MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1677 Listen, it is desperate to sing (3 more, jgz930207 ally plus more)

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The power that emerges from the two glazed golden buds is not spiritual, not magic, but a mere power that can be used by almost all practitioners.

Feeling very high, should it be a very advanced force?

This simple force emerged from the two glazed golden dans, and poured into the remaining five small golden sages of Song Shuhang, and poured into Song Shuhang’s life.

In an instant, it will fill up all the consumption of Song Shuhang. Not only that, but even the mental exhaustion and the exhausted physical strength have instantly recovered.

At this moment, he seems to have just entered the space of the robbery and the state is full.

However, he is not happy.

The support from the ‘fat ball 佬 ,’, the additional message from the fat ball 让, made him unable to adapt for a while.

After all... this is the most powerful flaw he has always been.

Song Shuhang’s mood is quite complicated.

So now, is he going to use the reminder of ‘fat ball big bang’ to show his secrets?

Judging from the ‘additional news’ of the fat ball, it seems to be shifting itself out of the ‘8 Jin 9’ catastrophe.

How to transfer?

Use the secret method to replace the dead, then clear the plank road, darkly pass through Chen Cang, and exchange his body?

If it can really be transferred, Song Shuhang does not object.

After all, there are hamsters and small bamboos, and he really didn't know how to get through the thousands of days.

It is worth mentioning that if there is no hamster and Xiaoyinzhu, he is still not sure to spend a thousand days.

After all, he is a parallel man.

However, the proposed fat ball is big, and it is very likely that he has just moved out and is captured and studied.

So... how to choose?

"Do you still use it? Of course, you choose to escape from the squad of ‘8 Jin 9’.” Song Shuhang laughed.

If you go out and face the fat ball, as long as you grasp the opportunity, if you can connect to the core world in an instant, then you will have 50% to get out.

And continue to stay in this world, the hamster demon, he, Xiaoyinzhu are facing a situation of nine deaths.

Song Shuhang reached out.

The secret law is spread out.

"This time you have to work harder." Song Shuhang is facing his own avatar.

It’s not just for the body to exist.

His body was calm and stood still, motionless.

"Then, how do you operate the fat ball and transfer my body?" Song Shuhang was curious.

At the same time, he shouted at the next door to eat melon Saint: "When you eat melons, you will continue to robbery, let's take a step."

It is very impolite to leave without saying anything.

Eat melon Saint Jun heard the words, fiercely turned around and shouted: "First step? Wait, under the tyrants, don't give up! Hold on, I want to join you. This thousand days of robbery, we together Carry!"

The sage of the melon also thought that Song Shuhang could not hold it, and he had to give up the resistance and prepare to die in the robbery, so he and his life and death were separated.

"No, no, don't misunderstand me. I mean, I may have found a way to leave the '8 Jin 9' day robbery. So, I have to take the station hamster and Xiaoyinzhu to leave here. After all, here It is too dangerous for us. The 8th 9th catastrophe is not something we can afford now. Moreover, after we interfere, it will be smoother for you to eat the melons." Song Shuhang quickly replied.

Eat melon Saint: "???"

Is this a magical obstacle?

What kind of dreams are spoken during the day, into the space of robbing, and want to go out, thinking that the robbing is the flower garden of the family, if you want to enter, you want to go and leave?

[It is still said that the book is not wanting to let his own death cause psychological pressure, so I used lies to lie to me. 】 Eating melon Saint Jun’s heart is filled with such an idea.

With the character of the book, Xiaoyou, this may be very big.

"The tyrants of the Song Dynasty, support, I will save you right away!"

Song Shuhang has a relationship with him. He is also a rare friend who can reach the ‘gongde network’ like him. It can be said that he is a friend of the year, and he wants to keep him as much as possible.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Give me something to listen to, eat melons!

At the same time, his body received another wave of pure power, and the state of the whole person was further optimized.

[Your ally 'fat ball' has sent you a wave of power, with a message: Please transfer some of your consciousness to the points and prepare to leave the world. 】

As Song Shuhang guessed, the fat ball is really a means to pull him out of the world.

"When you eat melons, you don't want to be impulsive. We will see you in 994 days! When I arrive, I will set up a banquet for you in the present world. Please don't miss the chef of Xue Xianji. I wish the seniors of the melons to be promoted and become the first annihilators of the millennium! Song Shuhang yelled at the seniors who were eating melons.

In other words, he transferred part of the consciousness to the body.

His avatar is different from the white predecessor. He does not have an independent will, but shares a consciousness with the ontology.

The next moment, Song Shuhang’s ‘magic recharge machine’ floated out.

On top of it, there is a branding rune that shines.

