MTL - Cultivating From Obtaining Experience-Chapter 248 this is genius

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  After falling to the ground, a carp in Watanabe Village stood up, and Li Xinzhu's fist had landed between his eyes and stopped less than three centimeters from his face.

"you lose!"

  Watanabe Cun was stunned for a moment, then swung the knife upwards, and at the same time cut Li Xinzhu's neck horizontally with his left hand.

  Li Xinzhu raised his hand to block, not letting the middle door go, and punched him in half a step, or quickly, flatly, and straightly punched him in the stomach, with force penetrating his internal organs.

  Well, Watanabe Village snorted directly, and took a few steps back.

  He took a deep breath and wanted to fight again. He took a deep breath, but his stomach hurt. At this time, Li Xinzhu's punch was like a strong wind.

   In an instant, more than a dozen punches hit him on the chest, abdomen, shoulders, and ribs. Gudong, Watanabe Village fell to the ground straight.

   "I lost!" He said these three words with difficulty.

   "Admit." Li Xinzhu cupped his hands.

   "Sure enough, beating people is still fun!" He thought to himself.

  The process of the two people's martial arts competition was quite complicated, but it didn't take long.

  In fact, the time of most of the contests is very short, and the outcome is clear in an instant. Especially when the strength difference between the two sides of the competition is relatively large, it will usually be a crushing result.

  Whether it's a duel between experts or rookies pecking at each other, it's almost impossible to fight for a few days and nights.

   "I lost, how could I lose like this?!" Watanabe lay on the ground and looked at the blue sky.

  He has won many people in Dongpu. Not only is there no opponent among his peers, even some seniors are not his opponents.

  He came all the way here, just to see how good Wang An's kung fu is, who claims to have cultivated true qi, and how far he is from him, but now it seems that he can't see it.

   "This kid must have been fooled, I didn't hit him on the head much just now!" Li Xinzhu looked at Watanabe, who was lying on the ground and hadn't gotten up for a long time.

   "You, are you his disciple?" Watanabe Village moved his fingers and asked such a sentence before he stood up.

   "Well, how should I put it, it counts." Li Xinzhu said after thinking about it.

   "The disciples are so strong, Mr. Wang An should be stronger, right?"

   "How should I describe this? If I were this rock." Li Xinzhu pointed to a rock beside him, "He is the mountain under our feet."

   "What?!" Watanabe Village stood up and was stunned after hearing this. "How can it be?"

  Watanabe Village, who was stunned for a while, suddenly got up and knelt down towards Wang An.

   "What's the matter?" Wang An was slightly taken aback when he saw this.

   "Sir, please accept me as an apprentice." As he spoke, the head of Watanabe Village kowtowed.

  Wang An moved aside, "What is this, join if you can't beat it?"

   "I won't accept you as an apprentice, you can go."

  After speaking, Wang An and Li Xinzhu went down the mountain. They didn't expect that since Watanabe Village came outside the old house, it knelt directly outside the gate. This move made the two old people blindfolded.

   "What's wrong with this kid?"

   "It's not normal here." Wang An pointed.

   "Is this what you are planning to do with sincerity, is Jinshi doing that?" Wang An looked at Watanabe Village, who was kneeling at the door.

   "You two elders go back to the house, I will handle this matter."

   "Oh, this kid looks very polite and energetic." The old man murmured.

  Wang An walked to Watanabe Village.

   "Sir." Watanabe Village looked up at Wang An with sincerity on his face.

   "I don't like this, leave now."

   "Sir, I sincerely want to worship you as my teacher, please accept me." As he spoke, he slammed his head on the ground again.

   Tsk, tsk, tsk, Li Xinzhu beside him couldn't help admiring.

   This kowtowing is natural and smooth. It looks like I have practiced a lot on weekdays!

  Wang An raised his hand and pressed on his forehead, then Watanabe's eyes went dark, and he passed out.

   "Find a place to throw him away." He turned to Li Xinzhu who was beside him.

   "Okay, I'm good at this, wait, isn't this considered abusing foreign friends?" Li Xinzhu said happily.

   "Who is his friend?"

