MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1563 Ann knows friends, believe in yourself, you can do it!

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In the past, Song Shuhang was also a teenager who was very eager for the ‘blue sky’. He has fantasized about his own image of the blue sky.

Or to fly a plane, the eagle hits the sky, across the sea.

Or wait for him to learn the skills of the sword flying, the foot flying sword, double behind the back, and the world.

However, he did not expect that his dream of the blue sky dream was captured by a horrible demon like an eagle catching a chicken, and was dragged by the other with his tail, forcibly brought into the sky.

Nothing in the dreams, nothing. Some only have nausea, vomiting and soft legs.

The first experience of Song Shuhang’s life in the blue sky is a big bad review.

Even Song Shuhang suspected that he would later have a 'fear of heights'. It was probably at that time that he planted the seeds of psychological shadows.

All of this is the blessing of the ‘Anzhi Mojun’ who is being robbed.

"Sure enough, there is a fate." Song Shudao.

"Bound, so wonderful." Doudou nodded.

Song Shuhang: "Hehehehe."

Peas: "Hehehehe."

One person, one dog, the smile is especially synchronized and harmonious.

Akasaka Sword Seniors: "..."

Nima, how do these two guys laugh so badly? It suddenly regretted a bit and continued to stay with Song Shuhang.

"I have to find a way to send him some surprises." Song Shudao.

A sixteen can be sworn, and there will be a group of three people in the son. Now Song Shuhang has a chance, but can't miss it.

Peas: "I like it, but what do we do? This guy is robbing, if we rely too close, it is easy to get involved."

"Actually... we don't have to rely too close, we just have to sit on the side of the robbery, keep the distance, and then loudly cheering up the old acquaintance is enough." Song Shuhang said.

When a person robbed, he suddenly found out that there were two old ancestors who were there to lick the seeds, and cheered loudly for himself. What would it feel like in my heart?

Peas: "Miao!"

Song Shuhang, this guy, was really polluted by the guys in the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group'... It used to be such a simple and simple person, and now it has become a style with the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group'.

"I feel peas you yell at me in my heart." Song Shuhang suddenly said.

Peas: "Where, do you learn to read mind?"

"You are really yelling at me." Song Shuhang couldn't help but cry: "Because you suddenly looked awkward, the corner of your mouth was still smirk."

"Actually, I am just feeling." Doudou said: "Jiuzhou No. 1 group is really a big mud altar. How long have you been in this group? You have been dyed into a style of painting."

"No, Peas. My style of painting has always been like this. What I really want to say... Maybe I am more lively than before." Song Shuhang laughed.

He feels that he has not changed - he is so kind to friends and normal people. For the brush BOSS, he is as hot as ever.

Peas: "Hey, shameless. If you die, you will die. Don't use liveliness to cover up and die."

Akasaka Sword: "Ha ha ha ha."

The dog’s speech hit the nail on the head.

The summary of the old Chinese sorcerer of the Akasaka sword is summarized.



"Go, let's go down. If it is late, maybe our old friend Anzhi Mojun's day robbery will be over." Song Shudao.

After all, he stretched out and fell straight from the air.

The speed is very fast, just like a javelin throwing from the air!

"Where, why are you going this way?" Peas were shocked - said good fear of high disease? Why not? Already cured?

"Ah~" Song Shuhang suddenly couldn't help but cried: "Where, it seems that my fear of heights is not completely good."

He thought that his fear of heights had healed, so he wanted to take the opportunity to try high-altitude bungee jumping. Unexpectedly, halfway through, he began to panic again.

It seems that if you want to cure your own fear of heights, he has to open the crazy escape mode of the morphing machine, and then open it a few times.

Peas: "..."

It has no idea where to start to vomit Song Song.


Most of Song Shuhang’s body was inserted straight into the ground, making a terrible impact on the ground and shaking the ground.

This height, his "Confucian Golden Body" + "St. Dragon Power" is a strengthened body that can fully support it.


"There is nothing at all. My body is much stronger than I expected. It seems that I can't care about this height." Song Shuhang leaped and pulled his body out of the ground.

Peas: "..."

Akasaka Sword: "..."

Song Shuhang’s washing out of the air from the air caused the attention of the Anzhi Mojun in the law of the robbery.

It was originally thought to be an earthquake - it didn't care, and even thought it was a good bald head.

Unexpectedly, a human monk descended from the air.

In the fight against modernization, the Anzhi Mojun took a look at Song Shuhang.

Falling from the sky, but unscathed - is this a strong repairer?

However, because Anzhi Mojun had face blindness to ‘humans,’ it failed to recognize Song Shuhang at a glance.

For Anzhi Mojun, human beings, like rabbits, can recognize skin color at most, but they cannot recognize human appearance at all, and even men and women can't recognize them.

