MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1476 Since changing the hairstyle, the pharmacist's predecessor has become warmer.

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Then, the pain after the explosion was synchronized to Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang’s face suddenly became pale.

"It hurts, it's going to die... it's going to die..."

The pain of the in-situ explosion has not been experienced for some time... This reminds him of the fear in the Confucian Golden Lotus world. There, he and a group of Confucian monks were crushed by the black iron fingers that were changed by the fat ball again and again.

Fortunately, the pain of the blast is just synchronizing, that is, the ‘instant moment’.

After the painful pain has passed, the teeth can be sustained.

Even for a moment, Song Shuhang still had a white face and a cold sweat.

[Ha ha ha, know that Ben Wang is amazing. 】 Peas is proud of the voice, it bites harder.

"Book Air Xiaoyou, you look very painful. Do you want a needle of analgesic? I just researched it recently, and it has effects on monks below six." The pharmacist said moderately.

Song Shuhang took a cold breath and bitterly said: "It has already passed, no need, pharmacist predecessors."

The pharmacist nodded gently and replied: "Okay, tell me if you need it next time."

Since the hair style has changed from killing the styling to the warm male styling, it has always felt that the pharmacist's predecessors have changed their personality and become super warm.

Can changing hairstyles really change a person?

After shaving the Buddha's door, I have to shave a big bald head. Is it also related to this?

"When can your detachment be re-distributed?" the pharmacist asked again.

Song Shudao: "The exact time is not clear. It seems that as I improve my strength every time, the time to recover after the death will be shortened. However, as long as I am willing to consume a lot of spiritual power, I can let the avatar recover in advance."

Last time, he almost exhausted the power of the two Jindanli, and then let the avatar recover in advance.

Now he has four cores... it should be able to support two waves.

The pharmacist held his chin and thought about it. "If you consume a lot of spiritual power, you may need this."

Jiang Ziyan from the side took a black bottle out of the small bag.

"My newly researched remedy for restoring spiritual power, I named it 'Zi Shi Dan'. Under normal circumstances, one can restore the spiritual power of Wu Pin Ling Huang, one can take two to three. After going down, meditating under meditation will take effect," the pharmacist said.

Zi Shi Dan, is this the name of the purple smoke fairy and the pharmacist?

“Is there any side effect?” Song Shuhang asked, the new research drug, there must be some side effects?

"Well, because it is a newly researched remedy, some side effects have not come and been dealt with, but they are all minor problems that do not affect the state of the monk. The biggest side effect of Zi Shi Dan is that it will produce a strong feeling of fullness. Because it The energy contained in it is too rich, and it will make the consumer eat a lot of delicacies in the same breath. After eating, you may not be able to eat anything for several days. When you smell the food, you will I feel that my stomach is full and I have no appetite." The pharmacist introduced gently.

"It's just such side effects, it's fine." Song Shudao.

"If you can accept the best, then your new practice must be changed a few times. You should restore your spiritual strength first." Pharmacist said.

Jiang Ziyan gave a bottle of medicinal herbs to Song Shuhang: "There are 24 inside, enough for the ordinary five-pronged emperor to use for a long time...but you have quad-core, I don't know how many times you can use it."

"Thank you for the pharmacist predecessor, Ziyan Fairy." Song Shuhang took over the drug.

Then he first consumed a lot of spiritual power to let the avatar recover in advance.

Like the last time, Song Shuhang still consumed two Jin Dan's spiritual powers to restore the avatar.

The strength of Song Shuhang has increased, and the amount of spiritual storage in the body has increased. Correspondingly, the ‘spiritual power’ consumed by the avatar recovery will also increase.

After recovering the avatar, Song Shuhang poured out a 'Zi Shi Dan' and stuffed it into the entrance: "Hey, orange?"

It tastes great, like eating a slice of sugar.

Song Shuhang couldn't help but bite it down.

"This is just the outer sugar coating, it will be very bitter inside, so it will be better to swallow it in one breath." Pharmacist said.

"Ha?" Song Shuhang suddenly burst into tears.

After biting the icing on the outside, the bitter taste of Zi Shi Dan was revealed, and it was so bitter.

Song Shuhang felt that his tongue was suffering and didn't feel it.

He leaned his head and swallowed the medicinal medicine.

"You should be reminded earlier by the pharmacist." Song Shuhang smiled bitterly.

The pharmacist shrugged his shoulders: "I haven't come yet and said, you have already bitten."

After swallowing the medicinal herbs, Song Shuhang felt a feeling of fullness and support.

Full, my stomach is soaring.

And it feels like the feeling of drinking a bottle of water after a meal.

In addition to this side effect, the belly will be a little itchy.

Then there are no other side effects.

