MTL - Cultivation Is Like This-Chapter 560 It's better to get rid of the small evil than to get rid of the big evil

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   Chapter 560 It is better to get rid of the big evil

  The silver-white shuttle stops at the border of the Kunlun Mountains.

  Master Buzi explained the reason, the two examiners slowed down, regained their face and wanted to board the boat.

  Zhu Xiushi secretly said that it was troublesome, but what could she do? She nodded solemnly to express her understanding, and asked the students to wait for a while. Although she didn't reach the Holy Land, it was too soon.

  Lu Bei followed D's will and came to the quiet room where Zhu Qilan was staying and his Shuangxiu. The sweet words were mixed with a few bad words, making Zhu Qilan unhappy.

   Knowing the reason why the shuttle stopped, Lu Bei secretly pouted, the monks in the Holy Land of the Human Race were good-natured and put on airs, that is, they were not on their own territory, and when Wu Zhou was released, he had already raised his fist and fell, and slashed it with a sword.

   "Cousin, if you have nothing to do, let's learn a few tricks."

  Shuangxiu for a long time, Lu Bei stopped the boring double cultivation, and saw the proposal: "It's boring to just discuss, let's add some luck, whoever loses, whoever takes off a piece of clothes, what do you think?"

  Nothing, Zhu Qilan decisively refused, pointing to the door of the quiet room, either cultivating well or leaving mellow.

Lu Bei chose to stand and leave, standing in front of the door with a lewd body that could not be moved, and said to himself: "I know it's useless to find her, and she won't play with me. I've been greedy for a while, because I sternly refused and I haven't succeeded."

   Zhu Qilan's eyelids twitched, she gritted her teeth and stood up, pulling Lu Bei back to her original position.

  You are not allowed to go anywhere!

  Lu Bei grinned, and rubbed his small hands to block Zhu Qilan in a corner of the quiet room. The latter bit his lip, blushing shyly, and warned him not to mess around. It's okay to mess around in Changming Mansion, and the shuttle must be abiding by etiquette.

  Lu Bei nodded again and again, he understood the reason, but...

   "Hey, why are there so many people?"

   Aware of the several breaths mixed in the flying shuttle, Lu Bei looked suspiciously at the quiet room, patted Zhu Qilan on the shoulder, and told her to calm down, a good eldest princess, thinking about what love between men and women is like all day long.

After   , he left Zhu Qilan on the spot, pushed the door and walked out.

   As soon as I went out, I didn't take two steps when I looked in the mirror.

   Zhu Xiu Shi.

  The two looked at each other and split up in tacit agreement. Zhu Xiushi took care of the disciples of the Zhu family, and Lu Bei walked in the direction of mixed aura.


   "Who are you waiting for?"

   In the core cabin of the flying shuttle, Buzi Shi frowned and looked at the four strangers who filed in, silently activated the flying shuttle defensive formation, and kept away from Nie Zixiong and Nie Ziyi at the same time.

   "Two uncles, who are they?"

   asked the question, the back of Bu Zishi was startled with cold sweat, and the four strangers were arrogant and arrogant, and two of them showed their humanoid side after entering the door.

  Why are there demon clan, Nie Zixiong and Nie Ziyi betrayed?

   Were other shuttles stopped too?

   A series of thoughts flashed through, and finally stopped at Nie Zixiong with a grim smile.

   The black light fist flashed, and the step master smashed the wall behind her and stopped at the barrier of the enchantment. Her face was gloomy, her hands and fingers were connected, and she manifested the earthsha treasure to build a defensive barrier.

   The difference in realm could not be compensated, Nie Zixiong easily broke through the defense line, and his five fingers clasped the slender neck of Buzishi, pressing him on the enchantment, unable to move.

The   gang atmosphere wall was like a substance, and Bu Zi Shi only felt that the bones in his whole body were screaming under the pressure, and it was extremely difficult to escape the primordial spirit.

   "Do you want to keep her alive?"

