MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 74 [Zuo Ning's new name] The character of the little pudding is a word 痨

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When it was almost half an hour, Zuo Ning felt that he had not shown any signs of becoming a dog, and he almost jumped into the bed and cheered. From the first such short time to now, this is progress, and the days of being able to maintain the human shape in the future are just around the corner.

However, it was difficult to persuade Lu Chenghe to let him sleep on the bed. Now he dare to lie beside him obediently, and was afraid that he would be driven away by Lu Chenghe because he was a little bit noisy. Lu Chenghe could absolutely do it. But he was lying so sleepless, and couldn't squeeze his head into Lu Chenghe's arms to lie down as usual, but he was strangled to death.

Although Lu Chenghe, as usual, lay on the bed and read a book before going to bed, he must not be able to see this situation today. Although a crowded dog was crowded around him, it was a dog, and he was used to having a dog on his body. But today, I was lying alone, and I thought that it would be a little awkward. After all, he was so big that he never shared a bed with people.

But the feeling of someone around me is not too bad now. Maybe it was because he was a little pudding in the subconscious, so he didn't reject it very much, and he looked at the little thing and couldn't help but wanted to move, but he stiff It's quite interesting to pretend to be good.

Sure enough, the little thing was stunned for a while, then slowly came over, then carefully pulled his clothes, and asked him with a pitiful look: "Can I play games for a while?" I was afraid he would not agree. , And also emphasized it again: "Just a moment."

Lu Chenghe looked down at him for a few seconds, seeing that the dark eyes were full of expectation but didn't agree, but he shrank his anxiety into the quilt and pretended to sleep again: "Just a moment."

Hearing his amnesty, the little guy got up from the bed almost instantaneously, and then just like an internet addiction boy, leaning on the bedside without saying a word, but leaning his head on his shoulder , More than half of my body stuck.

Lu Chenghe said: "Sit down and have fun."

Zuo Ning turned to look at him: "Then you still lean on the bed and read a book."

Lu Chenghe looked at him with a cold face: "Are you able to talk and start talking back?"

Zuo Ning pursed his lips and hummed, and it was really overbearing to defame Lu Chenghe. If he didn't love him, how could he endure such a bad temper.

Lu Chenghe gripped the face that seemed to have a little baby fat: "What are you secretly whispering to me again?"

Zuo Ning smiled quickly: "Thinking about you!"

Lu Chenghe snorted and turned to read the book and ignored him.

Zuo Ning downloaded the game that he had always wanted to play but did not play. Seeing that the small disc was still full, he turned his head and looked at Lu Chenghe curiously: "Lu Chenghe."

Lu Chenghe turned to look at him.

Zuo Ning immediately welcomed him with a big smile: "Lu Chenghe!"

Lu Chenghe ignored his convulsions, but Zuo Ning didn't plan to let him go like this, but the whole person sat next to him cross-legged: "I always wanted to call your name, but every time I call you, you don't even listen Understood, I can call your name now too, great! "

For a moment, Lu Chenghe's heart was soft and slightly acidic. When he didn't know it, or thought it was just the little pudding making a meaningless shout, he turned out to be calling his name. This may happen to many dogs, but unfortunately not every pet owner can understand.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was raising a monster that could turn into a human being, he would probably not have known that the hair child he had raised had called his name countless times.

Looking at that silly smile, the exquisite little face got his response just because he called his name twice, and Lu Chenghe lifted the quilt directly over his head, and it was really white. Smart face.

Zuo Ning struggled from the quilt, and his hair, which was very submissive, suddenly became messy. He continued to ask Lu Chenghe unknowingly, "I can become a person. Why aren't you surprised or afraid? I am a fairy ! "

Lu Chenghe looked at him blankly: "In addition to being able to change people, what other fairy skills do you have?"

Zuo Ning would like to say a special skill or two to scare Lu Chenghe, but after thinking about it for a long time, he did not light up any skills, so he did not speak. Seeing that Lu Chenghe went to read a book and ignored himself, Zuo Ning couldn't help but asked, "Do you really have no idea? Don't you think that such a magical thing happened to you is very fantasy?"

Lu Chenghe didn't look up, "I don't think so."

Facing such a calm Lu Chenghe, Zuo Ning only felt that he was indeed a big boss. If this were to be replaced by him, I would have been scared away. I raised a fairy myself, how can I feel terrible about this matter?

