MTL - Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)-Chapter 1021 idealism

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The lizard elder's original name was a scale, and their race also had a sacred name, but most humans called them lizards.

Hundreds of years ago, this continent was a society in which several races merged. Due to the magical gathering on the mainland, the natural wonders that can be created by the gods are very numerous.

This also led to the people of Aleslota embarking on the path of 'inner', who worshiped the gods and believed that the greatest in the world is the unity of spirit and nature.

"That means you are a society of idealism?" The orange cat squatted on the table and listened quietly to the lizard elder describing the past about Aleslota.

At this time, Qiao Xiu sneaked a glimpse of Marceau, and she certainly heard it.

The life span of human beings is too short in front of these aliens. The fog has ruled the continent for many years. During this period, many generations have not been known by humans.

"Imperial?" The lizard elder was the first to hear this vocabulary.

“In short, does your past society allow the development of magical machinery technology?” Qiao Xiu asked.

"Magic Machinery? No... That's the technology of the gods! It's these crazy things that will make the gray fog envelope our world... and push us... into desperation."

The lizard elder heard the words mechanical, and the emotions became very excited. It seemed that he hated the magical machinery that humans invented.

"Dare to be an extreme idealism." The words of Qiao Xiu did not let the lizard elders and Marceau hear, and said it to himself.

"But our prayers have been rewarded after all."

The lizard elders bowed in front of the orange cat respectfully, and he looked up at Joe Xiu.

"Lloyd, the **** of order, we have been guided by you in the past. You are the most benevolent of all the gods. In this crisis, you are the first to show up and save us."

A series of words of the lizard elders heard Joe repairing a mist, when Joe Xiu looked sideways at Loyd, who was sitting beside him.

The goddess of order almost never wrote the word 'inflated' on his cheek.

"Have you been to Aleslota before? Have you helped these lizards?" Qiao Xiu asked.

"I... I used to live in the world of consciousness, and I have never entered the real material world like this."

After being asked by Qiao Xiu, the order goddess was instantly exposed, but she immediately added one sentence.

"But I am still able to hear prayers in the world of consciousness... I have responded to the prayers of many material world creatures! There must be these lizards!"

"In short, this lizard is a loyal follower who has helped a lot, although his beliefs are mixed."

When Joe repaired the crouching down, he did not offer a lizard man who gave a small fish to the orange cat. All the original words that wanted to flick him were saved.

"stand up."

But Qiao Xiu also has doubts about the loyalty of this lizard elder. After all, he believes it is too fast.

The lizard elder stood up from the orange cat and the orange cat extended his small claw.

"Hold my meat ball... or a part of this body."

Qiao Xiu thinks that even the mad believers must also give a little benefit. The belief of the old lizard can be terrible for hundreds of years. It is replaced by Joe’s prayer for hundreds of years. Probably... No, Joe Xiu will not pray to any god.

The lizard elder went to the orange cat with some fear, and held a meat ball of the orange cat with his own scaled hands, while lowering his head and waiting for something with excitement and expectation.

Qiao Xiu mobilized the power of faith in the tree of the world from the Frost Elves and poured it directly into the body of the lizard.

The relationship between the power of faith and the fog can only be said to be mutually exclusive, and the power of faith can only be achieved by 'deportation' and 'repression' of fog, but this is enough.

The lizard elder has lived in a foggy environment for too long, and consciousness and body have been corrupted by fog.

When the power of faith is incorporated into the body of the lizard, the fog that originally occupied the various parts of his body began to be squeezed away.

"Yes," said Joe Xiu.

The lizard elders took a few steps back, and his most intuitive feeling was that he didn't need to walk on a cane.

"Is the pollution in my body disappearing?" asked the lizard elders incredulously.

"It didn't disappear, how could it be so easy... just drive away a part." Qiao Xiu controlled the orange cat's paw and pointed at the lizard elder. "I came to the city and planned to purify the fog of the whole city. I hope that you can execute my plan as my messenger."

"The **** of order, if you want to purify the city, I have built a magical array to completely destroy all the filth here." The lizard elder glanced at the Marceau standing next to him, still said this The most important thing for the Quest.

"The purpose of purifying the fog is to save all the people in the city, not kill them... understand?"

After Qiao Xiu said this sentence, he immediately dropped the mute button.

"What's wrong?" Loyd looked at Qiao Xiu inexplicably. When she listened to Qiao Xiu and the lizard elder, she was full of expressions of enjoyment.

Neither the lizard elders nor Qiao Xiu used another way to praise her.

"Nothing... just the line that I just thought... a little shame?"

"Is there any shame, isn't it necessary to be a benevolent God to save his own believers?" Loyder said.

"I feel a little disgusting."

I have been commenting on the silent side of the side, because she knows that Qiao Xiu is lying, or the kind of lies in the name of justice, just like the past.


When Loyder still wanted to say something, Qiao Xiu canceled the silence again, and she closed her mouth again.

"Follow your will, the **** of kindness." The lizard elder was full of admiration, and once again, Qiao Xiu had some headaches and licked his head.

From this point, Qiao Xiu can be sure that he can't do a qualified voice actor, but the play must still be played.

"I need more original spar, no matter how big... these original spar can save those who indulge in the fog." Qiao Xiu said.

"I will collect it right away."

The lizard elder has become a loyal follower of the **** of order. He has no reason not to believe this orange cat, the superb order inscriptions, and the power to purify the fog.

The lizard elders have been in the dark for too long, and it is hard to see a bunch of light, of course, to pursue.

After the old lizard left, there was only an orange cat and a sesoteric suspect who looked at the orange cat.