MTL - Daily Life In Qin Dynasty-Chapter 173 sell books

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  Chapter 173 Selling Books


   Two galloping horses passed by the crowd in a gust of wind.

  The dragon and tiger guards guarding Fusu were about to be vigilant, but before they could act, the fast horse galloping ahead had almost disappeared.

   "This person... why does he look familiar?"

Han Fei blinked. Among the two people who came galloping on horseback just now, one of them looks vaguely like the one who Han Fei met when he was studying in Xiaoshengxianzhuang. The students are very similar.

   It's just that his junior is elegant and dignified, with a handsome appearance. And the two who were on horseback just now were a little bit too plump.

   The two galloping horses galloping past were just a small episode to most people present, and they didn't care.

  Only Ge Nie thought of the two people on the horses and the packages on their backs, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.



   Han Fei and Gai Nie and others traveled all the way, crossed the Qinling Mountains, and entered Hanzhong.

   "The difficulty of the 'Road to Shu', Han Fei had heard about it several times from Qilu merchants when he was studying in Sanghai in his early years. But he never imagined that the 'Road to Shu' would become so simple one day."

   After walking out of the [Qinping Avenue] exit, Han Fei briefly judged the time it took to cross the Qinling Mountains, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

   After sighing with emotion, Han Fei's mood became more serious.

As the Ninth Prince of South Korea, it is impossible for Han Fei not to be aware of the importance of 'transportation' to a country. Now that this kind of 'concrete road' can even pass through mountains like the Qinling Mountains, if it is built on flat ground and used In addition to the war, how much convenience will it bring to Qin?

   After that, the carriage continued to move forward.

   And the more Han Fei saw the scene in Hanzhong today, the deeper his heart sank.

  When he was an envoy to Qin from South Korea, what Han Fei saw the most in South Korea was disaster victims and white silk. This is the aftermath of the snow disaster last year.

After entering Qin State, Han Fei didn't see a single victim along the way. Although some civilians he met along the way still had a bit of sadness on their faces, generally speaking, all the people had returned to their normal life rhythm. among.

  Obviously, this is because the government of Qin State provided relief in a timely manner. After the snow melted, they sent people to provide relief and assistance as soon as possible, so Qin State did not see much impact from the snow disaster.

   This is also the reason why Han Fei said before that the current state of Qin is stronger than he imagined.

  In this day and age.

  The ability to resist natural disasters also represents the strength of a country.

   Originally, Han Fei thought that in the face of the snow disaster last year, it would be extremely rare to be able to achieve the scene he had seen in Qin before.

   Yet until now.

  When Han Fei saw the current living conditions of the common people in Hanzhong County, he really saw his 'ideal future'.

   Today's Hanzhong has completed a new round of Mo Jun's planning.

Along the way.

  Han Fei saw square pieces of farmland neatly arranged under the blue sky and white clouds, which looked like grids on a chessboard, which was pleasing to the eye.

  Among the fields, there are obviously newly built ditches, which are pouring clear streams into the fields along the ditches, and the source of the streams is a rotating waterwheel.

  Now the spring planting period has just begun, and the ancient spring planting period lasted relatively long. Because of the lack of cattle, in many places, a village often shared one cattle, and the efficiency of farming land was very slow.

  When I came here, whether it was South Korea or Qin, most of the fields I encountered along the way have only planted about one-tenth of the seedlings now.

   But on the Hanzhong side, Han Fei could see that at least half of the fields were covered with vibrant green.

   And the other half of the farmland.

  At this moment, most of them also have farmers controlling 【Quyuanli】, who are working hard to drive the cattle.

   Occasionally passing by one or two villages, what Han Fei saw were neatly arranged red brick and blue tile houses, or houses made of bluestone.

  The common people wear rough but thick and neat clothes.

   After getting closer.

  Basically, you can see a smile on the face of the other party, as well as a pair of piercing eyes full of hope for the future.

  If the sights he saw in other places in Qin State just made Han Fei feel solemn.

  Then what he saw in Hanzhong at this moment made Han Fei silent.

   And not even just him.

   Even Yan Lingji, who followed Han Fei all the way, was also silent.

   On the surface.

  In fact, the living environment of the people in Hanzhong County now is a very ordinary "country pastoral" scene.

  However, only those who were born in troubled times can personally feel how rare such an 'ordinary' environment is in this era.

  Even for the vast majority of Li people in the midst of disasters, this kind of "ordinary" rural life may already be a dream that they can't wait for all their lives.


  Before evening.

  Han Fei and Gai Nie arrived at [Tieshi Town].

