MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1581 So even the captives must be neatly arranged.

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Under normal circumstances, when faced with more than one hundred and twenty five-person heavenly people, Song Shuhang may choose to swear.

It’s too difficult to catch a hundred and twenty five-person people in one breath and to catch so many people.

The difficulty is too high, and the effort is not good.

One is not careful, and there may be a wave of opposition.

And with the help of the Akasaka sword predecessors, the smashing of the "burning flame knife", the scum of the heavens will not be left, there is no meaning!

The correct way is to avoid the enemy front, and secretly use the merits of the snake to lock the enemy. Then the body goes to call friends and call friends, call the thugs, and finally eat one hundred and twenty heavenly people in one breath, captives - facing the enemy will be as cold as winter, when two can play one, absolutely not one person on.

Now, in the face of the big wave of heaven and earth, Song Shuhang can still laugh so boldly, because the white predecessors are around.

There are white predecessors, and these ones don’t want to run.

Being neatly transformed into spiritual stones and points is their only ending.

Song Shuhang felt in the heart that the "Zhu Xian San Knife" knife knife method is already in the pocket of his Song people!

After the laughter, Song Shuhang made a big hand and the Jin Dan level spirit emerged.

With a gentle sweep of the spirit, the roof of the restaurant was swept away again - anyway, it was broken, and it would be nice to have the 傀儡 fairy re-patched.

In the air, more than one hundred people have already entered the aircraft and are ready to escape.

Their evacuation is very efficient.

After all, if the withdrawal is slow, even the little life will be gone.

"Guests wait." Song Shuhang yelled: "White predecessors, please help me stop them!"

Song. When the skill is used, the party hates less. Book Air.

In addition to the pregnancy gaze and the thirty-three beast combination, he could not think of a way to stop the astronomical aircraft.

The ‘Sacred Eye’ and the combination of the instruments needed for pregnancy gaze are on the body.

The white predecessor gently snapped a finger.

In an instant, the environment of the Fairy Restaurant changed.

The restaurant turned into an endless desert, and the air became hot.

The long-lost white predecessor ‘real illusion’ – a passionate desert.

In this real illusion, no matter how the heavens fly, they want to fly out of this desert.

The angel's aircraft is stiff and pauses in the void.

At the same time, there was a space fluctuation behind Song Shuhang's avatar.

His body stepped out through the 'core world' and entered the welcoming desert.

The white predecessors turned their heads and looked at the body of Song Shuhang: "Do you play three heads and six arms?"

At this time, Song Shuhang’s left shoulder had the head of ‘gongde snake beauty, and the head of the ‘making fairy’ was on his right shoulder.

On top of his head, there is a senior of the Akasaka sword.

"This time I don't want to play three heads and six arms, they are both blinking games." Song Shuhang sighed: "Predecessors, wait for me to solve this group of heaven!"

"You are no problem alone?" asked the white predecessor.

"You have to ask the white predecessors to protect the law on the side, just in case." Song Shuhang calmed the road.

The white predecessor nodded: "Good."

There are white predecessors to protect the law, Song Shuhang's heart is set.

His eyes gazed at the four heavenly aircrafts: "Come out!"

In the void, four walls of the king emerged in a vacuum, pressed against the four aircraft.

The aircraft could not escape and was crushed and fell. All the five people in the world, only give up the aircraft and escape.

The bang ~ ~ Tianren aircraft was pressed into the desert by the wall of the king, bursting with a dust.

Song Shuhang’s mouth rose.

Now that you have come out, let you taste the power of the thundering technique of the "Tianshi Fa-rectification - Leifa" that I have recently cultivated.

He lifted his hands high and his throat brightened.

"What is filial piety!"

"What is love!"

"Do you know the greatness of maternal love?"

"No, not this, stop now~" Song Shuhang called.

The meritorious snake beauty and the creation of the fairy, singing and drinking, sang the Confucian sage [pregnant three consecutive questions].

Song Shuhang, who is preparing to use the lightning-leading technique, is inexplicably stunned. As a result, Leifa’s display failed...

The five-five, five-core, five-star spirit, Emperor Song Shuhang, and the display of Lei Lei’s ‘one thunder’ failed.

Tetema is a shame.

White predecessor: "..."

In the air, the heavens looked confused. They looked at Song Shuhang’s hands and did not use their skills.

What are you doing?

"The two fairies, my skills are not only pregnant gaze, and occasionally I want to use other skills to start." Song Shuhang seriously.

The beauty of the meritorious snake licked his head and blinked.

"Ah, ah, A Song." The scented fairy looked up slightly and snorted.

Song Shuhang: "..."

He sighed and held his hands up and down - since the spell failed, Leifa put it aside.

The old look, first strike a wave of morale.

Come out, the sacred seal of the tyrants and the sorcerer's seal.

The prestige of ‘the first holyness of the world’ is used to curse people and strike morale. It is most effective.

The guests in the sky, do you like the left-handed sacred seal of my left hand? Still like the right hand of my right hand Rude magic? Or do you both like it?

When Song Shanghang saw the seal, the beauty of the meritorious snake suddenly brightened.

"Call my dad!" She uttered her voice - this sentence was recorded when she said goodbye from Song Shuhang and Chu Ge.

More importantly, this line is only recorded by her. There is no archive of the sacred fairy, she can not grab her own lines, at least this time can not grab.

In the sky, the heavenly people saw that the ‘five-nuclear golden mutated monk’ suddenly had a holy seal on the left and right hands, and the heartbeat was slowed down half a beat.

Ba Song Xuan Sheng.

The tyrant of the Confucianism.

It is him, the world's first holy!

"Overlord... Overlord Song!"

"Bage...Bao Ru!"

More than one hundred and twenty five-person heavenly people, shaking and calling out these two holy symbols.

The white predecessor looked at the meritorious snake beauty on the shoulder of Song Shuhang: "..."

@#%×仙子This dubbing, with the inexplicable co-shoot.

Song Shuhang: "..."

What else can I say now?

I don't have to say anything, @#%×仙子and 造化仙子, I will finish all the lines I want to talk about.

The only thing that Song Shuhang is glad about now is that the two fairies don’t have a 'reading mind.'

Otherwise, he did not have a line after Song Shuhang.

But in general, the shock of the double seal is very good.

The heavenly man in the sky is already desperate.

The world's first holy ‘Heba Song Xuansheng’ + the sixth holy ‘White Saint’ in the world.

The identity of the hunter and prey is instantly transformed.

"It's over." At this time, Song Shuhang raised his right hand and waved it.


The five-person heavenly man in the sky fell from the air like a dumpling. They fell on the desert, all stiff and unable to move, foaming at the mouth, neatly arranged.

It seems to be in a poisonous look.

The white predecessors looked up and looked at the empty space. There, there was a group of invisible swords, and they were dancing with joy.

Well, it is his invisible sword.



Holding a fist, in November, my salted fish won the fifth place in the monthly ticket, which is all the credit of the Taoist friends!

This chapter is short, because it can't hold it. December, the last month of the year, ask for monthly ticket support! On the first day of the month, I am sure to break out. When I wake up, I am absolutely three! Seeking a monthly ticket!