MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 43 don't look smart

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   Paradise Island Casino's built-in hotel is luxuriously furnished and fully equipped.

   When Yu Qian pushed open the door of the penthouse sea view suite where Yang Xiaoqian was located, he seemed to see the paradise in his dreams.

Turning into the bedroom, I saw that Yang Xiaoqian had changed into a loose nightgown and was half-lying on the soft bed, holding a delicate-looking glass in his left hand and a heavy black book in his right. Sunlight poured in from the floor-to-ceiling windows beside him, and shone on Yang Xiaoqian's profile and the glass in his hand, reflecting a dazzling splendor.

   "Can't you knock first when you come in?" Yang Xiaoqian asked.

   "Why, are you afraid that I might catch you mating with that beautiful girl?"

   "First of all, no matter where you learned the vocabulary of beautiful girl and mating, please forget it. Second, I don't have any feelings for her." Yang Xiaoqian reluctantly closed the book, with three big characters written on the cover: leadership.

   "Why are you looking at this?" Yu Qian curiously pointed to the heavy book in Yang Xiaoqian's hand.

   "Learn, I don't have any experience in leading others, don't you hurry up and learn a lesson, don't you wait for the halo to fall from the sky and teach yourself without a teacher?"

   "Is this study useful?"

Yang Xiaoqian threw the book at random, shook his head and said, "It's not very useful, let's not say that most of the content of this book is old-fashioned chicken soup jokes and data reports that I don't know where to make up, just look at the author's name and know that there will be no such thing. What great use. Rochester? How can a leadership study written by a foreigner be used in China? The national conditions and culture are so different, and the right strategy for foreigners may not work for those around us.”

   "Then you still watch?"

   "Idleness is also idleness, and I act appropriately to cultivate my sentiments." Yang Xiaoqian began to touch his cigarette case again.

   "Free?" Yu Qian was very surprised, "You have hundreds of people under your control, but you have free time?"

   "It's fine to let the people below do it clearly, why do you have to do everything yourself?" Yang Xiaoqian put down the glass to start a fire, "You don't think I'm corrupt, do you? Don't worry, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and I'm measured."

   Yu Qian shook his head and said, "I'm looking for you for something else."

   "Oh, what's the matter?"

   "Let me show you the transformation results of my weapons and armor. Also, didn't I promise to explain the function of the brain nucleus to you, by the way."

   Yang Xiaoqian immediately regained his energy, turned over and got off the bed, "Show me quickly."

  Yu Qian unbuttoned his jacket, and a metal vest appeared, covering the vital parts such as the chest and abdomen.

   "Can you only do this?" Yang Xiaoqian frowned.

  Yu Qian shook his head and said, "Of course it can be done more finely, but it will take more time. I'm going to make gloves, boots, knee pads, etc., which are easy to wear and cover the whole body as much as possible."

  Yang Xiaoqian waved his hands again and again: "Don't, don't, I think you can just make an iron bucket and lock yourself in it, it's safe."

   "Then how do I act? It is very difficult to shape this metal with my current ability." Yu Qian was puzzled.

"Didn't you say it yourself, although it is difficult for you to shape, it is not difficult to control? If you want to move, just use your ability to lift the iron bucket, install a few cameras outside, and then you hide inside and pass the screen Observed."

Yu Qian's eyes lit up and murmured: "This seems to be a good idea, although the quality is too large, it will consume a lot of money, but as long as it enters the iron bucket, it is 100% safe, and I don't need to move the iron bucket all the time. , I can totally use the iron bucket as what you said... bunker? I can totally use the iron bucket as a bunker!"

   "Have an idea!" Yang Xiaoqian gave a thumbs up, "But you don't really plan to make an iron bucket on your back, right? Can you make up the picture yourself?

   "Why not?" Yu Qian never cared about his appearance.

   Yang Xiaoqian patted his forehead helplessly, then patted Yu Qian's shoulder, and said, "You're like this, after you go out, let someone find a movie for you to see and inspire, the name is 'Iron Man'."

   "What is a movie?"

"Forget it, you can go directly to a hotel staff and ask him to release Iron Man for you. If you have any questions, let him answer it for you. Now tell me about the use of the brain core!" Yang Xiaoqian Very concerned about the use of the brain nucleus.

   "Can you guess it if I don't say it?" Yu Qian raised his hand, showing a bracelet on his wrist densely filled with symbols and words, showing a sly smile.

"Hey, you have a bracelet on your wrist that you have never seen before. We didn't have this thing in our bags before. Obviously you just made it. It is full of symbols and words, and it looks very similar. It's decorations. But you don't care about your appearance at all, and you shouldn't wear meaningless decorations."

   "There's a groove on it, and there's more than one, um, are the brain nuclei inlaid on it?"

"You said that it is very difficult for you to decompose and shape those special materials of metal, but you have made a vest in half a day, which is not normal. There have been several battles in the past, and now it is difficult for me to even summon the black ghost clone, you But you have the energy to make this vest in such a short time?"

"Considering that you told me before that zombies rely on the brain nucleus to provide biological energy, I guess you have a way to convert the biological energy in the brain nucleus into the energy consumed by our ability to display?" Yang Xiaoqian revealed a surprise after coming to a conclusion. expression.

   "I guessed wrong." Yu Qian was triumphant.

Without waiting for Yang Xiaoqian to speak again, Yu Qian continued: "In the previous battle with Xiao Guang, your brilliant performance really surprised me, but I also found a problem: you don't trust your intuition at all, and you blindly rely on your own rationality. Your mind is scary when you can gather enough information. But what if you don’t gather enough information or you gather the wrong information?”

"You will make mistakes, if this is a battle, I have already won you." Yu Qian took off his metal vest and explained, "I hinted to you at the beginning: I am very interested in this kind of metal shaping. Struggling, and then showing you the vest all the time, and then the bracelet—especially the part where the nuclei are embedded, makes you make a false connection to the relationship between the two.”

"Actually, I recovered faster just because I woke up earlier than you and my strength is stronger than you." Yu Qian smiled, "Under normal circumstances, you would think: Why can I wear such a heavy metal protective suit and move freely, but Under my intentional insinuation and misdirection, you have reached the wrong conclusion, which is your weakness."

   Bullshit. Yang Xiaoqian slandered: Normal people would think that you used the ability to control the metal to hold up the weight of that piece of clothing.

   But Yang Xiaoqian did not argue or refute, because Yu Qian did point out a serious flaw in himself: thinking too much.

  Sometimes thinking too much can ensure comprehensiveness, but sometimes thinking too much will miss the opportunity.

   "Every problem should be considered relatively." Yang Xiaoqian finally agreed with Yu Qian's advice, "You are right, I need to pay attention to this, thank you for your reminder."

"But if I want to get serious, with your IQ balance, trying to mislead me is a fool's errand." Yang Xiaoqian wanted to say this, but he changed his words again: "I don't see it, you are still very smart. Well."

   "You can't look like a person." Yu Qian used an idiom he didn't know where he learned it with a blushing face, which made Yang Xiaoqian recognize his wisdom, and Yu Qian felt satisfied.

   "You mean you don't look smart?"


   "Just kidding, kidding."