MTL - Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)-Chapter 1022 Great martyrdom

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"You really are gods?"

Marceau watched the orange cat sitting on the table vigilantly.

She used to guess that this orange cat is the embodiment of a powerful caster, but the one-time high to God's rank still makes Marceau unable to believe.

“Is it related to it? Do you only need to know that I can help you build a bully and an arcade?”

In the face of the leader of the sewing gang, Qiao Xiu did not flicker again and chose to talk to her in a more practical way.

This woman named Marceau lived in this chaotic city from a young age. It is incredible to learn magic. Joe Xiu does not expect her to believe in a vain **** like the lizard elder.

"Then you really will purify the fog and save the residents of the city?" Marceau again raised a problem.

"The front is true, the words behind... you think the truth is the truth."

In fact, Qiao Xiu has no interest in pretending to be a ghost. After the words of the preaching, the onlookers are not willing to believe, and Qiao Xiu will not hold others to continue to preach.

Upholding the letter of love or not, anyway, you will finally like to add one attitude, Qiao Xiu is too lazy to argue with this woman.

"I believe that you are a god, but if I believe in you, can you fulfill my wishes for me?"

Marceau re-sit back to his sofa and asked for a cigarette.

"Wish? Are you going to play the sequel of the King of Fighters, or do you want to play new arcade games? Like alloy warheads, round table knights, dinosaurs, and I can help you in the short term if you wish."

Qiao Xiu controlled the orange cat to spread out his two small claws, which is like a look of "God pity the world."

"Game." Marceau recited the word and then she walked to the only window in her room, where Marceau could see the state of the arcade below.

The sounds below are very noisy, the shouts from those who play in front of the arcade, and the sound effects of various ‘fuel consumption and’ in the arcade.


"I haven't seen the residents of this city for a long time. It will be so energetic." Marceau whispered softly, "The existence of laughter mixture makes us live in a dream world. The real world is a corpse. What the city’s residents do every day is to fall on the streets, or to sleep in their own homes, waiting for the date of the release of the laughter.

"After all, you are not a resident, it is better to say that it is a livestock that the city owners are captive."

There is no mercy in Qiao Xiu’s speech. This woman named Marceau is in this city... I met a human being who has a feeling of 'living'.

The second is the black tail and the sewing gang, because they know that they have something to do, there is a site to look after, every day must be rushed with other gangs in the city.

Most of the residents in this city are just a corpse.

"Livestock? You have been mentioning the city's owner." Marceau shakes the cigarette **** with his hand. "From your words, the city owner does not seem to be human."

"I'm not sure your city owner is... the gadget itself, or the agent of the gadget, but one thing is certain, you will live in this environment, there is a kind of monster, your negative emotions as food, despair , sadness, laziness... these are the foods of it.” Qiao Xiu told Marceau the truth.

"Negative emotions." Maso suddenly laughed after hearing the truth. "No wonder this city... so suffocating."

When Qiao Xiu and Marceau talked, the arcade hall below suddenly had an unexpected situation. Two strong men in the sewing gang were holding a thin young man ready to throw outside the arcade hall.

"I still have hawk claws on my body! I really have it! I beg you to let me play a game and definitely defeat the big snake!" The young man prayed to the two strong men who helped the sewing.

Qiao Xiu looked at the scene below and was silent for a moment.

"Let your men let go of him." Qiao Xiu said.

"What can you do to let go, let these useless wastes stay here for a place?" Marceau has been unable to tolerate these self-destructive people.

The orange cat just sat on the edge of the window and stared at Marceau. Maso sighed and waved at the two strong men who were sewing to the bottom. They let go of the young man. The young man kept saying thankfulness and blinking. It was back to the arcade.

“The financial system of the city... Simply put, where did the money from them come from?”

Qiao Xiu looked at the people gathered in the arcade hall below. If the city is full of laughter and mixture, Qiao Xiu does not think that the city can develop normally.

"Rated, it may be as captive as you said. Every resident can get some food and hawk claws in the city, and the eagle can find the city owner in exchange for clothes and laughter pills. Of course, laughing pills are very expensive." Marceau said.

"This situation really wants people to sing a Katyusha." How does Qiao Xiu feel familiar when he listens to this system?


"Nothing... No, don't you want to change the status quo?" said Joe Xiu.

"Change... How do you change? Let my hand go down with the patrol team? Everyone in the patrol team is given the power of terror, and ordinary people are not their opponents at all," Marceau said.

"There is no need to go to war. There is a huge hollow below the city. The empty hole is the site of the secret meeting. What do they want to do... I think you know that the key is that there is a raw spar vein under the hollow. ""

This is the information that thousands of faces obtained during the investigation, which is also the source of the original spar in the city.

"When you earn the money, you have to use it. Where do you spend the eagle claws from the city owner?" Qiao Xiu asked.

“Clothes and food, and some daily items.”

Marceau heard that she was gradually sitting on her body, and she began to take seriously these proposals from Qiao Xiu.

"I just heard the discussion with the lizard elder. think so, I am the embodiment of the **** of order. My next plan is to build an underground religion in this city, but I don't think this. People in the city will go to believe in a god, but I have it."

There was a little bully original spar in Joe's hand. The sewing gang has already started selling this kind of original spar, and its potential customers are gradually improving.

"What do you want to say." Marceau asked.

“The city owner uses the laughter mixture to control the residents of the city. We can do the same thing, but we are in the name of a god. These believers will join us because of this original spar or arcade. They are After joining, use the talons or directly with the game currency as a reward, let them work for me, the content of the work... In addition to mining, there are many."

At this moment, Marceau seemed to see the orange cat's face showing the same smile as 'stupid humans'.