Yan Xiong took over the palm of the Glorious Lord, which proved his own power and made everyone doubt the strength of the Glorious Lord and doubted whether he had reached the level of "great power". .

The scene that broke the main enchantment before the enchantment was amazing, but Kazuo was also not bound by the enchantment. There was no exception to everything, or simply to find the weakness of the enchantment...

But now that He and the Lord of Order immediately broke all rumors and speculations, fully proving his strength.

As a god, the most basic brain is always wanted. Even if you are dull enough to feel the turmoil of the world, you should at least understand that it is so long to be able to fight with the Lord of the Order. What does it mean?

You must know that when the **** of justice went to challenge the Lord of order, but when he went up, he was shot and flew, and it will not last more than a second.

Now, the battle between the Lord of Light and the Lord of Order has been a few minutes.

This at least proves that the Lord of Glory does have the same level of power as the Lord of Order, and may not be as strong as the Lord of Order, but at least the challenger and the other challengers are completely different levels of existence.

For a time, many gods who have a bad relationship with the human gods are secretly distressed. The courage to begin to wonder where to escape. The courage is small and consider how to surrender and ask for mercy, and look a little better.

At this time, Yan Xiong finally recovered.

The pain in his body has completely disappeared. He is not only uncomfortable at the moment, but feels more relaxed than before. Spraying so much blood, it doesn't seem to have been hurt, but it seems to have removed some cumbersome.

Look at the forest that was dyed by the golden green blood, and he couldn't help but think of an advertisement.

Exhausting toxins, relaxing easily...

No, no! This is too evil, not right, it is too disgusting...

In the heart of the ambiguous ambiguity, there were some messy things, and the tentacle waved, tearing the space and going straight to the front of the ring of the world.

If the Lord of the Order has a missed match between the Lord of Glory and the Great Power, it is a pity!

He took a step. Before he could stand still, he felt that someone was pulling himself. The power came from the big brother Jorga Deman.

So he did not resist, was dragged across a myriad of worlds, and came to a place not far from the wheel of order.

Jorga Deman is one of the most powerful of the gods. He also challenged the wheel of order that year, and he is familiar with it. Therefore, among the gods, He was the first to visit the battlefield.

He has always been distracted to pay attention to the situation of Yuxiong. Seeing that Xiongxiong has recovered, he will pull him over and watch the fun together.

Great power for great power, such a big battle, is no one to pursue a powerful god!

The two stood in a distance from the wheel of order and watched the battle.

The scenes of the battle are a bit strange, and the confrontation between the two great powers is not as one-of-a-kind as the ordinary gods, but inconsistent. Sometimes a number of tricks are sent out together, and sometimes the two sides are stagnant, like a group of messy videos, which makes people feel dizzy.

The two watched for a while and exchanged some opinions. They found that they could not see any tricks and they had to sigh.

The realm of great divine power is indeed not so easy to snoop.

Suddenly, the heroic movement moved to observe the shock of the world's source and the two great powers, so I actually saw a few clues.

Whenever the two great powers are still, the source of the world will be light or heavy. And when they fought at a weird speed, the source of the world returned to calm.

Does this mean that, in fact, their "fighting" movements are only constantly looking for the flaws of the other side. And when they are "stationary", is it the real confrontation?

Is this level of confrontation too high, or too fast, so that Xiongxiong can't see it?

He quietly told Jorga Deman about this speculation, and Jorga Deman sneaked a closer look, slowly revealing a thoughtful look.

"It turned out to be..." He whispered, "No wonder... no wonder!"

"What happened?" Yan Xiong asked curiously.

"The reason why we can't see their battles is not because of the differences between them, but because the world around them has been distorted by their power. What we see is a scene from different times, but not at the moment. What is happening."

Jorgardman paused and let Kao Xiong have a little understanding time, and then went on to say: "The reason why we see the scene stagnate, the source of the world will shake, because they are fighting, the power of each other. They all fell on the other side, and the distortion of the world around them became smaller. So the surrounding world tends to be still in this situation - we see a motionless scene. And when they fight, the world around them The distortion becomes bigger and the scenes of those battles are passed on."

"...If we say this, let's get closer and see the real-time situation?"

Jorga Deman smiled and shook his head and said, "Looking closer, you may actually see the real-time situation, but that's why we have to live and come back."

When Xiong Xiong glanced, he immediately smiled.

Close to the battlefield of two great powers? Even if you want to die if you are tired, you don't have to find this kind of death that is likely to be super painful!

Although he has a strange feeling - even if he has to go through it, he may not really die. But people can't live by feeling. What if it is an illusion?

Many people will feel that "as long as I jump, I can fly up". In fact, if I really jump, I can't fly too much, and I can't fly. I can't help the police uncle to clean up the body. By the way, the witnesses do it. Nightmare, causing loved ones to cry, it is sure...

Oh, maybe you can also recruit a number of network water forces, in the WeChat Weibo circle of friends and so on, toss out a number of true and false rumors! Maybe in a blink of an eye, the identity of the deceased and the time and place of death have changed. Maybe the world will go to the scene, from the capital of art, Paris, to the Pearl of the Orient, Hong Kong, from the snowy Siberia to the scorching equatorial Asia...

In the middle of the battlefield where they could not see, the Lord of Light and the Lord of Order temporarily stopped the battle.

There are some injuries in the two great powers. In general, the situation of the Lord of Glory is a little bit worse, and the situation of the Lord of Order is much better.

"You are not as strong as I am now," said the owner of the order. "If you choose to challenge me after 10,000 years, there may be some chance of winning."

"For ten thousand years? I have been waiting for so long, but my trick can't wait." The Lord of Glory sneered and replied, "I admit, you are indeed stronger now. But winning and losing this thing has never been based on it. Your own strength can be decided!"

"What do you mean by saying, what dangerous cards do you have to reveal?"

"Of course! Actually, I didn't want to challenge you so early, but after I had just played against the void mask, I found that his power far exceeded my expectations. In this case, it is very likely that my trick would not be used. It will be destroyed by him in advance. In this case, I have to choose to challenge you in advance, and I will use the trick first."

"I am looking forward to seeing you, I hope it will not let me down."

"Don't worry! You won't be disappointed!" The Lord of Glory laughed, and there was a light ball that was not in the autumn, and it was crushed.

As the ball of light shattered, the opposite of the order of the wheel of the breath dissipated, and there were many messy flesh and blood floating in the void. Although they have been sealed for a long time, they still contain powerful power, especially the extreme and pure chaos, which makes the owner of the order frown, and subconsciously takes a step back.

He is not afraid of this power, but He hates this breath, which is a reaction from instinct.

“Chaos?” His face, which had always had a rare expression, showed a color of surprise, and then suddenly realized that he turned his head to look in a certain direction under his feet.

That is the direction of the abyss, the deepest direction of the abyss, the place where the most horrible monsters in history have fallen asleep, and the places where the devils who have the ultimate goal of destroying the world lurk.

Just as He looked there, the abyss was boiling.

A huge and unimaginable breath rises from a place in the abyss that has never been noticed, and it fills the entire abyss in an instant, and then continues to spread, madly moving towards the negative parts of the world ring.

At the same time, an ambiguous voice sounded.

The sound is so messy that even the most profound scholars can't recognize it, but anyone who hears it can understand what it means by feeling.

It means - chaos.

There is only one in the heavens and the earth, in the great cycle of thousands of worlds.

The creator of the abyss, the devil's Lord, the fallen great power of the past, and the strongest demon at first, the most terrible crisis in the world.

Chaos, wake up.