MTL - Dark Blood Age-Chapter 8 Master on the eighth floor

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Chapter VIII master of the eighth floor ()

Chu Yunsheng does not know whether the red beetle will calculate the height of the stairs according to the stairs. I feel that the wisdom of the insects should not evolve to the point where he can find his room from the corridor. The last red beetle is not necessarily directed at him. The door came, so even if you open the door, the red beetle will come in directly!

More importantly, these people who have just gone up must have been discovered by the red beetle, and they may even have used these people as enemies to kill their companions.

So he decided to take risks. If the bug was messed up in the building, he didn't know when the red beetle would suddenly emerge from the ceiling or the wall. After all, the corrosion of these animals is too strong!

The speed and responsiveness of the red beetle far exceeded the imagination of Chu Yunsheng. When the animal was just on the stairway, Chu Yunsheng did not have time to pull the trigger. The red beetle apparently immediately discovered the lurking. Chu Yunsheng, just a little meal, blame and rushed toward Chu Yun, only left a shadow!

At the moment of life and death, the whole process took less than one second. After Chu Yunsheng reacted, he only had time to pull the trigger. He couldn’t wait to see if there was any shot. The other hand quickly opened the fire with a pistol. In panic, Chu Yunsheng hit a total of about 5 or 6 rounds of bullets.

Hey, hey, hey bullets were shot into the wall with fierce fire. It was a few shots of empty sounds. After the smoke, Chu Yunsheng saw the ice arrows hit the shot.

Although some luck, it was shot on the pliers, but this has already frozen more than half of the body of the red beetle. The fire-propelled bullet of the pistol also hit a few shots. Chu Yunsheng has not much energy, and the pistol is excited. The power of the bullet is far less powerful than the Frostbolt!

The red beetle that has enjoyed the two days of ice and fire has died and can no longer die. Since the sun disappeared, the most serious crisis has finally been lifted!

Chu Yunsheng used the cold and cold ice arrows to inspire the ice, and extinguished the bullets that were attached to the wall with the flames of fire. Only a small amount of effort was made. These flames burned a few of the walls of Chu Yunsheng. Big hole is coming.

Chu Yunsheng did not dare to touch the body of the red beetle. He was worried about this unknown thing, what kind of virus would be, or something that was corrosive. If he wanted to go, he would have to use the elementary element to earn it. Cleaned up.

The crowds on the street have already run almost. Under the heavy weapons of the military, dozens of red beetles have left less than ten bodies of red beetles shot by the military after killing hundreds of people. In the dark.

No one knows when they will reappear, and the disbanded team looks incomplete, but still roars with the military's armored units. No one knows how many such dead animals are waiting in front. They are.

Killing 3 red beetles a day, Chu Yunsheng's body strength and even the spirit have been severely overdrawn. In the legend, as long as the meditation practice can supplement the sleep practice, Chu Yunsheng now understands that it is impossible to exist. Practice is cultivation, sleep is sleep, completely irreplaceable, as long as he is still a normal human, you must eat and drink Lazar to sleep fart! Just as few.

Chu Yunsheng made a dream, a vulgar dream. If all the disgusting bridges were the same, he used a Yuanfu bow to shoot a red beetle and rescue a fairy-like beauty. After the quick key was processed, the beauty wanted to give him Repaying the life-saving grace, taking the initiative to sacrifice the jade body, is in the climax of the plot, he woke up, Chu Yunsheng depressed.

The electricity in the community has all stopped, and the natural gas gas has disappeared. After Chu Yun was raised, his stomach was very hungry. He wanted to make some hot meals.

Originally prepared to use the alcohol stove stored in the element of the object, the Chuyun Shengling machine with more and more crisis awareness, took out the pistol cartridge, and then used an empty gun to face a piece of wood, using a very weak element in the body. Successfully shot a flame and ignited the wood. The energy of the heavens and the earth is very strong. Look at the ice **** that has been melted by the red beetle that has been shot outside. Chu Yunsheng suspects that the burning power of this flame should be strong and strong.

Saved alcohol, so that Chu Yunsheng's heart was very happy. He quickly made a bowl of noodles on the wood. When he was half eaten, he heard someone knocking at the door!

Chu Yunsheng was very vigilant at any time. Through the cat's eyes, the other party cooperated with the candle to illuminate the door. He saw the neighbor man on the 10th floor, the guy who escaped from the dead.

Chu Yunsheng’s first reaction was, did they know that they had shot three red beetles?

It shouldn't be. When the first red beetle was shot, they were so confused that it was impossible to tell, and the second and the third red beetle died. They didn't see it at all!

Chu Yunsheng thought about it, or opened the door. Although it was the dark age of the end of the world, the crisis was everywhere. After all, human beings still kept social animals, and their homes were very clean. The third red beetle was also taken away. He found something unusual.

Standing outside the door with the 10th floor neighbors, there are three people, a middle-aged man, and a young guy, as well as a girl who looks very ordinary.

"Well, is there anything?" Chu Yunsheng said, "a look of doubt."

Several people looked up and looked into the room of Chu Yunsheng, seemingly looking for something.

"No, just a bug came up, didn't you see it?" The 10th floor man didn't know who killed the bug at all. If other people must ask for someone who can shoot the bug, he won't Everyone is forced to knock on the door from house to house. After all, he is a resident of this building, and it is more suitable for knocking than other people.

Seeing Chu Yunsheng did not respond, the young guy quickly explained:

"Brother, this is the case. Just a few red beetles hunted us, and they were shot by a master outside the door. The other one followed us into the building. At that time, we only ran up and heard later. A burst of gunfire, after a long time no movement, we guess that the monster has been killed by the master, so come over and ask, have you seen anyone?!"

Of course, this young guy feels that the ordinary guy with a messy hair in front of his eyes, the image of noodles hanging on the corner of his mouth is really difficult to connect with their imaginary masters and strangers, so the suspect of Chu Yunsheng is automatically excluded. .

"Ah, what? The monster came in? I don't know. I just woke up and heard you knock on the door!" Chu Yunsheng looked shocked and nervously looked out the door and said: "Is there really a monster coming in? What should I do?"

"You don't have to worry, there is a master in this building, it is very safe, you can rest assured, if there is any special discovery, you must contact everyone, we will go first!"

The middle-aged man brows slightly, he also feels that this person is indeed far from the master, simply comforted Chu Yunsheng two sentences, with three other people quickly left.

Building No. 8 hides a message that is powerful enough to kill the red beetle. The whole community is boiling. For a long time, even if the army did not effectively kill the red beetle, people have been in a deep crisis of helplessness. .

The feeling of powerlessness and hopelessness has even led some vulnerable people to commit suicide directly to solve the problem. The only thing left by the living one is to pray for the **** red beetle not to let himself meet.

Now suddenly there is a master who can "slowly" eliminate the red beetle, and it is hidden in the 8th building, so that the entire community or even nearby communities are found to rely on the same.

Nowadays, food and safety are the two key factors that are now directly life-threatening. Because of some residuals in the early stage, foods are being carefully calculated and supported for a while, and safety is not good.

Those demons who walk in the darkness may appear around you at any time. Take the name of the garden of Chu Yunsheng, there have been no more than three attacks on the red beetle.

All have no live! No whole body! The brain is completely cleaned! The horror of death, the people who have seen it are extremely depressed!

Only stay in the vicinity of the master will be safe, this master is on the 8th floor, but who is this master? Find him and ask for his shelter! So the residents are thinking so.

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