MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 28 grey cheese

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The battle seems to have come under the control of the hunters with the entry of Pinwei and Yuni, and the All-Dragon, who has nothing to do with it, is like a soft persimmon that can be kneaded for a while under the restraint of two excellent avant-garde.

Looking at things is like looking at the surface of the water. The scene seen from the surface of the water is not necessarily the same under the surface of the water. The battle that seems to be reversed with a certain opportunity is actually not too abrupt change.

From an advantage point of view, the addition of Hiroyuki has indeed relieved the pressure on Cheese, and it is not his own martial prowess that allows the half-demon's combat power to be exerted, but the magic support and intelligence provided by the gray robe. It is very difficult for a single warrior to fight against a thousand-footed dragon, even if it is a half-demon, it is by no means an opponent of this type of dragon in pure physical wrestling.

Fortunately, Cheese did not give Yilong a chance to turn the tide of the battle. The successive sluice knives forced Chi-footed Dragon to throw a rat, and he could never find a chance to revive his strength and face Pingwei head-on. Rao is so, without Yuni's obstruction, neither of them could keep the goal of escaping.

As for the disadvantage, it was even more obvious. It was manifested in the fact that even though the three Cheese had the upper hand in intelligence and battle situation, they were still unable to take down the fierce All-Dragon. The reason is very simple. From the moment Cheese saw the thousand-footed dragon, the real troublesome part of this monster has never changed, that is, its dragon scales and the body under the dragon scales.

Strength and flexibility are always the things that determine the upper limit of a fighter. Skills can help fighters to perform at their best and even perform them exceptionally, but they cannot bring about an essential improvement. For example, if Pinwei's strength was smaller, then no matter how he could use the warhammer, he would not be able to injure the legs and feet of the dragon.

Giants are often hunted by giants. If humans want to attack targets whose physical fitness far exceeds their own, they must rely on the power of equipment. A monster like a thousand-footed dragon is not impossible to kill if it is placed in a large enough human kingdom. As long as enough human and material resources are invested, it can be trapped by ropes, traps, etc., and then left with a trebuchet, Siege-level weapons such as crossbows are attacked, and even real dragons will be life-threatening.

Perhaps the safest way to hunt is not a three-person assault, but to train the mushrooms and give them the appropriate equipment. But that is destined to be impossible.

Cheese knew in his heart that the extent and speed at which the dragon's feet were broken by Pengwei could not bring real trouble to the thousand-footed dragon, and the giant bear incarnated by Yuni also did not have the strength and endurance to fight against the dragon for a long time. The attack at this time was the strongest moment of their trio, and if they continued to hold on to it, the best result would be to be escaped by the different dragons.

So if you want to decide the outcome, the opportunity is at this moment, a spell that decides the outcome, it must be powerful enough and destructive enough. Interestingly, Cheese hadn't thought about the other force in him the whole time, he didn't even want to use it.

This transformation benefited from the experience of Wan Dharma. After the baptism of the Hexagram School, Cheese as a mage finally completed his transformation. He could not only control the forbidden forces outside the world to fight, but also fight within the existing framework of the world. Use the magic of ingenious guidance to achieve the results you want to achieve.

To put it more clearly, at this time, Cheese has once again completed an adult trial, and this time the ability he relied on to pass the trial is not the taboo knowledge he originally studied, but his understanding of magic and magic along the way. with own experience. Aside from taboos, Cheese's second adulthood means that he has become a very special gray robe, that is, a gray robe without direction, a pure spellcaster.

curse? He will use. alchemy? certainly. Psychic and evocative? It will no longer be excluded. Compatibility, transformation, understanding and application, this is the ability that Cheese really relies on to cast spells now, because there is no specialization, so he has specialization, and his specialty is not specialization.

The wonders and principles of the spell were connected in his mind, and the magic light in his eyes became a thin film that only adhered to Tong Kong, and no longer swayed, as if it had always been the case.

The mage with the blue child hole no longer chanted or waved his arms. He didn't move or even thought. He just fixed his eyes on the thousand-footed dragon, and the raindrops coincidentally appeared twelve magic circles. In the next instant, it will shatter as the raindrops change position, but the moment they exist is enough to activate.

The invisible big hand fell from the air and slammed on Yilong's body, the blue scales were beaten and deformed, and the wailing was drowned by the blood spit out. In the next moment, there were another twelve circles. They held up the dragon and sent it to Cheese. The speed was as fast as a teleportation, and even Yuni and Pinwei still maintained their previous postures.

The beast-like Tong Kong shrank because of pain and fear. It sensed something familiar in the cheese, the breath of a dragon. Not only it, but also Yuni and Pinwei, and even the Mugu people outside the territory have a faint feeling of weak legs and feet, as if there is a great existence in front of him that he cannot understand and confront.

That existence is the giant dragon, the apex of the creatures in this world, and this momentum is the so-called dragon might. But it's not real, it was faked by Cheese through magic. If the tradition of Wanfa is used, the many spells he used at this time should be collectively called Dragon Power, or Cheese's Dragon Power. technique.

"I hope you go back to where you should go, be honest, and learn to restrain your hunger." Cheese whispered in the dragon language, pressing one hand on the forehead of the thousand-footed dragon, sending thoughts into his mind at the same time .

"Uuuu..." No one could imagine that the graceful dragon made the same movements and sounds as a dog doing something wrong. UU reading lowered his head and looked up at the gray-robed mage. Cheese let go, and it immediately began to run wildly, disappearing into the woods.

The dragon disappeared, and only the mage in the gray robe stood there. Cheese turned his head to look in the direction where the Millipede Dragon disappeared, and then said, "Collect the scales and blood it dropped, they are very valuable."

After speaking, Cheese walked to the nearest tree and slowly sat on the root. The branches above his head grew rapidly, and the leaves became wider, forming a barrier against the rain.

This time, with all his strength, Gray Robe had the illusion of being omnipotent, but his reason reminded him deeply that this was not the case, everything had a price. He quickly checked his physical condition, searched for a way to pay the price, and then determined that in the part of his body called spellcaster qualifications that could sense and affect magic, there was a piece that disappeared permanently.

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