MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 150 Reappearance

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  Chapter 150 Reappearance of the net

"what happened?"

  The strong smell of blood made Li Si's breathing stagnate.

   And when he saw the situation inside through the crack of the door, Li Si's pupils shrank even more suddenly.


  There are dead bodies everywhere.

  Bright red blood stained the white snow, and in the courtyard behind the door, including the porter, servants, servants... Including the gatekeeper, servants, servants... Including the whole house of the Jin family, there was not a single living person.

   "Could it be that Mr. Shengping has arrived?"

  Looking at the chilling scene in front of him, an absurd idea inexplicably emerged in Li Si's mind.

   But Li Si can't be blamed, because judging from the current situation, the tragic situation of the Jin family is too much like Mr. Mo's handwriting.

  Li Si stepped into the Jin Mansion.

  Li Si, who studied the legalist technique, naturally couldn't be afraid of dozens of corpses.

   After some simple investigation, Li Si was basically sure that the Jin family had really been wiped out.

The current patriarch of the Jin family died in the main hall. The bright red blood flowing from the long and thin wound on his neck soaked his formal attire. Li Si stretched out a finger and touched the corpse's cheek. The warm touch instantly changed Li Si's eyes.

  However, before he could make the next move, suddenly, a sigh came from behind.

   "Isn't it good to play dumb once in a while?"

The sudden voice made Li Si's movements slightly stagnant, but soon he regained his composure, turned around slowly, and said, "Why put on a show like this, with Your Excellency's skills, even if the patriarch of the Jin family just died, It's enough to get away easily without Li Si's noticing."

   "Since your Excellency showed up, you must have been waiting here for a long time!"

   Appearing in front of Li Si was a mysterious figure in a long linen coat with a strangely shaped pink scabbard sword in hand, a strange mask, and a long linen coat.

  When Li Si saw the mysterious figure himself, Li Si didn't react too much.

   But when Li Si saw the long sword in the opponent's hand, his eyes shrank.

   "'s amazing. This kind of penetrating ability to see things clearly is worthy of being the person specially ordered by the superiors to win over."


   Li Si narrowed his eyes.

   "That's right, the reason I'm waiting here this time is to invite Master Li Si to join us." The masked man said.

"to join you guys?"

Li Si looked around and said slowly: "The Jin clan has always had no grudges with you in the past, but now you have specially sent this 'first-class' to slaughter the entire Jin clan, presumably your goal It shouldn’t be just the Jin family, right?”

  The eyes of the masked man revealed a few dangerous rays of light, and said quietly: "Master Li, being smart is a good thing, but sometimes being too smart can be very dangerous."

   Li Si snorted coldly, and turned to ask: "What can joining you bring me?"

  The masked man raised his voice: "As long as you want, we can bring you everything you want. And in order to express our sincerity, now we can give you a big meeting gift."

   "Oh? What greeting ceremony?"

"You have always wanted the position of 'Ting Wei'. Maybe you don't know it. Not long ago, the King of Qin has decided to hand over the 'Shi Nie theft case' in Hedong County to you. As long as you are willing to join We, then we can help you solve the 'grain tax' and 'stone nirvana' matters in Hedong County. By then, the position of Tingwei will be within your reach."

   Li Si's eyes flashed.

   I have to admit that the bait given by the masked man is indeed very attractive to Li Si.

  However, after a short thought, Li Si finally shook his head and said: "This is indeed a great meeting gift, but it is a pity that Li Si is in Qin now and cannot join another force."

  Hearing this, the masked man burst out with murderous intent in an instant, and said, "Aren't you afraid of death? You should know the price of rejecting us."

Li Si sneered and said: "Heh~~Although I still can't guess your real goal, if the 'Dian Ke', one of the nine ministers of the Qin Kingdom, dies here, no matter what plans you have in the future, I'm afraid you will startle the snake! "

  As soon as this remark came out.

The murderous intent in the eyes of the masked man also dissipated quickly, and he smiled lightly: "As expected of Li Si. Since you don't want to join us, why not put it another way, we can help you solve the problem in Hedong County, but you also need to help us a little How about busy?"


  As soon as the masked man finished speaking, he heard Li Si say: "I will never cooperate with you, but... today's matter, I can pretend that I didn't see it."

   After finishing speaking, Li Si turned around and left the Jin Mansion.

  The masked man behind him looked at Li Si's leaving back, his eyes flickered a few times, but he didn't stop him.

  After Li Si's figure completely disappeared, another figure in black armor slowly appeared in the main hall.

  Seeing this figure appear.

  The masked man walked over immediately and said, "The win-win plan failed."

The man in black armor waved his hand and said, "It's okay, when Li Si followed the previous leader, he was an old fox who was proficient in wise and safe ways, and he would not easily fall into line. Right now, we just need to ensure that he is in the next plan." In the middle, just don’t talk nonsense.”

