MTL - Cultivation Is Like This-Chapter 559 bewitching

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   Chapter 559 Demon Appearance

  The Kyushu Professional League has a lot of events. There are a series of competitions alone, such as individual competitions, team competitions, ring competitions, mission competitions, secret realm competitions, survival competitions, death racing competitions…

   In addition, the official event has also set up some popularity awards, such as the Best Popularity Award, the Most Photogenic Monk Award, etc., and the winner of this project will be determined based on audience votes.

   One thing to say, Lu Bei, as a pure passer-by, said that the official original intention was good, and the popularity award fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the audience to participate.

   But a good starting point does not mean that the result is necessarily satisfactory.

   As far as the players' efforts to tidy up, you can imagine what kind of contestants participated in the popularity vote. Here, no matter if you are fierce or a cute girl, you all have to make way for the sand sculptures.

  After the first professional competition, the official will clearly realize that there is no popularity competition, and it will be regarded as a wonderful prize competition.

   Ignoring the wonderful prizes and only talking about various competitive events, the most concerned are undoubtedly the individual competitions and team competitions.

  The former is a symbol of personal strength. Players are deeply skeptical of the official strength list based on data.

The latter is a symbol of individual strength and teamwork. Many players practice exercises that require teammates to cooperate. When one plus one equals three, or even equals five, team competitions are the most likely to be unpopular and most interesting. By no means is the list of data to be able to distinguish winners and losers.

   Afterwards, such as ring competitions, mission competitions, secret realm competitions, etc., although there is also a lot of attention, in general, it is far inferior to the first two competitions.

  Xiaofengxian signed up for the individual competition, team competition and secret realm competition.

   Originally wanted to get involved in the ring competition, but like his cheap master who did not want to be named, he had poor endurance and was not suitable for the wheel battle and melee mode of the ring competition, so he simply gave up.

  Because of the large number of participants, the competition system of competitive events can only be competitive competitions, starting from the first stage of the divisional qualifiers, and then to the second stage of the divisional regular season, competing for the top 64.

   At this stage, players can enter the auditorium.

   Since most of the contestants are concentrated in the Asian division, the tournament officials have divided the Asian division into four sub divisions. The road to promotion is far more difficult than other continents, and it takes several more rounds.

  The third stage is the regional finals. In order to prevent the champion and runner-up from meeting in advance, resulting in the runner-up not even making a top ten, the tournament official added a points system.

   Competitors compete against each other to decide the champion, runner-up and third runner-up of each region, and receive regional trophies to share the prize money.

  The fourth stage is the international competition, which is also the final final. The top four players or teams from each region are invited to participate, and the overall champion of the first professional competition is born.

   Registration ends one second before the opening ceremony.

  Xiaofengxian clicked the game mode with all her heart, and entered an area similar to the heavenly palace. The white clouds stretched for thousands of miles, and the majestic and majestic cities were lined up.

   After admiring the beautiful scenery for a moment, he entered the corresponding teleportation array according to the number plate and found four teammates he carefully selected.

   Teammates in the team competition, in the future, five people will be dispatched in groups.

   "Beauty, who are you?"

In the small independent courtyard, Tieguai Lu Zhishen opened his mouth wide, looked at the ID on the top of Xiaofengxian's head, and looked at the figure whose gender had changed greatly. Without a tael of meat, it's hard to pretend that nothing happened.

   Even if you can't use it, it won't be a killer!

   "The situation is a bit complicated, didn't I worship a master..."

  Xiaofengxian explained the cause and effect, "Golden Winged Dapeng, Yin and Yang two gas cylinders, I have been transformed into what I am now by him, and I don't know when I will be able to regain my manhood."

   "It's good, the **** number is bad, your master made a mistake and just changed it back."

  Tieguai Lu Zhishen complained, the two first met at Baijianmen in Xuanlong, and they were doing tasks and leveling together. They knew that Xiaofengxian was the eldest lady of a wealthy family, and she was severely addicted to the Internet, especially the liver.

   Speaking of which, he still wanted to ask Xiaofengxian Xiaxia, but he was rejected because he was ugly.

   "Stop saying that, show me your number."

   "Hey, I've approved the number of Sajia's house, and I'll scare you to death if I say it."

  Tieguai Lu Zhishen showed his number card and said proudly: "How, I got stuck at the last second to register, the number is 121466, just look at my number to know how many players have participated this time."

  Xiaofengxian: ()

   "What are you doing, what do you mean by this face, are you stunned by the operation of the family!"

   "No, have you ever thought about a possibility..."

  Xiao Fengxian raised her hand to cover her face: "The number on the number plate is the official ranking. The strength is ranked according to personal data. When it comes to you, it happens to be the last place."

"No way?!"

   Tieguai Lu Zhi was shocked, and hurriedly turned around to verify.

  The good news is that he is not at the bottom, with hundreds of thousands of participants.

  The bad news is that he is ranked out of 100,000 and has a high probability of being wiped out in the first stage qualifiers.

   "You can see how difficult life is by looking at your rankings. Then again, you are so ugly, can't you be more beautiful in terms of grades?" Xiao Fengxian complained.