  If what Han Fei and others saw before was the peace and harmony of Hanzhong County, then in [Tieshi Town], Han Fei had seen a part of the prosperity and enthusiasm of Hanzhong County.

  Mayor Tie received Han Fei, Gai Nie and his party very warmly, and brought them to the most expensive inn in [Tieshi Town] to stay.

  South Korea is different from Qin.

  South Korea does not have such strict legal restrictions on businessmen. However, the commercial market in South Korea is not even compared with [Shengping Town], and even [Tieshi Town] is not as prosperous as it is today.

   This is not a problem of market stock, but a gap in market vitality.

  So, no surprise, Han Fei suffered from insomnia just like Ying Zheng did.

   Early the next morning.

  With a pair of 'panda eyes' on his face, Han Fei embarked on the road to [Shengping Town] with Yan Lingji.

   Half a day later.

  Everyone arrived at [Shengping Town] smoothly.

  The snow melted, and [Shengping Town] became more and more prosperous after spring came, and the flow of people was three times more than when Yingzheng arrived in winter last time.

   Entered here for the first time.

  Even Han Fei, who is the ninth son of South Korea, couldn't help but be shocked by the prosperity of [Shengping Town], and his brain shut down for a while.

   After all, for people in this era, the population density of [Shengping Town], which is so crowded that people can’t walk on the road, is really too scary.

   And not only Han Fei, but even Ge Nie and Fu Su's carriage not far ahead had a small head sticking out of the window, looking out curiously.

   It's just compared to the cars of Han Fei and Yan Lingji.

  Because Fusu's carriage was guarded by dragon and tiger guards, merchants and common people encountered along the road all gave way after seeing the driver.

  And Han Fei rubbed Fusu's car for a while, and followed closely behind and passed the central avenue of [Shengping Town] smoothly.

   And just when the two parties were about to arrive at [Mo Mansion].


  A dense crowd not far away caught Han Fei's attention.

"Look, take a look! This is the mythical novel "Journey to the West" written by Mr. Shengping himself. The whole story is 860,000 words, and it is divided into ten volumes. One volume only costs one hundred and fifty dollars. "

   "One hundred and fifty big money, you can't buy it to lose money, you can't buy it to be fooled."

   "Come here and take a look, take a look!"

  Writing a book is something that every famous person wants to do and will do at the moment, so Han Fei was not surprised to hear that Mr. Sheng Ping had written a book.

   It's just that when he heard the second half of the hawker's words, Han Fei was taken aback.

   Eighty-sixty thousand words?

  Ten volumes?

  One roll only costs one hundred and fifty bucks?

  Dignified Mr. Shengping's works are sold so cheaply?

  And 860,000 words, how many scrolls of bamboo slips will it take to fill it? With such a pricing, I am afraid that even the bamboo slips will not be able to earn back the money!

  Just when Han Fei was feeling confused.


   Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a sudden glimpse of the book in the hand of a customer who came out from inside.

   "This thing..."

  Han Fei's eyes narrowed slightly.

  Although Han Fei couldn't read the words in the book in the customer's hand because of the distance, he suddenly remembered the two men on fast horses he met at the entrance of [Qin Ping Avenue].

  If he remembers correctly, the packages that the two of them were carrying on their backs seemed to be carrying something similar to this.

   "Yan Lingji, you wait here for a while, I will go down."

  Han Fei turned his head and said something to Yan Lingji, and then got out of the carriage without waiting for the other party's answer.

   But just as he got out of the carriage, he saw Ge Nie who was in the carriage in front of him getting out of the carriage at the same time.

  The two nodded to each other.

   Then they each walked into this newly opened bookstore.

  The bookstore was already overcrowded, and it took the two of them a while to squeeze into the bookstore.

  There were no other books in the bookstore at this time, only the book "Journey to the West". Han Fei picked up a book on the shelf and opened it.

   But this one glance made Han Fei's pupils shrink instantly.

   "Shopkeeper, I want a complete set of Journey to the West."

   Next second.

   Han Fei decisively called out to the shopkeeper of the bookstore, then took out several gold coins from his pocket and patted them on the counter.

  The full set of "Journey to the West" has a total of 1,500 big coins, which is already four gold coins + 60 big coins. Such a price is undoubtedly an astronomical figure for ordinary people.

  However, none of the people who entered the bookstore to buy books at this moment thought that the price was very expensive.

   Quite the opposite.

  Almost everyone paid money very readily.

  The clerk in the bookstore quickly packed a complete set of books for Han Fei. Han Fei picked up the books and returned to the carriage, and then reopened a volume of "Journey to the West" to read carefully.

  The more he looked, the more sluggish Han Fei's expression became: "All schools of thought... are in big trouble."


  (end of this chapter)