MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1564 Come, come and marry me!

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"Yes, this is my devil!" Anzhi Mojun seems to have realized the same.

The robbery is always so weird.

Unconsciously, it has quietly landed the ‘heart and the robbery’.

Moreover, he chose the most phobia of the innermost sorcerer Xuan Sheng.

Fortunately, it is timely to comprehend.

As long as you know that this is a demons, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"This level of demon robbing wants to linger in my heart." An Zhi Mojun calmed.

It is the genius of the Anzhi Mojun. When he was in the fourth product, he was geniused as the ‘Devil’.

Its magic is as firm as iron!

"Don't say that it is a tyrant Song Xuansheng staring at me outside, but even if there are ten or more hundred, I will regret it!" Anzhi Moujun screamed and issued his own announcement: "I am Anzhi Mojun, I am destined to become the Lord of the Devil! I will be here to take the first step of my trip to Jindan Avenue."

After the roaring, the momentum of Anzhi Mojun went up to the next level.

At this moment, it seems to have defeated the ‘fear of the tyrants of the tyrants of the tyrants,’ and the firmness of the magic has risen to the next level.

It continues to systematically manipulate its own robbery.

The six demon gods were pulled up a bit and broke out with a more powerful magical power. The evils buried in the ground are all active.

Outside the robbery.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Peas: "..."

"There is still such an operation, if you can't learn, you can't learn." Song Shuhang said with emotion.

He is such a big one, he is a tyrant, and he is sitting here, and the Anzhi Mojun can forcibly confess him into a demon.

"The plan has failed. Now I am afraid that you will refuel it. It will not be affected. Maybe you still feel that you can resist the evil spirits, and the heart becomes more determined." Doudou.

Song Shudao: "It’s a different kind of thinking than a non-family. This guy’s way of thinking is quite different from that of human beings."

"The thinking with dogs is also a lot worse." Peas added: "What are you going to do next?"

Song Shuhang bowed his head and asked the seniors of Akasaka Sword: "Predecessors... What do you say when I say that I am giving him a ‘pregnancy gaze’ next to the air?”

"First of all, it will definitely be pregnant, and the power of the eyes of the saints will be there. Then, you will be caught in the robbery. As long as you use the spell against it, it is to intervene in the robbery... There is no reason to let go of you. "The Akasaka sword predecessors calm down.

Song Shuhang smashed his eyebrows - he doesn't want to get involved in other people's catastrophe now.

He didn't want to really become ‘Song. Let me come. I am professional. I robbed me to fight. Book Air.’

It’s enough to go through this kind of thing with someone else. This kind of joke about taking a little life is not fun.

"Would you wait for him to pass the robbery, then give him a pregnancy gaze?" Peas proposed: "In it thinks that he finally succeeded in robbing, successfully condensed Jindan, in the most exciting moment of life, we send again It's a 'pregnancy gaze'. Let it directly change its golden dragon to double its happiness?"

"It's feasible, but I'm more worried about whether there will be any life-saving tricks on it. Once we wait for it to succeed, we find that we are not a demons, and we immediately started the escape method to escape?" Song Shudao.

He feels that with the style of Gongzihai and his companions, this kind of life-saving method is definitely indispensable.

"Don't worry, there is me." The former sword of the Akasaka sword calmly said: "I am now full of energy. No matter what the law is, even if it is a cross-space shackle, I can take it if I slash it. Little life."

The words of the predecessors of Akasaka Sword are particularly weighty, which makes people feel at ease.

- The only problem is that with the energy of the predecessors of the Akasaka Sword, to deal with a five-product magic repair that has just been promoted, will it be too bad?

At this time, Peas took out their mobile phone and typed quickly on the mobile phone.

Song Shuhang glanced at Peas and found that he was chatting in a group.

"Hey? Do you are not banned in the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 group?'" Song Shuhang asked, how could he chat?

Did peas use the account of Huangshan predecessors?

Doudou rolled his eyes: "I have more than one group."

"What is this group?" Song Shuhang asked curiously - because he had just glanced at it and found several familiar avatars.

The savage knives and sorcerers of the ancestors of the ancestors, the ancestors of the ancestors, the predecessors of the genius, and the predecessors of the mysterious females, seem to have targeted the portraits of the white predecessors.

They are all familiar members of the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group'.

"This group can't tell you for the time being... You are not qualified to add this group at the moment. Well, after a while, you should be able to pass the assessment into this group. You are still in the assessment period, wait until we feel your ability is up to standard. After that, you will be added to the group." Doudou looked mysterious.

Song Shuhang looked awkward.

Peas sent a message in the group: "@All members, found that one of my enemies is robbing, how can I slap it? Please play your brain!"

"Hey? Do not go with the Emperor Song Xuansheng to watch the four Jins and Five monks crossing the robbery? Is it so clever, I was said, the guy who is robbing is your enemy?" [Seventy-two road mad Knife invincible] asked the mad knife three waves.

"Yes, the fate is so wonderful. This guy is the enemy of my and Song Xuansheng. So, now everyone please start to speak." Doudou.

