MTL - Dark Civilization-v14 Chapter 198 Fire Blood Phoenix Superman!

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Ye Chen frowned, and he groaned for a moment. Everything in his body came step by step. He knew the bottom line, but the only one who didn't know the bottom line was afraid of the dripping blood.

"Isn't it ..." Ye Chen frowned, and finally shook her head and looked up at the fire and blood Phoenix said: "What should I do now?"

The fire and blood phoenix stared at him, and then sighed after half a sigh, saying, "It's just that people use flames, not flames. Use the third method of cultivation. I want to see. How powerful is the truly complete flame that is removed from the flame and then created! "

There was a grandeur in its old voice, as if eager to try.

Ye Chen touched his nose, and it was able to arouse the flame ancestors so seriously.

Unusual things, most probably not small.

He groaned and said suddenly: "Senior, I have one thing I want to ask you."

"What's the matter?" The fire, blood, and phoenix are interesting. From the cultivation of these two secrets, this is the first time that Ye Chen has asked him to let it have a sense of comfort. Great mystery, if it is learned easily, it also feels a bit helpless.

"I want your drop of blood." Ye Chen looked at it slowly.

Fire Blood Phoenix was a little surprised, "Would you like a drop of blood? Why? Do you want to use the fire properties in my blood to smelt and make fire, when the medium is not possible?"

"Um." Ye Chen nodded slightly. "You can say that."

The fire and blood phoenix thought for a while before saying: "Well, I also want to see, your amazing black flame. What kind of flame will be created if my blood is fused." Said. A blood-red feather fluttered on it. Then he inserted into the body like a sharp dagger, and immediately splashed a drop of red blood.

The blood flew towards Ye Chenpiao like a flame, and fell lightly in his palm.

Ye Chen stared at the drop of blood in his hand, his eyes flashing with radiance. Suddenly reached out his hand and cut his palm. Then let this drop of red blood melt into your body.

"Gene fusion."

Ye Chen gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and watched the wound on his palm slowly heal. The body was burning fiercely with a fiery flame. For example, the angry lotus burst into anger, and it would almost explode, if it hadn't been tempered by the previous flames, it would burn into a fly ash with the ** of his god's peak.

However, at this moment, the body after quenching. It is immune to all flames in the world, and only unique flames can cause damage to his body. But resistance is also greatly improved.

Fire Blood Phoenix's blood fire is the most peculiar flame.

Ye Chen closed her eyes, and used the flesh in her body to quickly wrap the drop of hot red fire, and endure the painful frying fire, then step by step to analyze and dissect the genetic code in the drop of blood fire. And combine with the gene chain in your body.

This process is like grafting trees.

Ye Chen endured in pain, his muscles were bursting into tears. He could almost hear the blood and viscera in his body, and the sound of dripping oil dripping under the burning of the blood and scalp. All numb.

After a long time, the pain in the body gradually subsided, as if far away from the tens of thousands of miles away, the hot burning slowly calmed down.

Ye Chen had no time to breathe, and quickly looked at the genes in his body, and found that two genes were still left in his gene, the first was the gene of the little white wolf, and the second was the gene of the fire blood phoenix!


Ye Chen's heart was pounding, which means that he is now able to cast the Fire and Blood Phoenix Superman mode!

What a horrible existence is the Fire Blood Phoenix?

Ye Chen's heart almost felt like trying right away, but after seeing the fiery blood and phoenix deity in front of him, he finally forcibly resisted it.

"Although I haven't experienced the power of this fire and blood phoenix superman mode, but from the strength of the fire and blood phoenix itself, once Shi is deployed, I am afraid that it is definitely not lower than the ancestor of the phoenix of the phoenix family, which is the power of the second teacher . With my current physique, the Fire and Blood Phoenix Superman mode can only be used to display less than one third of the Fire and Blood Phoenix deity, even if it is enough, it will be enough to sweep the strong against heaven! "

Ye Chen's eyes bloomed with bright light, looking up at the fire and blood phoenix, his heart was full of gratitude. This time when he came back to the earth, he was going to check the secrets of the earth. From the memory after awakening, he mentioned that the earth is a very mysterious place. .

I didn't expect that this secret had been discovered before I saw it!