I glanced at the book in Lu Chenghe's hand, all kinds of characters that he couldn't understand, just like ghosts. He looked away with dizziness and poked Lu Chenghe's arm with his hand: "Is there no idea?"

Lu Chenghe looked at him coldly: "Is it an idea to want to get you back?"

Zuo Ning stopped talking for a while. He picked up the mobile phone with good games and leaned back on Lu Chenghe's shoulder again. This posture was the most comfortable, and he could still land on Cheng Chenghe tightly.

Just after being quiet for a while, Zuo Ning sat up again and said to Lu Chenghe: "Lu Chenghe."

Lu Chenghe, who was called countless times a night, really didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Zuo Ning pulled his arm without giving up: "Lu Chenghe, can you smile at me once, you look really good."

Lu Chenghe squinted at him, especially ruthlessly: "No."

Zuo Ning's disappointed ears were about to drop: "Why?"

"Because I can't laugh at you."

Zuo Ning watched sadly that he didn't speak, and Lu Chenghe watched the show: "If you don't play the game, sleep for me. If you don't want to sleep, go back to your kennel and I will throw you out again . "

With that said, Zuo Ning was persuaded instantly, and the aggrieved lay back in the quilt, but still leaned on Lu Chenghe's shoulder and began to indulge in the game to comfort his sadness.

At the beginning of the game, Zuo Ning did not forget to tell Lu Chenghe: "If I suddenly changed back to a dog, you remember to finish it for me first, otherwise I will be reported without a teammate!"

Lu Chenghe just felt a headache and wanted to help him. What kind of fairy did he have?

Lu Chenghe just watched him switch between three games in succession. The first game was purely a rookie. I do n’t know if it was because he was not used to his hands or how. The character he controlled often encountered enemies. At that time, I could only run in circles and couldn't run away, and then sent countless heads of people.

The second game is obviously super short, but never eats a few **** and hits the wall of the greedy snake. The last game is probably the best one he has played. It may be that he often plays as a dog, so he adapts quickly. However, what Lu Chenghe didn't know is that there are people in the world, no matter what form they are, they can be called hand disabled party.

Watching him go through several levels in a row, and finally fell asleep while playing, helplessly brought the phone over, and passed the one that he did n’t finish, so he put the phone away. .

Lu Chenghe glanced at the time. It has been three hours since the little pudding became a human. Now the little pudding is sleeping in a human form, hugging a pillow, and it is incredible.

Lu Chenghe stopped reading, so he leaned aside and stared at the sleeping side for a long time. It really should be said that the fairies have changed. They look really good, but they are not too strange. It's the kind of person who has done a good job in front of you and you don't have the heart to punish him. This advantage is especially obvious when sleeping, like a little angel.

It's a pity that this little angel-like thing is a noisy temperament, and I don't know if it's been too long, and I can talk to myself all night long, just a little talk.

Looking at such a small sleeping pudding, under the warm light, Lu Chenghe felt a good time, and the comfortable and comfortable atmosphere from the inside to the outside made the taste of the home a bit rich.

Lu Chenghe lay on his side and stared at him for a while, and ran his fingers across the little white tender face, and smiled: "Then call it Lu Ning, I hope to suppress your sloppy attributes."

Ning also brought a T. It was also a combination of his previous name. When the dog was called a little pudding, it became Lu Ning after becoming a human. Lu Chenghe felt that the name was very suitable for him.

Zuo Ning, who had slept until dawn, didn't know that Lu Chenghe had given him a new name. When he woke up and saw his furry self, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and his ears couldn't stand up.

Lu Chenghe, who had already put on his sportswear, watched him wake up and said, "Four and a half hours, you maintained your humanoid yesterday."

As soon as Zuo Ning heard a happily smiling face, it really took longer and longer to become a person. As long as he changed a few more times, he might be able to grasp the rules or some tricks. So he no longer lay on the bed, taking the small step of jumping, and went to the morning run with Landing Cheng Hyuk.

Looking at the mood seems to be good, and there is a little pudding with ample mental head. The steward standing on the cloister is full of loving smiles. Since the young master raised the pudding, I feel that the whole person is much more alive. It seems that Meng Chong is in charge, and it is not without reason. Now he is looking forward to the future young lady is also a dog, so that the feelings with the young master can be harmonious.

Running and running Zuo Ning couldn't help sneezing and saw Lu Chenghe look back at him, and quickly gave a bright smile.

Lu Chenghe turned his head expressionlessly, then twitched the corner of his mouth, it was really a carefree little fairy.