Because there are many members of this group who are not members of the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group', when Sanlang and Peas chat, when they refer to ‘Song Shuhang’, they use Buxuan Xuansheng instead.

"That guy is considered to be a **** eight-year-old, and the robbery actually met the peas. But since he was in the robbery, it was very simple... Peas and Bosun Xuansheng went down and sat outside his robbery. Call him 666 and cheer for him. It is best to sue Xuan Xuan to sacrifice his own seal and give him enough pressure. Under such pressure, the guy’s legs are soft and his stomach is cramped. When Boday robbed, he would have to become a fly ash." [High-altitude escape enthusiasts] Nethered Xiao Shao

Doudou turned his eyes: "Master Xiao has the same idea as the Emperor Song Xuansheng. We have done this, but the guy thought that we were ‘hearts and robs’ and used self-deception to force it.”

Master Xiao: "Hey ~ ~"

"I want to ask, is the monk just four days and five days of robbery?" [The most dazzling tide] Cyclone masters out of the channel.

Peas: "Well."

Whirlwind Sayādaw: "If this is the case, when the other party robbed the wonderful, the predecessors of the tyranny and the Song dynasty directly sneaked into the squad, and it would not be good to shoot him. The four princes of the five princes and the tyrants of the tyrants of the Song dynasty Just like drizzle. Just hurry up and kill the robbers, and the robbery will end directly."

"Or, Peas, they want to catch the mouth, take care of it after taking home. Peas have become more and more evil recently." [Let me die silently] Ji Zi lying.

Peas: "..."

Peas: "The proposal of the whirlwind sage is very good, adopted! Thank you."

After that, Peas closed the phone and looked at Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang: "..."

"Front, don't be jealous, tyrants Xuansheng, you can do it." Peas smiled.

"When you go cool, you don't know that this 'Xuansheng' is a parallel. I am now in the realm of five goods, rushing into the sky, I am cold... oh, wait." Song Shuhang suddenly squeezed his chin Looking at the sky robbery in the sky.

This is the annihilation of the Four Jins and Five, and it started shortly, about the first ten waves.

The power of the day robbery is estimated to be around the peak of the four products.

This level of day robbery was on him, and there was nothing in Mao.

Of course... this kind of thing that directly breaks into the catastrophe cannot be done by the ontology.

At this time, it is time to summon his avatar Song Shuhang two over.

"Doudou, go, first break into my core world." Song Shudao - he has to go and change the body. The body stays on the island as a coordinate, waiting for the white predecessor to come out of the 'closed space'.

Then, split up and shoot the dead and know the demon.

"Isn't it?" Doudou wondered.

Song Shuhang: "In order to prevent accidents, this kind of thing is of course done by the avatar. You stay in my closed space to watch the live broadcast, I will replace the avatar."



Song Shuhang and Peas broke into the core world, and his body and the detachment in Lanxi Island were exchanged.

The restaurant on Lanxi has not yet reopened... Chu Chu is still trying to cultivate the secret recipe of the kitchen from the 'closed space', and has not yet gone through.

The restaurant will be reopened after she leaves the customs.

Song Shuhang's body is boring sitting at the checkout counter, habitual fingers crossed, stacked on the chin. At the same time his main consciousness shifted to the avatar.



When the figures of Doudou and Song Shuhang disappeared, the Anzhi Mojun in the big robbery burst into laughter: "Ha ha ha ha, it really is a demon!"

The devil robbed ‘the tyrannical sacred sacred sacred’ could not hold it, and finally shattered.

That is to say, in the four days of the four-day robbery, the ‘heart and the robbery’ that had most worried about it had already passed. This day, it was completely stable.

Just as it was thinking about it, the figure of the tyrannical Xuan Sheng appeared again.

‘Heart and Devil’ is not over yet? An Zhi Mojun pupil shrinks.

Also, after all, it’s the four-in-five heart-wrenching, and there’s no reason why it’s so easy to get through.

But... still that sentence. Even if I come to a hundred tyrants, Xuan Sheng, I would like to scare it.

In addition to the law of the robbery, the tyrants of the Song Dynasty Xuansheng rose up and stepped directly into the ‘the robbery of the robbery’.

At the same time, in the void, there is a piece of instrument that shines on the eyes of ordinary monks, which emerges from the air and is equipped to the body of the tyrants.

Suspended wing crown.

Domineering helmet.

Battle armor full of mysterious patterns.

Rings, gloves.

A complete set of armor instruments, all eight grades.

Finally, a white cloak descended from the void and was draped behind the tyrannical sacred sage.

Ba Song, Ba Confucian double seal, suspended behind him.

The horror to the sacred atmosphere that makes people unable to breathe, oppressed the Anzhi Mojun.

"Come on, come and yell at me! I will not lose to the district." The Anzhi Monarch is calm and calm.

Ba Song Xuan Sheng stepped into its scope of robbing.

The thunder of the thunderous robbery fell on him, but he could not damage him.