MTL - Cultivating From Obtaining Experience-Chapter 245 Stone Gate of the Underground Palace

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  Wang An hurried out of the cave.

  The shaking of the mountain at the foot lasted no more than ten seconds before stopping. Some rocks rolled down the mountain and a few trees fell, but there was no other huge impact.

  He stood on the mountain for a while, and was about to enter the cave again after finding that there was no further earthquake. Suddenly, he saw a faint light in the valley not far away, which was very faint.


  Wang An suddenly disappeared from the mountain, his figure flickered a few times in the mountain, and soon came to the place where the light came out.

  The light came from the ground, and a crack appeared on the ground, no more than 20 centimeters wide. The light was slightly green, at a depth of more than ten meters underground, and following the shining light, Wang An saw two bones.

   "This is, underground tomb?"

  Wang An looked at the surrounding terrain, and he could vaguely see several incomplete petroglyphs on a broken rock nearby.

  He went to a closer look, because the stone was broken, so the picture was incomplete, but it could be seen that some people were worshiping something, and there were some upward stairs in the picture.

  Wang An walked forward along the curved crack, and found that there seemed to be a faint passage under the crack, and he didn't know where it led.

  He walked along the crack for nearly two hundred meters, the crack disappeared, and he looked up at a towering mountain in front of him.

   "Let's take a closer look at dawn tomorrow." Although his current vision is not much different between day and night, he decided to wait until dawn.

  He waited peacefully in the mountains all night. The other people in the mountain were terrified, and everyone was terrified.

   "Fuck, what's going on, is there an earthquake?"

   "Don't make a fuss, Beiyi Mountain occasionally has earthquakes on weekdays, and the frequency of earthquakes here is much higher than other places."

   "Is this normal?"

   "Yes, normal."

   "If your legs shake like a shaker, I almost believe it!"

   Just as he was talking, a rock rolled down from the top of the mountain.

   "Be careful, get out of the way!"

  The other team was not much better, and hurried to find an open place to hide, but where to find an open place in this mountain forest? Fortunately, the earthquake is very short and the intensity is not high.

   "Huh, it was a false alarm."

   "Why is there an earthquake all of a sudden?"

   "Beiyi Mountain is an earthquake-prone area."

   "Hey, do you think this earthquake was caused by some human factors?"

   "Human factor, what do you mean?"

   “Someone blew up something with dynamite and it caused an earthquake.”

   "But we didn't hear the explosion?"

   "Perhaps the explosion was underground, or it was covered up in the cave."

   "No matter what the reason is, everyone should be more vigilant tonight."

  The two teams stayed up all night for fear of another earthquake.

  The next morning, just after dawn, Wang An was ready to start.

  He wanted to go underground to take a look, but the crack on the ground was very narrow, and it looked like it was only 20 to 30 centimeters. Naturally, a person with this width would not be able to get in, so a cat could get in.

  Wang An gathered his true energy, slapped hard, and with a bang, a big hole sank into the ground.

  Then he sank more than one meter deep, and then used his palms to open a path underground.

  Under the blessing of true qi, Wang An easily broke through the hard ground with his palms, and shattered the underground rocks.

  Wang An looked at both sides of the crack, and there were some hard rocks.

  Following all the way down, until the ground is more than ten meters deep, the feet are considered to be on the ground. Here he actually saw the stone steps. It's just that these steps are no longer complete, or broken, or crumbled, scattered.

  Looking at these stairs, Wang An thought of the petroglyphs he saw on those crumbling rocks last night.

  Those who worship, the stairs leading to the heights.

  But now the ladder has sunk into the ground, and it has completely collapsed.

  Where will this ladder lead to? Wang An thought of the painting recorded in that person's diary, the glowing door.

   "Will it lead to the legendary immortal residence?"

  Underground, Wang An walked along the direction of the broken stone steps. On both sides were piled up rocks, big and small. Suddenly Wang An stopped.

