MTL - Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises-Chapter 507 Do not stick to anything

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  Chapter 507 Wanfa non-stick

  Hearing Chen Fei's words, Qin Haishan and Tong Zhongqiu looked at Tong Tianhe, their minds and spirits constantly felt back and forth, but they didn't feel the cold breath of Rengui at all.

  Qin Haishan and Qin Haishan believed in Chen Fei, but because of their belief, they couldn't perceive the person in front of them, so their hearts were a little complicated.

  One leaf knows the autumn, many things can be seen from the subtle places. Chen Fei's probing ability is too strong, unbelievably strong.

  Under the Tongtian River, the pupils in the pale eyes rolled slightly, then closed, and the eyes disappeared.

  The cobblestones disintegrated silently, turned into powder, merged into the entire Tongtian River, and rushed forward along the river.

  The whole process was silent. In the huge Tongtian River, the change of a mere pebble was too inconspicuous and tiny. Normally, no one would notice it.

  But Chen Fei noticed it.

   I have to say that the real Xi Lian was really cautious, and when he sensed that there was a Heqiao Realm approaching the Tongtian River, he was ready to run away without the slightest hesitation or hesitation.

  However, without this caution, I would have never been able to escape from the late-stage Aperture Realm expert at the Nether Gate. After all, the difference in strength between the two is too great, and if it is really head-to-head, it is probably a matter of one move.

   "He's running away."

  Chen Fei's voice fell, and he had already arrived on the Tongtian River. With a slight movement of the Qianyuan sword in his hand, a sword yuan shot up into the sky, and the entire Tongtian River was blocked in the middle.

   Today's Chen Fei naturally cannot lead the Tianhe River with a single sword, but he can easily stop the water of the Tongtian River.


  Tongtian River made a deafening sound, the river water was shattered by the sword element and turned into water mist, but in the blink of an eye, the river surface was already covered in mist, like a fairyland.

   Tong Zhongqiu came to Chen Fei's side, and a sword formation fell, covering an area of ​​one mile around.

  Qin Haishan did the same, and the same knife array covered all directions.

   In fact, the two of them have not sensed the aura of the real Xi Lian until now, but this does not affect the two of them using their moves to block the surrounding area first.

  Sword formation and knife formation are both moves that the two are not very good at, but when they reach the state of Heqiao state, some simple formations can be directly integrated into the moves.

   Not seeking to kill the enemy, but with a warning, it can still be done easily.


  The formation aroused the vitality of the four directions, making a trembling sound, and the shadows of swords and swords shuttled wantonly in the river water, but apart from chopping some stones, there was no result.

  Chen Fei looked at the changes in the river, and his expression moved slightly. Master Xilian was indeed included in the battle at this moment, although Qin Haishan and the two could not determine the exact location of Master Xilian, so many attacks just missed him.

  But there are still quite a few, and it really fell on the real Xi Lian. But that's it, there is no strange change in the river.

  Reverend Xi Lian seemed to have become nothingness.

   Even according to the current situation, even if all the river water in this area is refined, I am afraid that the real Xilian can hide well.

  This ability is helpless at the beginning of the general Aperture Realm. After all, you can't even be sure where the real Xilian is.

  If it wasn't for that passage, because of the broken spirit treasure under the imperial city, with the ability shown by Master Xilian, the creatures in this land would really be nibbled away bit by bit.

  Even if in the end there really is a combination of Heqiao Realm to surround and kill him, the evasion ability of Master Xi Lian is enough to save his life, and then he will look for opportunities to seek it out slowly.

  This hidden ability is the real Xilian's biggest trump card. As long as it is there, the real Xilian will always have a way out, so he doesn't have to worry about being completely killed.

  Now, if it weren’t for the location of the passage, there are often Heqiao Realms coming in and out, I am afraid that the real Xilian has already managed to go to the Endless Sea.

   Wait until the time is right before sneaking back.

  But it's a pity that today I met Chen Fei, an unreasonable early stage of the Heqiao Realm.

   Ten thousand dharma does not touch, people in the early stages of the Aperture Realm are tricky, there may be no ability to do ten thousand dharma, after all, the attack power is not strong enough.

  Chen Fei's body flickered, he had disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in Tongtian River.

  Because of Chen Fei's impact, the surrounding river water broke out a human-shaped passage, and before the surrounding river water filled the gap, Chen Fei's Qianyuan sword had already been handed out.

  Burning Blood Art! Cracking skills!

  Chen Fei's body burst into flames of blood that soared to the sky, and his aura rose sharply. As soon as he made a move, Chen Fei went all out.

  In mid-air, seeing Chen Fei make a move and sensing the aura of Chen Fei, the corners of Qin Haishan's eyes twitched slightly.

  Between the same level, if you don't go all out, sometimes it is difficult to perceive where the opponent's cultivation level is. Qin Haishan always felt that Chen Fei was still in the Aperture Realm.

  After all, Chen Fei had just turned around more than a year ago. When they heard the news, they were already shocked enough.

   It turned out to be a good day today, Qin Haishan found that Chen Fei had unknowingly reached the second turn of the Aperture Realm.

   What kind of outrageous practice speed is this?

