MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 1854 Debut on the scene, gathered in all directions!

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the other side.

The battlefield of the Red Dragonfly and the Southern Emperor.

The Taoist leader no longer restrains his own strength and exerts his powers as he pleases. His goal is to break this star field and create a luxurious meteor shower for the Southern Emperor.

The Southern Emperor was not willing to show weakness, and all kinds of supernatural powers continued to display. After the destruction of the heavens, the state and strength of the Quartet will inevitably be affected. The Southern Emperor is no exception. He is unable to exert his strength in the ancient Heavenly Court and his combat power has been greatly reduced.

However, with his rich combat experience and the strength of the ordinary long-lived, he broke through the short-term and the long-term battle with the Chisato-do.

He does not need to defeat the Chishouzi Daochang. As long as he has been dragged for a certain period of time, the battle between the two long-lived people will cause a fixed-procedure response to today's ‘Tiandao’.

At that time, both Akasaka and him will become targets of ‘Tiandao’.

He did not have the same idea as the red scorpion, but he had the means to withdraw from the ‘Tiandao attack’. At that time, the tragedy will only be the red scorpion.

Therefore, the greater the movement of the red scorpion, the stronger the destructive power, the more it fits his calculations.

The two long-lived people let go of their hands and feet, and it was really a catastrophe, and the stars were falling.

The stars of this star field are the poorest background boards.

"Slow, come again!" Akasaka smiled, and it still perfectly matched the red scorpion in the state of the big sword.

I haven’t had such a happy fight for a long time.

The red scorpion and it have not encountered such a realm of similarity and can make a cool opponent for a long time.

The Southern Emperor smiled slightly, and the pagoda in his hand was greeted. A source of strength poured into the pagoda, and it seemed to be preparing for a big move.

But suddenly, the light on the pagoda fainted down.

Even the body of the Southern Emperor was slightly trembling. It seemed that the dark wounds were in the air, and the energy that was condensing suddenly lost a lot. Although the Southern Emperor quickly adjusted, but the battle between him and the Red Dragonfly, even the momentary mistakes are fatal.

Of course, the leader of the Red Dragonfly will not miss this opportunity. He waved the huge red sword and smashed the wave of the Southern Emperor.

In a breath of thirty combos, the Southern Emperor hammered from the starry sky to the earth, from the earth hammer to the ground, and then hammered from the ground to the sky. Finally, the giant sword was photographed, and the southern great emperor was broken into the depths of the glacier. There are more than a dozen deep wounds on the body.

"This wave of combos can be." Akasaka Kendo.

The combo of this thing, that is, each hit carries the power to knock down the opponent, and the uninterrupted smashing out, the most happy and the sense of belt, let the sword boil.

"In other words, what happened to the Southern Emperor just now?" asked the Red Sword.

That feeling, just like the game suddenly dropped and stuck.

"Perhaps he has a dark wound on his body, perhaps just out of the seal, the state is not right. Or it is forced to push the magic weapon, and the successor is powerless." The red scorpion leader replied casually.

His attention locked the glacier.

The breath of the Southern Emperor has been restored. The 30-year combo just did not cause serious injuries to him.

No, not without serious injuries... but the other's injury quickly recovered in a very short time. Even the 'burning the flames' can't suppress his self-healing speed.

While thinking about it, the Southern Emperor drilled from the head space of the Chihkanzi Road. He reached out and pressed the pagoda out of the empty hood. At the same time, the injury he was thrown by the red scorpion was at a speed visible to the naked eye. restore. However, the Southern Emperor's face was pale, apparently paying a big price.

"Hey ~ looks like a precious recovery class instrument." Akasaka sword out of the channel.

"Then continue to fight again." The red scorpion chief squints - the battle between the long-lived people will lead to a natural process of reaction. But he has long dealt with the law.

Facing the pagoda under the hood, the flaming robe of the red scorpion was raised, and the robes were inflated and turned into a huge curtain.

The pagoda was pressed against the giant screen and bounced back.

"Oh, I may have guessed the truth." At this time, the Akasaka sword suddenly said.

Its scabbard is still in the core world of Song Shuhang.

Just after synchronizing the information with the scabbard, it was interesting to find out the next time—when the ‘Time Box’ was activated, it was the time when the Southern Emperor suddenly stumbled.

Time box, not a perpetual motion machine. Its energy comes from the Southern Emperor.

"Go on, red scorpion, let's give him a color look! Go up, give him a wave of thirty, I will create opportunities for you! I don't believe that the recovery instrument on his body is inexhaustible." The sword screamed.



The core world, the main hall of the South Autumn Temple.

Akasaka Sword Sheath: "Chu Daoyou, please help increase the time lapse of the TIME Box! Ten times the enhancement!"

"Ten times?" The old lady of the Chu Ge main body was puzzled.

"I may find the source of energy in the Time Box. It is probably the Southern Emperor. Try it first." Akasaka Sword Sword.

Turtle predecessor: "..."

The Southern Emperor is squatting with the Red Dragonfly Road? If this time the box is pumping the energy of the Southern Emperor, its turtle eye has seen the future!

“No problem.” The Chu Ge master said that he had made several prints to the ‘Time Box, and ten times enhanced the ‘Time Box’ effect.

"Oh, that's it!" Akasaka Kendo.

The Southern Emperor, the defeat has been set!

The star field that hides the mystery of the 'Ancient Heaven Court' will also be broken into a meteor!



at the same time.

According to the requirements of Song Shuhang, the seven repairs of the Holy King refining all the thunder.

"Chu predecessors, white predecessors, can that time box be used?" Song Shuhang asked.

The white predecessors replied: "Yes."

"How many Lingshi do you want to start the time box?" Song Shuhang asked.

Su Shi A XVI smiled: "No one is used."

"I don't need one? Where does the energy come from?" Song Shuhang curiously said.

Akasaka sword scabbard: "Southern Emperor."

Song Shuhang: "..."

Is this a remote wave of the Emperor? This pot should not be counted on my head?

“Is the thunder robbery refining?” asked the white predecessor.

"Yes, I will send it in immediately, and then use the time box to minimize the time limit of 'one month cooling.'" Song Shu Channel.

"No problem, let us know." Chuge said: "Looking at the Southern Emperor did not break the energy supply to this box, how much energy we can pump, don't miss this rare opportunity."



All the worlds, a small world - the shadow world.

In this world, there is only one black color. The whole world is dark, and even the existence of creatures in it is a mystery.

In this dark world, suddenly a voice sounded.

"The "Day of Robbery" has a clue?"

"Thank you so much, I can sell Mr. anything. When you are sure that the little friend made a 'Red Burning Day', I will definitely pay you a satisfaction. Of course, I will not be the little friend. Treat him badly."

The only surviving creature in the shadow world began to move after thousands of years.

His body is full of the shadow world!



At the same time, the fat ball is satisfied with the new avatar that he made, and enters the final commissioning stage, ready to put it into the world of animal training.