MTL - Dark Moon Era-Chapter 746 Internal and external troubles

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   Chapter 747

  What is the first miracle in Weiying's mind?

  There is no doubt that that is the moment when the first perfect gene chain is detected.

In absolute rational calculations, it is absolutely impossible to happen. The planet under our feet is very old, but the evolutionary humans on the planet are too young. Even when the moment of crisis comes, the last resort plan is opened. It is impossible for an evolutionary with a perfect gene chain to appear.

  According to calculations, the best calculation result for the appearance of the perfect gene chain is 1171 years and 67 days in planetary time.

  It’s just that, just as the creators cannot be measured by calculation, the evolutionary entities on the planet that inherited them cannot be measured by calculation.

For example, their consciousness is not controlled by instructions. It comes from the self. There are many imperfect and completely unnecessary derived consciousnesses. However, it is these derived things that are the power that bursts out of them that do not conform to the rules of calculation. Behave that is not logically calculated.

  Of course, this is only a basic fact summarized by Satellite TV over the years. This basic fact alone cannot explain the creator and the evolutionary body. Satellite TV dare not go beyond and try to figure out the creator.

   In short, no matter how illogical and contrary to the mathematics that constitutes the basis of all laws, the evolutionary body with the perfect genetic chain has appeared.

  Weiying’s memory can no longer be described as simply astonishing, as long as she is willing, as long as she does not choose to be clear, she can remember all the details she has experienced, seen, and heard.

  So, she will never forget the excitement at that moment when she saw the evolutionary body in the picture.

In the picture at that time, it was a very ordinary, sleepy, and even a safe village with some ignorance. In the afternoon, it was slightly dim, but the temperature was much hotter than the previous civilization. Under the sun, a lazily lying in a tree Lazy teenager under.

  This is the first time Wei Ying has seen Tang Feng.

  An evolutionary body that appears to be nothing special. According to human aesthetic standards, his appearance is definitely not outstanding, except for his eyes are slightly brighter.

  Even his dangling temperament doesn't matter what he looks like, and the smile like he is planning something makes Wei Ying feel that this is not what the owner of the perfect gene chain should have.

  For the evolutionary body, Wei Ying does not actually have its own likes and dislikes. The so-called absolutely handsome or beautiful humans are no different from the so-called absolutely ugly humans in the eyes of Wei Ying.

   is just a long-term monitoring, so that she who likes to summarize the rules faintly establishes some standards, anyway, Tang Feng does not meet the standards.

   Wei Ying thought a little fascinated, but her brain reminded her that it was a waste of time thinking.

  Well, the first miracle should be the emergence of the first perfect gene chain evolution abruptly anyway.

  Weying habitually compared Tang Ling's return with the appearance of the first perfect gene chain. After the impact of these two things, she habitually wanted to use a summary method to complete this so-called time-wasting thinking.

   Her mood returned to empty and calm again, and she stood up lightly, not knowing whether it was out of habit or something, and glanced around the ring mountain in front of her.

   "It's great, I decided to stay here."

  "This is the first time I have come to where you live. It's great."

   "It's very desolate here, you don't have to praise it politely."

   "I'm not polite, what's the desolation? You see this mountain is pretty good, I will plant a circle of trees around here, open a mouth from the mountain, make a spring, and it will fall down to a waterfall, me"

   "Everything you say violates the law. Trees cannot be planted here, there is no water, and there is no spring."

   "You are so boring, do you know what makes a man conquer the sky? Besides, I am so good."

   "Hey, why don't you speak? Not only do I have to plant trees here, and make springs. I can also make a house here. We can grow things and raise fierce beasts."

   "We? Do you mean you and me?"

"um, yes."

  These are really boring memories that take up the capacity of the brain. Weiying doesn’t understand why they just think of these at this time? She didn't even notice the subtle changes in her expression when she recalled these things. She twitched the corners of her mouth with a smile, and there was a slight sadness in her cold eyes.

  Let’s delete these memories. Satellite Television’s speed is very fast. In a few blinks, she has come from the top of the crater to the foot of the mountain, but does she regard it as a useless amnestic? Who knows?

  If the man in black was there at this time, he would probably only answer. In this desolate place, Master Guardian’s favorite is this ring mountain range.


  It rained on the sea this day.

After saying goodbye to Ahu, watching the drizzle in the sky and feeling the cool sea breeze in the rain, Tang Ling did not rush back to the room, but chose to stand on the terrace for a while.

  People who have stayed at sea for a long time will like such rainy days, without the toxic sunshine, fresh air, calm sea surface, and the cool sea breeze.

  Tang Ling is no exception. Aside from the days when he fell into the big gap in time and space, he hasn't returned to the mainland for a long time. Seeing such weather, naturally he couldn't help staying on the terrace for a while.

  It has been a week since I came to the Big Fish. In addition to recovering the scars of time and space this week, Tang Ling is also working hard to collect information on the changes in the world over the past two years.

  I originally thought how much change could happen in more than two years? In addition, although there are two Purple Moon fighters on board the Big Fish, it is impossible for the people on board to have access to much top-secret information.

