MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1582 See you in double white (first, ask for a monthly pass)

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"Wan Jian returned to the sect." Song Shu waterway.

He has had a good sword to addiction - although I don't know any swordsmanship, there are a lot of invisible swords in my core world! With so many swords pulled out, the power of the swords formed is no worse than the ordinary five-word sword.

The only regret is that the "invisible sword" ordinary monk can not see, not enough.

White predecessor: "..."

Akasaka Sword: "..."

The book was not saved, and it has already gone into flames. Clearly the knife is very good, isn't it good to practice the knife? Do you have to think about practicing a sword?

“What is the origin of these guys?” asked the white predecessors.

Said, he came to the face of a heavenly man, kneeling down and looking at each other.

Heaven is in a paralyzed state, looking at the white predecessor stiffly.

Later, I saw that the white predecessors took out a mobile phone and scanned the imprint of the ‘two-dimensional code’ on the forehead of the angel.


No response.

Song Shuhang: "..."

"Hey? I thought it was a QR code. It wasn't." The white predecessor said.

"These guys are heavenly people, the races of the heavens and the heavens of the heavens. Their hobbies are the hunting of the five kings of the golden dragon and the demons of the demon. The two-dimensional code on their heads cannot be scanned, it seems It is used for projection." Song Shuhang said with a voice.

"Oh, it turned out to be them, I have an impression." The white predecessor nodded and asked: "How do you want to deal with this group of heavenly people? Do you want to send them to the stars?"

For the white predecessors, the heavenly man is completely useless, and the captives have to raise them. It is better to raise them than to raise the beasts, so it is better to launch them into the stars...

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Resources. I happen to have a 'knife knife' to redeem."

"Oh, is this time of the year again?" The white predecessor nodded - he was not very interested in the activities of the monks' union, and the prizes for each event were not as interesting as the treasures he himself dug. I played it a few times at the beginning, but every year the event was his hegemony. Later, I was a little embarrassed to participate again.

"I heard that there will be a list of activities, and the monks with high points will have extra rewards." Song Shu Waterway - Unlike the white predecessors, he is the first to participate in this "Monk Annual Activity." More importantly, he is poor.

"Well, there will be lists and rewards every year. I will not participate, you are fun." The white predecessors laughed.

Song Shuhang wondered: "Hey? White predecessors are not interested in this kind of activity?"

He feels that the character of the white predecessor should be very interested in this lively annual event.

"I participated in the earliest times... I felt boring later, so I will give the opportunity to other friends." The white predecessors fluttered.

Song Shuhang nodded - is the white predecessor tired? Or, does the event party not play with him?

"Right, white predecessors. This batch of heavenly people rewards us for half a minute." Song Shudao - each time combined with the white predecessors, after encountering treasures, the white predecessors will give a part of the Taoist friends around.

So Song Shuhang thought, these rewards will also be divided into half for the whites.

He reached out and transferred all the neat people on the ground to the core world and into the winter temple. The four ‘天人飞机’ were collected again. If the angels are flying, the whites may be interested.

"Do you have a half-point? Why do you have to be half-pointed?" The white predecessors wondered: "Is this not your booty?"

"Don the white predecessors do not do this yourself?" Song Shuhang asked.

"That's just my personal hobby. Every time I dig so many treasures, I can't put up so many treasures. Of course, I have to give some friends to the scene, everyone is happy together. And I am still somewhat self-aware, every time. When I went out to hunt for treasures, the friends on the side were very...hard, um, hard. The friends in the group said that it was my treasure hunt. So I don’t have to learn this hobby. "The white predeer is happy."

The white predecessors still have no words to say - the group of friends in the group to go out with him to find the treasure is the evaluation of 'rich and dangerous"; and the group of friends and the Song Shuhang team team adventure, treasure hunt evaluation is 'rich Sharing, there is a difficult book to fight '. The human-type smashing machine, the book hangs a small friend with a whistle of various ‘disasters’ +100 aura.

This sentence is said to be too hearty.

Therefore, the white predecessors kindly buried this sentence in their hearts.

"In short, your loot will be collected by yourself. I don't have anything, um... However, you still have more Lingshi. After all, you still owe me a high-grade stone of spacecraft." I took Song Shuhang.

The white space of the predecessor borrowed from Song Shuhang, all of which are eight or nine.

Song Shuhang didn't have much of a concept about ‘Lingshi’. Now, with his strength, he has become more aware of the common sense of the realm. Today, he has a relatively complete concept of the eight or nine spirits of that spacecraft.