   "Yes, there are so many ghosts!"

   Li Xinzhu was about to leave Watanabe Village on his shoulders when he happened to meet Xu Qi coming over.

"This is…"

   Li Xinzhu told him the cause and effect of the incident in general.

   "Watanabe Village?" Xu Qi glanced at that person's face. "It's really him!"

   "Why, you know him?"

   "I heard that the young masters who have been very popular in Dongying in recent years have practiced Aikido. They have set a record of winning 100 games in a single year in Dongying.

  He has the title of a genius warrior and has high hopes. "

   "Is he so awesome? Why do I think his kung fu is not very good, he is not as good as me. According to what you say, I can go to Dongpu to sweep a piece of it?" Li Xinzhu said in surprise after hearing this.

   "You can beat Watanabe Village, which shows that your kung fu is indeed high enough." Xu Qi said with a smile.

   "Hiss, um, hehe." Li Xinzhu smirked after hearing this.

  I have been practicing with Wang An these days. The more I practice, the more I feel that I am far behind Wang An. I didn't expect that I would become a master. Sure enough, it depends on whom to compare with, some people are not suitable for comparison.

  He has practiced against Wang An almost every day these days, what kind of strength and speed is that.

  Compared with Wang An, Watanabe Village is one on the ground and the other in the sky.

   "What are you going to do with this person?"

   "Find a place to throw it away."

   "Leave it to me?"


  Xu Qi took the unconscious Watanabe Village and took him away. Wang An didn't take this matter seriously. The next day Xu Qi paid another special visit.

   "Recently, Japan has sent some people to the empire to inquire about news. Watanabe Village is probably one of them. It's just that he is a bit independent and came here to find you. I didn't expect him to be defeated by Li Xinzhu.

   It seems that Li Xinzhu has learned a lot from you during this period of time! "

   "He is talented and willing to work hard." Wang An said calmly. "Are those people still moving?"

   "Not yet, but I think they can't take it anymore." Xu Qi said, "Someone from Professor Su of the Imperial University has already gone to inquire about the deciphering of the tombstone."

   "This is all the ancient texts he can decipher." Xu Qi handed the text deciphered by Professor Su to Wang An, "His office has been entered by someone, and the computer has been tampered with, so he did not enter the last part of the ancient texts into the computer."

   "Thank you, the news can be released to prevent that Professor Su from being in danger."

  Wang An looked at the information in his hand. The text on the tombstone is a sacrificial oration, or a blessing, which is a compliment and blessing to an immortal, hoping that the immortal can issue a miracle, relieve their pain, and give them the secret of longevity.

  As for the text on the stone gate, it says "The Gate to Immortals". All signs indicate that there seems to be a fairy behind that door.

   "Immortal, Immortal?" Wang An looked at the information in his hand.

   "Sir, are you going to have a look?"

   "No, I'm not interested."

   "Huh?" Xu Qi was taken aback after hearing this.

   Not interested, how could it be possible, according to him, the people or organizations who knew the news so far have sent people to Beiyi Mountain to search, but Wang An who caused these things actually said that he was not interested there.

   "You, do you know what's behind that?"

   "I don't know, and I'm not interested in knowing now." Wang An said with a smile.

   "This is really a surprising answer!"

   What other people desperately want to know, but the person in front of him is not interested.

   "Why don't you use these things to fish?" Wang An raised the information in his hand.

  In a certain city thousands of miles away from the mountain village.

   "That trash Watanabe, a **** who doesn't obey orders!"

   "It's really surprising. He actually lost to Wang An's disciple. Who is that Li Xinzhu?"

   "An unknown person, a small person in Hu'an City, who learned Xingyiquan."

   "Xingyiquan, I remember that Wang An practiced Taijiquan, right?"

   "According to the information we have obtained, he is proficient in Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, and Vajra Zen Palm. He once taught the monks there in Faxing Temple, and he has already developed the strength of palm splitting. He can ring a big bell with his palm from one or two meters away."

   "It's a pity, such a person is actually in this country! We can invite him to our country, and we can regard him as a sage of martial arts!"