Even Gongzihai and Zhengneng two partners, it took a lot of work to remember them thoroughly.

If you give it a little time to watch it, he can recognize Song Shuhang, the 'first millennium of the millennium'. But now it is looting, how can it be done to identify other practitioners who have fallen from the sky?

Anzhi Mojun glanced at it and found that it was a five-person human monk + a four-person demon dog, and it did not pay much attention.

The other party may have accidentally landed nearby, but as long as the other party is not looking for death, it should not be stupid enough to break into its squad.



"Have he just glanced at us?" Peas asked - the pea's dog's eyes sparkled and used a magical spell.

"Yeah." Song Shuhang replied that he did not learn the powerful illusionary spell, but he had the ‘sacred eye’. The meritorious snake beauty was slouched behind Song Shuhang. She was summoned by Song Shuhang and changed her eyes.

Now Song Shuhang has changed his eyes just like changing glasses, and he is very skilled.

In a few minutes, after his illusion is repaired, with his ‘蜃气妖丹’, to break this level of illusion, you don’t have to rely on the eyes of the saint.

"He ignored us?" Peas made another sound.

Song Shuhang: "Well... I remembered. This guy has face blindness. At that time, I wanted to catch A-16, but I caught it."

Maybe this guy didn't recognize us.

Song Shuhang suddenly lost some of his heart, and he couldn’t help but think of the screaming Wang Jiansheng of the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group'.

However, fortunately, I have a 'sacred seal'.

As long as I am willing, I can always inspire the effect of ‘no one else in the world’.

I want to ignore me, it doesn't exist.

Song Shuhang extended his left hand and offered the ‘Hege of Song and Song Dynasties’, and extended his right hand to sacrifice the ‘Bao Ru Magic Seal’.

In front of the Anzhi Mou Jundao friends, please see ~ ~ You like the left-handed Songs? Still like the right-handed Confucianism?

The robbery cannot be disturbed, otherwise it will be involved if you are not careful. At that time, it is not good for everyone.

But...but I am sitting on the side watching the movie, no problem?

When I was watching the movie, I took out my double seal and twenty-one monkeys by the way, and cheered for the friends. Is there nothing wrong with it?

"An know friends, believe in yourself, you can do it!" Song Shuhang called - I don't know why, it may be because the lines of refueling are too unscrupulous, so when I refueled the Anzhi Mojun, Song Shuhang felt a little weird.

After all, I am not a real actor. I am too guilty to say that I can’t integrate into my feelings.

"Wang ~ ~" Peas echoed and attracted the attention of Anzhi Mojun.

At the same time, twenty-one Confucian sacred monks appeared behind Song Shuhang.

The big and twenty small shrines are arranged in a ‘human’ shape, and they open the scriptures in unison and begin to make heavy readings.

Reading is catchy, swaying, and rhythm.

But if you listen carefully, you can hear them just seem to be shouting ‘666’.

In the big robbery.

Anzhi Mojun heard the songs of Song Shuhang and Peas.

This guy knows my track number?

Is it my enemy, I know the news of my robbery here, want to come over and block me?

However, a five-person human monk plus a four-person demon dog wants to block me?

too naive.

After I have finished the catastrophe, at least the golden dragon of the seven dragons, when I face the monks who are the same as the five realms - it is absolutely no problem to escape!

District Wupin Jindan monk, do you think I will be afraid of you?

Anzhi Devil is very stable in his heart.

After another attack on the next wave of shells, he turned his head and looked at Song Shuhang and Peas.

When he looked at it, he suddenly froze: "Hege... lord Song!"

Why is he here?

I have already confirmed that the hegemony has already left the Jiangnan area. And it has been quietly checked. The ‘Heba Song’ in the school recently was actually a tree demon disguised.

Anzhi Mojun repeatedly confirmed for a long time, and finally decided to place the land of the robbery in the H city.

Moreover, this time it was a sneak peek, it was very secretive.

Even... even Gongzihai and Zhengneng did not know where he specifically placed the place of the robbery.

But why, he will appear in front of him?

Hum ~~

In the time of the robbery, there is time to distract it.

At the time of its embarrassment, the sky was robbed and the machine was opened. There were more than a dozen cannons in the sky, and they screamed at the Anzhi Mojun.

If it wasn't for its stable layout, this wave would have been embarrassing.

Song Shuhang and Peas showed a synchronous smile on their faces.

What is needed is this result.

He and Peas do nothing, just sit on the side and let Anzhi Demon know that he and Peas are in, can cause great pressure on the other side.

Even in the stage of ‘heart and robbing,’ it will become the other’s heart.

"This, may be my demon?" Anzhi Mojun suddenly moved in the heart, perhaps this is the soul of the demons invading it.