"The messengers of the eight major families, the top three, should have the strength against the heavens." Ye Chen clenched his fists, his eyes flashed with radiant light, "If you can meet, absolutely have to fight one or two! Just After all, my Superman mode has limited strength, and their physical strength is against the sky, and they still have to suffer a little when fighting. "

Ye Chen groaned in his heart, still sat cross-legged, and then made the fire in accordance with the third chapter of the fire piece on the bone piece!

First, he raised the black flame in his body, and then slowly immersed his soul and consciousness. At once, the body seemed to enter a dark world, and the cold cold wind was blowing everywhere, cold and bones. There were many inside Faint colored dots, red, gold, white, all colors are different.

Ye Chen knows that these light spots are impurities left in the flame when refining, and they need to be removed and then incorporated into new materials to create a new and unique flame!

"Fire, burning everything in the world ..."

"Fire, create all things ..."

"No fire can't survive, no fire can't destroy ..."

Ye Chen flashed through the ancient secrets in his heart, and the villain transformed into a thought quickly flew in the black flame, removing all kinds of light impurities.

Time is passing……

Ten years, twenty years, one hundred years ...

In Ye Chen's Dantian, it seems like a vast and vast world. Although he has not yet created his own universe after reaching the emperor, his field has already evolved into the universe. It just has not nurtured life, but the space is It's already vast.

The black flame is like a magic lotus. As the impurities inside it are gradually removed, it becomes darker and deeper, like a black hole. It can swallow light and vision into it, exuding the icy loneliness.

Although this black flame is fire, it is colder than the coldest ice.

It's cold and boneless, as if it can freeze everything into the world!

Ye Chen never thought that there was such a strange flame in this world, and felt the breath from the black flame in his body, even he couldn't help but tremble, this black flame was like a giant monster lingering in silence. Asleep.

"I don't know what kind of flame can be created in the end, don't let me down ..." Ye Chen took a deep breath, and then suspended this black flame in the universe of the body. The pure power revealed by the black flame quenched Refining the space of one's own universe, making the space of the universe slowly and unobservably become wider gradually ...

Ye Chen didn't bother, and his mind became more serious than ever. As soon as he moved his mind, he extracted the gene of the little white wolf from the body and slowly merged into the flame.

With the integration of the little white wolf's genetic power, the black flame suddenly became much more vigorous, and the color became deeper. Numerous sticky and icy flames exuded an extremely evil atmosphere, which quickly spread to the little white wolf's genes And then swallowed clean.

After devouring the little white wolf gene, the black flame produced some strange changes. It was no longer as viscous as before, but became a bit lighter, like an ethereal mist, smart and light.

Ye Chen frowned and moved her thoughts, deprived her of the blood and phoenix gene she had just got from her mind, and then slowly poured into the black flame.

Ye Chen's heart was praying secretly.

This fire-blooded phoenix's gene occupied a chance for him to lose his gene. If the fusion fails, it will not help his own strength but will greatly reduce it.

Success or failure is here!

Seeing that the Superman gene of Fire and Blood Phoenix was incorporated, like a piece of ice sinking into a lake, there was no ripple at all, and he was relieved, knowing that the fire power of Fire and Blood Phoenix did not resist the black flame in his body. Otherwise, if the two flames fight, his body must be torn.

Ye Chen didn't know. After the integration of the Superman gene of the fire-blooded phoenix, it was not that it was not struggling, but it was struggling extremely fiercely. However, it was quickly surrounded by black flames before it was struggling. Countless gears are usually shredded.

Therefore, on the surface, the two flames merged so well that there was no resistance at all.

After merging the Superman gene of the Fire and Blood Phoenix, there was a dark red light inside the black flame, as if it were a strange pupil, revealing the indescribable coldness.

Ye Chen had the illusion, as if he was gestating an evil giant that he could not control at this moment. The black flames fluttered like a beating heart, which made people feel trembling.

At this instant, Ye Chen thought in his mind: Should we continue to create?

The thought just passed away, and he didn't try to grasp it deliberately, so after thinking about it, he merged again.

This time the fusion is the most mysterious "The Heaven Melting God" in his body.

This set of secret maggots is left over by 10,000 males, capable of melting the genes of 3,000 civilizations. These powerful secret maggots are not bad, and even many times stronger!