  He saw two skeletons, but he could only see part of the body, and the other part should have been pressed into the rocks, which looked like they were buried or buried in the ground.

  Continuing to move forward, he found skeletons one after another, almost none of them were complete, they were all crushed in the rocks, and the clothes they wore were a bit weird.

   "Sacrifice, earthquake?" Wang An suddenly thought of a possibility.

   "Did these people encounter an earthquake during some kind of sacrificial activity, and they were crushed to death before they could escape. The clothes they were wearing may have been used for sacrificial offerings."

  Wang An was looking for a way forward along the broken stone steps. Suddenly, the road in front of him was cut off, cut off by a rock where he could not see the edge.

  The road is gone, so open the road again. There is no road underground.

  Wang An breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand, and King Kong slapped the table, and with all his strength, he landed on the boulder.

  The strength rises from the feet, driving the strength of the whole body to converge upwards. True Qi gushes out from the sea of ​​Qi and travels along the meridians.

  They met from the shoulders, gathered together, and moved forward hand in hand, as if the fire met the fuel, exerting amazing power.

  Slapped a palm on the boulder,

   King Kong shoots the table,

  The moment his palm came into contact with the stone, the part of the rock that the palm touched immediately collapsed, and the palm sank into the rock. Almost at the same time, dozens of cracks spread rapidly in all directions from the sunken place in his hand, covering the entire rock like a spider's web.

  Crack, the sound of cracking came from the inside of the rock continuously. With a bang, this side of the rock collapsed directly, and then collapsed.

  Behind the rock, a winding passage leads to an unknown direction, and some broken stone steps can be seen below. He walked along the stone steps, and the further he went, the lower the stone steps seemed to lead to the depths of the ground.

   "Could it be that the stone steps in the painting on the rock outside point to the ground, not to the top?"

  On the ground, in the forest, the two teams did not rest well all night, and they were still searching separately as they shuttled through the jungle.

   "Boss, shouldn't there be another earthquake today?"

"Hard to say."

   "Then let's withdraw it. Although the money has been given a lot, we have to spend our lives!"

   "I have all the money in my hand, why would I spit out the meat I ate, and what a coincidence, there was an earthquake just last night, and it happened again today?"

   "That's hard to say."

   Just after saying this, there was a muffled bang, and the ground under the feet of several people shook intermittently.

   "Holding the grass, isn't it! It's really coming!"

   "Crow Mouth!"

   Another team in the mountains has already climbed to a high place on a mountain, standing high and looking far away.

   "Captain, you are really there. There was an earthquake just last night, and you led us to the top of the mountain today. In case of an earthquake later, we have no place to run."

   "Stand tall and see far."

   "Well, I think you'll die faster if you stand tall!"

   "Crow's mouth, what are you talking about?!" A teammate immediately scolded.

   "Bah, bah, bah, I was wrong!"

   Just as he finished speaking, the mountain shook.

   "Hold the grass, don't you!"

  These people hurriedly lay down on the ground, but calmed down again after a few seconds.

   "Captain, I think so"

   "From now on, you are not allowed to say a word, do you hear me?"


  Underground, Wang An walked all the way, all the way down, the air here is a bit dull, and there are no cracks above his head at all. Wang An roughly estimated that he is now close to 20 meters underground.

  If there is another earthquake now, in case the sides collapse, he will be buried directly inside.

  Wang An stopped, and there was a relatively empty place in front of him, because there were several inclined stone pillars supporting the surroundings, and the steps under his feet began to become continuous.

   You can see several corpses within a few steps on the stone steps. Wang An feels more like leading to a tomb somewhere.

  Walking forward for a further distance, an unfathomable gully lay in front of my eyes, with a width of seven or eight meters, diagonally below and above the stone wall were two doors.

  The appearance of the two doors is exactly the same as that recorded in the diary.


  Originally, Wang An’s purpose of coming to Beiyi Mountain was to lure out the person behind the last capital incident, just to go around and make some noise, as a bait, but he didn’t expect to find such a thing in this mountain.

