MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 27 real hunting

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Needle hammer, as the name suggests, is a hammer that hits needles on the cloth curtain. Such a structure is definitely not designed to kill opponents in battle. If you simply pursue lethality, a round or prismatic warhammer is a better choice. After all, it is not a weapon at all, but a kitchen utensil.

The meaning of the needle hammer is to hit the meat steak, use acupuncture to create small holes, and then use the force of squeezing to expel the air and blood in the meat, so as to improve the taste and taste of the meat.

It is a kitchen utensil, and the users are mostly chefs. Kitchen utensils should not be on the battlefield, they are not constructed for combat. Cooks shouldn't be on the battlefield either, even though soldiers have not been a full-time job for much of history.

Pinwei is undoubtedly a chef. During the years he lived in Riverrun under the name of Wei Dao, he blended in with the crowd with his skills on the stove, and even blended in very well. This may explain why his weapon is a kitchen utensil. What cannot be explained is that there should be many more suitable weapons in the kitchen utensils, why he chose a needle hammer.

But fortunately, the shape of the weapon did not affect the half-demon's use of it to achieve its goals. Although those steel needles failed to pierce the fine dragon scales, the power on them still made the shape of the alien dragon stagnate. Before this was over, Pinwei shook his left hand, and a boning knife emerged from his palm in a red-hot state.

The scene in front of him is somewhat familiar. Among the people Cheese knows, the master of Jerry the Ratman, the demon killer Karus, also has a similar ability to store weapons in the palm of his hand and pop them out when needed.

The gray robe originally thought that this was some kind of specialization brought by the blood of the demons. After all, there are often individuals with unique skills among the devils, and it is not surprising that their children have similar existences. Now it seems that there may be a broader explanation for this skill. Of course, that is something that needs to be investigated in the future. The most important thing to pay attention to now is whether the needle hammer and boning knife can stop the menacing Millipede Dragon.

Judging from the results, the block was indeed blocked. Not only was it blocked, but Pinwei's hammer was pressed firmly against the Allosaurus like an awl, so that his nearest legs could not be straightened at all, and he couldn't get rid of the half-demon's suppression.

In contrast, the clothes on Pinwei's body were gone, and only some Yujin with bright outlines burning around the edges were flying in the rain.

Half-demon, at least half of them are demons. Although his essence has changed, he will not easily give up those abilities that he has from birth. Pengwei has never said that he wants to be a human being. The muscles were exuding heat waves, and there seemed to be fire lines moving in the joints. The breath in his mouth combined with the icy air to form a cloud of white mist.

Cheese clenched his fists slightly, feeling fortunate that he had summoned the half-demon to his side, and at the same time secretly wrote down the general ability of Hiring Wei to prevent possible betrayal in the future.

Multitasking can't beat Cheese, his eyes are watching, his hands and mouth are already weaving new spells, and now he has more time to brew his own creations, giving magic a chance to break through the tough dragon scales , causing real damage to the target.

The first is still rain, the difference is that those rains no longer act independently, and the water droplets flying at similar heights are combined in the air under the traction of magic, forming a thin water blade. To be precise, its shape is more similar to the blade used in a guillotine. 's knife. When cutting raw meat, if you want a sharp edge, it is best to squeeze the meat tightly to fix it, and then quickly lower the knife from above to cut it off.

At this time, Pingwei played the role of squeezing and fixing, while Cheese loosened the winch of the guillotine for the Allosaurus, and the thin and sharp blade fell silently, colliding with those beautiful scales, and even splashed silk. Silk sparks!


The continuous heavy blows made the Millipede Dragon's instinct as a creature fully explode, the spines on its back were fully erected, and a terrifying roar erupted from its mouth. Those legs used astonishing power to push the steaming half-demon away from themselves.

But this couldn't stop the gray robe's rainwater knife from hitting it one after another. Perhaps after this time, the thousand-footed dragon would understand that never give a mage a chance to test and enough time to cast spells. Provided that it is not cut into steaks by these invisible blades.

"Hold it down!"

The magic voice was very clear in the rain. After receiving the order, Pinwei squatted down, and then rushed straight to the dragon. The sharp knife in his hand pierced one of its legs from diagonally below, and then smashed the needle hammer from above!

(This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 27 The Real Hunt

Dragon blood, splashes, and a strong **** smell covered Pinwei's arm, and quickly evaporated under the high temperature on his body. But the strength that was able to hold the Allosaurus before was not enough now. The thousand-footed dragon, stimulated by pain, anger and fear, was far more fierce than before. Yilong didn't know where the knife came from, and instinct made it choose to escape.

"Hold it down!"

Cheese said the same order again, he couldn't let the dragon escape, that thing was frightened, it would definitely abandon its current territory, and it would be difficult to catch it again. Bingwei started to run, but only two legs can't run a thousand legs. Simply chasing won't work unless something can stop it.


The roar that shook the forest suddenly sounded, and the black bear, whose size was comparable to the thickness of a giant tree, rushed towards the thousand-footed dragon from the forest, and slapped the dragon on the nose with a very humane shoulder slam.

Needless to say, in addition to learning a lot of animal knowledge in the City of Ten Thousand Laws, who could have greatly expanded the options of transfiguration? Hearing the teacher's voice, the apprentice turned into a giant bear and stopped the hunting target.

"Excellent, boy!" In the excitement of the battle, Pinwei took off the humble face of the servant and revealed his original appearance. The half-demon reached out and grabbed the tail of the Allosaurus, raised the hammer and smashed it down at the thinnest part!

At the same time, the knife controlled by the mage also locked the prey again. They fell from the sky and were so powerful that they cut off all the branches in the path. More sparks burst out from the dragon, accompanied by faint splashes of scale fragments and dragon blood.

Dragon scales are very tough, but Cheese is constantly raising the height of the knife. Gravity is the most powerful weapon. Stones thrown from the sky can also penetrate the steel plate.


The thousand-footed dragon struggled and opened its mouth to push back the black bear in front of it. As long as it could keep moving, the terrifying sharp blade would not be able to be applied to itself. However, the black bear was unmoved. He had seen lifeless despair, but he was not in awe of the fresh threat. The two bear paws slapped on the head of the dragon from both sides, and the power of this blow was enough to shatter the skull. .

Dragon's bones are naturally stronger than human's, so Yuni's attack didn't pay off. Instead, he was seized by the alien dragon because he exposed an empty door. He took a bite on his left shoulder, and his teeth pierced deeply into the fur. Down.

"Yuni, hold down its head, don't let it open its mouth! Higgins, smash its feet!"

Cheese knew that the dragon tooth was only a puncture wound now. If the Allosaurus made a bigger move, a large piece of flesh and bones would be torn off from Yuni's shoulder, which was a serious injury that could be fatal when he turned back to a human.

Fortunately, after a brief battle, Gray Robe had discovered the monster's weakness. Its feet and the scales on its claws were much weaker than those on its torso.


Pinwei laughed loudly, used the thorns on the dragon's back as a leverage point, flew up, and then gathered all the strength of his entire body on the needle hammer and slammed to the ground. The result is self-evident, the steel needle on the needle hammer was broken, accompanied by more dragon scales and dragon blood.

Chapter 27 The Real Hunt

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