From the branded runes, there are countless silk-like forces extending out, entwining the smoked Song Shuhang, Xiaoyinzhu, Gongde snake beauty, and thirty-three beast combination instruments.



About twenty breaths later.

Song Shuhang felt a whirlwind.

The feeling of this rotation faded and he opened his eyes.

At this time, he was in a void, surrounded by the soft light of ‘龙络’.

In front of him, Ms. Kuna smiles, her eyes are golden erect, beautiful and majestic.

"I came out of the space of the robbery?" Song Shuhang was delighted.

Then he raised his eyes and looked at the four hits: "Hey?"

The small sound bamboo is not there, the meritorious snake beauty is not there, and the thirty-three beast combination instrument is not there.

More importantly, he found that his body had faded away from the 'smog' mode and entered the physical state.

Song Shuhang: "Oh, not good. The hamster is still in my stomach!"

I hope that the hamster will not have an accident and will not be digested by him.

In addition, will the hunger and hamsters be poisoned? Will the stomach be perforated?

Song Shuhang’s thoughts turned and quickly transformed his body into a 'smoke mode’.

The conversion was successful.


"What about the hamster?" Song Shuhang squinted his eyes and reached out in his stomach.

Where is the hamster?

Before that was in his stomach position, what about a big hamster?

No, really I was digested?

Song Shuhang looked up and looked at Ms. Kuna.

At the same time, his mind rushed in his mind.

The small sound bamboo is not there, the meritorious snake is not in the beauty, the thirty-three beast combination instrument is not in the stomach, and the hamster number in the stomach is not there.

Wait, is there something wrong with the script?

"My current state is a avatar?" Song Shuhang asked.

In front, Ms. Kuna nodded calmly.

Song Shuhang: "..."


For a long time, you pulled my avatar out of the ‘the world of robbing,’ and left my body in the world of robbing the world.

Is it really okay to stumble this way?

If you have a blast, you can recondense.

But my body is dead, everything is finished.

"Ms. Kuna, are you pulling the wrong account?" Song Shuhang asked.

Ms. Kuna of Jin Hao shook her head calmly: "There is nothing wrong. It is your avatar to start pulling. Your body is being robbed, how can it be pulled out? It is common sense in any world." ”

Song Shuhang: "..."

He looked up at the sky.

Because between the ontology and the avatar, there is a delay between the sensory sharing and the sharing of ideas between the two.

In a short time, his avatar and ontology, in a sense, split into two different individuals.

Far from the body of the 'core world', don't you know how?

Has it already collapsed?


8 Jin 9 days robbery in the world.

The melon sages saw the ‘destroy giant’ summoned by Song Shuhang, and when there was a familiar and unfamiliar network, the heart moved.

That layer of light, similar to the ‘gongde network’, made him feel the power of a 'rule.'

Perhaps... This layer of optical network can really pull Song Shuhang’s young friends out of the ‘day robbery world’?

"Book Air Xiaoyou, if you really go out of the space, you will continue to practice, don't wave, don't blame others. In addition, we will see you 994 days later, if you want For my celebration feast, I want to eat a winter melon feast, that is my favorite melon."

In the bottom of my heart, I offered a wonderful blessing to Song Shuhang.

After twenty breaths.

That layer of light has disappeared.

However, what is embarrassing is that the destruction of the giant has not disappeared.

The atmosphere of Song Shuhang’s little friend is still there.

There is also the breath of the little girl of Li Yinzhu, the power of @#%×仙子, and it has not disappeared.

Eating melon Saint Jun doubts: "Book Air Friends, you don't have to answer. You just leave, we see you in the world."

Destroy the giant's right fist.

Song Shuhang looked up at the sky.

What should I do, how can I reply to my predecessors?

Why is it that my avatar is pulled out of the ‘day of the world’?

Is it ‘fat ball big 佬’ eyes are not good, is it wrong?

Song. The heart is so tired. Extreme despair. Book navigation.

When is the most desperate time in life, is it the moment of death?

No, absolutely not.

Even more desperate is that at the moment you fall off the death cliff, someone suddenly pulls out a helping hand and makes you feel the hope of ‘life’.

But then, the hand of aid only picked up the precious watch on your hand, and released your hand, throwing you back into the abyss of death.

Simply super desperate.



That strange dragon in the world.

Ms. Kunby of Kim Min-soo calmly said: "Your body, my energy is quietly supported, at least for a month."

"So, the time left for you is only one month."

"In this month, you need to be promoted to the realm of ‘your six products.’ At that moment, you have the opportunity to **** out your own body.”



3 is finished, good night ~ ~ Daoyou ~ ~ Good morning, monthly ticket ~