  Qin Haishan knew that Chen Fei now had a lot of primordial stones in his hands. After all, everyone in the Haifeng Region knew about the two thousand middle-grade primordial stones that were shining white after **** battles against four families.

  Many people even thought that if Chen Fei sleeps on weekdays, he sleeps on the middle-grade primordial stone. Otherwise, how should Chen Fei spend such a large sum of middle-grade primeval stones.

   But resources are resources, realms are realms, and there are enough resources, but it takes enough time to transform them into realms of cultivation.

   It took more than a year to cultivate to the second turn of the Aperture Realm, what's the matter?

   Tong Zhongqiu on the side is much calmer. Anyway, even the fact that Chen Fei should be a member of the Xianyun Sword Sect, Tong Zhongqiu can now accept it.

   Other changes related to Chen Fei, Tong Zhongqiu felt acceptable.


   While Qin Haishan was thinking wildly, there was a bursting sound from below, and a huge sword-shaped hole appeared in the river as the Qianyuan sword passed.

  The riverbed of the entire Tongtian River trembled violently, and huge cracks spread underneath.

But these are secondary, Qin Haishan and Tong Zhongqiu are staring at the front of Qianyuan Sword, and there is a phantom there, holding a seal at the moment, and they can't help retreating. Hillary is real.

  Chen Fei didn't chase after him, and looked at the seal in the hands of Daoist Xi Lian curiously. A lot of the power of his sword just now was absorbed by the seal.

   Not only did it absorb, the seal even bounced back the force of attraction, offsetting part of the force again.

   Calculated here, the fact that Chen Fei's sword can really fall on the real Xi Lian is undoubtedly diluted a lot.

   Is this the top-grade magic weapon? A broken top-rank magic weapon has such an ability, so what should it be like when it is complete?

   "Tong Zhongqiu of the Immortal Cloud Sword School? This is a friend of Endless Sea, right?"

  Realist Xi Lian glanced at Qin Haishan and the two, then looked at Chen Fei, with a trace of doubt in his eyes, and said, "Your Excellency looks familiar, have you met somewhere?"

   Even though surrounded by Chen Fei and the three at this moment, the real Xilian didn't look too panicked.

   "I have seen it once."

  Chen Fei nodded slightly, and said: "At the beginning, Shangwu City was just refined by you, I happened to pass by, and was almost drawn into Shangwu City."

"It's you!"

  Realist Xilian searched his memory and recognized Chen Fei at once. For He Qiao Jing, as long as he wants to, the past scenes can be recalled quickly, not to mention, this matter is still within ten years.

  Reverend Xi Lian's eyes fluctuated slightly. At first, he was just a martial artist in the middle of the Aperture Realm, but now he has already reached the second turn of the Aperture Realm. Especially the power of that sword, if it weren't for the seal, the real Xilian would have been severely injured.

   "Let me go, I can give all of what I have learned all over my body to you. The method of holding back the breath just now is not the result of this seal, but the work of the next generation."

  Realist Xi Lian suppressed the surprise in his heart, looked at Chen Fei and the other three, and said in a deep voice.

  Hearing the real Xilian's words, Qin Haishan and Tong Zhongqiu looked at each other, their hearts fluctuated. The way of hiding just now was amazing, at least based on the perception of the two of them, they couldn't find the real Xilian's location.

  If they can also practice this technique, even if they encounter a strong enemy in the future and are in a desperate situation, they may be able to rely on this inheritance to escape disaster.

   But the two of them didn't speak, and Chen Fei had to decide all of this.

   "Your inheritance is truly exquisite."

  Chen Fei's eyes turned, and a beam of light appeared between his brows, reflecting a phantom one mile away, which was the real Xilian.

  Realman Xi Lian was shrouded in a beam of light, his expression was flustered, he didn't care about other things, his figure flickered, and he galloped away towards the distance.

  The phantom that was still standing in front of Chen Fei and the three of them was distorted at some point, but it dissipated after a while, and everything was like a dream.

  Qin Haishan and Tong Zhongqiu were also taken aback. They didn't expect that the formation they set up would be easily passed by the real Xilian without the slightest movement.

  Obviously the phantom standing in front of them just now, they really felt the complete breath of the real Xi Lian, definitely not a clone or something.

  As the Aperture Realm, Qin Haishan and the two still have this confidence, but unfortunately, the phantom is fake.

  Qin Haishan and Tong Zhongqiu were about to dodge to chase, when they suddenly saw Chen Fei appearing in the completely opposite direction, and stabbed into the empty space with another sword.


  Just like the previous crackling sound, a ripple spread out, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a huge wave, sweeping across the Tongtian River, and the entire Tongtian River was forced down by more than ten meters.

  In front of the Qianyuan sword, a completely pitch-black figure appeared, with the same aura as the previous Master Xilian, but he could not feel any human satisfaction in him.

  If the real Xilian who appeared for the first time just now still has a human feeling, this black shadow is pure yin and cold, and strangers should not get close.

   Since the afternoon, I started to have a headache. I wrote a chapter for a few hours, and now I still have a headache

   Today is only one chapter, sorry.



  (end of this chapter)