   "Kill it, it's useless anyway."

   "I can't say that. After all, she is a little beauty. It's good to cut off her hands and feet and stay happy."

   The two great demons in the fusion period said a word to each other, with joy in their mouths, but only indifference in their eyes. Under Yuyu's gesture, Nie Zixiong raised his palms into knives and stabbed them straight into Buzishi's chest.

  ! !

   Bai Guang broke through the barrier of the barrier and suddenly bombarded Nie Zixiong's door.

   The latter's facial features were sunken, and flew out backwards, all the way through the wall of the shuttle, whether defensive formations or enchantments, all shattered like paper paste.

   This scene was only in an instant, and the four big demons let out a small murmur, looking at the fists that broke through the wall, and all of them smiled at the corners of their mouths.


   "Wu Zhou is obviously a small country, and there are such powerful monks. The integration period... tsk, the genius of the human race!"

   "Hahaha, soon it will be a dead human genius."

  Lu Bei tore open the barrier with both hands, supported the coughing step master, and stroked his neck with one hand in the green light.

   "Sister Bu, what are the rules in the Holy Land, so that the demon race is also eligible to participate in the conference?"

"how is this possible…"

   Bu Zishi quickly transmitted his voice to explain the situation of Nie Zixiong and Nie Ziyi. The two led the wolf into the room, 80% of which were controlled.

  According to the rules of the Holy Land, if Lu Bei can't wake up the two of them, he can kill them directly to avoid future troubles. Not only do they not have to bear the consequences, but there are also heavy rewards.

"Understood, it's none of your business. Go to Zhu Xiushi, I'll have a chat with a few demon clans, and I'll go to you later." Lu Bei patted his **** and told Buzi Shi to leave quickly, don't stay in the way .

The    action was too intimate, but the step master didn't say anything, his body turned into black liquid and disappeared.

  Before leaving, Lu Bei, the sound transmission, should be careful in everything, just block the demon clan for a while, don't risk your own life, wait for the student to find a hiding place, and no one can stop him if he wants to leave at his speed.

  The demon doesn't work either.

  Lu Bei didn't respond, and fixed his eyes on the four big demons, two of which have not yet crossed the tribulation period, one with a bull's head and one with a horse's face.

  Two great monsters in the tribulation period, the male...

   looks okay, with a burly body, his facial features carved with swords and axe, and his golden yellow hair fluttering like a flame.

  The female is more powerful, with ink hair pouring like a waterfall, wearing a bright yellow and elegant dress, the curve of the waist is amazing, and the body is light and graceful.

  The silver eyes are like the river flowing under the moon, and the temperament is between cold and seductive. The first second is cold and deep, and the next second is charming and public.

   At first glance, she is a big sister who will hurt people.

  [When you encounter a seductive attack, it is judged that after deducting mental damage, the cultivation base will remain unchanged]

  Xiao Lu Bei nodded again and again, calling on his elder brother to be merciful. Although the demon girl sneaked ahead, but in this face-seeing world, everything is forgivable, so don't kill him with one punch like before.

   It is better to get rid of the big evil than to get rid of the small evil.

   Like these demon girls, they should be imprisoned in a small single room, tortured their bodies, tortured their minds, and granted them a righteousness.

   "What's the name of the little brother, so he doesn't understand the style?"

The    seduction technique failed, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, her charming air dissipated, and her delicate face showed a bit of dignity and arrogance: "If you don't know the taste of meat, my sister can solve your doubts."

   Just a change in temperament, it will be charming and boneless, and the desire to be coquettish is even more three-pointed.

  Lu Bei took a deep breath and secretly said that the demon girl, if not for the high ceiling, he would probably believe Xiao Lu Bei's nonsense today.


  The black light soared, Nie Zixiong wrapped his arms with black lines, and his eyes were red.

On the    side, Nie Ziyi's body was wrapped in a treasure robe, which instantly rose to three meters. Dozens of black-robed puppets shook off his cuffs, and attacked Lu Bei from all directions.