The effect of medicinal recovery of medicinal herbs is very good. The spiritual power of Song Shuhang’s life-saving whale Dan has recovered a little while, and the efficacy is still going on. If it is combined with meditation, it can almost restore half of the life of the whale.

Song Shuhang poured out two 'Zi Shi Dan' and swallowed it.

After the three went down, the feeling of fullness became more serious.

"It’s full, I feel like the stomach is going to be blown up." Song Shuhang sighed.

"No way, Zi Shidan's sequelae is not easy to solve, I am conquering this problem. But the effect is very good?" Pharmacist senior smiled.

Song Shuhang nodded: "The effect of the lever, the spiritual power of the life of the whale Dan is constantly recovering, even the second Jindan has recovered a small half of the spiritual power."

He roughly calculated that almost three ‘Zi Shi Dan’ would go down and use the ‘the secret law’ again.

On the other side, Jiang Ziyan added: "Zi Shi Dan should take more than two hours after taking it once, in order to continue taking it. In addition, this feeling of fullness will accumulate and the sequelae will last for about two days. The more you eat, the more you eat. The duration will be extended. You should pay attention to the interval of taking."

"I know." Song Shudao.

Jiang Ziyan smiled slightly, then she took the pharmacist's arm, and the two went to show and love.



Song Shuhang found a position to sit down, his hands holding his belly, from time to time to make a full.

I am full of panic.

"Song predecessors, are you uncomfortable?" Yurouzi asked with doubt.

"Nothing, this is the sequela of eating the pharmacist's predecessor." Song Shudao.

Yukoko rubbed his eyes: "What is the sequelae? You seem to be pregnant with a stomachache."

"What does this have to do with pregnancy? This is full of panic." Song Shuhang laughed and laughed.

Since I knew the ‘pregnancy gaze’, Yukoko saw the stomachache of others and thought that she was pregnant.

“Do you need to eat a piece of food?” asked Su Shi’s sixteen, and she took out a white eclipse--a special dish for the banquet.

The delicacies on the banquet are so rich that there are always practitioners who have a small appetite and can't eat. This time, you need this special cultivator-specific digestion.

Song Shuhang looked at the white eclipse, and slammed it hard. He frowned. "I'm afraid I can't do anything. I can't eat anything now. Even if it's a grain of rice, I don't want to taste it."

Zi Shidan's side effects in this regard are too strong.

"Then you are so slow, a little walk, will you feel better?" A-16 suggested.

“I always feel that the Song predecessors are like the ‘pregnancy gaze’, that is, the stomach is not obviously inflated.” Yu Rouzi smiled.

Song Shuhang looked up at the sky.

I always feel that something is wrong here today.


After a few hours

After the ‘Jiuzhou No.1 Group’ friends, they worked together to make the 3rd edition of the “Thirty-three Beasts First Power Qigong” revision.

The white predecessors first tested this version with the rune arrangement.

"Probably not able to find a problem, in theory, this version has no shortcomings. However, it is also necessary to combine the actual. Book Air, you will try to separate the avatar." Xiaobai seniors said.

"Received." Song Shuhang thought of a move, once again pulled Song Shuhang two out.

"Working hard." Song Shuhang looked at his own avatar and exclaimed.

At the moment when the avatar was blown up, he didn't mention how much he was worried.

I watched as ‘self’ exploded.

Song Shuhang sat cross-legged, and closed his eyes to start the operation of "Thirty-three beasts first qigong" modified 3.

Week after week.

Soon, Song Shuhang two ran for 132 days.

However, after the end of the 132nd day of operation, it suddenly reached a limit. On the 130th day of the week, it is impossible to continue.

Song Shuhang two only opened his eyes and ended his cultivation.

No injuries, no explosions.

"What happened again this time?" Lichee Fairy glared at her eyebrows.

"In general, it has improved more than the last time, no injuries, no explosions."

"But why did it only run for 132 days, and it was stuck?" The Oriental Six Fairy Road, she looked down at the revised "Thirty-three Beasts, a qigong", and could not find any problems.

"Seven predecessors, white predecessors, what do you see?" asked the fluster fairy.

"Well, it’s almost the same."

Xiaobai’s predecessors also nodded: “I feel almost the same.”

"132 Sundays, is 4 33 weeks." Seven repairs Sheng Jun reminded.

"That is to say, thirty-three beasts are qigong first, 33 Sundays is a big Sunday?" asked Litchi fairy.

Flowing Fire Fairy: "If it is 4 again... Is it limited to the four cores of Song Shuhang?"

"This is an upper limit and a kind of protection for the book friends."

Yukoko raised his hand and asked: "That is, the crisis of the original explosion of the Song predecessors was lifted?"

"This point, it is still uncertain, we have to continue to observe for a while." Xiaobai seniors said: "Book Air, I suggest you follow me for a while. Next, I am going to go to Tiantian Island, you Come together too."