  So Tang Ling thinks that he shouldn’t hear much useful information. He just asked about it to get a rough idea of ​​the situation before he returned. What he never thought was that the world had changed a lot!

  First of all, the first shocking news is that all people enter a dream. Not only that, the dream world is also cultivating talents, and from the description of the crew, the difficulty of the dream seems to be reduced a lot.

  After all, all the people have fallen into a dream. There will be something in the dream world, and it is no longer a secret.

  This was originally a good thing.

  Tang Ling took a deep breath of the slightly salty air, but was used to the smell of the sea, but felt fresh, and by the way, Tang Ling's tired brain was also awake a lot.

  And this soberness also made Tang Ling more assured of the faint uneasiness in his heart. Behind this seemingly good thing, it actually seemed like a last resort.

This description may be inaccurate, or perhaps after the trace of consciousness that Tang Feng left on Tang Ling dissipated, Tang Ling has lost his strong and specific ability to perceive danger, but as a spiritual eye gifted person, he is so sensitive. Will not disappear.

It’s just that the mysterious messengers in the dream world are so powerful. If their feelings are true, then they will have a trace of madness, and they can only solve the problem at the expense of resources. It is definitely not the little shrimp who can guess and control. What's up.

Although he was uneasy about the whole people’s dream, Tang Ling quickly put this feeling behind his head, because compared to the whole people’s dream, another seemingly inconspicuous change in the world situation made Tang Ling deeply feel the crisis and anxiety. .

  This kind of change is a kind of faint belief that began to take shape among ordinary people in the Purple Moon Era. On the surface, this belief is actually harmless, even innocuous at all. It is also a kind of conjecture that has long existed.

  And what is its core? It is very simple to say, that is, the evolution of mankind is not accidental, but a necessary process to integrate into the universe. The age of the universe is very close to mankind.

  Humankind must be fully prepared to meet such a brand-new era, and must be fully prepared to face the new civilized race.

   Thinking of this core, Tang Ling couldn't help frowning.

  For the Purple Moon Era, once read the diaries of witnesses and heard too many words from the strong, Tang Ling certainly pieced together his own guesses.

   Deep down, Tang Ling never believed that the Purple Moon Era was the result of natural disasters, and there were too many man-made traces of manipulation.

  Tang Ling did not know the purpose behind this manipulation, but in any case, Tang Ling would not believe the core mentioned in this belief.

  Not only did he not believe it, but he also believed that the facts may be very different from this core statement.

What is the basis of   ? Tang Ling will answer directly-it is a feeling, a very firm feeling.

  But this firmness has nothing to do with his crisis and anxiety.

  His crisis and anxiety came from the direction of public opinion, deliberately connecting this kind of belief that people have begun to firmly believe with the Star Council.

  People have now begun to believe that the absolute top of the Star Council must know something, so the Star Council was established.

  When the age of the universe really comes, the Star Council will become the pioneer of communication and contact with other civilizations.

  What a ridiculous statement, people at the top will definitely sneer at it, but they are not in the mood to explain it to ordinary people? After all, irrelevant ridiculous claims, how could they care? Maybe there is no time to care about these at all.

  After all, the top ten safe cities, except for the Star City, which belongs to the Star Council, the other nine cities are in decline, and all kinds of rumors are endless.

   More powerful super fierce beasts and underground races were put on the table, especially the underground races showed naked hostility to humans, fighting took place, and the steel blood city was struggling to deal with it.

  Of course, this is just information spoken by ordinary people. What is behind it? Tang Ling guessed that it would only become more serious.

  But ordinary people don't take these things to heart. Instead, the whole people are dreaming. The opening up of resources by the major forces makes them think that this is a beautiful new era. Anyway, serious things have to be resolved by big people, right?

  Thinking about this, the comfortable mood brought to Tang Ling by the drizzle on the sea has been completely destroyed. In Tang Ling's view, these inextricably linked messages are inevitable.

  The manipulation of public opinion is even more terrifying. Although there is a gap between beliefs and beliefs, beliefs will gradually be cultivated into beliefs. Once beliefs are formed, the Star Council will occupy a favorable commanding height.

  Tang Ling believed that someone saw through the stakes, but he didn’t know why he didn’t stop it, maybe it was just powerless to stop it.

  The amount of information that can be obtained from the big fish is still too, hurry back to the dark port.

  Tang Ling would not be so arrogant that he thought he could control the world situation, but it was about the mortal enemy Star Council, Tang Ling would never let them take advantage of this situation to dominate the world.

  In addition to this matter, there are many things Tang Ling wants to understand and resolve.

  For example, former comrades-in-arms, partners, friends. Where are they? doing what? Naturally, ordinary people would not know.

  Tang Ling's mood became slightly urgent. The good news is that his time and space scars have recovered 80% in this week. As for the last two wounds on the other side, they can be completely recovered.

  The Big Fish has been hunting in the open sea for a week and has already harvested a Tier 1 marine beast. According to Ahu’s statement just now, it is ready to return tomorrow, and the destination is directly the Dark Harbor.

No matter   , Tang Ling's first stop was the Port of Darkness.

  There are some people and things he cares about. The most important thing is that Boss Huang must know a lot.

    Transition chapter, no update this weekend



  (End of this chapter)