   Li Si's sudden arrival in Hedong County was a helpless accident.

  Li Si, who was born in Legalism, and Han Fei, both have insightful investigative skills. Although they are confident that their arrangements will never be easily seen through, there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents.

  In order to prevent accidents, they finally decided to reveal part of the information in advance, so as to make Li Si shut up and not disturb their next plan.

  The man in black armor said to the masked man: "We can start to set it up. The net has not appeared in the world for several years. Now that it has come out of the rivers and lakes, we need a sacrifice of sufficient weight to signal our return."



  Everything is just as the masked man said.

Not long after Li Si left the Jin Mansion, he received an edict from Yingzheng in the Governor's Mansion of Hedong County, asking him to investigate the "Shi Nie theft case" in Hedong County. With the demise of the Jin family, Li Si All the resistance on the east side seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

  Just two days.

  The "Shi Nie theft case" and the "grain tax case" in Hadong County were solved one after another.

  The stolen Shi Nie was returned to Zhang Zongzhao, governor of Hedong County. After Zhang Zongzhao got the stone Nie, he first expressed his gratitude to Li Si, and then immediately began to organize disaster relief.

   And Li Si did not stay in Hedong County, and soon returned to Xianyang to report his achievements to Yingzheng.

   "Li Qing is suffering."

  In Zhangtai Palace, Ying Zheng sat on the throne, looked at the memorial presented by Li Si, nodded in satisfaction and said.

  Li Si respectfully said: "This is what a minister should do."

  Ying Zheng said: "This time Li Qing broke two major cases in a row, and I will definitely reward you heavily."

  Li Si hurriedly saluted and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

  Li Si is not Mr. Mo, he hasn't reached the point where he has nowhere to go and throws away those who have done so much.


  Mr. Mo’s leap-forward promotion path is not reproducible in the first place.

  Ordinary people's promotion is generally based on hard work, moving up a little bit. If there is no good opportunity, it is considered good to be able to advance one or two levels in a few years.

   Just like this time.

  If it wasn't for Ying Zheng's intention to train Li Si and give him this opportunity, Li Si wouldn't know how many years he would have to wait if he wanted to be promoted from Diankeping to Tingwei.

   Li Si thanked Ying Zheng, just as the two were planning to continue to exchange details about the case in Hedong County.


   Only a mournful howl came from outside Xianyang Palace.

  When there was such a movement in the palace, Ying Zheng couldn't help frowning slightly, just as he was about to ask the guards outside the palace what happened.

  At the gate of Zhangtai Palace, a figure with disheveled hair and bloodshot eyes, like a lunatic, rushed past the guards at the gate and staggered into Zhangtai Palace.

   Then he knelt down in front of Ying Zheng, and let out a terrific wail: "Your Majesty, I have a grievance, I have a grievance!"

  Sitting on the throne, Ying Zheng looked down at the figure who broke into Zhangtai Palace several times before he recognized that this 'crazy man' was none other than Jin Youjun, Great Qin Tingwei.

   Seeing Jin Youjun, one of the great Qin Jiuqings, suddenly become like this, even Ying Zheng couldn't help being stunned.

   Before Ying Zheng could ask what happened?

   Then I heard Jin Youjun shouting in self-concern: "I want to sue Mo Jun, I want to sue Mo Jun for disregarding human life, the whole family of the minister, the whole family of the minister... Puff!"

  The words are not finished.

  Jin Youjun was suddenly enraged, he raised his head and spat out a big mouthful of blood, then fell to the ground suddenly, and fell unconscious in the Zhangtai Palace.

   "Come here, pass on the imperial physician, pass on the imperial physician!"

  Although I haven't figured out what happened yet, the 'Ting Wei', one of the Nine Ministers of Qin, suddenly passed out in front of him, which also made Ying Zheng's face change.

   Not long.

   Several imperial physicians, led by the guards, hurried to Zhangtai Palace.

  After a preliminary examination by several imperial physicians, he finally made a diagnosis: "Reporting to the king, Mr. Jin should be in a hurry. After I give acupuncture, he should be able to wake up in a short time."

   Hearing what several imperial physicians said, Ying Zheng was temporarily relieved.

  Although Ying Zheng really wanted Jin Youjun to die, he absolutely couldn't die in this way.

   After receiving Jin Youjun's answer that there was no fear of his life, Ying Zheng turned his attention back to what the other party said just now.

  Jin Youjun wants to sue Mo Jun?

to be honest.

  When he first heard these words, Ying Zheng almost instinctively felt that this group of people had come up with some new conspiracy.

  But for a while, I didn't have a clue.

   After a while.

   Only then did Ying Zheng say: "Mr. Xuan Shengping and his ministers enter the palace to have an audience."


  (end of this chapter)