MTL - Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof-Chapter 87 [I do n’t know what I like] This shock is so scary

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Wangcai hid behind Lou Jiu and looked at the human in doubt. The smell was familiar, as if he knew him. But he doesn't remember ever seeing this human.

Seeing Wang Cai always watching him, Zuo Ning squatted down and said to him, "Wang!" Hello Wang Cai, how have you been?

Wangcai instantly raised his ears, that big white dog! So he rushed out from behind Lou Jiu, twitched his tail and stunned Zuo Ning. As for why the big white dog obviously like him has now become a human, Wang Cai's mind has not been so deep. I saw my good friend and came to see it again, just flew up with joy!

Seeing that the children brought by Lu Chenghe seemed to like dogs very much, Lou Jiu laughed: "It's called Wangcai. Although it is a small native dog, it is definitely not worse than those so-called famous dogs, very obedient and obedient." Then he looked at Lu Chenghe: "Why didn't you bring the little pudding today."

Lu Chenghe glanced at the little pudding next to him and said, "I have cut my hair and don't want to go out."

After hearing this, Lou Jiu couldn't help but laughed loudly: "Why don't you want to trim the little pudding? The little pudding loves beauty and clean little guy. What should I do in case of depression? Dogs have been raised for a long time, so it ’s hard to cut the hair of the dogs now that it ’s hot. This is the wishful thinking of human beings. Dogs are not willing.

Zuo Ning secretly squinted at Lu Chenghe, seeing that Lu Chenghe was also looking at himself, then raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows: Hear no, you do n’t even know what everyone knows! Believe it or not, let me show you depression!

Lu Chenghe knocked on his head, raised his feet and walked in, not bothering to deal with his demon.

Seeing the interaction between the two men, Lou Jiu narrowed his eyes with a smile and wondered if he would be able to witness the joy of the two when he returned from the tour. After some introduction, after knowing the boy's name, Lou Jiu laughed and said, "You really have a destiny, both surnamed Lu, it seems destined to be a family."

Lu Chenghe didn't respond to this remark, this name was given by him, and the little pudding was originally from their house, which was a matter of course. However, Zuo Ning smiled shyly inexplicably.

Lou Jiu smiled even more strongly: "When you come here, be your own home. Although I left in a few days, the courtyard is still there, and the master chef is also there. You can often come over for dinner. "

Lu Chenghe looked up at him: "Where are you going?"

Lou Jiu shrugged: "I don't know. I'll arrest you when you get there. Go wherever you go."

Zuo Ning couldn't help looking at Wangcai: "How about dogs, can you check them?"

If you want to take a dog for a long journey, you have to drive by car or check in, but the environment of the check is too hard, and there is no owner to follow you. In such a harsh environment, both physical and mental are a torture, really It's miserable.

Lou Jiu saw him concerned about Wangcai and laughed: "You don't have to check if you want to go long distances. Some airlines can allow animals to get on the plane, but you ca n’t walk from the sea."

Zuo Ning nodded before hearing this, seeing Wang Cai always yelling at him, could not help looking at Lu Chenghe.

Lu Chenghe looked at him sideways: "What's wrong?"

Zuo Ning pointed to Wangcai: "It wants to play with me."

Lu Chenghe nodded: "Go."

When I saw one person and one dog running away, the smile on Lou Jiu's face never stopped. I just thought that this boy named Lu Ning was so cute. He obviously wanted to play with the dog. He also said that the dog wanted to play with him. Lu Chenghe even agreed seriously.

The sun pours down through the lush tree above his head, shining a dazzling light, and seeing Lou Jiu can't help squinting his eyes slightly, sighing: "The weather is so good, after a long period of ease, people become lazy. I do n’t know how long I can stay outside, maybe I just want to come back as soon as I go out. "

Lu Chenghe watched the little pudding squatting beside that prosperous man. Wangcai was digging a pit under a tree with his claws, while the little pudding was holding a branch and dragging along the ground, saying, "If you want to come back, come back, day It ’s yours, and how you live is comfortable. ”

Lou Jiu asked, "What about you, I want to know, you are comfortable with your current life, do you want it?"