  The small world stretches across the size of a state, the full moon hangs high, and twenty-eight stars are dotted in the south, south, north and west, and the almost substantial space firmly envelopes the audience.

  The four demon clans kept quiet, it was just a small world, they could go out anytime they wanted, and they didn't mind playing with Lu Bei to spend some boring time.

  Dark puppets surround the great formation, using thirty-six techniques to establish the Heavenly Gang, and Nie Ziyi presides over the great formation, manipulating the dark starlight to move vertically and horizontally.

  Nie Zixiong decided to be the leader of the star, and with the help of thirty-six stars, the momentum of the whole body rose steadily, and between his arms waving, behind him, a phantom of a giant holding an axe opened up the mountain.

  The black light skyrocketed, and all within a thousand miles was covered by the dark field.

   The full moon in the sky descends splendor, and the shadow of the moon rhythmically moves.

   Weird forces of tremors spread out, penetrated the dark realm, invaded the Tiangang formation, and rose into the sky with a white light, and the overflowing ripples instantly filled the audience.


   Dozens of black-robed puppets shattered at the same time. Nie Ziyi, who was in charge of the great formation, vomited bright red from his mouth. The next second, golden light came in all directions, and the white fist shredded the earth-shattering clothes, penetrated his chest, and came out with a broken back.

   Between the five fingers, a heart was beating half a step late.


  The blood was flying, Lu Bei crushed the mud in his hand, and his golden eyes swept across. When Nie Zixiong wielded the phantom axe to kill, he raised Nie Ziyi with one arm as a shield for defense.

  The shadow of the axe fell straight down, splitting the small world into two, revealing the black and white foundation below.

The figures of Nie Ziyi and Lu Bei then split into two halves. The former's two bodies swelled with black liquid and red blood, while the latter slowly faded. When they reappeared, the punches sank into Nie Zixiong's chest and pulled out a ridge from behind him. bone.

   "Please turn around baby!"

  The jasper gourd burst into a ray of light, interspersed with the two Holy Land examiners several times in a row, killing the two souls in one go, and the two heads were full of loopholes like briquettes.

  Nie Zixiong struggled to get up, Lu Bei raised his foot and buried his head in the ground, the sword and man merged into one, and dazzling sword light exploded all over his body.

  The white beam of light soared into the sky, ground to the sky, sweeping up the sky, descending into the abyss, digging a gap more than ten kilometers in diameter in the small world.

  ! x2

   The two bodies collapsed weakly, controlled by others, and lost their minds. Under a series of fast attacks, they were defeated very simply.

   "Trash, as an elite of the Holy Land of the Human Race, but controlled by the Monster Race, I will punish him today, and then I will kill him next time." Lu Bei said lightly.

At   's feet, Nie Ziyi's whole body was scorched black. Due to the severe damage to the primordial spirit, the self-healing delicate face was dull and saliva flowed unconsciously from his mouth.

  Nie Zixiong was a little better, but Lu Bei stepped on his bald head and buried his face below, but his expression did not change.

   Looking at the bald head, it should be very sad.

  Good news, they are freed from the seductive control of the witch.

   Several chains shot from the depths of the foundation, wrapped around the hands and feet of the two, and led them to sink into the ground slowly.

  Lu Bei floated up, his feet were burning white lotus flowers, his golden eyes stared at the four big demons, the full moon in the sky was shining brightly, and his dancing clothes and long hair were covered with a layer of silver light.

   The two great demons in the fusion stage swallowed their saliva and took a half step back silently.

  姽婳 restrained her coquettishness, looked at Lu Bei with dignified eyes, and at the same time, took a half step back.

   The three demons retreated, leaving only one demon to take half a step forward.

   "This king's nest, the name of the visitor."

   "Wu Zhou, Lu Bei."


   Three shifts, ask for a monthly pass!

   (end of this chapter)