  Wang An's figure flashed across the unfathomable ravine, and came to the front of these two doors.

  In front of the gate is a wide sacrificial altar. At this time, the altar is also covered with cracks, and there are some white bones of animals on it. It seems that it should be used for sacrifices.

  Wang An passed through the altar and came to the front of the gate. There were some weird runes on the gate. There is also a toppled stone tablet on the side, with some ancient characters recorded on it.

   "What's behind this door?"

  Wang An stretched out his hand and tried it. The stone door is very thick, but it is not unbreakable.

  He looked at the two doors, but did not use his strength to break the stone door open. He used his mobile phone to take pictures of the ancient relics such as the stone gate, stele, and altar, and then looked around.

   Turned around and came to the bottomless gully and looked down.

  The endless abyss, the eerie darkness, seems to have a big gaping mouth, trying to swallow everything that comes close.

  Wang An turned around and looked at the two doors again, then stepped across the ravine, and left along the way he came. However, when he went back, he moved several rocks and blocked the road leading to the stone gate again.

  When he came out of the ground, another palm shook the ground and completely blocked the way in.

  He is not sure what is behind those two stone gates, maybe it is a god, or maybe it is something bad, he always feels that the latter is more likely.

   "It's almost time to go back."

  Wang An secretly found two teams on the way back, and quietly added photos to them as souvenirs.

   While the two teams were still searching hard in the mountains, Wang An was already on his way back.

  He went back quietly. He set off from Beiyi Mountain in the morning and returned to the mountain village that night. He woke up in the morning just in time for breakfast.

   Seeing Wang An came back, Xu Qi told him the progress of the investigation.

   "All I can find now are some small shrimps. These people are very careful, and the clues will be broken when they reach one place."

   "This can be regarded as a reward. Only by setting a long line can we catch big fish. I still have a bait here." Wang An told Xu Qi what he found at the foot of Beiyi Mountain. Xu Qi was stunned after hearing this.

   "Here, why does what the gentleman said sound so similar to the stone gate in the Valley of Burying Immortals?!" He couldn't help but marvel.

   There is also a stone gate at the end of the depths of Burial Valley, and the stone gate has been opened, but no one knows what is inside.

   "Maybe there is some kind of connection between them. After all, they are all in the land of Xiqiang. I brought back the photos. Some ancient characters and symbols on them, you can find an expert to break them."


   "This bait should attract a lot of people."

   "Mister, didn't you go in and have a look?" Xu Qi asked curiously.

   "I thought about it, but I held back."

   "Why, maybe there are really immortals inside?"

   "Immortal, what is an immortal, so what if I see it? I have my own path now, the one that suits me best. And I have a faint premonition that there might be something bad in it. How is Lei Hai these days?"

   "Very good, getting better every day." Xu Qi said, this is what makes him happiest. The injury of his friend has always been a knot in his heart these years.

   Xu Qi left the mountain village on the second day after Wang An returned and headed for the capital. During Wang An's absence, while secretly inquiring for news, he took care of Lei Hai in the mountain village, while Lu Xiangyi in the capital kept watching.

   "What, the underground stone gate?" After hearing Xu Qi's report, Lu Xiangyi was also stunned.

   "This, shouldn't this have something to do with the Valley of Burying Immortals?"

   "Maybe, I have to find someone to decipher the words and symbols on the photos brought back by my husband."

   "What do you think will be behind the stone gate?"

   "I don't know, the gentleman didn't go in, he said there might be something bad behind it."

   "Maybe it's just an ancient tomb?"


  On the same day, Xu Qi contacted an expert in related fields for advice.

   "Here, where did you get these photos?" The expert was very surprised after seeing the photos Xu Qi told him.

   "This is Tangut, that is, Xixia." The expert pointed to the stone tablet.

   "As for the two doors, the symbols on them seem to be from the pre-Qin period. I need to study the specifics."

  (end of this chapter)