Lu Chenghe lifted the tea cup and took a sip. A pair of tearing eyes emerged in his mind. Turning his head, he saw a small pudding with a bright smile in the planing pit. He paused for a moment, and then nodded: "Yes of."

Lou Jiu didn't know what he was thinking, but when looking at Lu Ning, Lu Chenghe's eyes were gentle. Suddenly remembering that when they were in the hot spring last year, he also said that he hoped that Lu Chenghe would one day make him lose his mind. Although I do n’t know if this Lu Ning could make Lu Chenghe lose his mind, it would make him soft. It should be encountered.

It is impossible to say that it is impossible to be envious of nature. Envy of happiness is a kind of instinct of people, but when seeing what Lu Ning is doing with Wangcai, Lou Jiu lowered his mouth slightly: "That child this year How big, it feels a bit small. "

"Just grown up."

Lou Jiu glanced at him: "Oh, it's good to be an adult." I didn't expect that Lu Chenghe would like to be so tender. Although the other person's gender was already a bit of a surprise to him, such a person is still at their age. For a child, it still makes him wonder what to say.

After thinking about it, Lou Jiu couldn't help but ask, "What do you like about him?"

Lu Chenghe leaned down leaning on a bamboo chair leisurely. He also wore a simple casual clothes with a noble and intimidating feeling. His handsome face was expressionless. He heard Lou Jiu's inquiries without even a glance in his eyes. After being silent for a long time, he spoke after a long time: "I don't know."

He really couldn't answer this question. If there is anything good about the little pudding, think about some things from small to large, and really can't think of any good. Noisy and coquettish, although he did not make a big mess, he often did things that made his hands itch. Cowardly, scaring two times can scare the sick. Special drama, it is the most powerful performance of dogs fighting against people, the skills of complaints are extremely proficient.

If you want him to be obedient, you have to be tempted by various conditions. You also have to worry about what will happen to him when he is out, what if someone turns around before? What does he like about him in the end? Lu Chenghe thinks that if he changes his character like this, he definitely doesn't want to look twice. But switching to the little pudding, he felt like he had nothing but help.

That helpless look, it was the first time Lou Jiu saw it on Lu Chenghe's face. It was really a lifetime thing, and he could n’t help but laugh out loud: "I said Cheng He, I now have I want to give it to you in one sentence. "

Lu Chenghe looked at him.

Lou Jiule couldn't help it: "You have today too! Hahahaha."

Although he is digging with Wangcai, Zuo Ning's hearing system is different from ordinary people and he doesn't know how many times. He didn't take the conversation there as a thing, but when they heard they seemed to talk about themselves, when they heard When Jiu asked Lu Chenghe what he liked about himself, Zuo Ning even listened with his ears up and wondered how seriously.

As a result, he heard the answer and didn't even know it!

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would definitely pounce on it and let him not know! It's sad that he can't even say one of his advantages!

So that night Zuo Ning turned his grief and anger into appetite and made up a bunch of barbecues. He looked straight at Lou Jiu and sighed that it was good to be young. It ’s a blessing to eat.

On the way home, Zuo Ning was originally sitting on the co-pilot. However, he thought that he didn't know the sentence in the afternoon, and the more he felt sad, the more he climbed to the back seat of the car and fell on his stomach.

Lu Chenghe thought he was going to change back to a dog, but it turned out that he was lying on the back seat of the car for a long time without moving. After getting on the car for a while, it was a little abnormal that he was silent, so he pulled the car back: "Little pudding Are you uncomfortable? "

Zuo Ning was lying on the back seat of the car to pick up the seat cover, which was where he had accidentally scratched with a dog's paw. He just touched it and couldn't help but start picking. Hearing Lu Chenghe's inquiries, a low hum, he continued to pull the skin and ignored him.

Lu Chenghe, when he had eaten too much meat at night, he opened the door and touched the little pudding's face in the back seat of the car. It was warm and fortunately there was no cold sweat.