   "He will not leave this country. Don't forget that there are two old people in his hometown, his only two relatives left in this world."

  "The old man who is nearly ninety years old should leave peacefully, and we can make a fuss about it."

   "What article?"

   "Using those two old men to sow discord between him and the Bureau of Secret Affairs and even this country."

   "Have you forgotten what the main task of our trip is, don't make extra trouble!"

   "The secret base of Buried Immortal Valley is under construction. They even sent troops to station on the periphery. We can't get close at all. We can only find out the news through hidden weapons buried many years ago. We don't know where the ancient site in Beiyi Mountain is so far. Except for Wang An, no one knows.

  If we can invite him, it means that we will know where the historic site in Beiyi Mountain is, and then have the possibility to explore it. Isn’t it good to kill two birds with one stone? "

   "I'm a little worried now, whether Watanabe Village has exposed the purpose of our trip."

  Beijing, the headquarters of the Special Affairs Bureau.

   "Watanabe Village is that well-known kung fu master in Dongying. He claims to have defeated fourteen schools within a year and won a hundred games in a row."

   "That's right, it's him."

   "He lost to Li Xinzhu, is this guy also very good at kung fu?"

   "Well, I didn't pay much attention to it before. According to the information we got, he practiced Xingyi boxing, and his kung fu is not very good. It is very likely that he has made great progress in kung fu because of Wang An's guidance."

   "It seems that Wang An is not only good at himself, but also a good teacher!

  Didn't Lu Xiangyi learn some kung fu from him? Let Xu Qi also find a way to learn from him, learn his methods of practicing kung fu, and teach our people after returning to the capital. "

   "Your idea is very good, but it may be difficult to realize. Don't even mention it. Who can master his method of Yijinshuxie. I guess Li Xinzhu must have accepted Yijinxiuxiu. That's why he made such a huge improvement in a short period of time, and then defeated Watanabe Village."

  The news that Li Xinzhu defeated the genius warrior Watanabe Village spread within a very small range, letting some people know that there was such a person, and at the same time saw Wang An's strength again.

  In the land of Xiqiang, in the depths of the Burial Valley, outside the palace, four people were waiting outside.

   "This is the fifth time, I don't know why, I feel a little uneasy!"

   "Uneasy, is it nervous?"

   "By the way, that guy looked very strong just now."

   "He is also a very vicious person. He was injured and contaminated twenty-three lives. It is considered cheap for him to come here!"

   "It's not cheap for him, the way of death inside should be very painful."

a ha ha ha! In the palace behind the stone gate, there was a maniacal laughter suddenly.

   "Laughter, he is still alive, is he crazy?"

   With a bang, a palm full of painstaking efforts stretched out from behind the door, and grabbed the half-opened stone door. The palm was covered with blood, and the flesh and blood on it were covered with cracks, as if cut many times by a sharp knife.

   "It hurts!" A ghostly voice came from the cave.

   Then a man covered in blood came out from inside. His clothes were torn apart, and his skin and muscles were also torn apart. He was covered in blood, bleeding everywhere, bang bang, bang bang, pieces of flesh and blood fell from his body.

   "Here, he's still alive?!"

   "It's unbelievable."

   "So, so?!" He muttered to himself.

   Two shots, the anesthesia bomb hit the man, and his body shook twice.

   "I feel it, that's how it feels!" He didn't fall down, but was still talking to himself.

   "What's going on, why haven't you fallen?"

  The man with muscles like a horned dragon walked unsteadily, like a drunken alcoholic, staggering towards the people waiting outside.


   "He's lost his mind, don't listen to what you're saying, shoot!"

   When he was four or five meters away from several people, that person suddenly accelerated, and the whole person was shot out like a compressed spring.

   Da da da, fire snake hesitating.

   With a bang, one's head was blown off by his punch.

   "This is power!" He raised his head to the sky and screamed, letting the bullets fall on his body, hitting his torso like a lunatic's den, bleeding.

   Then he punched each of them, forcibly hammering the other three to death. Immediately afterwards, he also fell to the ground.

  The valley was silent.

   After a while, the man covered in bullet holes moved his fingers.

  (end of this chapter)