Take the current ‘hunting people’ activity to calculate the Lingshi. He’s hunting for the rest of his life, and he can’t afford the high spirits of the white space. A five-day-old man who is alive and kicking, the value of Lingshi is equal to 0.9 blocks and 9 Lingshi.

However, this value does not include points. From the point of view of the redemption list, the value of points should be more precious than Lingshi. After all, points can be exchanged for treasures that are not normally available with Lingshi.



"Right, is that magic recharge machine?" asked the white predecessor.

The memory of his avatar feedback, including the exploration of the ruins of a cave in the sea of ​​chaos, eventually brought out a magic recharge machine from the ruins.

"In this." Song Shuhang took out the magic recharge machine and handed it to the white predecessor.

The white predecessors looked at this thing up and down, saying: "I will study this thing to see if I can figure out the principle of its production, and then the whole imitation."

According to Song Shuhang's introduction, this thing can be used directly by recharging the 'magic flow', which is very convenient.

After the ‘magic recharge machine’ was put away, the white predecessors said again: “Book Air, there is still something. Can you contact the white rabbit in the Nine World? I want to see him.”

The white predecessor had already made an appointment to see the white two. He felt that today is the time.

"I will try to contact." Song Shuhang replied.

Last time, the white predecessor two also promised to meet with the white predecessors. It was when White borrowed a ‘one-time flying sword to break the black house 001 version’ and promised to meet with the white predecessors.

"But the two whites are very busy recently, I don't know if I can contact them smoothly." Song Shudao.

The last time he contacted the white two, he frowned the liquid metal ball and showed it to Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang’s sacred knowledge sneaked into the core world, and through the passage of the core world and the evil lotus world, he devoted his knowledge to the world of evil lotus.

"White predecessors, white predecessors, are you not?" Song Shuhang called.

"Busy, I haven't said, don't call me if there's nothing to do? Recently I'm super busy... Mom, this leg can't be loaded." The voice of the white predecessor two came.

Song Shuhang: "..."

"Anecdote, give you ten seconds." The white predecessor two said again.

Song Shuhang: "I am going to see you in another white predecessor in this world."

"Hehehehe, come!" The white predecessors two made a strange laugh: "I have to look at how he cut my legs in the past, how can this leg be merged? Yes, let me go home with my legs and integrate as soon as possible. I haven't got a clue when I have been together for so many days. 哔哔哔~~哔哔哔~~”

Song Shuhang: "..."

Well, the white predecessor two, the white predecessors and the heavenly white are not alone.

"Come on, let him go to your core world, then to the world of evil lotus." White predecessors.

Song Shuhang: "Then I am pulling people, you must be with each other when you arrive?"

White predecessor two: "..."


Song Shuhang’s consciousness turned back to the world.

At this time, the white predecessors have lifted the 'real illusion' and the restaurant has returned to its original state.

The roof of the restaurant was also returned to the original place by the white predecessors. However, there is still a huge gap, and it is necessary to repair the fairy when it is over.

“Is it connected?” asked the white predecessor.

Song Shuhang nodded: "White predecessors, you come with me."

The avatar continues to keep watching the store.

Song Shuhang's body took the white predecessor and entered the core world. Then he took the core world as a transit and entered the world of evil lotus.

In the world of evil lotus.

The white predecessor two had been waiting there for a long time.

Moreover, it is the white predecessor two who came from the body... The fascinating giant python was carried by the ugly tiger and placed in the entrance of the evil lotus world.

The white predecessor looked at the giant eagle and looked at the ugly tiger: "This big cat, although ugly, is ugly and very chic."

"Right right, or this friend, you have a vision. Although I have no connection with the handsome, but I am ugly and different. I would rather be ugly and chic, not willing to be handsome. This is my life motto." Road.

Song Shuhang: "..."

"White two friends, I want to see you, then I have a lot of questions to ask you." The white predecessors were facing the giant.

"Song Shuhang, you are a dead rabbit." White two bite the tooth - the white nick, which was taken by Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang: "???"

I didn't say a word.

"I also feel that we are the time to meet one side." White predecessors two.

During the speech, there is a gap in the giant python.

The white predecessors two broke out.

Two white predecessors, looking at each other.

The same beautiful and unparalleled, the same long hair and back, the same temperament dust.

When the two stood in one place, everything in the heavens and the earth was eclipsed and set off.

This is the first time that the two white predecessors met each other with both sides awake.

Before, White Two was consciously avoiding white, and never appeared with Song Shuhang at the same time.