Zuo Ning got up and looked at him. The lights in the car were not very bright. The outside street lights spilled on to illuminate half of Lu Chenghe's side face, and the long eyelashes dropped slightly. When those eyes looked at you, it even made people feel This kind of illusion is tenderly awaited by the whole world. Although it feels a bit suspicious to describe it like this, when Lu Chenghe looked at him, Zuo Ning really felt that way, and then he was even more aggrieved.

"feeling terrible."

Lu Chenghe frowned slightly, reached out and touched his chest: "Uncomfortable? How uncomfortable? Is it stuffy or painful?"

Zuo Ning grabbed his hand and asked, "In the afternoon, Lou Jiu asked you, what do you like about me? Why don't you say that I don't have an advantage for you to like, am I really so bad?"

At last I figured out whether he had a small emotion or was not feeling well. Lu Chenghe breathed a sigh of relief while crying and laughing, but he seemed really sad to answer, so he asked him seriously: "Then tell me Are you obedient, secretly drinking juice on my back, breaking how many of my pajamas, you broke my original book, the computer screen is broken by you, you do n’t tell me, you secretly hide it Get up, and you have repeatedly asked for things that you have always pretended not to remember and never do. You said, what advantages do you have? "

Zuo Ning was counted in the past by Lu Chenghe, and he opened his mouth to refute, but those things did have been done by himself. Thinking about it, he had no only obedient advantages, so he fell a bit more sad.

Originally, he felt that there was a big gap between him and Lu Chenghe, but there was no one around him and no better person threatened him. In addition, he was with Lu Chenghe every day, and Lu Chenghe was tolerant, tolerant, and even spoiled him This made him feel that he was actually very close to Lu Chenghe, and the feeling he wanted was not out of reach.

But I didn't know that Lu Chenghe's sentence, he simply put all his imagination back to its original form, and couldn't help feeling sad.

Seeing that the little pudding was sobbing, Lu Chenghe couldn't help laughing, he grinned and touched his head: "So sad?"

Zuo Ning waved his hand away: "You don't care about me, let me live on my own, anyway, in your eyes, I am useless, and care what I do."

Lu Chenghe allowed him to cry for a while before he said, "Look, you are not obedient anymore, and you have a little emotional relationship with me."

Zuo Ning looked at him with tears in his eyes. Before he could talk, Lu Chenghe stretched out his hand and wiped the tears on his face and smiled at him: "I said let you go to school. The meaning of Chinese words is vast and profound. You just ca n’t understand me at all. ”

Zuo Ning sucked his nose: "What do you mean?"

Lu Chenghe smiled: "Lou Jiu asked me what I like about you. I don't know."

Zuo Ning lowered his head, he heard it, and repeated it with him, afraid that the damage to him would not be enough for critical strikes.

Lu Chenghe said: "This means that although I don't know what you like about me, I just like you."

Zuo Ning froze suddenly, looked at Lu Chenghe stupidly, his heartbeat began to jump uncontrollably, so what does Lu Chenghe mean? Is that what he wants, or is it just like it without any special meaning?

Ma Egg is so vast and profound for Mao ’s Chinese culture. Why do you like these two words to have so many meanings? What should I do? He would like to ask more questions, but he can still think a bit if he doesn't ask. If he asks clearly, is there no thought at all. The paws are a bit itchy, but a little irritating.

Lu Chenghe saw that he was no longer crying, but still looked at himself stupidly, took out the paper and wiped his tears away: "Is there any problem?"

Zuo Ning stubbornly for a long time, boldly said: "I, I thought you don't like me anymore, you have to compensate me for the fright."

Lu Chenghe raised an eyebrow: "How to compensate?"

Zuo Ning raised his hand tremblingly and trembled, and finally he didn't have the courage to point to his mouth, and pointed at his face like a bag, "Dear, kiss."

Lu Chenghe slaps on his head: "Before the so-called compensation, let's talk about the issue of going to school. I think you need to accept the baptism of culture."

After seeing the landing, Cheng Hye returned to the driver's seat, and did not intend to kiss himself. Zuo Ning lay down again sadly, so he still could not escape the fate of going to school. Is this a tragedy he made himself?