   "You can't blame me for this. When I was apprentice, Sa's family almost knelt down and licked the soles of their feet. As a result, the master walked fast, and Sa's family luckily did not get beriberi."

   is too disgusting, can you come to the topic of the world?

  Xiaofengxian rolled his eyes silently, turned to look for the other three teammates, but the result was not very friendly. His social circle was all non-professional players, and the ranking of the three was not much different from that of Tieguai Lu Zhishen.

   When it was Xiao Fengxian's turn to show the number plate, the four salted fish were shocked by the ranking of 2,500, and they all said that they were hugging their thighs.

   said, Tieguai Lu Zhishen was about to hug his legs and was kicked away.

   "It's amazing, the Sa family remembers that we were almost the same before, and we were basically scrapped. I didn't expect Master to bring you back to life."

Tieguai Lu Zhishen gave a thumbs up, gave a thumbs up to his master who had no predestined relationship, then scratched his head and said, "We're out of the team competition and the Secret Realm competition, it's not me blowing it up, just like the four of us, the average person can't bring them. verb: move."

"Not always."

   "What, what secret weapon do you have?"

Seeing Xiaofengxian's mysterious and unpredictable face, Tieguai Lu Zhishen immediately came to his senses: "Sajia knows, you plan to activate the banknote ability and let the opponent take the initiative to admit defeat, damn, you **** rich man, Sajia will give you one last time. Opportunity to make an appointment offline?"

   "Ugly rejection."

  Xiaofengxian decisively refused, and the riddle learner said half of it was hidden, saying that the data ranking could not be taken seriously. He wanted to be a blockbuster in this competition, not only to win the individual competition, but also not to give up the team competition and the secret realm competition.

   Just like that, he was voted captain by four salted fish.


   "What the heck, so many windows, where can I go to find someone?"

   Flying in the quiet room, Lu Bei complained a lot. He could click on the posts on the official website forum and watch videos, but he couldn't enter keywords to search. He watched thousands of room numbers open at the same time, and he didn't know where to go.

   In desperation, he had to click on the most popular room to cheer on the e-sports goddess he was familiar with.

   Not to mention, each of them has a tacit understanding, it is clear that the real person looks good, has strength and operation, and the characters built are all male.

   "Maybe it's what he likes. Don't look at the big brother's money coming from the wind, but comparing the two, the big brother also likes to have operations..."

  Lu Bei clicked continuously, he was a rough person, not as delicate as the big brother, he followed the crowd into a crowded room and watched the two demon girls shaking their chests and showing off their legs.

   It doesn't matter whether he is a man or a dog offline, follow D's will online and you're done.

   Two minutes later.

   "It's boring, it's not as fun as my cousin."


  ! !

  The mountains and rivers fell down, the white line ran through the distance, and with a bang, the dust pillars shot up into the sky.

  Nie Zixiong pushed aside the ruins and stood up, his right arm was broken, blood was pouring all over his body.

   "What human holy place, that's all."

   Four figures of different heights and shorts descended from the sky, and the violent arrogance made it difficult for Nie Zixiong to stand still.

  The four big monsters, two of which are transformed into tribulations, are tyrannical and domineering. It is difficult for him to win one-on-one. This battle is afraid...

   "Why...the demon clan appeared here? What conspiracy is there?"


The    fist fell, Nie Zixiong's chest was sunken, and he collapsed on his back. Before he could get up, he was pinned to the spot by several starlight swords.

   "姽婳, I've handed it over to you, move faster."

   The voice fell, and the slender woman stepped out, looking like an autumn moon, her beauty was hard to find, and her figure was the best in a thousand miles. As the blue silk fluttered, there was an irresistible fascination, and the fragrant wind hit his face, making Nie Zixiong dripping with cold sweat.

   He is not a lascivious person, but he must admit that if he can get a woman's love for a night, he will be willing to die.

  The scary thing is that this charm is more derived from seductive techniques. Looking at the side of Yuyu, Nie Ziyi, who has dull eyes, knows that once he is addicted to this female seduction technique, he will never be able to escape.

   "At the time of the Human Race Holy Land Ceremony, what is your conspiracy?"

   Nie Zixiong questioned loudly, the steel and iron bones are no match for the soft hands and soft hands. He was brushed by the white fingertips across his face, and his round, angry eyes slowly closed. When he opened it again, he was only obsessed with the beauty in front of him.

   "Which country is the nearest shuttle?"

   "Wu Zhou."

   Nie Zixiong and Nie Ziyi spoke at the same time.

  What country Wuzhou is and where it is located, the four great demons have only heard of it, never been there, and vaguely remember that such a country exists.

   The sense of existence is not high, it is just a small country of the human race.

  姽婳's eyes lit up, and she guided the temptation: "Let Wu Zhou's flying shuttle stop and take me for a ride along the way. You like your sister so much, you shouldn't refuse, right?"

  Nie Zixiong's eyes were frantic, and he nodded like a wood, while Nie Ziyi found out the sound transmission and contacted the pacemaker who was driving the shuttle.

   Suddenly received an order from the superiors, the pacemaker stopped the shuttle and accurately reported the coordinates without thinking about it.

   "Go, go to the Holy Land of Human Race."

   (end of this chapter)